General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1



I ASSURE you that I am interested in this work to which I have been assigned. I do not say that this work or the field to which I have been assigned is the most important in the world. The field is the world, and Jesus died for every person in every part of the world, and no one part of this field can be more important than another; but I do say that the field to which I have been assigned and the people whom I represent to-day are of as much importance as any field on the face of the earth. And I am convinced from the word of God and the testimony of his Spirit that some things concerning this particular work need our special attention at this time. You know this people. You know their history, and you know to some extent what they have gone through. In 1619 the first slave was sold in this country, and on the first of January, 1863, when the proclamation went forth, there were four millions of this people in servitude that could not call their souls their own. In those days it was considered a crime for a colored man to try to learn to read. GCB February 13, 1895, page 142.11

The statement that the colored people are not capable of being educated is basely false. There are, at the present time, it is said, about six and one-half millions of this class of people in the South. Slavery is now in the past; they call their souls their own; but the prejudice that exists between the whites and the negroes makes it almost impossible for a colored man to show what he can do, and what capabilities he does possess. However, against everything that is in the way, in spite of these things, in spite of these things, in spite of everything that has been brought up to keep these people down and to hinder their progress, I must confess, and I am not ashamed to do so either, that they are making rapid progress in the branches of education. GCB February 13, 1895, page 143.1

I will not attempt to tell you of the numbers of schools, colleges, seminaries, and industrial schools that are scattered throughout the South, but they are there by the score; and, by the way, there are some good suggestions that we can get from these men concerning industrial schools. I will mention here, while I think of it, just one place in Alabama. It is four miles from the city of Huntsville; it was established about five or six years ago upon a small scale, but it has grown until they have over three hundred students there. There are perhaps one hundred and sixty acres of land, and they are taught the different trades, such as blacksmithing, wagon making, shoe making, farming, domestic economy, etc. Arrangements have been made to furnish board and tuition for seven dollars a month. The students are required to choose the trade upon which they desire to enter. The work that is done brings them in money; they sell the buggies, shoes, etc., that they make, and eat and sell the products of the farm, and thus many of the pupils of the school pay their tuition, so that all they have to pay is for their clothes. There is not one in the school but makes at least three or four dollars per month toward their tuition. There are scores of young men and women that should be in our schools to-day that cannot do so on account of means. I have been crying to God for a school to be established in the South, so that we will not have to send young men and women from the South to the North to educate them and then bring them back South to labor. GCB February 13, 1895, page 143.2

Now it is not simply the color line between the whites and the negroes that exists in this world, but there are various lines, and they are found in every nation in this world. In some countries there is a line between the rich and the poor, in others a line between castes, in others between color. GCB February 13, 1895, page 143.3

Back there in the time of Christ they had a partition in the court, and no Samaritan or person that was not a Jew dare go inside that partition. The Spirit of prophecy takes up that idea and states that when Jesus went into Samaria, he ate at their tables and slept under their roofs, setting the example that we should not hold prejudice in our hearts against any individual, etc. Then Paul in writing brings out the very words, “Breaking down the middle wall of partition.” Now that don’t mean simply the partition in the court, but that brought out that expression from Paul, because that partition was there. And he uses that expression “partition between us,” and says that Christ broke that down. GCB February 13, 1895, page 143.4

Well, is it down yet? Haven’t we been hearing the last few nights that we are to separate from the world entirely, and do you think it is possible for one to be completely separate from this world when they have a prejudice against any individual, either of caste, color, or for any national distinction of any kind? — No. In Acts 10, when Peter had such a prejudice against the Gentiles that he dare not go down and preach to them for fear the Jews would think he was not a good man, the Lord had to show him that all men were equal in his sight. “And he said unto them, Ye know that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company, or come unto one of another nation.” Where do you find in the Bible that it is an unlawful thing for a Jew to keep company with one of another nation? — Nowhere. custom makes law. Then the law that forbade this didn’t come from God. It was a law though; but he says, “God hath showed me that I should not call any man common or unclean.” If God showed Peter that, he showed you and me the same thing. GCB February 13, 1895, page 143.5

A large majority of the inhabitants of the world are colored people. But some have said, “I wonder why it is that the Lord made the black man black;” but I wonder why in the world he made the white man white. The mystery to me is, why he didn’t make all of them colored. “The character makes the man.” I am glad the Lord said that. It takes the character of Jesus Christ, too; and the character of Jesus Christ in the black man is the character of Jesus Christ, notwithstanding. GCB February 13, 1895, page 143.6

“If a red man, a Chinaman, or an African, gives his heart to God, in obedience and faith, Jesus loves him none the less for his color. He calls him his well beloved brother. The day is coming when the kings and the lordly men of the earth would be glad to exchange places with the humblest African who has laid hold on the hope of the gospel. To all who are overcomers through the blood of the Lamb, the invitation will be given, “Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” — Special Testimony. GCB February 13, 1895, page 144.1

[Brother Shaw spoke hopefully of the work in which he was engaged, and urged that greater efforts be made in behalf of the colored people of the South. His remarks showed an earnest devotion to the work he has espoused, and were well received by those who heard him. GCB February 13, 1895, page 144.2

He was followed by Elder R. M. Kilgore, the superintendent of the Southern district, in well chosen and appropriate remarks.] GCB February 13, 1895, page 144.3


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AMONG the arrivals which were announced in our last number, should have been the name of Brother E. W. Snyder from South America. To the list of delegates already published, the names G. F. Watson, of Iowa, and W. A. Hennign, of Nebraska, should be added. GCB February 13, 1895, page 144.4

THE acoustics of the Tabernacle have been greatly improved from what they originally were, but the size of the building is such that all speakers should take pains to know that their voices reach even the vestries when they are occupied. Quite a number fail to do this, especially in announcing hymns and appointments. To such the BULLETIN says respectfully; “Louder, please.” GCB February 13, 1895, page 144.5

As anticipated in our last, the California delegation, consisting of C. H. Jones and wife, M. C. Wilcox, M. H. Brown, and J. E. Graham arrived on Monday afternoon, and report a pleasant journey via the Santa Fe route. GCB February 13, 1895, page 144.6

AFTER a brief visit to Minneapolis, on account of his wife’s health, Elder A. J. Breed returned to the city on Monday night. They have reason to hope that the case of Sister Breed is not as serious as was reported, though she will probably soon need to seek a more genial climate. GCB February 13, 1895, page 144.7

PROF. W. W. PRESCOTT narrowly escaped a severe attack of pneumonia. He was obliged to be absent from his appointments a few evenings, but now we hope he is where he can again participate in the work of the meeting. GCB February 13, 1895, page 144.8

WE are pleased to see among those attending the meeting Brother S. Osborne, of Kentucky, an old and tried soldier in the cause of the Third Angel’s Message. It is now fifteen years since he attended General Conference. GCB February 13, 1895, page 144.9

MILTON C. WILCOX, editor of the Signs of the Times of Oakland, Cal., is among the California delegates. Brother Wilcox’s health is quite impaired, and after the Conference he purpose to seek recuperation at physical labor on the old home farm in New York. GCB February 13, 1895, page 144.10

DR. KELLOGG’S lectures on the question of flesh-eating have aroused a deeper interest in vegetarianism than we have ever seen manifested before. The result will be, doubtless, that butchers will not be patronized to the extent they have, by some of the hearers, and that perhaps was not very great. GCB February 13, 1895, page 144.11

ALL regret that the health of Elder U. Smith does not admit of his participating in the exercises of the Institute. But we indulge the hope that we may yet hear from him of his trip and observations in other lands. Since his trying ordeal of Syrian fever in Damascus, his stomach has not recovered its equilibrium. GCB February 13, 1895, page 144.12

THE Committee on Seating Delegates is H. E. Robinson, N. W. Kauble, and J. M. Rees; and they are court of last resort. GCB February 13, 1895, page 144.13

THERE being no public meeting on the evening after the Sabbath, the “old students” of Battle Creek College met by invitation of Miss Mary Steward at the home of her father, Elder T. M. Steward. About forty were present. Among these were H. P. Holser and wife, E. H. Gates, A. J. Read and wife, G. C. Tenney and wife, Prof. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Reavis, Elder and Mrs. E. A. Merrell, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Giles, Prof. and Mrs. G. W. Caviness, U. Wilton Smith, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Mead, Dr. W. H. Riley, and Elder and Mrs. W. B. White. A pleasant time was spent recalling past associations, in which the names of many absent ones were mingled. GCB February 13, 1895, page 144.14