The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4

III. Bates-Pagan Rome, Papal Europe, and Protestant America

In general, Joseph Bates gave the standard interpretation to the various prophecies of Daniel” 15 the usual exposition of the seven churches of Revelation 2 and 3-although Laodicea, he felt, was nominal Adventism since the Albany Conference of April, 1845. 16 And he held to the Litch exposition of the trumpets. 17 PFF4 1077.4

In addition to the Bates oral presentations at the Sabbath conferences, and what he printed in His Sabbath tract on the papal Little Horn, Roman Catholicism’s change of the Sabbath in Daniel 7:25, and the “mark” of the papal Beast of Revelation 14 in connection with the three angels’ messages, note should be taken of his early published position on the three powers in Revelation 12 and 13, in which he accorded with his Sabbatarian companions. Four extracts, in 1851, must suffice for this survey. PFF4 1077.5

1. Revelation 12 and 13-DRAGON, PAGAN ROME; BEAST, PAPACY

His was the standard, commonly accepted position on pagan and papal Rome and the 1260 years, with the Papacy as the seventh head of the Beast. Here is his terse coverage: PFF4 1078.1

“The dragon denotes the imperial power of Rome. The beast with seven heads, Papal Rome, or Popery. ‘His power, seat and great authority,[’] Justinian, the emperor of Rome, clothing his head bishop with authority to become the Pope of Rome in A.D. 533. Horns, civil power. Wounded to death, the seventh head or form of government overthrown. Wound healed, the seventh form restored. John in vision saw the Papal power of Rome coming up among the nations of Europe in A.D. 538, with power to continue forty-two months. [1260 years.] At the expiration of this period ‘one (the seventh) of his heads is wounded to death.’ By adding 1260 years to A.D. 538, we come down to A.D. 1798, at which period the French nation conquered Rome, and destroyed the seven-headed power, or Papal Rome. Thus that government was wounded to death.” 18 PFF4 1078.2

2. Revelation 13-HEALING OF WOUND IN 1815

With others Bates felt for a time that the wound from the French sword received in 1798 was now healed: PFF4 1078.3

“At length after all the ruling powers of Europe had conquered France, and exiled their leader, and had signed treaties of peace with one another on both sides of the Atlantic, in A.D. 1815, then a general restoration of dominions, kingdoms and thrones took place in which Rome, with its Pope, was once more reinstated in its ancient domain, with civil and ecclesiastical power. From thence it would seem that the deadly wound was healed.” 19 PFF4 1078.4


There was likewise unanimity of view by this time that the two-horned, lamblike beast of Revelation 13:11 centers in the Protestant United States: PFF4 1078.5

“The location of this corrupt and fallen Protestant church, which is to be the image to the beast, cannot be in Europe, because there is the location of the beast with the seven heads, and ten horns. Then shall we not search in vain, if we seek for it beyond the limits of the United States of North America? The land of light, where the first and second angels’ messages were given, proclaiming the Second Advent of the Saviour. And where also the third angel’s message is now going forth, waxing stronger and stronger, with the solemn denunciation of destruction and death upon every one who worship the beast, and his image, and receive his mark in their foreheads, or in their hands.—How can the location of the two-horned beast, and the image which he makes, be found any where beyond the very spot of country where God in mercy is moving out his messengers to give the warning?” 20 PFF4 1079.1

The seven last plagues are still future, and precede the second advent. 21 PFF4 1079.2

4. Revelation 17 AND THE MILLENNIUM

On most other features, Bates held to the standard expositions perfected under the Millerite movement, which in turn were drawn from the ablest commentators of Reformation and post-Reformation times. The Babylon of the Apocalypse is the professed Christian churches, with a form of godliness. 22 Bates’s view of Revelation 20 is strictly premillennial. 23 And according to Bates, this earth, made new at the close of the thousand years, will become the eternal home of the redeemed—the paradise of God restored—with the New Jerusalem and its many “mansions” as the capital of this everlasting kingdom in the Promised Land, where our Lord was crucified. 24 PFF4 1079.3