Temperance -- Study Guide

A cause of Accidents and a Public Health Problem

pages 34-43 Te-SG 21.6

1. “Signals are made incorrectly, and cars collide with each other. Then comes horror, ________________, and ________________. This condition of things will become ________________ and ________________ marked.” (34) Te-SG 21.7

2. “We have need of men who, under the inspiration of the ________________, ________________ will rebuke gambling and ________________, which are such prevalent evils in these last days.” (35) Te-SG 21.8

3. In addition to earthly possessions, the victims of intemperance have lost their ________________. (37) They engage not only in a moral sin, but a ________________. (37) Te-SG 21.9

4. Jesus left the royal courts of heaven that He might:
(a) come into close connection with ________________,
(b) by ________________ and ________________ uplift and ennoble humanity,
(c) and ________________ in the human soul the ________________ of God. (40)
Te-SG 21.10

5. In contrast, what is the influence of the liquor traffic? (40-41)

Te-SG 21.11