The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4

IV. Catholicism’s Attempt to Counter Protestant Interpretation

In the midst of the resounding chorus of Protestant interpreters, practically all of whom applied the composite picture of Antichrist (the Little Horn, Man of Sin, Beast, Babylon, and Harlot) to the Papacy, one plaintive Roman Catholic voice was heard-one lone demurrer, in the form of a British volume reprinted several times in America, The General History of the Christian Church, From Her Birth to Her Final Triumphant State in Heaven. And even that was authored under a pseudonym! It was written by Roman Catholic CHARLES WALMESLEY, 50 bishop of Bath (in West England), and first published about 1776 under the pen name “Signor Pastorini.” It was “chiefly deduced from the Apocalypse,” and was designed to parry the uncomfortable pressure of the almost universal Protestant application of prophecy and to divert its incriminating finger from insistently pointing to the Roman church as Antichrist. PFF4 281.4

Its general thesis was that the Revelation presents seven ages, in the paralleling seals, trumpets, and vials, 51 and that Protestantism had radically missed the intent. But even “Pastorini” was in general agreement with them in that he too declared, “The times [of the last things] are fast approaching”—pointing to about 1825 as the time of the final overthrow of his future Antichrist. Though Pastorini’s work is in the form of a verse-by-verse commentary, it omits sections and skips back and forth through the book of Revelation in order to maintain his sequential treatment of the seven grand periods. At the end is the complete book of Revelation, with page references to the discussion of each verse. PFF4 282.1


Pastorini’s First Age covers the opening centuries of the Christian Era, up to the time that Constantine put a stop to the “ten” pagan persecutions. The “beast” mentioned in chapter 15, he says, “stands for idolatry and heresy,” and the image of the beast represents idols or heresy. So Christianity triumphs at the close of this opening period. 52 The woman of Revelation 12 is the church, and the dragon is Satan. The child represents the Christians, and a literal 3i/L years (“times”) is the “utmost period” of any one pagan persecution. Satan was “bound” (Revelation 20) in the seventh century, as an angel casts him into confinement until the time of Antichrist in the latter days of the world. 53 PFF4 282.2


The Second Age, according to Pastorini, from 320 onward, pertained to the Arian heresy with its disputes and contentions—including conflicts with the Goths and Vandals. 54 The Third Age, beginning in 406, witnessed the barbarian invasions from the North-Odoacer and the Heruli, Alaric and the Goths, and Attila and the Huns. This is when Rome, the “fourth empire” of Daniel 2, began to crumble and the fourth, or Roman, beast of Daniel 7 was divided. 55 But Pastorini links this with the punishment of the inhuman harlot of Revelation 17-likewise declared to be pagan Rome, the great “city” of the seven hills, which are named—“purple” being the imperial color, stained with the “scarlet” of the Christian martyrs. PFF4 283.1

And the beast that carried her is likewise pagan Rome. The seven heads are seven pagan emperors—with Antichrist as the seventh, only in the last days, for 3i/L years. The ten toes are the ten divisions—Goths, Huns, Alans, Vandals, Saxons, Burgundians, Franks, Heruli, Suevi, and Quadi, of the fifth century-reigning for an “hour” with the pagan beast. Their hating of the harlot, and burning her with fire, follows, for they soon despoil her. So by the sixth century “Babylon” (pagan Rome) falls, the stone smites the image on the feet and becomes the world-filling mountain (Daniel 2), and the saints take the kingdom (Daniel T). 56 PFF4 283.2


The Fourth Age, he holds, covers the rise and wide depredations of Mohammedanism, beginning about 622, involving the Saracens and Turks, as well as the Greek schism, up to the ruin of Constantinople in 1453. Thus men learn that the Most High rules.(Daniel 4:14.) 57 The Fifth Age was the revolt of the Protestant Reformation—from about 1525 on ward. Luther was the “fallen star” that opened the bottomless pit, darkening the air with obscuring smoke, and the “locusts” were the Reformers spreading over the earth, and resulting in all kinds of Protestant sects, as well as killing and destroying Catholics. But their power was limited to “five months,” or 150 years (as with the 490 years to the Messiah), from 1525 to 1675. 58 PFF4 284.1


The Sixth Age, still future, is marred by dreadful disasters—fulfilling the signs of Matthew 24 and Luke 21, just as were seen before the destruction of Jerusalem, and attended by false prophets and seducers. These will “dissolve the fabric of the world” before the second coming of Christ. The Roman Empire had held back the appearance of both Mohammedan ism and Antichrist. (2 Thessalonians 2.) Moreover, Mohammedanism is the persecuting little horn of Daniel 7, coming up among the ten kingdoms or provinces. 59 PFF4 284.2

The hour, day, month, and year, he holds, indicates a point, not a period, of time. But the Roman kingdom has now been completely shattered. Antichrist, a single heinous man, a Mohammedan prince, has not yet appeared, but soon will. It is this future Mohammedan’s name that yields the mystic “666.” 60 PFF4 284.3


Beginning his depredations at Jerusalem, this devouring beast and raging tyrant (Antichrist) sets out to ravage the earth. He tramps down the whole world. (Daniel 7:23.) He does according to his will. (Daniel 11:36.) He is the Man of Sin and Son of Perdition. This is the time of trouble such as never was since the nations began—the 31/2 “times” or years. Then Pastorini adds solicitously: PFF4 285.1

“There can then be no real doubt, that the term of Antichrist’s persecution is confined to three years and a half, or 1260 days, and not extended to 1260 years, as some moderns have pretended, with a view of calumniating the Catholic church.” 61 PFF4 285.2

The “tenth part” of the city that falls is a tenth part of Jerusalem, brought about by an earthquake. Now is Babylon (or pagan Rome) fallen, fallen—which “can be no other than Constantinople, the imperial city of Antichrist.” 62 Now the mystic “stone,” which began to smite the legs and feet of the statue (which represents the Roman Empire, and established Christianity upon its ruins), completes its work by the destruction of Constantinople. 63 PFF4 285.3


With the Seventh Age the seventh seal is opened, and the seventh trumpet sounds, proclaiming that the kingdoms of the world are become the kingdom of Christ. Time is no more; eternity is here. The seventh vial is poured out, and the “fabric of the world is unhinged, and falls to pieces. All is confusion, wreck and ruin.” The Son of God appears on the great white throne. The general judgment takes place. The heavenly sickles gather in the wheat, and the grapes for the winepress. So the history of the church is brought to its triumphant close as eternity begins. The New Jerusalem is established, which is simply the final triumph of the church. That is Roman Catholicism’s attempted answer to Protestant interpretation. But its diversionary purpose was too obvious, and it exerted little influence. Protestantism had long since abandoned the Augustinian theory of the millennium. PFF4 285.4

Now let us return to another Protestant interpretation and to the insistent interest and emphasis on the approaching close of the 2300 years. PFF4 286.1