The Jubilee Standard, vol. 1

June 26, 1845


“When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a Standard against him; and the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and to them that turn from transgression in Jacob.” JUBST June 26, 1845, page 121.1

Vol. I.] NEW YORK CITY, THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1845. [No. 16 JUBST June 26, 1845, page 121.2

THE JUBILEE STANDARD. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 121.3


at 131 division street, n. y. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 121.5

S. S. Snow,—Editor. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 121.6

Terms:—Two dollars per hundred or three cents per copy. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 121.7

All letters and communications for publication, or on the business of the paper, should be addressed, post paid, to S. S. Snow, as above; and all private letters to the Editor should be directed to No. 6 Sixth Avenue. Place of meeting is in the lower lecture room of the Medical College, Crosby street, just below spring. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 121.8

For the Jubilee Standard.



Hark! methinks I hear the angel
Sounding through the vaulted sky,
From the courts of heaven descending
With a message from on high.
JUBST June 26, 1845, page 121.9

Listen to his proclamation—
’Fear and glorify the Lord:
‘Now has come the hour of judgment;—
’Saints prepare for your reward.’
JUBST June 26, 1845, page 121.10

Hark! another mighty angel,
With a word of fearful sound—
‘Babylon is fallen, fallen,
’Prostrate, broken to the ground.
JUBST June 26, 1845, page 121.11

‘With her all the guilty nations
’In unholy union join:
‘Merchants, statesmen, captains, princes.—
All have drunken of her wine.’
JUBST June 26, 1845, page 121.12

Hark! a voice like peals of thunder,
With the last and awful cry,
Rending, tearing all asunder,
Shaking earth, and seas, and sky—
JUBST June 26, 1845, page 121.13

Saying, ‘If the beast you worship,
‘Or his image, and his seal
’You receive, in fire eternal
‘You the wrath of God shall feel?’ H. F.
New York, June 20.
JUBST June 26, 1845, page 121.14



Dear Bro. Jacobs:—We thank you for your solicitude for us here in the East, and are glad to answer your inquiry as to our state. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 121.15

There is a distinctly defined division among Adventists in New York, Brooklyn, Newark, and also in Philadelphia, and we might add, Albany, Troy, and Boston and New Bedford, in Mass., and Portland, Me., and generally of every populous place in the East. And this division seems likely to be permanent and final. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 121.16

In the first place we all took our lamps and went forth to meet the Bridegroom. Then we were numerous and united—strong in faith, and formidable to the enemies of truth: and by the truth and spirit cut our way through the world, in country and city, and God wrought with us by signs and wonders. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 121.17

Our first position seemed to prove a failure, and with it we lost our tens of thousand, as in the case of Gideon, (Judges 7:3.) They had provided oil enough to last to the end of ‘43—that is, they rested the question of the advent upon that time, and would look no farther. Still a great many saw the Scriptures fulfilled in their faith and experience. Instance, ‘Though he tarry, wait for him;’ ‘While the Bridegroom tarried,’ etc. These texts, and more of the kind, came in and administered comfort to all that chose to wait for the Lord a little longer—and served to explain our mistake and encourage our hope. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 121.18

But it was a trying suspense—’They all slumbered and slept,’ until another prophecy was fulfilled, most literally: ‘At midnight, [this time of doubt and suspense, slumbering and sleeping.] there was a cry made, Behold the Bridegroom cometh, then all those virgins arose,’ etc.: there was a waking up, an effort at preparation: there was a swelling of the rivers—they overflowed their banks, when all the dry sticks, barks, and old stoops and hulks—except some that were buried in the sand—were dislodged, and came floating down the stream of popular faith. What was the matter? Why a mighty angel, with a countenance like the sun, and a voice thunder, and feet like burning fire, with his hand raised to heaven, and his feet upon the land and sea, swearing by the living God, and all that he had made,—in heaven above, or the earth and sea beneath,—that time should be no longer. This message was so clear, so manifest, and so capable of demonstration, that it could be sworn too. Hence the solicitude and asking for oil—or the effort at preparation. Some were agitated between doubt and fear, making some sacrifices, not of all that they had. Others exercising faith and hope, laid all on the altar, risked every thing on the issue: exchanged every thing they had for oil, resolved on a last and final venture, and gave themselves no room for a change, and no provision for another enterprize. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 121.19

They came to the shores of Canaan, they disembarked, they burned their fleets, they destroyed the bridges, after they had past them—they made retreat impossible—they were resolved on having the kingdom. But here is the place where the type of Gideon leaves an impression; see Judges 7:4, The Lord said the people were yet too many—there were more than could be depended upon, a selection must be made: bring them down to the water and I will try them for thee there, and it shall be that of whom I say unto thee, this shall go with thee, the same shall go with thee, and of whomsoever I say unto thee, this shall not go with thee, the same shall not go. So he brought down the people to the water; and the Lord said, Every one that lappeth of the water with his tongue, as a dog lappeth, him shalt thou set by himself; likewise everyone that boweth down upon his knees to drink, let them go their way. The result was, that the army, already reduced 22,000, is reduced to 300. This does not look like augmenting by conversions, or by new recruits. Here, without any room for doubt, this part of the type is fulfilled in our experience in this division. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 121.20

Is this really so? It certainly is. Here is the proof: ‘Therefore, thus saith the Lord God of hosts, O my people that dwellest in Zion, be not afraid of the Assyrian: he shall smite thee with a rod, and shall lift up his staff against thee after the manner of Egypt. For yet a little while and the indignation shall cease, and mine anger, in their destruction. And the Lord of hosts shall stir up a scourge for him according to the slaughter of Midian at the rock Oreb, and as his rod was upon the sea, so shall he lift it up after the manner of Egypt;’ Isaiah 10:24-26, compared with Judges 7:19-22, 25. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 121.21

Our friends on the other side will, of course, disapprove of this application of these texts, while we must insist upon their applying. And there is only one way for them to escape its application, and that is, to show a better. Until then this must be enforced. But see how perfect the impressions. At this time God is going to end his indignation against his people, in recompensing their abuses upon the heads of their persecutors, ‘He will raise up a scourge for him. And it is in a little while. A little while after what event or time? I should think, as in the type of Gideon’s second division, or test, so in the antitype. The battle was fought a little while after the company was selected; so the little while is an intervening space occurring between the 10th day of the 7th month and the taking of the kingdom. In the type the destruction was complete. In Gideon’s case the kings were captured and slain. In the case of the Egyptians the king and his hosts were totally overthrown and drowned in the sea. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 121.22

St. Paul says, in his Epistle to the Hebrews, in the 11th and 12th chapters, that the Lord will come a little while after some event, that he must have supposed some persons at the time would understand what, else what sense would there be in saying, ‘For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come and will not tarry. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 122.1

Again, ‘Whose voice then shook the earth, but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more [to add the words of Haggai, whom the Apostle evidently quotes,] it is a little while, I shake not the earth only but also heaven;’ Hebrews 12:26. ‘And the sea, and the dry land: I will shake all nations, and the Desire of all nations shall come;’ Haggai 2:6, 7. ‘And I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms; and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the heathen,’ verse 22. This is to be done a little while after some marked period—that the wise virgins, with their lamps well lighted, were to understand: while others, with expiring lamps, could not. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 122.2

This marked period must be the time when Christ’s enemies become his footstool, after which there is no mediator but for God’s children; Jesus is then the mediator of the new covenant. Now where remission of these is there is no more offering for sin, and no more sacrifice for sin. And the Apostle, in the 12th chapter and 22-24th verses, brings us up to the very position that Gideon and his 300 followers occupied; see the 28th verse, ‘Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved,’ etc. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 122.3

They were about to deliver themselves from a degrading bondage. We are called to the same work, and have before us the prize of a kingdom. We too have a hidden light, or at least as far as concerns the Lord’s enemies, they imagine we are perfectly benighted like themselves. They say they know nothing, and suppose that every body else is as unfortunate and wicked as they are; not being aware that we feel the interdict now in force,—‘Give not that which is holy unto dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine;’ and ‘bind up the testimony among my disciples.’ JUBST June 26, 1845, page 122.4

And all do not know that some of their comrades have been dreaming about a barely cake that rolled against a tent and demolished it, and that that dream is being rightly interpreted by some of Gideon’s enemies, and an advanced guard has overheard the interpretation, and it has become the watchword of the little army. This cake is already baked and well done—baked on both sides,—not like Ephraim, ‘a cake not turned,’ Hosea 7:8: believed only half way to the kingdom,—believed up to the waiting time, and then take away their cake half baked, which if put in motion would break in pieces: not like Gideon’s barley cake, roll with firmness, strength, steadiness, and a force that would dash to the earth anything that should presume to obstruct its movement. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 122.5

Again, look at the conduct of Gideon’s whole force. Many went away the first opportunity,—others, (and all but a very few,) the next opportunity. Did I say went away? Not so. They were sent home. The 22,000 went home with some credit, but these are sent home disgraced. How is that? God reviewed them and found them there from various motives—some for spoil, some from pride, love of glory, and military fame; some were ambitious, etc. But the Lord meant to apply a single test, but they did not know how God was about to prove the total unfitness of the greatest number of them for the expedition and honor. He meant to have men who were really in haste for the conflict: men that would not take time to drink; but, like a dog on a journey, who will run into the brook on his way, and take a lap or two, and is off in full chase after his master. The 300 picked men could drink while the others were getting ready for it. They came up to the water, stooped, dipped in their hands, and drank as they marched for the field. The others would first have to find a nice place to kneel on—then nice places for their hands. Before they could get ready one of the others could be forming in the line of march; and then, when once fitted for drinking they are inclined to indulge themselves too freely, and two evils grow out of it; one is, that they have taken too much time, the other is, they have committed a sort of surfeit; and are not fit for running or fighting immediately. The dog on the chase is aware of this, and will not burden himself with water. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 122.6

Now, dear brother, you see how we are here: we have a portion of Gideon’s army in all these parts. They are in real haste for the kingdom: they believe in the past as from God,—they are persuaded that God has led them out here, and is explaining their difficulties. They believe in going forward and not in looking back: and that the Lord has called them from the field, and for a little while has bid them work in the garden: ‘Comfort one another,’ feed the household,’ etc. See also Song of Solomon 6:11, 12. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 122.7

We are praying for the resurrection of the saints, and soon expect to be heard, and God is pouring out the latter rain upon us. Our friends on the other side say officially that there was not one word of truth in the past preaching, except the naked idea of the Lord’s coming at some time; and find leisure here in the ‘day of the Lord,’ for conferences, organization, and appointing pastors,—and are ‘wearying themselves to find the door.’ JUBST June 26, 1845, page 122.8

There is another point in which the Adventists in this division are dissimilar one from the other. One party are for reforming or converting the Midianites; and the other are for their extermination. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 122.9

This is a fair statement, that I doubt not our friends on the other side will freely endorse, and call it ‘worse than infidelity,’ too: so the devil would say, and drunkards, liars, whoremongers, and idolaters, and all the abominable, and any who wish to prop up or support the throne of the devil and dragon. While all in heaven are in raptures, and sweep their harps with unwonted melody—the four and twenty elders fall down at the feet of the King and worship him, and give thanks to him because he has taken to him his great power and reigned; Revelation 11. And God satisfied his disappointed son, after he had been to this earth to take the possession of his kingdom and was rejected,—‘He came to his own and his own received him not,’ with saying, ‘sit though at my right hand until I make thy enemies thy footstool;’ 110th Psalm. ‘And henceforth expecting till his enemies become his footstool.’ JUBST June 26, 1845, page 122.10

Whatever else there is connected with these Scriptures, this idea is prominent, and stands out as a motive to reconcile Jesus to wait till the time should come for him to bruise the serpent. He is the friend of Jesus, who, apprehending the mind of the Spirit, will fall in with it. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 122.11

And that spirit is willing the Lord should stay away for the sake of the impenitent world, that is determined not to be reformed, would be willing to have the Lord stay away forever! JUBST June 26, 1845, page 122.12

How it will go with them in all respects, we cannot say. In the type others of Israel decide the 300, fell in with Gideon after the enemy were routed. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 122.13

Brother, we expect the coming of the Lord and the resurrection, immediately; and may we soon see and share in the glorious manifestations of the sons of God. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 122.14

New York, June 18. B. Matthias.



How precious the promise—how ample the assurances given us in the Word of God, that he will supply all we need of wisdom and knowledge; but, to avail ourselves of the benefit of them, we must comply with the terms or prerequisites to the attainment of this invaluable blessing. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 122.15

Our blessed Lord, in Matthew 24:15, gives one of these indispensable steps to an understanding of the truth at the time of the end, ‘Whoso readeth let him understand,’ hence we cannot, only by hearing the proclamation of the Word, or attending upon the other means instituted to aid us in an understanding of the truth, exclusive of this essential direction, attain to that complete knowledge so necessary to enable us to perceive and attain the truth to the extent of the promise: The wise shall understand. Read the Word then, brethren, with as close attention as you would a title to a vast estate, of which you were an heir. This testament is two-fold, embodying ‘exceeding great and precious promises,’ intended to give us a full equipment to ‘fight the fight of faith.’ ‘Wherefore, take unto you the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the [this] evil day, and having done all, [margin, having overcome all,] to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breast-plate of righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel [or glad tidings] of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye may be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God: praying with all prayer and supplication in the spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;’ Ephesians 6:13-18. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 122.16

The first article of this armor, the whole of which will render you invincible, is the girdle of truth. A girdle is used to brace up the body, the advantage of this is appreciated by those who run a race—to which the Christian course is compared; 1 Corinthians 9:24; Romans 12:1; also, those who are in military life, their garment are made to supply the ancient girdle, by firmly bracing the waist, giving an erect posture to the body, which enables them to endure more labor with less fatigue than they would be able in loose garments. Hence our Saviour’s directions, ‘Having your loins girded about;’ Luke 12:35; and Peter’s exhortation, ‘wherefore, gird up the loins of your mind;’ 1 Peter 1:13; the truth that Peter would have us make our girdle of, is the promise of an inheritance to be revealed in the last time, or year: to which we were begotten to a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, he further alluded to the manner of the revelation of this prophecy, concerning which the prophets were informed they were ministering to us, the material to constitute this firm girdle, to brace us up, that we may run this race with patience and perseverance. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 123.1

The equipments for the feet here recommended by the apostle, are essential to guard against dashing against stones and other sharp missiles laid in the way by our enemies, one who ‘forgets he was once purged from his old sins,’ becomes blind, and makes poor progress in this race for glory; he forgets or looses the shoes given him in the gospel of salvation by the blood of Christ. This thorny maze cannot be traversed without shoes, ‘which wax not old,’ prepared from the fundamental principles of the gospel, and given to every one who starts in this race. ‘Above all,’ says Paul, ‘taking the shield of faith:’ this shield is a whole defence when kept perfect. We should be careful lest by any mishap our shield be broken or unsound. One way the enemy often puts to the worse careless soldiers is, by digging a hole in this shield to admit his fiery darts, and thus disable his opponent; this we are assured cannot be done if we look well to the material of which it is made. A thorough acquaintance with the Word and testimony is requisite, or the crafty foe will, by misquoting or misapplying Scripture, render our shield useless, and thus get the better of us. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 123.2

The helmet of salvation, or, ‘for a helmet the hope of salvation,’ 1 Thessalonians 5:8. ‘Through patience and comfort of the Scriptures we might hope;’ from this text it is seen the helmet is also derived from the Word of God: ‘And the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 123.3

Thus brethren we see all our armor, offensive and defensive, is contained in God’s armory, with which each recruit is furnished, from which to draw an armor to render him invulnerable while he has the whole on, supplied by the Captain of our salvation. But, alas! how few are fully equipped—how few appreciate its worth; and many stand back in amazement, when we assert that not only the army, but every one of our Lord’s soldiers are absolutely unconquerable, as though Christians must, as a matter of course, meet with defeats through this warfare. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 123.4

Thus the arch-enemy has infused through the ranks of those who should be valiant soldiers under our King, a strange delusion—a wonderful stratagem. He is about ending his destructive career as he begun it, i.e. by flatly giving the lie to the Word of Jehovah. ‘Ye shall not surely die,’ was his debut: ‘The wise shall not understand,’ is his last effort, and if he is permitted to turn the edge of the sword at this rate, we will find ourselves as poorly off—nay, in a worse situation than our first parent, who parleyed with the deceiver, and fell from his high estate. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 123.5

Take care of your armor, brethren! or the enemy will cheat you out of your sword, or at least render it useless. We hear on all sides of us about disputed points, and the enemy is endeavoring to induce us to believe we can do without these points of the truth; but you may rely on it we cannot be completely equipped without all. And what think you, will the devil take the trouble to dispute, or cause to be disputed, any part of the Word, but for the purpose of rendering inefficient your armor? O, let not any deceive you. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 123.6

We cannot indulge even the suspicion that any word the blessed Lord has given us is useless or can be dispensed with by us in these last trying moments; we believe ‘every word of God is pure,’ and that all Scripture is profitable—that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished. Here no exception can be made—all, all is included: prophecy in all its branches—time, historical events, promises, examples, types, emblems, instructions, doctrine, etc. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 123.7

But the promise, ‘The wise shall understand,’ is now thrown out, by many among the rubbish, as refuse. This feat has been accomplished to deceive the unwary, but it is enough for us to take God at his word—to believe it because he has said it—as we do all the precious words of promise, we can truly say also of them as David said of a sword in olden time, ‘there is none like it.’ JUBST June 26, 1845, page 123.8

But it may be asked, How are we to discern the truth, or arrive at the meaning of the Scriptures, among so many conflicting views held by those whom we believe to be honest expounders of the Word? The Scripture contains, in this case, ample directions, ‘My son, if thou wilt receive my words and hide my commandments with thee—if thou criest after knowledge and liftest up thy voice for understanding; if thou seekest her as silver and searchest for her as for hid treasures, then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God. For the Lord giveth wisdom, out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding;’ Proverbs 2:1-6. There is enough in this single passage, to unravel the whole mystery, and any Christian should be ashamed to betray himself by a question like the above: why, it is a virtual admission that his faith rests on the opinion of men, and there being so many he does not knew which to choose; but the Lord’s assurance is, ‘if thou wilt receive my words,’ listen to them, ‘apply thy heart,’ ‘cry after knowledge,’ seek, search—then thou (not another for you) shall understand ‘the word of the Lord [not the opinions of man] maketh wise the simple.’ We could multiply texts on this subject, but these must suffice. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 123.9

We remark, the Christian cannot be a sluggard: ‘the slothful soul shall suffer hunger.’ It is no wonder that many honest persons are ignorant of the truth as revealed in the Word of God—no marvel that idle souls suffer lack, living in constant disobedience of all those commands which tax every energy of mind to attain understanding. They wish to avoid obedience and obtain it by proxy. But, brethren, ‘they are all plain to him that understandeth, and right to them that find knowledge;’ let us hold fast that whereunto we have attained:’ we have been taught in the way of wisdom, and led in right paths, and as we go out steps shall not be straitened, we shall not stumble; Proverbs 4:11, 12. Let us take fast hold of instruction, let her not go: keep her for she is our life. ‘My words they are spirit and life.’ JUBST June 26, 1845, page 123.10

We did not intend to prove that the wise should understand: [original illegible] needed no proof—the infallible Word declares it, and we believe it; but from what has been drawn from concurrent Scripture, we can know, if we claim the promise and receive the testimony [original illegible] Jesus.’ W. G. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 123.11

The following extract is from a letter of Bro J. B. Cook to the Day star, dated Lower Sandusky, June 5:—‘The drought, interspersed with several severe frosts, has to many, almost destroyed the prospect of harvest this year. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 123.12

The first frost, some weeks since, killed the wheat extensively either in the head or stalk, but the successive frosts have nipped all the tender vegetables. In one place, I was told that nothing was growing for man or beast. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 123.13

Not a few feel that facts, now occurring, urge upon them the opening of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.’ JUBST June 26, 1845, page 124.1



Dear Bro. Snow:—These are truly perilous times: for there have false teachers arisen among us, who are privily bringing in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them. And whilst many are following their pernicious ways; and others, by reason of them, are speaking evil of the way of truth,—how blessed it is that we have still a sure word of prophecy, whereunto we can take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, for the prophecy came not of old (margin, at any) time by the will of man: but holy man of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. We are to be sanctified through the truth, and the Word of God is truth; John 17:17; therefore we must believe the truth, 2 Thessalonians 2:13. ‘Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whenever by word or our epistle,’ 15th verse,—and refer to Ephesians 6:10-18. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 124.2

May we ever take the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, when any of these wicked spirit tell us that there is to be no personal coming of Christ; and bring to our minds the following passages: first prove that he had a body of flesh and bones after he arose from the dead: Luke 24:37-43; 1 Corinthians 15:16, 17. And was taken up into heaven bodily: Luke 24:50, 51; Acts 1:9, 10, 3:20, 21. How is he to return after he has prepared a place for us John 14:1-3. In the same manner he went away personally, bodily: Acts 1:11; also 1 Thessalonians 4:15, 16: ‘Then we which are alive and remain [or stand fast] shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord,’ verse 17. What a comfort this should be to us that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is, 1 John 3:2. Yes, bless the Lord, if our conversation, or citizenship, is in heaven, from whence also we look for the Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto, not our own, but his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself, Philippians 3:20, 21; then we shall bear the image of the heavenly, 1 Corinthians 15:49; the Lord from heaven, verse 47. At his coming the dead in Christ are to be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed, 1 Corinthians 15:23, 52, and that I believe will be very soon. ‘Blessed is he that waiteth [holds fast] and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.’ JUBST June 26, 1845, page 124.3

Yours, looking for the blessed hope, JUBST June 26, 1845, page 124.4

New York, June 22, J. H. Rusher.
’Lift up a standard for the people.’



This is a perilous hour. The old arch-enemy of God and hi people is bringing into the field all the knowledge which he has acquired by the experience of a war of 6000 years. He has become familiar with all the points of successful attack upon Zion’s children, and, because he knows that his time is very short, he is determined to make the best possible use of the remaining moments. He knows well that the world is his and lieth in wickedness, doomed, to a speedy and terrible destruction. The churches also, who have rejected the gospel of the kingdom, have become his allies, and with rail-road speed are going to perdition. And a new sect has been added to the family of mystic Babylon, and is following in her train. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 124.5

But although the ‘prince of this world’ has secured these victims as his sure prey, so that he has no anxiety at all concerning them, and no effort is necessary on his part to keep them in his power, he is by no means idle. There is a remnant still that have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal, who are the objects of his peculiar ire and malice. Revelation 12:17, ‘And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.’ It will be seen that this remnant has the testimony of Jesus, which is the spirit of prophecy, (Revelation 19:10,) and also keep the commandments of God, i.e. they honor the Law of Levi. They are those who are determined to hold fast that which they have received, from the law and the prophets, respecting the coming of the blessed Saviour, as to both time and manner. Against this ‘little flock’ of waiting children of the kingdom satan’s last and mightiest efforts are directed. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 124.6

The Apostle Paul forewarns us of these devices of the adversary in all his epistles; but particularly in his second letter to 2 Timothy 3:6, 7, he says, ‘For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of truth.’ Jude also speaks of the same characters, ‘For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, [licentiousness,]and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.’ In 2 Peter 2:1, 2, we also read, ‘But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.’ These passages teach us clearly that in the very last portion of time the people of God would be in danger from false teachers, who should, in a sly and deceptive manner, creep in among them, and as Paul says ‘by good words and fair speeches’ deceive the hearts of the simple.’ Our Lord also has given us a warning in reference to these ‘false prophets’ or teachers, telling us that many of them would arise, and that such would be their artfulness and power of dissimulation that ‘if it were possible they would deceive the very elect.’ We bless the Lord for that ‘if.’ It shows conclusively to us that the very elect,’ or chosen, can not be effectually deceived by their machinations and false teachings. The true children of the kingdom are chosen to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth. They are kept by the power of God, through faith, unto salvation. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 124.7

Peter says those false teachers deny the Lord that bought them. And who is he that bought them? He is the Son of God and the Son of man, the ‘mediator between God and men, the MAN Christ Jesus.’ ‘The first man [Adam] was of the earth, earthly—the second MAN is the Lord from heaven.’ This glorious truth of the humanity of our King the mystics deny. He who does so, denies the Lord that bought him, and is bringing upon himself swift destruction. Such teachers are now abroad, creeping into houses by deception. Beware of them. Among the number is M. Williamson, who has been among us, and, by misrepresenting his real sentiments, gained access to us, till by ‘good words and fair speeches’ he had gained the hearts of the simple, when he began to put forth by degrees the poisonous and damnable doctrine inculcated in the ‘Voice of the Shepherd,’ i.e. that all the Christ that will ever be seen, will be seen in the persons of his people; that he has already come and taken his abode in the holy of holies, which is in the bodies of the saints! In other words, ‘He is in the secret chambers:’ and a ‘literal body of Christ does not exist in the universe of God!’ JUBST June 26, 1845, page 124.8

Such is the poison which is nicely sugared over with much precious truth and administered by these men—the subtle agents of him who ‘is transformed into an angel of light’. O let no man be deceived by the seeming love and the ‘good words’ of these deceivers. Let the single eye of faith, illumined by God’s blessed Word, penetrate the drapery of light that is thrown around the agent of the Prince of Darkness; and let no one, for a moment, lower the standard of God’s truth, for the sake of embracing in the arms of Christian love and fellowship those who have cast away their confidence in either the time or the manner of our blessed Lord’s appearing. ‘Hold fast that thou hast that no man take thy crown.’ Again we lift up the warning voice, and in the words of Jesus cry, ‘Beware of false prophets [or teachers,] which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.’ JUBST June 26, 1845, page 125.1

In the 7th verse of John’s second epistle he speaks of these deceivers ‘who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh.’ This passage is used by them as one of their proof texts. But little do they realize that it is point blank against them. John says they ‘confess not Jesoun Christon erchomenon in the flesh;’ literally, ‘confess not Jesus Christ coming in the flesh.’ It refers to his coming in his own flesh or body, which these mystical deceivers do not confess or acknowledge. In what we have said on this subject we know whereof we affirm; and as it respects Williamson we have proof at hand which will fully convict him of denying the humanity of our Lord and King, which, if necessary, shall be forthcoming. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 125.2



In those passages where our Lord’s coming is said to be ‘as the lightning,’ the expression is understood by many to refer to the suddenness of his manifestation. This is a mistake. It has reference entirely to its visibility. Every eye is to see him. The Greek word astrapee, used by our Saviour in these passages, signifies light, brightness, lustre, i.e. the sending forth of light, let it proceed from whatever source it may, whether from the sun, moon, stars, electricity, or a lamp or candle. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 125.3

The same word occurs in Luke 11:36, last clause, which, in our translation, reads, ‘as when the bright shining of a candle doth give thee light.’ The Greek of this clause is this—‘hoos hotan ho lychnos tee astrapee photizee se,’—literally, as when the lamp (or candle,) by its bright shining, (or emission of light) illuminateth thee.’ JUBST June 26, 1845, page 125.4

Hence we may see that our Lord has a strict reference to the visibility of his glorious appearing to all the inhabitants of the earth. ‘As the bright shining [i.e. of the sun,] cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west, SO shall the coming of the Son of Man be.’ ‘Behold, he cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see him.’ Praise the Lord, no one will then want mystical spiritualizers, to tell them that that same Jesus has come again. The New Jerusalem, in which he is now King, will come enveloped in the Shekinah, or visible manifestation of the glory of God. This is the cloud of brightness, or ‘bright cloud,’ with which Jesus and the disciples were overshadowed in the mount of transfiguration. It is the cloud that received our Lord when he ascended from Mount Olivet. It is the ‘white cloud’ of Revelation 14:14, where one like the son of man is disclosed to view, with a crown upon his head, proving him to be king. As the city with her glorious husband and his attending retinue of saints and angels, amid that refulgent blaze of surrounding glory, comes sweeping down from the distant heavens toward the earth, it will at first appear as a new star in the sky. But as it swiftly approaches, it will grow brighter and larger, till its light will transcend the sun’s glory, and all eyes are gazing at the ‘sign of the Son of Man.’ JUBST June 26, 1845, page 125.5



An article has been furnished us by Bro. Peavey, which was written for the purpose of proving that all the signs given us by our Lord, in Matthew 24., and in Revelation 6.. are symbolical, and that the last sign i.e. the Sign of the Son of man, which was to appear in heaven, did appear in the symbolical or ‘moral heaven,’ in the seventh month movement last summer and autumn. We have carefully and prayerfully examined the subject of the article, and must, in the fear of God, and in the love of his truth, and in the faithful discharge of duty say, that were more firmly than ever established in our former faith, that all those signs are literal. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 125.6

It is by no means pleasant to be compelled to differ from those brethren whom we love and respect. Especially is it trying for a minister of Christ to be under the necessity of opposing the views of a brother in the ministry. But those who give meat to the household in this last, critical time, must be both wise and faithful. They must take heed unto themselves and unto the doctrine, and on no account must they teach error to the little flock, or by any neglect of duty suffer it to be taught. We are to be sanctified and fitted for the kingdom through the truth, and that only. More the subject and next week, if the Lord will. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 125.7

The Standard has been regularly mailed from the office to Bro. Millius, of Balston Spa, N. Y., as ordered and paid for. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 125.8

For the Jubilee Standard.



It is always distressing,—it is a severe trial of patience, to give the portion of food in due season,—to be established in, and speak the present truth. But will we keep the word of his patience or not? The case of Abraham in preserving to obey God, although that word required him to offer up his son, was a test, and it effectually proved Abraham in the patience of God’s word. Many run well while all is comforting, but when trials come in consequence of ‘the word of his patience,’ they fall away—cast away their confidence, or faith—reject present truth because it tries their faith, and in the end, unless they have been zealous and repented, their faith will not ‘be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.’ Yet when we find the word of the Lord, we must not look at consequences, but must eat the word and then ‘go speak unto the house of Israel; and thou shalt speak my words unto them, whether they will hear or whether they will forbear. We must not, like Jonah, run away to Tarshish in order to avoid delivering the word of the Lord to Nineveh. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 125.9

I now give a brief exposition of Matthew 24:45 51, as I spoke it at Rochester last Spring, and was afterwards kindly reproved by a distinguished brother; but of late I am obliged to proclaim the same language; and I solicit all to read carefully and prayerfully the exposition, before they judge. Truth must be spoken, and if we are unfaithful God will give our crown to others. Truth, if believed and obeyed, through the Spirit of God, will prove like appeals of Gold in pictures of silver.’ If we reprove a lukewarm, transgressing portion of Israel or the church, we are sure to be accused of being uncharitable; but if we feel as did Micah 3:8, we shall speak without regard to consequences: ‘But truly I am full of power by the Spirit of the Lord, and of judgment, and of might, to declare unto Jacob his transgressions, and to Israel his sin.’ JUBST June 26, 1845, page 125.10

We will proceed to Matthew 24:45-51, ‘Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his Lord hath made ruler over his household, to give food in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom his Lord, when he cometh, shall find so doing: verily I say unto you, that he shall make him ruler over all his goods,’ At the time that the wicked are doing more wickedly, and know or understood not the time when the Son of man cometh, and the faithful and wise, or those who are watching, as well as ready, are coming to an understanding of the time, there will be great danger that the rulers over the households will cease to be faithful, or discontinue to give food in due season. The food in due season is ‘time, as is proved by the opposition of the evil servants. A powerful effort is now being made by Adventists who have cast away their confidence, to bring about the same kind of preaching that is sermonized from sabbath to sabbath in the Sardis church; which church has continually opposed us on the principle of definite time; and if we give up this distinctive feature of our faith, the difficulties are removed which separated us from them, and we in fact go over to the enemy or the ‘synagogue of Satan.’ Said a distinguished Advent brother, in a discourse in New York city, some time last winter, ‘we have more influence now than we ever had before; we can command the respect and attention of the churches, and be heard by them; because we ‘know not when the time is,’ and are on the same platform, as are they in that respect—that is, in respect to definite time.’ These were his words in substance. Now I have no sympathy with such views. It is casting away our confidence in God’s Word, that ‘the wise shall understand,’ and then going over to the enemy, that is, to the congregation of satan or the enemy. But a few Philadelphians continue in the midst of fiery trials, living by faith the ‘wise shall understand’ that ‘it shall be as it was in the days of Noah,’ and when they are sufficiently purified, made white, and tried,’ when they have kept the word of his patience,’ as well as ‘the word of his comfort,’ they shall understand, and then receive the blessing and reward. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 126.1

The Lord placed servants over his household for the express purpose ‘to give meat in due season,’ and those that do not continue, preserve, be patient or faithful in that work, until the Lord comes, will then be cut off, and have their portion with the hypocrites and unbelievers. We came up to 1843, that is, to the tarrying time, and afterwards to the midnight cry and 10th day of the 7th month, alive in the faith that the wise would understand the time—definite time,—our works and our preaching arrested attention in consequence of the time, and in the time was the cross, the time brought the tribulation and persecution, and it was the time that brought many to a decision, and to get ready now. At this point the Lord speaks, ‘hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown: behold I come quickly.’ ‘Cast not away your confidence which hath great recompense of reward: for yet a little while, and he that is coming will come and will not tarry.’ If we cast away the confidence which we once had, we shall lose our crown unless we are zealous and repent before the Lord comes; we shall become lukewarm in love to the coming of the Christ, and towards each other; we shall become unwilling that the households, to whom we formerly gave meat in due season, shall have it now, and consequently fall to opposing those who continue faithful in feeding the flocks, and finally become smiters of those very fellow-servants or fellow-rulers over the households, with whom we were once yoked or fellowed together in that great work; and thus demonstrated that we have evil hearts. And the whole controversy brought to view in this prophecy is founded in the subject of the delay or tarry of the Lord in his coming. That is, the argument will be like this:—our set times have all failed—we have placed too much confidence in human chronology—it is proved by the tarrying or passing by of all the dates, that no man can know the day and the hour,—therefore we must watch, because we know not when the time is. And because some of the servants live by faith in God’s Word that the wise shall understand, and consequently continue to comfort and edify the households according to their faith, they are opposed on the principle of the time having failed, and smitten in order to make them cease to give that kind of food. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 126.2

Yes, the food must be given in DUE SEASON: for if the breakfast time is past, the food next forthcoming must be suitable for midday or dinner time, and afterwards for supper time: for if the food which was intended and alone suitable for dinner time should be given at supper time, a kind of stupor, slumbering and sleeping, would come upon the household. Read Hebrews 5:12-14, and 6:1-3, and reflect how common it is at the present time for Advent preachers and Advent committees to claim it as our duty to go back to the gospel (as they call it,) and preach without the time, and certain other present truths, that is, go back to the first principles of the oracles of God or doctrines of Christ, and stay there; but what says Paul? He tells that we understand them, and that therefore we ought to leave the milk and go on to eat the meat, or ‘leaving the first principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on to perfection.’ JUBST June 26, 1845, page 126.3

What are the first principles? ‘laying the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith towards God, and of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of the resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.’ Having laid these once and understood them, we are to proceed and become perfect in all the Scriptures, that is ‘go on to perfection.’ To continue our faith, and confess the same at the present time, and certain other present truths or portions of meat in due season, is more than can be expected of any who have pride or an uplifted soul, hence the exhortation in reference to the trying situation of the believers in the appointed time made plain upon tables, when it should pass and the Lord tarry, ‘if he tarry wait for him; now his soul that is lifted up is not upright in him (will this class live by faith? will they hold fast that confidence which they had up to the tarrying time?) but the just shall life by his faith.’ Notice the proud, who castaway the confidence they once had, and in consequence become evil smiters of their fellow servants. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 126.4

Matthew 24:48-51, ‘But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart [not speak these words with the mouth,] my Lord delayeth [or tarries in] his coming, [every vision or set time faileth, and hence you cannot know anything about when the time is;] and shall begin to smite the fellow servants, [with impudent unkind words, because they won’t let time alone in their preaching to the household,] and to eat and drink with the drunken,’ (or Luke 12:45, to eat and drink and to be drunken:’) read Luke 21:34-36. In consequence of casting away their confidence, and becoming smiters, they backslide into a lukewarm and blind state, their affections become overcharged with the cares and good things of the world, they fall into a drunken or deep sleep state, (Isaiah 29. Revelation 3:17, 18,) and say they are rich and increased in goods, and in need of nothing, and know not that they are miserable and blind and naked; and finally they take no heed to the definite time, their attention being directed to opposing the faithful ones, and JUBST June 26, 1845, page 126.5

‘The Lord of that [evil] servant shall come in a DAY when he looketh not for him, and in an HOUR that he is not aware of;’ (he was smiting his fellow servants over the Lord’s household, on the evil argument, ‘of that day and hour knoweth no man,’ but the Lord vindicated the faithful, and blinded and then destroyed the unfaithful,) ‘and shall cut him off [blot his name out of the book of life,] and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ JUBST June 26, 1845, page 126.6

Indeed it is a trying time; did our enemies oppose us, and impudently mock, scoff, and scorn us, we could bear it,—but our own familiar friends, with whom we fellowed together, have lifted up [original illegible] heel against us. ‘Blessed is he that waiteth [continueth in the way of God’s judgments, living by faith as heretofore keeping the word of his patience, because we had need of patience.] and cometh [or patiently endures] to the 1335 days;’ ‘for thou shalt stand in thy lot at the end of the [1335] days.’ JUBST June 26, 1845, page 126.7

Let every one who reads this, inquire ‘what is truth.’ Let us all avoid becoming Laodiceans and smiters. Let us ‘sanctify the Lord God in our hearts, and be ready always to GIVE AN ANSWER to every one that asketh a reason of the hope that is in you, WITH MEEKNESS AND FEAR.’ JUBST June 26, 1845, page 126.8

New York, June 23. H. H. Gross.
[P. S. Bro. Marsh, please copy in Voice of Truth.]



Dear Bro. Snow:—I think the Apostle Peter must have seen this time, when he wrote his second Epistle, as, in the 2nd chapter he says: ‘But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.’ JUBST June 26, 1845, page 127.1

Is it not true that these spiritualizers among us deny the Lord that bought them? Do they not teach that there is no Jesus, possessing a material body; and that the only appearing of Jesus will be God manifested in the flesh, i.e., in the bodies of his saints—and that these saints will be endowed with power to raise the dead and to destroy the wicked, etc.? This is, I think, what they teach. But Peter says they shall privily bring in damnable heresies:—well, it seems even so, for I heard three discourses from one of these teachers, before he showed his colors. Their mode of proceeding seems to be, to charm the audience with many precious truths before administering the poison, and at the same time assuming to be wholly led by, and filled full, even to overflowing, of the Holy Spirit. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 127.2

But, as I have determined to believe the Bible in preference to any man’s views to the contrary, I adhere to the teachings of Jesus. So, when they say he is in the secret chambers, I believe it not. Oh, let us beware of these damnable heresies, lest we share with these false teachers the penalty attached to their works. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 127.3

But I have a consolation—Jesus gives us to understand that they cannot deceive the elect—for which assurance I feel to praise the name of the Lord. Eli Curtis. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 127.4

Brooklyn, June 16.



Dear Bro. Snow:—I would like to say to the brethren, be encouraged, we have not believed in vain; all things work together for our good. I now remember our feelings the first time I ever saw you: it was at the East Kingston camp-meeting; glory to God! although strangers at that time I found, before the meeting closed, we were one, and why? because we had been baptized by one spirit into one body, and our hearts were one, in obedience to the command of our master, and this spirit of union is better than life, and stronger than death. I love the article in No. 11: ‘The door is shut, and we know it;’ it looks to me like meat in due season: it requires almost the strength of an angel now to ‘hold fast till I come.’ Well, by Christ strengthening us we can do it: ‘Are not the angels ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation’, on the condition that we resist the devil, steadfast in the faith. I find it on this wise, sometimes even as Jesus did in the wilderness, when he told the devil: ‘It is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve;’ then the devil left him, and angels came and ministered unto him. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 127.5

Now in this trying time the devil, in various ways, says we cannot go any further in this way to mount Zion; for, as our exposition of the Scriptures has failed us, we ought to give it up and go no further in the ‘delusion:’ but ‘it is written, ‘The righteous also shall hold on his way, and he that hath clean hands shall be stronger and stronger;’ praise the Lord. O, my dear brother, remember the man of God that came out of Judah, by the word of the Lord, unto Bethel. We know he was a man of God by this, when the king put forth his hand, saying, lay hold on him, and his hand was dried up, and the king requested him to entreat the face of the Lord his God for him, he did it, and in faith too, and the king’s hand was restored him again, and became as it was before. Now comes the temptation to go in with the king and receive of his reward: but the man of God resisted ‘steadfast in the faith,’ saying he was charged by the word of the Lord, saying, ‘Eat no bread, nor drink water in this place.’ Now remember it is written for our admonition that after thus doing his duty faithfully thus far he sat down under an oak; now if we take heed to our way and run with patience the race that is set before us, the old lying prophet will not overtake us—for while our enemy the devil walketh, and we run, we shall win the prize. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 127.6

While we think of the awful end of the man of God, who gave heed to the lying prophet, let us remember it is written that in the last days some shall depart from the faith. Oh my God, I cannot bear the thought, but it is so written. I pray God may keep us in this hour of trial,—a few more surges, and I hope we shall see our Nobleman returning in triumph to reign—fearfulness hath already surprised the hypocrites; their hiding places have already been discovered,—lies have been their refuge: but the God of Jacob is our portion forever. Jesus and the resurrection our only hope day by day. I mean, by the grace of God, to keep searching ‘what, and what manner of time, till the master appears, and earnestly seek and entreat our God, day and night to avenge us, and give us the kingdom; and our Lord has told us he will do it speedily. Even so, come Lord in thy glory. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 127.7

Yours in hope, J. L. Shaw.
Exeter, June 17.

Dear Bro. Matthias:—There are a few in Baltimore who are looking for and loving the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, holding on to the truths of God’s blessed Word, and have not denied the faith once delivered to the saints. These have a hope of a soon glorious resurrection and immortal life, with a rest of one thousand years, and a lot in the kingdom. This hope is a well-grounded hope, having God’s Word for its basis, and not the traditions of men nor the doctrines of devils—but the more sure word of prophecy, which is more durable than heaven or earth, for these may pass away, but the Word must stand until every jot and tittle is fulfilled. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 127.8

But it may be asked how do you know that you have a correct understanding of that Word, and that your position is right? We are ready to give an answer for the hope that is within us, for we have not sought to look into the secret things of God, but into that which is revealed, and belongs to us and our children, and we have had the Spirit which has been with us, and has led us, and is still leading, us; and if we continue to follow it, it will lead us into all truth, and thy Word, O God, is truth, and will make us wise unto salvation. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 127.9

We have been led to write the vision—we did write it and made it plain upon tables. The vision did tarry, or seemed to tarry, for it ran past ‘43, and we got into the tarrying time, and began to slumber and sleep, but there was a cry made at midnight, which roused us from our slumber, and awoke us from our sleep, and we began to trim our lamps, as we know it was the Word of the Lord, and some of us had oil in our vessels, and our lamps began to burn and give us light, and that light is growing brighter and brighter, and will, if we keep our lamps well trimmed until the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in his wings, then the law will be perfectly written upon our hearts; and this we believe is now being done, and will be perfected, when corruption puts on incorruption. L. P. G JUBST June 26, 1845, page 127.10

Baltimore, June 19th.



Eating and drinking with the drunken. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 127.11

We have regarded Millerism as virtually dead for some time past, yet a show of life has been exhibited by the protracted existence of some of the publications which sprung into being during its prevalence. Among these was the ‘Morning Watch.’ That our readers may understand how completely the assumption that human calculations could precisely determine the day of the world’s destruction, has been exploded, we copy an extract from a late editorial of that paper:—Baptist Advocate. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 127.12

“Another Warning—The truth of our Saviour’s words, in reference to the fact, that we should not be able to ‘know the day or hour’ of his Advent, becomes more apparent with every attempt, which is made to ascertain of fix it, while his caution on the subject is disregarded. The point assumed as the day of the Passover, according to the supposed Caraite reckoning of Jewish time, has passed by, and the Redeemer has not been revealed in the clouds. He has not gathered his elect from the four winds—the dead in Christ have not risen, and the strong confidence with which some fixed on this time has not been justified by the event. We have been told, that the Jubilee trump was blown in the forty-ninth year, and that it had its antitype in what is termed the tenth day movement, of Oct. 22, and that, consequently, six months from that date, that is to say, on the first day of the first month, the antitypical Jubilee would take place—the people of God would be delivered from their captivity. Well, the first day of the first month (as those who took this position were pleased to reckon it) has passed by, and the saints are still strangers and sojourners here. Ought facts to teach men nothing? Should they not at least doubt whether they are quite infallible in their interpretation of Scripture? After repeated proofs on this subject, we should hope they would be somewhat modest in reference to their ability to understand all things which are written. If, however, they will persist in substituting confident assertions for substantial evidence, and rash hypothesis for the unerring Word of God, they must learn, that the confidence which they wish others to repose in their teachings, has its limits.” JUBST June 26, 1845, page 128.1



Isaiah 16:12, ‘And it shall come to pass, when it is seen that Moab is weary on the high place, that he shall come to his sanctuary to pray; but he shall not prevail.’ JUBST June 26, 1845, page 128.2

We publish the following from the ‘Sun,’ and the Baptist Advocate, as indisputable proof that God has rejected and forsaken the churches. They acknowledge all that we claim. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 128.3

Fasting and Prayer.—The Presbyterian General Assembly has recommended the observance of the Thursday before the fourth Sabbath of June, as a day of fasting and prayer, in view of the present suspension of divine influences among the churches.—Sun. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 128.4

Hudson River Association. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 128.5

This large and prosperous body commenced its session at the Pierrepont street Church, Brooklyn, on the morning of Tuesday of the present week. It is not practicable to publish an official notice of proceedings in this number of the paper, and we therefore content ourselves with a few observations which we were enabled to make as one of the delegates. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 128.6

The weather was uncommonly fine, and the gathering of the delegates and friends very large. An unusual degree of friendliness and sociability appeared to pervade the whole body. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 128.7

The letters from the churches indicated a dearth of the Spirit’s influences, compared with the history of some preceding years, yet not so great a dearth as is felt in other parts of the Lord’s vineyard. In most of the churches there has been a gradual increase in numbers, and in almost all there exists great union and wholesome discipline. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 128.8

Resolution passed at the Hudson River Association, now in session at Brooklyn. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 128.9

Whereas, the letters sent up to this Association from the several churches, contain, with very few exceptions, painful indications, that the presence and power of the Spirit has not accompanied the preaching of the gospel within our bounds, the past, as in former years; and whereas, it is the arrangement of God, that the influences of His Spirit shall be bestowed upon his people in answer to their prayers. Therefore, JUBST June 26, 1845, page 128.10

Resolved, That this Association recommend to the churches composing it, the observance of the last Friday of this month as a day of humiliation, fasting and prayer, that the current associational year may witness the outpouring of the Spirit, reviving our churches, and making the preaching of the gospel the power of God unto the salvation of sinners—Baptist Advocate. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 128.11

Joel 1:5, ‘Awake, ye drunkards, and weep; and howl, all ye drinkers of wine, because of the new wine; for it is cut off from your mouth.’ JUBST June 26, 1845, page 128.12

Grapes.—The ‘Reading Pa. Journal’ says:—‘In the immediate vicinity of this borough there are at least thirty acres of vineyards. The grape cultivated is principally the Isabella, from which a cheap acid wine is manufactured, in high repute among some of our bon vivants. The late frost has, in some cases, destroyed the entire crop, leaving nothing but blackened stalks.’ JUBST June 26, 1845, page 128.13



The present state of piety, in many of our churches, is lamentable. Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of God, seems to have given way to a spirit of worldliness and self importance. The precepts of Christ seem to have been superceded by the opinions and whims of men. The word of Truth seems to have lost its power. Have the ministers of Jesus contributed to bring about the existing indifference to religion, which characterizes the large mass of church members? Many of them, we fear, have. Some unwillingly; other negatively, by failing to set a proper example to their flocks, and by not declaring the “whole counsel of God.” JUBST June 26, 1845, page 128.14

‘But church members are not doing their duty. Why so few at her solemn feasts of prayer? Why are the gates of Zion desolate? Why so few sinners repenting of sin and obeying the gospel?—Alas! brethren, the love of many has waxed cold; the cheering prospects ahead to the faithful have become dim in your sight.’—Religious Herald. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 128.15

Thus saith the Lord, ‘Because I have called and ye refused, I have stretched out my hand and no man regarded, but ye have set at nought my counsel and would none of my reproof; I will also laugh at your calamity, I will mock when your fear cometh, when your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind, when distress and anguish cometh upon you. Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me; for that they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord; they would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof. Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way and be filled with their own devices;’ Proverbs 1:24-31.—Advent Herald. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 128.16

It is computed that there has been consumed by fire in the United States during the last two months, property to the amount of $12,000,000! JUBST June 26, 1845, page 128.17

More Fires in the Woods—The fires have been dreadful on the Dead river. Some eighteen buildings were laid in ruins, a large number of camps with supplies of lumbermen, were destroyed, completely burning over the Copeland Township, (so called,) the Moxy Township, and about ten thousand acres on the Cold Stream. In Vermont a fire has been raging for a week in the Green Mountains, and on the eastern edge of Bennington whole forests have been destroyed, and a great amount of wood, bark and fence, have been consumed. The large bridge over the Deerfield river, belonging to the Searsburg Turnpike Company, caught fire, but was saved. The great Tannery at Searsburg was with difficulty saved. For days the atmosphere was filled with smoke and burning cinders, and for a while the travel on the turnpike was interrupted.—N. Y. Sun. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 128.18

A letter from Athens, Ga., under date of the 10th inst., says ‘Our town and country have been very much afflicted this season. Besides a number of grown people, many children have died in Athens this season, and many more are sick. Our country is almost burnt up. We have had no rain to wet the earth thoroughly since March. Our prospect for a crop is almost blasted.’ JUBST June 26, 1845, page 128.19



W. Gordon, 3,00; B. Camp, Newark, 1,20; friend 1,00; H. James, 2,00; Crosby st. brethren, 4,00; M. Mortimer, Brooklyn, 1,00; H. Wilber, R. D. Potter, West Troy, each 1,00; Miss C. A. Green, Saratoga, 50cts; R. L. Atchinson, Mogadore, 1,00; F. Purdy, Middlebury, O, 50cts; A. Powers, Akron, 50cts; L. P. Griffiths, Baltimore, 1,00; J. Dawson, 1,00; J. Newman, 25cts; Mrs. Coffin, 1,00; Newark brethren, by H. H. G., 1,37; S. G. Strong, Marysville, O., 50cts; S. Thorn, Balston, 50cts.; G. W. Peavey, Troy, 50cts.; J. Douglas, Belleville, 1,00; R. Walker, Portsmouth, 3,00; Miss M. M. Perkins, Bridgeport, 1,00; S. Gregory, Peekskill, 1,00; J. French, Melvin Village, 1,00. JUBST June 26, 1845, page 128.20