Child Guidance -- Study Guide

Section XIII

Primary Importance of Physical Development

Date ________ CG-SG 75.13

A. Read pages 339-368. CG-SG 75.14

B. Check your knowledge: CG-SG 75.15

1. Name three things that will add to health, vitality, and development of mind and body. (339:1)
CG-SG 75.16

2. To what body system does power of the will give energy? (339:4)

CG-SG 76.1

3. What will increase strength the most in the young? (340:1)

CG-SG 76.2

4. Name the greatest curse to children in this age. (340:4)

CG-SG 76.3

5. Complete: “Selfish amusements are _______________________ to the morals.” (341:2) CG-SG 76.4

6. Who are happiest and healthiest? (342:1)

CG-SG 76.5

7. What will the discipline of systematic, well-regulated labor do to the character? (342:3)

CG-SG 76.6

8. What will refresh the student’s mind? (343:0)

CG-SG 76.7

9. Complete: “The health should be as sacredly guarded as the _______________________.” (343:0) CG-SG 77.1

10. What did employment bring to our first parents? (345:1) ____________________________ CG-SG 77.2

11. Complete: “His [Jesus’] life was one of _______________________ industry.” (346:1) CG-SG 77.3

12. What are youth to be taught concerning life’s meaning? (347:1)

CG-SG 77.4

13. What habits should manual training develop? (348:3)

CG-SG 77.5

14. Name the dangers in neglecting to teach our children to work. (350:2)

CG-SG 77.6

15. How many children should share in home duties? (350:4)

CG-SG 77.7

16. For what are boys and girls equally accountable? (351:3)

CG-SG 77.8

17. Complete: “Muscles need exercise. . . . Let their _______________________ be to some purpose.” (352:1) CG-SG 78.1

18. How can parents draw their children closer to Christ? (352:2)

CG-SG 78.2

19. What will a clear conscience do to the intellect? (353:1)

CG-SG 78.3

20. With what should young men grow up? (355:1)

CG-SG 78.4

21. In what should fathers and sons work together? (355:5)

CG-SG 78.5

22. What is one most valuable area of manual training? (356:2)

CG-SG 78.6

23. With what special value in foods need we become acquainted? (357:1)

CG-SG 78.7

24. If you must have a one-sided education, which shall it be? (358:2)

CG-SG 79.1

25. Where is the source of all our acts? (360:1)

CG-SG 79.2

26. What is the relationship of body organs to the mind? (360:2)

CG-SG 79.3

27. What subjects should be the basis of all educational effort? (361:0)

CG-SG 79.4

28. Complete: “The laws of _______________________ are the laws of God.” (363:1) CG-SG 79.5

29. Where are God’s laws written? (363:1)

CG-SG 79.6

30. What is next in importance to correct posture? (364:4)

CG-SG 79.7

31. List God’s true remedies. (366:1)
CG-SG 80.1

32. Complete: “I must have wisdom to be a faithful _______________________ of my body.” (367:0) CG-SG 80.2

C. Rate your attitude toward health: As sacred as my character _______________________ CG-SG 80.3

Keep a good balance on all health habits ______ Think of my health when I get sick ______ Never think of it ______ CG-SG 80.4

1. I observe the following health habits ______________________________________________ CG-SG 80.5

2. I need to improve by ______________________________________________ CG-SG 80.6

D. Discuss with others: CG-SG 80.7

1. How to build muscle tone; healthful action of body organs.
2. The place of the willpower in maintaining good health.
3. How can children develop mental and physical faculties?
4. Indolence—the curse of the age.
CG-SG 80.8

5. The relationship of the conscience to mental and physical health.
6. The blessings of poverty.
7. Work and happiness—their relationship.
8. The discipline of systematic, well-regulated labor.
9. Seeing the science of work.
10. Should boys be taught to do housework?
11. Should girls be taught the mechanics of the family car?
12. Exercise with a purpose.
13. Is there any real need to teach agriculture today in our schools?
14. The laws of nature and the laws of God.
15. Remedies prescribed by the Great Physician.
16. Importance of regularity.
CG-SG 81.1

E. Think on these things:
1. Do I teach my child to share cheerfully the burdens of life?
2. Do I teach him that work is essential?
3. Do I work in the open air as much as possible?
4. Does my child know how to cook?
5. Do I have a knowledge of physiology and hygiene?
6. Am I regular in my eating and sleeping?
7. Do I see that my child is regular in his eating and sleeping?
CG-SG 81.2

8. Do I have a good posture?
9. Do I use my voice as I should?

CG-SG 82.1

F. I have spent _______ hours _______ minutes in outdoor labor today. CG-SG 82.2


______ Husband ______ Wife ______ Son ______ Daughter CG-SG 82.4