Torrey's Topical Index


Eagle, The - Eye, The

Eagle, The

A bird of prey Job 9:26; Matthew 24:28;

Unclean Leviticus 11:13; Deuteronomy 14:12;

Different kinds of Leviticus 11:13; Ezekiel 17:3;

Called the eagle of the heavens Lamentations 4:19;

Strength of its feathers alluded to Daniel 4:33;

Greatness of its wings alluded to Ezekiel 17:3;

Peculiarity of its flight alluded to Proverbs 30:19;

Delights in the lofty cedars Ezekiel 17:3;

Dwells in the high rocks Job 39:27;

Feeds her young with blood Job 39:29;

Was the standard of the Roman armies Matthew 24:15;

Ear, The

The organ of hearing Job 13:1; 29:11;

Capable of trying and distinguishing words Job 12:11;

Christ opens Isaiah 35:5; 43:8,10;

Instruction received through Isaiah 30:21;

That hears and receives the word of God, blessed Exodus 15:26; Matthew 13:16;

Not satisfied with earthly things Ecclesiastes 1:8;

Not to be stopped at cry of the poor Proverbs 21:13;

Often adorned with rings Ezekiel 16:12; Hosea 2:13;

Of servants who refused to leave their masters, bored to the door Exodus 21:6; Deuteronomy 15:17;

Early Rising

Christ set an example of Mark 1:35; Luke 21:38; John 8:2;

Neglect of, leads to poverty Proverbs 6:9;

Illustrates spiritual diligence Romans 13:11;

Earth, The

The world in general Genesis 1:2;

The dry land as divided from waters Genesis 1:10;

Is the Lord's Exodus 9:29; 1Corinthians 10:26;

Created to be inhabited Isaiah 45:18;

First division of Genesis 10:25;

Ideas of the ancients respecting the form of Job 11:9; 38:18; Proverbs 25:3;

Diversified by hills and mountains Habakkuk 3:6;

Full of minerals Deuteronomy 8:9; Job 28:1;

Subject to God's judgments Psalm 46:8; Isaiah 11:4;

Corrupted by sin Genesis 6:11; Isaiah 24:5;

Made barren by sin Deuteronomy 28:23; Psalm 107:34;

Made to mourn and languish by sin Isaiah 24:4; Jeremiah 4:28; 12:4; Hosea 4:3;

Satan goes to and fro in Job 1:7; 1Peter 5:8;

Shall be filled with the knowledge of God Isaiah 11:9; Habakkuk 2:14;

Once inundated Genesis 7:17;

Not to be again inundated Genesis 9:11; 2Peter 3:6;

To be dissolved by fire 2Peter 3:7;

To be renewed Isaiah 65:17; 2Peter 3:13;

Saints shall inherit Psalm 25:13; Matthew 5:5;


Islands and mountainous districts liable to Psalm 114:4; Revelation 6:14; 16:18,20;

Men always terrified by Numbers 16:34; Zechariah 14:5; Matthew 27:54; Revelation 11:13;


Described Ephesians 4:12;

The gospel, the instrument of Acts 20:32;

Love leads to 1Corinthians 8:1;

Exhortation to Jude 1:20;

Mutual, commanded Romans 14:19; 1Thessalonians 5:11;

All to be done to 2Corinthians 12:19; Ephesians 4:29;

Use self-denial to promote, in others 1Corinthians 10:23;

The peace of the Church favours Acts 9:31;

Foolish questions opposed to 1Timothy 1:4;

Edomites, The

Descended from Esau Genesis 36:9;

Dwelt in Mount Seir Genesis 32:3; Deuteronomy 2:4;

Governed by dukes Genesis 36:15; Exodus 15:15;

Afterwards had kings Genesis 36:31; Numbers 20:14;

Under a deputy or viceroy while subject to Judah 1Kings 22:47;

Carried on extensive commerce Ezekiel 27:20;

Implacable enemies of Israel Ezekiel 35:5;

Israel forbidden to hate Deuteronomy 23:7;

Israel forbidden to spoil Deuteronomy 2:4; 2Chronicles 20:10;

Might be received into the congregation in third generation Deuteronomy 23:8;

Refused Israel a passage Numbers 20:21; Judges 11:17;

Saul made war against 1Samuel 14:47;

David subdued, &c 2Samuel 8:14; 1Chronicles 18:11;

Slaughter of, by Joab and Abishai 1Kings 11:16; 1Chronicles 18:12;

Took refuge in Egypt 1Kings 11:17;

Returned after David's death 1Kings 11:21;

Were stirred up against Solomon 1Kings 11:14;

Confederated with enemies of Israel against Jehoshaphat 2Chronicles 20:10; Psalm 83:4;

Miraculous overthrow of 2Chronicles 20:22;

Revolted from Joram, king of Judah 2Kings 8:20; 2Chronicles 21:8;

Re-conquered by Amaziah 2Kings 14:7; 2Chronicles 25:11;

The Jews ensnared by the idols of, and punished 2Chronicles 25:14;

Rebelled against Ahaz 2Chronicles 28:17;

Aided Babylon against Judah Psalm 137:7;


Peopled by Mizraim's posterity Genesis 10:6;

Boundaries of Ezekiel 29:10;

Dry climate of Deuteronomy 11:10;

Watered by the Nile Genesis 41:1; Exodus 1:22;

Inundations of, alluded to Amos 8:8;

Subject to plague, &c Deuteronomy 7:15; 28:27,60;

Sometimes visited by famine Genesis 41:30;

Religion of, idolatrous Exodus 12:12; Numbers 33:4; Isaiah 19:1; Ezekiel 29:7;

Idolatry of, followed by Israel Exodus 32:4; Ezekiel 20:8;

Magic practised in Exodus 7:11; 8:7;

Ruled by kings who assumed the name of Pharaoh Genesis 12:14; 40:1,2; Exodus 1:8;

Under a governor Genesis 41:41;

Had princes and counsellors Genesis 12:15; Isaiah 19:11;

Mode of entertaining in Genesis 43:32;

Diet used in Numbers 11:5;

Mode of embalming in Genesis 50:3;

Often a refuge to strangers Genesis 12:10; 47:4; 1Kings 11:17; 2Kings 25:26; Matthew 2:12;


Of Christ, as Messiah Isaiah 42:1; 1Peter 2:6;

Of good angels 1Timothy 5:21;

Of Israel Deuteronomy 7:6; Isaiah 45:5;

Of ministers Luke 6:13; Acts 9:15;

Of churches 1Peter 5:13;

Should lead to cultivation of graces Colossians 3:12;

Should be evidenced by diligence 2Peter 1:10;

Saints may have assurance of 1Thessalonians 1:4;


Unknown to early patriarchs Genesis 23:4;

Learned by the Jews in Egypt Genesis 50:2;

Time required for Genesis 50:3;

How performed by the Jews 2Chronicles 16:14; Luke 23:56; John 19:40;

Not always practised by the Jews John 11:39;

An attempt to defeat God's purpose Genesis 3:19;

Emblems of the Holy Spirit, The



Christ prayed for his Luke 23:34;

The lives of, to be spared 1Samuel 24:10; 2Samuel 16:10;

The goods of, to be taken care of Exodus 23:4;

Rejoice not at the misfortunes of Job 31:29;

Rejoice not at the failings of Proverbs 24:17;

Desire not the death of 1Kings 3:11;

Curse them not Job 31:30;

Be affectionately concerned for Psalm 35:13;

The friendship of, deceitful 2Samuel 20:9; Proverbs 26:26; 27:6; Matthew 26:48;

God defends against Psalm 59:9; 61:3;

God delivers from 1Samuel 12:11; Ezra 8:31; Psalm 18:48;

Made to be at peace with saints Proverbs 16:7;

Pray for deliverance from 1Samuel 12:10; Psalm 17:9; 59:1; 64:1;

Of saints, God will destroy Psalm 60:12;

Praise God for deliverance from Psalm 136:24;


Often great Genesis 21:8; Daniel 5:1; Luke 5:29;

Preparations made for Genesis 18:6; Proverbs 9:2; Matthew 22:4; Luke 15:23;

Under the direction of a master of the feast John 2:8;

Served often by hired servants Matthew 22:13; John 2:5;

Served often by members of the family Genesis 18:8; Luke 10:40; John 12:2;

Forwardness to take chief seats at, condemned Matthew 23:6; Luke 14:7;

A choice portion reserved in, for principal guests Genesis 43:34; 1Samuel 1:5; 9:23,24;

Custom of presenting the sop at, to one of the guests, alluded to John 13:26;

Portions of, often sent to the absent 2Samuel 11:8; Nehemiah 8:10; Esther 9:19;

Offence given by refusing to go to Luke 14:18;

Anxiety to have many guests at, alluded to Luke 14:22;

Men and women did not usually meet at Esther 1:8; Mark 6:21; Matthew 14:11;

None admitted to, after the master had risen and shut the door Luke 13:24;

Began with thanksgiving 1Samuel 9:13; Mark 8:6;

Concluded with a hymn Mark 14:26;

None asked to eat or drink more than he liked at Esther 1:8;

Music and dancing often introduced at Amos 6:5; Mark 6:22; Luke 15:25;

Often scenes of great intemperance 1Samuel 25:36; Daniel 5:3; Hosea 7:5;

Given by the guests in return Job 1:4; Luke 14:12;


Forbidden Proverbs 3:31; Romans 13:13;

Produced by foolish disputation 1Timothy 6:4;

Excited by good deeds of others Ecclesiastes 4:4;

A work of the flesh Galatians 5:21; James 4:5;

Hurtful to the envious Job 5:2; Proverbs 14:30;

None can stand before Proverbs 27:4;

A proof of carnal-mindedness 1Corinthians 3:1;

Inconsistent with the gospel James 3:14;

Hinders growth in grace 1Peter 2:1;

Leads to every evil work James 3:16;

Prosperity of the wicked should not excite Psalm 37:1; 73:3,17-20;

Punishment of Isaiah 26:11;

Ephod, The

The emblem of the priestly office Hosea 3:4;

Ephraim, Tribe of

Descended from Joseph's second son adopted by Jacob Genesis 41:52; 48:5;

Predictions respecting Genesis 48:20; Deuteronomy 33:13;

Strength of, on leaving Egypt Numbers 1:32;

Led the third division of Israel Numbers 10:22;

Encamped west of the tabernacle Numbers 2:18;

Offering of, at the dedication Numbers 7:48;

Families of Numbers 26:35;

Strength of, on entering Canaan Numbers 26:37;

On Gerizim, said amen to blessings Deuteronomy 27:12;

Bounds of its inheritance Joshua 16:5;

Could not drive out the Canaanites but made them tributary Joshua 16:10; Judges 1:29;

Remonstrated with Gideon for not calling them sooner against Midian Judges 8:1;

Quarrelled with Jephthah for not seeking their aid against Ammon Judges 12:1;

Defeated and many slain Judges 12:5;

Some of, at coronation of David 1Chronicles 12:30;

Officers appointed over, by David 1Chronicles 27:10;

The leading tribe of the kingdom of Israel Isaiah 7:2; Jeremiah 31:9;

Many of, joined Judah under Asa 2Chronicles 15:9;

Many of, joined in Hezekiah's passover and reformation 2Chronicles 30:18; 31:1;

The tabernacle continued a long time in Shiloh, a city of Joshua 18:1; 19:51;

One of Jeroboam's calves set up in Bethel, a city of 1Kings 12:29;

Euphrates, The

A branch of the river of Eden Genesis 2:14;

Waters of, considered wholesome Jeremiah 2:18;

Often overflowed its banks Isaiah 8:7;

Assyria bounded by 2Kings 23:29; Isaiah 7:20;

Babylon situated on Jeremiah 51:13;

Extreme eastern boundary of the promised land Genesis 15:18; Deuteronomy 1:7; 11:24;

Egyptian army destroyed at Jeremiah 46:2;

Frequented by the captive Jews Psalm 137:1;

Captivity of Judah represented by the marring of Jeremiah's girdle in Jeremiah 13:3;

Prophecies respecting Babylon thrown into, as a sign Jeremiah 51:63;

Shall be the scene of future judgments Revelation 16:12;

Evening, The

The day originally began with Genesis 1:5;

Divided into two, commencing at 3 o'clock, and sunset Exodus 12:6; Numbers 9:3;

Stretches out its shadows Jeremiah 6:4;

The outgoings of, praise God Psalm 65:8;

Man ceases from labour in Psalm 104:23;

Wild beasts come forth in Psalm 59:6; Jeremiah 5:6;

Humiliation often continued until Joshua 7:6; Judges 20:23; 21:2; Ezra 9:4;

Custom of sitting at the gates in Genesis 19:1;

All defiled persons uncleaned until Leviticus 11:24; 15:5-7; 17:15; Numbers 19:19;

Part of the daily sacrifice offered in Exodus 29:41; Psalm 141:2; Daniel 9:21;

Paschal lamb killed in Exodus 12:6;

The golden candlestick lighted in Exodus 27:21; 30:8;

The sky red in, a token of fair weather Matthew 16:2;

Example of Christ, The

Is perfect Hebrews 7:26;

Saints predestinated to follow Romans 8:29;

Conformity to, progressive 2Corinthians 3:18;

Excellency and Glory of Christ, The

As God John 1:1; Philippians 2:6;

As the Son of God Matthew 3:17; Hebrews 1:6;

As one with the Father John 10:30;

As the First-born Colossians 1:15;

As the First-begotten Hebrews 1:6;

As Lord of lords, &c Revelation 17:14;

As the image of God Colossians 1:15; Hebrews 1:3;

As creator John 1:3; Colossians 1:16; Hebrews 1:2;

As the Blessed of God Psalm 45:2;

As Mediator 1Timothy 2:5; Hebrews 8:6;

As Prophet Deuteronomy 18:15; Acts 3:22;

As Priest Psalm 110:4; Hebrews 4:15;

As King Isaiah 6:1; John 12:41;

As Judge Matthew 16:27; 25:31,33;

As Shepherd Isaiah 40:10; John 10:11;

As Head of the Church Ephesians 1:22;

As the true Light Luke 1:78; John 1:4;

As the foundation of the Church Isaiah 28:16;

As the way John 14:6; Hebrews 10:19;

As the truth 1John 5:20; Revelation 3:7;

As the life John 11:25; Colossians 3:4; 1John 5:11;

As incarnate John 1:14;

In his words Luke 4:22; John 7:46;

In his works Matthew 13:54; John 2:11;

In his sinless perfection Hebrews 7:26;

In the fulness of his grace and truth Psalm 45:2; John 1:14;

In his transfiguration Matthew 17:2; 2Peter 1:16;

In his exaltation Acts 7:55; Ephesians 1:21;

In the calling of the Gentiles Psalm 72:17; John 12:21;

In the restoration of the Jews Psalm 102:16;

In his triumph Isaiah 63:1; Revelation 19:11;

Followed his sufferings 1Peter 1:10;

Followed his resurrection 1Peter 1:21;

Is unchangeable Hebrews 1:10;

Is incomparable SongofSolomon 5:10; Philippians 2:9;

Imparted to saints John 17:22; 2Corinthians 3:18;

Celebrated by the redeemed Revelation 5:8; 7:9-12;

Revealed in the gospel Isaiah 40:5;

Saints shall rejoice at the revelation of 1Peter 4:13;

Saints shall behold, in heaven John 17:24;

Excellency and Glory of the Church, The

Derived from God Isaiah 28:5;

Derived from Christ Isaiah 60:1; Luke 2:34;

Result from the favour of God Isaiah 43:4;

God delights in Psalm 45:11; Isaiah 62:3;

Saints delight in Isaiah 66:11;

Augmented by increase of its members Isaiah 49:18; 60:4-14;

Are abundant Isaiah 66:11;

Sin obscures Lamentations 2:14;

Eye, The

The light of the body Matthew 6:22; Luke 11:34;

Frequently fair 1Samuel 16:12;

Sometimes tender Genesis 29:17;

Sometimes blemished Leviticus 21:20;

The light of, rejoices the heart Proverbs 15:30;

Not satisfied with seeing Proverbs 27:20; Ecclesiastes 1:8;

Not satisfied with riches Ecclesiastes 4:8;

Not evil thing to be set before Psalm 101:3;

A guard to be set on Job 31:1; Proverbs 23:31;

Made red by wine Genesis 49:12; Proverbs 23:29;

Grows dim by sorrow Job 17:7;

Grows dim by age Genesis 27:1; 1Samuel 3:2;

Consumed by grief Psalm 6:7; 31:9;

Consumed by sickness Leviticus 26:16;

The Jewish women often painted 2Kings 9:30; Jeremiah 4:30; Ezekiel 23:40;

Often put out as a punishment Judges 16:21; 1Samuel 11:2; 2Kings 25:7;

Punishment for injuring Exodus 21:24; Leviticus 24:20; Matthew 5:38;