The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4

VI. French Improves Diagrams of Daniel’s Periods

Then in the November 18, 1842, issue of the Midnight Cry, CALVIN FRENCH, 11 of Needham, Massachusetts, printed a “Diagram of Daniel’s Visions.” This is patterned closely upon Miller’s diagram, but has explanatory notes. Starting with Persia and continuing through Grecia, the 2300 years of Daniel 8, as the basic prophecy, extend to 1843 and the second advent. The “666” is denominated the years of “Pagan Rome,” from 158 B.C. to A.D. 508, when the “daily sacrifice,” or “pagan worship,” is taken away. The cross is likewise dated A.D. 3S, which “seals” or establishes the 490 year-days, with its three subdivisions, beginning with 457 B.C. So the remaining 1810 years extend from the crucifixion in A.D. 33 to 1843, which marks the second advent of Christ, and the concurrent first resurrection. 12 PFF4 729.1

The 1290 years are dated from 508, the Christianization of the empire, to 1798; and the 1335 years from the same 508 to 1843. The 1260 years are established by Justinian when he “constituted the Bishop of Rome head of all the churches,” and 538 is the time when the city of Rome is set free, which “established the pope in his see.” The 1260 years ended when Berthier entered Rome with a French army, “deposed the pope, abolished the papal government, and erected the republic of Italy.” This brings the “time of the end,” with the next event as the resurrection at the end of the 1335 years. All the time periods are, of course, based on the established year-day principle. This was a distinct advance in sound exegesis and historical accuracy. PFF4 729.2

A closing note epitomizes the last event-Christ’s second advent is to raise His “dead saints,” change the living righteous to immortality, and receive them to the marriage supper of the Lamb, while the angels gather out of His kingdom everything that offends. PFF4 729.3