The Jubilee Standard, vol. 1

June 19, 1845


“When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a Standard against him; and the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and to them that turn from transgression in Jacob.” JUBST June 19, 1845, page 113.1

Vol. I.] NEW YORK CITY, THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1845. [No. 15 JUBST June 19, 1845, page 113.2

THE JUBILEE STANDARD. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 113.3


By S. S. Snow And B. Matthias, Editors. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 113.5

131 division street, n. y. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 113.6

Terms:—Two dollars per hundred or three cents per copy. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 113.7

All communications for publication, or on the business of the paper, should be addressed, post-paid, to S. S. Snow or B. Matthias, N. Y. City. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 113.8

Postmasters are authorized to forward, free of expense, orders for papers, and also money for the same. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 113.9

For the Jubilee Standard.



Farewell, farewell to all below,
My Jesus calls and I must go;
I’ll launch my boat upon the sea,
This land is not the land for me.
This world is not my home,
This world is not my home,
This world is all a wilderness,
This world is not my home.
JUBST June 19, 1845, page 113.10

I’ve found the winding path of sin
A rugged path to travel in;
Beyond this dreary realm I see
The land my Saviour bought for me.
This world is not, etc.
JUBST June 19, 1845, page 113.11

Farewell my friends, I cannot stay,
The home I seek is far away,
Where Christ is now I long to be,
O that’s the only home for me.
This world is not, etc.
JUBST June 19, 1845, page 113.12

O glorious hope! ‘tis fixed on high
In yon bright city in the sky,
Where seraphs sing and bow the knee,
O that’s the happy home for me.
This world is not, etc. C. G. A.
New York.
For the Jubilee Standard.
JUBST June 19, 1845, page 113.13



That the alarm which has broken the slumbers of the church, and aroused the world in the midst of their guilty pleasures, during the past few years, is contained in Revelation 14:6, 7, is generally understood by those who are expecting Christ immediately to appear. In verse 7 we find the declaration, ‘The hour [or era] of his judgment is come.’ We now inquire when did the hour of his judgment come? The plain import of the language seems clearly to teach that it had come when that swift messenger began the proclamation contained in those verses. I do not see that we can come to any other conclusion, if we permit this part of God’s Word to speak for itself. We next inquire, is there a specified time for the flight of this messenger? Let us see: ‘But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, to the TIME OF THE END: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.’ Here we find that the book which contains this angel’s message, was to be sealed up ‘to the time of the end:’ the length of which is forty-five days; or, ‘a month and a half added to the 1290 days:’ (see the marginal reading of some of our old Bibles.) In Daniel 7:25, 26, we are presented with the time for the taking away of the dominion of the little horn: viz., the termination of the ‘time and times and the dividing of time.’ The prophet also expressly declares that then ‘the judgment shall sit.’ But what judgment shall then sit? Evidently ‘the judgment’ he had just had a view of in his vision, which is the only one of which he gives us any intimation see verses 7 and 10. The casting down [or placing] of the thrones seems clearly to synchronize in time with the taking away of the dominion just spoken of. ‘The Ancient of Days did sit,’ ‘thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set and the BOOKS WERE OPENED.’ But what books were opened? Answer: the ‘two witnesses,’ which had been clothed with sackcloth,—shut up and sealed down to that time: see chap 12:4; Revelation 11:3, 11, 12. The seal is now removed—the sackcloth stripped off,—‘they stood upon their feet; and GREAT FEAR fell upon them which saw them; placed upon the stand by the ‘thousand thousands’ of faithful ones who ministered unto him, in this great work of ‘judging the world’ by ‘the world that I [Christ] have spoken.’ See John 12:48; 1 Corinthians 6:2. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 113.14

Mark the great fear which rested upon the ‘ten thousand times ten thousand’ that have so often been assembled in the ‘great tent’—the synagogue, and the grove, to listen to these mighty truths. Observe the breathless attention paid to those truths, which were deciding their eternal destiny. And oh how has that work been decided? Why a few of the vast multitude have decided to take the kingdom, and possess it forever, even forever and ever. But that multitude,—where are they? Beginning to slay every one his fellow—every man’s sword is being turned against his brother; Ezekiel 38:11; Zechariah 14:19. They have decided the case against themselves, and are necessarily in outer darkness awaiting the execution of the sentence,—‘there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.’ JUBST June 19, 1845, page 113.15

In the trial of criminals three important and, to some extent, distinct steps are usually taken. First, the examination of the witnesses. Secondly, the judge and jury decide the case according to the testimony adduced, and pass sentence. Lastly, the executioner appears at the appointed time to execute the sentence. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 113.16

That we have been in that era of time—the hour of his judgment, during which the books have been opened, and evidences been presented, such as the inhabitants of earth never before listened to, relative to the judgment of the great day, seems to be perfectly obvious. All classes have had the privilege of deciding the question for themselves, as the books have been laid open before them; and that decision has been made, except it may be a few individuals who may yet cast away their confidence, by sinning wilfully in treading under foot the Son of God, and counting the blood of the covenant, wherewith they where sanctified on the day of atonement, an unholy thing. But if they do this ‘there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. ’ JUBST June 19, 1845, page 113.17

But when was that decision made? Answer: on the day of atonement in the seventh month, in the autumn of 1844, when the angel of Revelation 10., ‘lifted up his hand to heaven, and swear by him that liveth forever and ever .. that there should be TIME NO LONGER: but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.’ There the prophetic periods terminated, as has been demonstrated by evidence that no man has yet been able to overthrow. Men may confess that they were mistaken ten thousand times, but that will never move any of the foundation stones upon which those periods rest. No, they are immoveably fixed by the seal of the Holy Ghost, and the work of atonement closed last autumn: And now we will cry unto Jerusalem, that her warfare (appointed time) IS ACCOMPLISHED, that her iniquity IS PARDONED. Behold the Lord God will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 113.18

The work of the sixth trumpet, and the second woe, evidently closed up in the spring of ‘44, if not before. ‘The second woe is past, and behold the third woe cometh quickly:’ this proclamation attend the ‘cry’ last summer and autumn. What next? And the seventh angel sounded. when? The proclamation said on the 10th of the 7th month. AMEN: I BELIEVE IT. Now what follows? ‘And there were great voices in heaven, saying, the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord,’ etc. All this is fulfilled, and those kingdoms are not yet destroyed? ‘Why, I thought that when this was accomplished, these kingdoms would be immediately dashed in pieces. Well, I too thought so once: but, brother, suppose you and I submit our think so to the decision of God’s Word: just hear it once, ‘And IN THE DAYS of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom: not after they become like the chaff of the summer’s threshing floors: no, for IT [the kingdom] shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever. Then after the kingdom has dashed them in pieces, shall they be swept away and no place be found for them. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 114.1

Now it is quite apparent that the seventh angel has begun to sound, and the third woe has commenced its ravages: witness the immense destruction of life and property by fire, water, etc., etc., during the last few months. And now can we suppose that the prophetic periods extend beyond the sounding of the seventh angel? Beyond the finishing of the mystery of God? Surely not. Then we are where Jerusalem’s appointed time is accomplished—where her iniquity is pardoned, and she stands justified’ before God. ‘Unto two thousand three hundred days then shall the sanctuary be justified,’ The hour of his judgment then has closed; for Jerusalem could never stand justified and acquitted before God, till the judgment had set, and she passed her trail. Then could she stand acquitted before her judge. This is evidently her position at the present time. Having seen when that decision was made, permit me now to show how it was made. In the 28th of Exodus we have a full description of the robes worn by the high priest on the day of atonement. Amongst he rest we find a ‘breast-plate of judgment.’ In its composition we find four rows of stones—three in each row,—in all twelve, according to the tribes of Israel. We also find that each of those stones contained the name of one of the tribes. Verses 29, 30, And Aaron shall bear the names of the children of Israel in the breast-plate of judgment upon his heart, when he goeth in unto the holy place, for a memorial before the Lord continually.... And Aaron shall bear the JUDGMENT of the children of Israel upon his heart before the Lord continually.’ Compare Leviticus 21. Here it will be seen that the day of atonement was the day of judgment with the children of Israel. The high priest wore that breast-plate of judgment only on the tenth day of the seventh month. This was the manner in which the type was observed. As this was a shadow of some good thing to come; and not one jot or tittle of the law can fail: we may see at once how the judgment was decided by our great High Priest last autumn, when he presented his own blood once for all, and the sins of his people were blotted out forever. Then an irrevocable decision was passed upon the world. Then indeed the lay of the Lord stole in upon us like a thief in the night,—the lay of judgment (the execution of judgment) and perdition of ungodly men. Then are we occupying the most solemn and momentous era in which mortals ever lived. The world of the ungodly between the decision of their eternal destiny, and the indiction of their awful doom,—a moment like that when Lot was fleeing across the plain,—O Lord, may we all REMEMBER LOT’S WIFE!! A feeling of perfect security seems to have taken possession of every unbelieving heart—peace and safety is how prevailing amongst them, and sudden destruction is coming upon them and they shall not escape. The iniquity of God’s people is pardoned: nevertheless their safety depends upon their remembering Lot’s wife.—holding fast that which they have. Lot was safe whilst fleeing from those doomed cities; but that safety depends upon his NOT LOOKING BACK. So our safety depends upon our NOT casting away our confidence—NOT sinning wilfully, for there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,—we shall fall into the hands of the living God; which is a fearful thing; there being no mediator to intercede for us! May God help us to hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end: knowing he is faithful that promised. While I write, the solemnities of eternity seem to be resting upon me: I glance at the past,—the proclamation of ‘43, with all its mighty stirring scenes are before me,—next in order follow the shaking of the moral heavens, produced by that piercing voice,—‘Come out of her my people, that ye be not partakers of her plagues.’ O the many bitter sobs that were made whilst we were being weaned from mother: but it must be done. Then followed the tarrying, sleeping time, from which we were aroused by the cry, ‘Behold the Bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him. We started from our slumbers,—what is that? The true cry, said they. The—True—cry! Yes, the true cry, and you are all asleep, said they. No, we are not asleep, we replied. But hark! What is that, as it sounded in our ears again, like distant thunder? ‘Behold the Bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him!’ Again we started, and raising upon our elbows, rubbing our eyes we muttered, I think we have become a little drowsy. But scarcely had these words died away ere another and a louder peal, ‘Behold The Bridegroom cometh go ye out to meet him:’ brought us to our feet, still rubbing our eyes, as we could only see men as trees walking. Well, just at this point a peel, sounding like a thousand thunders, rung through our souls again and again; ‘BEHOLD THE BRIDEGROOM COMETH: GO YE OUT TO MEET HIM. Now our eyes were not only opened, but our whole being was awake to the subject. We could now clearly understand that we had been asleep,—we saw ourselves as never before. In short, every wise virgin experienced what is never to be forgotten; the time came, and O that solemn assembly, that affliction of soul: hallelujah to the Lamb forever. I feel some of that same solemn power now that characterized that mighty, unparalleled movement. The time came, the hour of his judgment expired, and O the silence that prevailed for ‘about the space of half an hour,’ under the solemn sentence, ‘IT IS DONE.’ Were you ever in a crowded court room when a criminal receive his sentence to be hung? And did you observe the death-like silence that prevailed while the judge was pronounced that sentence; and also for a time subsequent to its being pronounced? Oh, yes. Well, how much it was like the feeling that prevailed on the tenth, and for a few weeks that followed that tremendous movement. Why was all that? Answer: the Holy Ghost witnessed to the work performed in the invisible holy of holies: the Holy Ghost speaking through us pronounced the tremendous sentence, ‘IT IS DONE.’ Thus the saints have judged the world with Jesus words. Thus have we passed through the judgment, and been the instruments in the hands of God of doing this mighty work; and understood it not until the work was accomplished. And now, when I look at the Advent host,—at the fallen church,—at the world; and at God’s Word: the solemn sentence almost immediately escapes my lips, ‘IT IS DONE.’ JUBST June 19, 1845, page 114.2

But the question will doubtless arise, how is it with those who have died previous to the commencement of this great work? Answer: each individual decided the case for themselves while living; see Galatians 6:7, 8, ‘Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh, shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit, shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.’ See also 1 Corinthians 15:42-44. The decision must be made previous to Christ’s appearing: ‘For, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousand of his saints, to execute judgment upon all.’ But, says one, ‘we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ:’ True; but why do we all appear there? the next clause will tell you, ‘that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad, 2 Corinthians 5:10. But let us see about receiving these things: Revelation 22:12, ‘And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.’ Also please to examine Romans 2:5-11, which, with many other scriptures, clearly teach that when our Lord himself shall come, it will be to execute, with his saints, the judgments written,—to reward every man for his work: the decision having been previously made. The difficulty lies in our having blended the appearing of Christ to execute judgment, with the sitting of judgment: which seem to be as distinct as the trial of a criminal; and his execution; which in many cases, does not take place for some time after the sentence has passed. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 114.3

The execution of this sentence seems now to be the next work in order. The time for its execution is ‘the day of the Lord;’ 2 Peter 3:7-10, which seems to have stolen in upon us last autumn like a thief in the night. If the position be correct relative to the dates and termination of the prophetic numbers. I do not see that we can avoid this conclusion. This is the light I now have upon the subject. Then must the execution soon commence. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 115.1

But who are to execute this sentence? The following scriptures will throw light upon this question,—please to read them in this connection: Jude 14, 15, Revelation 2:25-28; Psalm 149:5-9; Daniel 2:44; Obadiah 15-21, Zechariah 12:6-8; Micah 4:11-13; Joel 2:1-11; Daniel 7:18. From these scriptures it appears that the immortal saints will execute the judgment written, upon the ungodly,—that they will rule them with a rod of iron,—dash them in pieces,—consume them, etc. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 115.2

To ‘the flock of slaughter, even you, O poor of the flock,’ I address this communication: none others can understand the views here presented. Our path is hid from the world, the fallen church, and those ‘Adventists’ who have the form but deny the power. They can none of them understand why we have taken the course we are now pursuing. This article will doubtless cap the climax of ‘fanciful’ interpretation to them—it will be among ‘the instruments of a foolish shepherd,—a shepherd ‘which shall not visit those that be out off, neither shall seek the young one, nor heal that that is broken, nor feed that that standeth still: but he shall eat the flesh of the fat, and tear their claws in pieces.’ Zechariah 11:15, 16. Well, with that I have nothing to do. If the poor of the flock,—the household, are fed, I shall be satisfied, the blessing will be mine. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 115.3

And now, the Lord helping me, I will not say ‘My Lord delayeth his coming.’ No: ‘Behold, I come quickly: and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.’ JUBST June 19, 1845, page 115.4

G. W. Peavey.
Troy, June 12.



Dear Bro Snow:—The parables in the 13th of Matt. viewed in connection with the 7th of Ezekiel, showing that before the trump of God shall sound to wake the righteous dead and change the living saints, the mystery will be finished, is to my mind a blessed truth, for surely the jubilee trump has sounded to make all ready. The trumpet was blown in Zion, and the sound of alarm went out into all the holy mountains, and all the inhabitants of the land trembled; and then on the 10th day of the 7th month, the Bridegroom came and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage, and the door was shut; then the second woe passed and the third woe and seventh trumpet commenced, and there were great voices in heaven, saying, ‘The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever. And the four and twenty elders fell upon their faces and worshipped God,’ giving thanks because he had taken to himself his great power and reigned. ‘And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead that they should be judged, and reward given to the prophets and saints and them that feared his name, small and great; that they should destroy them that destroy the earth.’ And I believe that every true servant of God, whom the Lord has made ruler, will be found giving a portion of meat in due season; and, praise the good Lord, he has not left his children in darkness in this time of famine, for, in this evil time they are satisfied in holding on steadfast to all that God has revealed to them in this glorious faith, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day; and while knowing that the time has come when they must let the filthy be filthy still, they are not ashamed to pray, let the sinners be consumed out of the earth, and let the wicked be no more, for they know the day has come that shall burn as an oven, and the King of glory will avenge his own elect who cry unto him day and night, and that speedily, for he will surely come this jubilee year. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 115.5

The wicked are doing wickedly, and none of the wicked understand, as can be seen more plainly than ever since the passing of the 22nd of April, for many among the professed Adventists in my travels that had been making it visible by works that in their hearts they were saying, my Lord delayeth his coming, have now become bold enough to beat the men servants and maidens in good earnest, and to be drunken with the cares of this life, Well, my soul is happy, bless God, for I know it is my blessed privilege to praise him with a full soul, so long as I can keep the testimony within that my ways please God. The prophets are ashamed every one of his vision, when he hath prophesied, and wo unto such that desire the day of the Lord; to them it is darkness and not light; but praise God for the ‘third part’ that are being brought through the fire and are refined as silver is refined, and tried as gold is tried, and all that have living faith in God and call upon his name are not turned empty away, for lo he will sift the house of Israel among all nations, yet shall not the least grain fall to the earth. The Spirit of the Lord has indeed raised up a standard against the power of darkness when it came in like a flood; but who would have believed last Oct. when the great net was drawn to shore and time commenced for severing the wicked from among the just—who then supposed that there were so many bad fish in the net? But by their fruits ye shall know them. It reminds me of melting down a bar of gold in times past, when I had thought to get at least two ounces of pure gold from a bar that weighed three ounces, but come to refine it down found there was much more copper and other metals to come out than I had supposed, for in the separating process, the last time going into the crucible left me only about an ounce of gold. Now, how is it with the true Israel of God? Are they not passing through the last test, and coming out of the crucible for the last time, seven times purified? This is a time of fiery trial, and I do believe all who are standing in the counsel of God, fearlessly proclaiming the whole truth, and have not bowed the knee to Baal, can see a glorious light beaming all about their path, showing plainly that the line is very nearly drawn between the wicked and righteous: then all who are to be translated are to be made perfect in one, that the world may know that they walk and talk with God according to John 17:21-23. Now, believing, as I do, that we have had the true midnight cry, that the atonement was finished on the 10th day of 7th month—that the 2300 days expired—and that the sanctuary is being cleansed, and the power of the holy people is scattered, my soul is filled with glory. It is nothing uncommon, while simply giving this message, to be unceremoniously turned out of doors by those who are calling themselves ‘Adventists,’ but contending that this is the compelling time; but the worst of all is, they don’t live out the faith they profess. By the grace of God I mean to watch and keep my garment unspotted. May the Lord help us, dear brother, to keep in the meek and quiet spirit, increasing in faith and true love to God, for in taking the shield of faith, we are able to fight lawfully, and we know God will withhold no good thing from them that walk uprightly. Then let us hold up the truth; it cuts like a two-edged sword, and let us wield it to the end of the race, and win a crown of glory. R. T. Haskins. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 115.6

Chicopee Falls, June 4, 1845.



Dear Bro. Snow:—Among those most abhorred by our Lord were the hypocrites; and all through the sacred Word they are spoken of as wholly unworthy of eternal life. Jesus, who never spoke a vain or unmeaning word, said to them, ‘how can ye escape the damnation of hell.’ JUBST June 19, 1845, page 115.7

Before the passing by of the great 7th month movement, I only recognized a few hypocrites among professed Adventists: but, after Bro. Hale published his views, proving from the sure word of prophecy and sound reasoning, that the Bridegroom came on the 10th day of the 7th month, and they that were ready went in, etc., and the door was shut, and a few of God’s messengers began to proclaim these truths through the land—then appeared a spirit of opposition and division among Adventists, peculiar to the fulfillment of no other prophecy than that of the parable of the ten virgins, Some said that if the door was shut they were shut out, and the actions of others, seemed to imply as much; while some apparently perfectly honest in their views, could not, for a time, understand the fulfillment of the figure. But if there are any that came up to the 10th day of the 7th month that are now without hope, my advice to such is, that they get into the crucible, while Jesus sits as a refiner and purifier of silver. It may be that he will purify them. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 116.1

But oh my brethren and sisters, let us all beware of the leaven of Pharisees, and if we have a particle of this leaven in our hearts it will be wisdom in us to ask our King—the Great Refiner—to purge it out before Zion travaileth, as at that time—in addition to the door of faith—the door of mercy will, probably, be shut. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 116.2

Your brother in perfect hope of speedy deliverance,
New York, June 10. Eli Curtis.



Dear Bro. Snow:—The Jubilee Standard is a welcome messenger to our humble dwelling. If ever the ‘poor of the flock-needed comforting and strengthening it is now, and my soul is comforted weekly by the perusal of your little sheet: those dear brethren and sisters that have been cast out and smitten, speak the language of my heart. Among the number that are cast out I count myself: and what says the Word on this point? Isaiah 66:5, ‘Hear the word of the Lord, ye that tremble at his word: your brethren that hated you, and cast you out for my name’s sake, said, Let the Lord be glorified: but he shall appear to your joy and they shall be ashamed.’ This little company of outcasts have got the name of running off the word, but here is Bible, and this we will claim as ours: and I do believe unwaveringly that when Jesus appears, and the sleeping saints come forth, our hearts will rejoice and our bones will flourish like an herb, and the hand of the Lord shall be known towards his servants and his indignation towards his enemies: for behold the Lord will come with fire and with his chariots like a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury and his rebuke with flames of fire: for by fire and by his sword will the Lord plead with all flesh, and the slain of the Lord will be many. Is the fire already kindled never more to be quenched until this wilderness becomes like the garden of Eden? Was there ever such destruction by fire since the burning up of Sodom, as there has been since the Passover? Let those who read of the destruction judge for themselves. O that the Lord would rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains might flow down at his presence; as when the melting fire burneth, the fire causeth the water to boil, to make thy name known to thine adversaries, that the nations may tremble at thy presence; for since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside Thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him;’ Isaiah 64. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 116.3

And while some are getting weary of waiting, and are beginning to turn round and labor for the world that God has rejected, it nerves me up to speed my way to Canaan, and to cry the louder, Come Lord Jesus, come quickly, and avenge me of mine adversaries. ‘And will not God avenge his own elect, who cry day and night; I tell you he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of Man cometh shall he find faith on the earth? A little longer, and those who have it will be crying day and night, Avenge me of my adversaries. And will they be praying for their salvation at the same time? Let all who love their God and their Bible judge for themselves? JUBST June 19, 1845, page 116.4

The hour of temptation is upon us, the fiery trial has come, the time when the third part is being drawn through the fire as in Zechariah 13., and Malachi 3., ‘He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness. I do believe that the little remnant, that is escaping is now going through this process, and will soon come out of the crucible as gold seven times tried. Oh for grace to endure; let us try to jump out nor draw back, neither give up our blessed experience in the past, but hold that fast, and take heed to the things we have heard, and hold fast the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end, and not fall through unbelief, for he is faithful that hath promised. Yes Jesus is coming speedily and will give us a crown of glory, then we shall have victory forever. O glory to God for the prospect. I feel like enduring. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 116.5

When I enlisted in this blessed cause I enlisted during the war. And shall one, two, or three disappointments cause me to falter now, just in sight of the promised inheritance? And shall I begin to doubt whether God has led me here or merely human influence, or a wicked spirit? No, never! not for a moment will I doubt that God has led me by his own right hand. For my Bible is my chart; our disappointments are all marked in God’s Word, by which we know we are in right road to Canaan, and if we follow on a little way the chariots of fire will take us up to glory, as they did Elijah. That good old man was called to go to three different points, or places, and I doubt not but he expected to be translated at every place, and if so he was disappointed three times as well as we, and did he go back and confess he was in an error? He went forward; and a little way after passing Jordan he was taken up. I fully believe we are now where Elijah and Elisha were after passing the Jordan, and if we watch we shall soon see the King in his beauty with all his holy angels with him, then shall we say, Lo this is our God, we have waited for him, he has come to save us. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 116.6

At the passing of 1843 the cry was in the churches, ‘come back and confess you were wrong.’ But little did I think the time would come when ‘Advent brethren’ would cry out ‘come back and confess your errors.’ But to such a period we have arrived since the seventh month. Many are falling through unbelief, and they think those that are holding on to God and his Word have run too fast, have got off his word, and of course will fall unless they come back and confess. I for one dare not draw back. ‘Perdition lies temptingly there.’ But if I injure any one I am willing to beg pardon and confess. As I go I am making my way from Sodom, and the command is, ‘escape for thy life: tarry not in all the plain: look not behind you, Remember Lot’s Wife.’ It is evident God’s people are as separate from the world now as Lot was after leaving Sodom. Never was I stronger than now that Christ has asked for and received the kingdom,—that he is now King of kings and Lord of lords—that the time of trouble has commenced, and this Jubilee year every one will be delivered, whose names are written in the book of life. I stand as unmoved in faith, as a rock in the midst of the ocean, though the winds blow and the waves run high, yet amidst all this truth will stand, and a voice says be still, and Bro. Miller expressed in one of his letters. Hear the veteran of the cross: ‘We are right in time, and the events we have looked for will come on us in regular order suddenly. Next thing is the heavy judgments of God and the foolish virgins knocking, then Jesus in all his glory; I do now think I see our whereabouts. If we get through these breakers ahead, the port is in sight; God will now be our pilot,—be of good courage, faithful to obey, and we are soon in harbor and at home.’ Amen, hallelujah! I believe it. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 116.7

Your sister, expecting the gates will soon be opened, and the righteous nation, which keepeth the law, will enter, both dead and living; glory, hallelujah to Jesus to Jesus our King! JUBST June 19, 1845, page 117.1

Whitefield, N. H., June 2. Abigail Mussey.
‘Lift up a Standard for the People.’



Thus by rejecting God’s message of time, the nominal churches completed their fall. It was to them that Christ had said, (Revelation 3:4,) ‘Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments.’ But it was now time to call them out from the corrupt mass of confusion and hypocrisy that composed the Sardis church. Therefore, in 1843, God sent forth the cry, ‘Babylon is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. Come out of her, my people,’ etc. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 117.2

The call was from God, and his people heard and obeyed it. The bearers of that message are represented, symbolically, by the angel of the church of Philadelphia. To that angel or messenger Christ said, (Revelation 3:8,) ‘Behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it.’ What is an open door? It is a free course for the truth to be preached, and believed by those to whom is sent. Did any man try to shut that door? Yes, even ‘Advent leaders’ endeavored to shut it. They said, ‘we have no sympathy with the view that the churches are Babylon.’ They condemned the message of God as fanciful, foolish, and fraught with mischief. Then it was that the light which was in them began to give place to darkness: and since then they have also fallen. Thus it must and will be with all who reject and contend against God’s truth. But they could not shut that door. The cry went through the land and brought the church of Philadelphia out of Sardis. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 117.3

Philadelphia signifies brotherly love, and that church consisted of all who left the churches, and went forth in 1843 to meet the Bridegroom. From that time down to the 10th day of the 7th month they moved together in brotherly love. But then the Philadelphia church was broken up and we passed into a time of trial, and of ‘patient waiting for Christ.’ At that time, according to Malachi 3:1, the Angel of the covenant suddenly came ‘to his temple,’ [kingdom,] at its metropolis, (New Jerusalem,) and since then has been sitting ‘as a refiner and purifier of silver.’ He is bringing his people ‘through the fire,’ and purging out ‘the rebels’ from among them; see Zechariah 13:9; Ezekiel 20:38. But, blessed be his name, he says to us, ‘Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, (the 7th month messenger word.) I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, [time of trial,] that shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth’. The hour of trial or temptation is upon us—the trying of our faith. But let us not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try us, as through some strange thing happened unto us. God is faithful to his promise, and will not suffer us to be tempted or tried above that we are able, but will, with the temptation, also make a way to escape. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 117.4

When the brotherhood of the church of Philadelphia was broken, the church of Laodicea commenced, in its first or incipient state. The signification of the name Laodicea is, judging of the people. To see the force of the application of this name, let us consider what is meant by judgment, for God in his Word has compared his dealings with mankind in the closing scenes of the great drama of this world, to the administration of justice by earthly tribunals. In human courts of justice, when a case is brought forward for trial, the first part of the process is to call the witness or witnesses and hear the testimony. Then the testimony is summed up, the case argued, and the law applied, by the advocates or lawyers, and the case submitted to the judge, or the judge and jury, for their decision: The jury or judge give the decision and sentence, and the whole case goes into the hands of the executive officers, that the sentence may be carried into execution. So also with the mighty work of God in judging the world. It is not an instantaneous work, but a process. And all that constitutes a part of that process, excepting the full execution of judgment by Christ and the glorified saints, must necessarily precede the first resurrection: for that itself is a part of the execution of judgment. No man could have a part in the first resurrection, until his character and destiny were decided by ‘God the judge of all.’ But every one that has eyes to see will at once perceive that the testimony must be closed, and the time of decision intervene between its close and the resurrection. In that time of decision God has been judging his people, dead and living, since the 1st day of the 7th month. And the messengers of the luke-warm ‘Advent churches’ are, by our Lord, addressed thus: I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then, because thou art luke-warm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.’ This signifies utter rejection. Hebrews 6:8, ‘That which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned.’ But can we convince the ‘Adventists’ of their fallen condition? No. ‘Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.’ Do Advent rulers who are ‘bound together,’ in their ‘confederacy,’ believe they are in this fallen condition? O no: read the speeches made at their late conferences, and observe how much there is of boasting of their prosperity and strength. They ‘have numbered the houses of Jerusalem.’ They are counting on their numbers and their union, little realizing that ‘though the number of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved;’ and that those who are to be gathered at the coming of our King are the ‘outcasts,’ and the ‘dispersed.’ O that some among them may heed the counsel given, and buy of him, who now has his people in the crucible, gold tried in the fire that they may be rich, etc. ‘As many as I love I rebuke and chasten.’ Blessed be God, it is no proof because we are rebuked and chastened, that Jesus does not love us, but rather that he does. And if any, in Laodicea, will be ‘zealous and repent,’ they shall find favor still. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 117.5

One thing is worthy of special notice:—to this church he says, ‘Behold, I stand at the door and knock,’ etc. When does he stand at the door? James says, ‘Behold the Judge standeth before [or at] the door.’ It is when he is Judge: consequently when he is no longer an advocate. See also Luke 12:36. We are commanded to wait for our Lord’s return ‘from the wedding,’ and while we are thus waiting he cometh and knocketh. May the Lord help his little ones to hold fast, that they be not carried away with the error of the wicked in the church of Laodicea, and fall from their own steadfastness. Hold on, beloved, deliverance is now very near. S. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 117.6



It is clear that the important subject respecting which knowledge was to be increased at the time of the end is time; particularly the 1335 days. But those who have cast away their confidence in the ending of the other periods, are among those who shall not understand: consequently, in their eyes, all the light that is now beaming forth upon this point is as darkness. To them knowledge does not increase. But to those who are holding fast their confidence the following additional proofs of the termination of the 1290 days, in A. D. 1800, will be ‘meat in due season.’ S. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 117.7

Dear Bro. Snow:—Permit me to add a few lines to my communication in last week’s Standard, on the fall of the Papal power, or the taking ‘the times and laws’ out of his power. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 117.8

It was several times the case, during the existence of the Papal government, under the Justinian code of times and laws, that different powers overran Italy, took possession of Rome,—and endeavored to establish and maintain a different government, but such efforts proved abortive until 1800. Now for the facts:—From 1789 to 1798 the French succeeded, step by step, in diminishing the power, authority, wealth, and territory of the Pope, until, in Feb. 1798, they actually succeeded so far as to possess themselves of a large portion of Italy, together with the city of Rome, and treated the Pope, and other officials, as prisoners. But, in November following, the French were obliged to evacuate Rome and retreat before the Catholic armies; yet the retreating French succeeded in conquering a portion of the kingdom of Naples; but the entire ascendancy over the Catholic armies was not gained until 1800, after Napoleon had returned from Egypt. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 117.9

In August, 1799, Napoleon, in Egypt, became anxious to receive intelligence from France and Italy. If the victories which he had gained in that country were lost, how could it be said that the Papal government was at an end? Suppose the British, in 1776, had succeeded, in various engagements, to bring the United States under their military subjection, yet, if they did not retain that ascendancy until the United States submitted and subscribed to the terms of the conquerors, as a national act, and the United States, in 1777, should gain the ascendancy and dictate terms to the British, the United States government could not have been said to have ended in 1776, when the British were in the ascendancy. So it was in Italy; the French were in the ascendancy in the first half of 1798, but the last half of 1798, and until Oct., 1799, Napoleon was absent in Egypt, etc., and in November, 1798, the French army was obliged to evacuate Rome, but entered it again in December. In short, from the summer of 1798, to June 1800, the Catholic armies and the French, were variously in the ascendant. The influence of the Pope was feared by France, and in March 27, 1799, he was seized by the French and imprisoned in France, where he died the 29th of the following August. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 118.1

Napoleon was apprehensive, and had strong presentiments, how affairs might turn in Italy during his absence; and, on returning from Syria to Egypt, his apprehensions became more strong, and he had received no intelligence of the state of affairs in Italy since he left. At this critical juncture, in August 1799, papers were placed in his hands, from which he learned all, when he exclaimed, ‘Heavens, my presentiment is verified: the fools have lost Italy, All the fruits of our victories [in Italy] are gone! I must leave Egypt.’ JUBST June 19, 1845, page 118.2

The reader will see that Napoleon acknowledged all that we claim,—that the victories in 1798 were fruitless, and Italy must be re-conquered before the Papal kingdom will fall. In Dec. 26, 1799, Napoleon became First Consul, or Chief Magistrate of France. All Italy is in possession of Catholic armies, that of Austria amounting to 130,000 men. In May, 1800, Napoleon marched with an army of 60,000 for Italy. ‘It was important for him not to be long absent from Paris at the commencement of his power, and especially not to leave the campaign undecided. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 118.3

He descended upon Italy on the rear of the Austrian general June 2nd; on the 9th of June he obtained a victory; but on the 14th of June the fate of Italy was decided on the plains of Marengo. Both armies were in high spirits, and determined to fight; the immediate stake was the possession of Italy. The victory of Marengo led to the possession of all Italy.’ ‘From this field Napoleon despatched the Bishop of Vercelli, to enter into negotiations with the Pope, for the re-establishment of Catholic religion,’ etc. On the 22nd of July the Pope entered the Vatican at Rome, and performed worship under the re-establishment. On the 25th he was restored to his government, under the new code of ‘times and laws’ limited; and as the Pope accepted the new or re-establishment of ‘times and laws,’ the old code is mutually laid aside by both conqueror and conquered. Mr. Pitt, the great statesman of England, exclaimed on receiving the news of the victory of the Marengo, ‘fold up the map, for at least 20 years;’ intimating, by these words, that the fate of Italy was decided for at least 20 years; that there would not be power enough in favor of the Pope to restore his government in that time. Never before had the Pope acceded to the terms of a conqueror, but now he did—he accepted of a government and a church at the hand of Napoleon,—I mean at Rome, the seat of the beast—as it did from the hand of Justinian. It is useless to refer to the Concordat as has been by one of the editors of the Advent Herald, in the No. for the 18th inst., as that had for its object exclusively the re-establishment of the Catholic religion in France.’ Another support was afforded to the rising power of Napoleon through the re-establishment of religion in France, by his treaty with the Pope, called the Concordat (of July 15th 1801, which passed into a law by the French government April 8th, 1802.) Two great steps had, previous to this concordat) been taken towards this important point, by the edict to open the churches, etc., and by the restoration of the Pope to his temporal dominion, [when? in July, 1800,] after the battle of Marengo.’ It will be seen that the above history recognized the restoration of the Papal kingdom to have taken place after the battle of Marengo, but the Concordat had simply reference to France, an act to which the First Consul obtained the consent of the Pope, merely for application to France, without any reference to its effect on the previously restored or recognized Catholic Church and kingdom at Rome. These latter were settled by the edict of July, 1800, after the battle of Marengo; which re-organization and edict resulted not only from the conquerer, but from negotiation and the mutual agreement of both governments; and was followed by the conquered taking possession of the newly organized church and government. All after acts, between these two powers, were for other purposes, and cannot affect the past, any more than could the edict of Phocas, or that of Pepin, add to the power and authority of the papal government, founded upon the ‘times and laws’ of Justinian. I want especial attention to be directed to the act of July, 1800; for we want truth; it will prove like ‘apples of gold in pictures of silver.’ JUBST June 19, 1845, page 118.4

I have not ‘cast away my confidence’ in the time, that He will come and will not tarry,—at the time appointed. I believe God’s Word, that ‘the wise, or holy people, shall understand.’ On this rock many are stumbling. The 24th chapter Matthew. directly teaches that the wise, or Noahites, who take heed, or watch, after getting ready, shall know the time, or day and hour; and the contrary interpretation, by the uplifted in soul, and worldly wise, is an absolute perversion and wresting of the harmony of God’s Word, as well as of the direct critical reading of that single chapter. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 118.5

At this point the 1260 and the 1290 days, I believe, ended, and ‘the time of the end’ began; and 45 years will therefore end in July this year, when Daniel will stand in his lot. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 118.6

But, says the objector, ‘watch, therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come;’ Matthew 24:42. I ask, who are exhorted to watch, because the know not the time? Read verse 39, and then decide who, in the days of Noah, knew not the time, although the time was preached, as well as the event, for 120 years, and the ark built in their presence: and also decide who did know or understand the Word of God, on the time and event, and, moved with fear, prepared an ark. He was ready, and consequently, or therefore, knew or understood the Word of God, and then he watched therefore, and prayed always, that he might be accounted worthy to escape what was coming on the earth. ‘The natural man, cannot know, or understood the things of the Spirit of God, [Scriptures,] but the wise [or spiritual] shall understand’. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 118.7

Read Matthew 24:36, and you may say that the day and hour shall not be known by men nor angels until Christ shall come; but, if you please, read the Savior’s qualifying expression in next verse: ‘but,’ (or except); this verse is an exception made to the previous verse, and declares, when both the statement and exception are read together, that the day and hour, although not now known, shall at length be known in like manner as it was in the day of Noah,—in other words, ‘sealed up and closed till the time of the end’, and then knowledge would increase to all that get ready, and keep ready to the end. Verses 38-41 declare the reason, or give the character of those who knew not, or came not to an understanding of that momentous subject, and also that the same will be the case when the Son of Man shall come; and then, in verse 42, exhorts them to watch, or take heed; because they know not; and then, in verse 43, explains the pre-requisite, or that there is no watching until they know or get ready; for if a person would watch he must first know, or understand,—which capacity is out of the question, so long as he is not ready, or born of the Spirit. ‘If he had known he would have watched,’ and the Lord would not have come upon him as a thief. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 118.8

Do you not yet understand the import of that word ‘know, and to what class it is applied?’ Then read the next verse,—‘Therefore,’ [or in consequence of your not knowing, and hence not watching for the event,] ‘be ye [wicked] also [like those who do understand, and watch, because they are ready,] ready, for in such an hour as ye [wicked] think not the Son of Man cometh.’ JUBST June 19, 1845, page 119.1

The Lord willing, the remainder of Matthew 24. next week. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 119.2

New York, June 17. H. H. Gross.
For the Jubilee Standard.



We were correct last year in, calculating upon the Caraite reckoning for the commencement of the Jewish sacred year, I refer to this because efforts have been lately made to show that we were in error on that; but if the 15th to 18th verses of Leviticus 23. are read in explanation, or in connection with 6-12 vs., the proof is positive that the ‘sheaf’ was waved on the day after the sabbath; and the Pentecost was fifty days after the sheaf was cut and waved; also read Deuteronomy 16:9. Hence Oct. 22nd last was the 10th day of the 7th month. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 119.3

I consider the antitype of the feast of unleavened bread to be explained in 1 Corinthians 5:6-8. The unleavened bread typified ‘sincerity and truth, ‘and the ‘leaven’ malice and wickedness. No particular day can be fixed on for this antitype feast to end, but as it must end where the atonement and trumpet end, perhaps it furnishes an argument against the atonement and trumpet ending on a day agreeing with that type. The Pentecost in the antitype, is having the law written on our hearts by the Spirit of God. The change from the ceremonial to the spiritual observance was 50 days after Christ arose from the grave; Acts 3; 2 Corinthians 3. I can see no sufficient proof that the King will come at the Pentecost, rather than on any other day. If there is any antitype unfulfilled in connection with this type, I should look for a great outpouring of the Spirit upon the house of Israel at and after that date until the resurrection, which will be only a few days, and fulfil Zechariah 12.; Amos 8:11-14; Proverbs 1:24-33. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 119.4

The atonement in the type was on the 10th day of the 7th month; but in the antitype, Hebrews 9:4, Jesus Christ is the great High Priest over the house of God, while he is away in heaven itself making intercession for us until he shall arise and ask, and receive the kingdom, dominion, glory power, and book of life from the Father; Daniel 7:13, 14; 12:1, first clause; Psalm 2:8, 9; Revelation 5:5-10. Hence the antitype atonement is the whole time that Jesus is intercessor for the ungodly, who return and seek unto, and employ, Jesus as their Advocate with the Father. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 119.5

The feast of tabernacles, therefore, is in the resurrection bodies, after the atonement is ended, and after the release, or after the release, through faith, by the Holy Ghost, which is the liberty wherewith Christ makes us free. Hence, Revelation 7:9-17, is a description of the antitype, and Revelation 19:7-9, and will be celebrated by all Israel around the throne in the air. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 119.6

The Jubilee year began in the autumn, on the 10th day of the 7th month; and we have been mistaken in publishing, during the last six months, that it began in the spring. In Leviticus 25. the 7 sabbaths of years of 49 years were to be counted unto the jubilee, and then the trumpet or proclamation of liberty and sounded to all the inhabitants of the land by the people of Israel, in the day of atonement, which was the 10th day of the 7th month. Hence the trumpet in the antitype covers the whole time that Jesus is away in heaven making intercession as High Priest, because the atonement covers that same space; and the trumpet ended with the atonement. The argument was over-whelming could not be disproved last year, that the trumpet or proclamation by the people, and the atonement by Jesus Christ for the people would end on the 10th day of the 7th month, I do not allude to whether the atonement for the people, and the proclamation by the people, ended last October. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 119.7

But the proof on the commencement of the Jubilee year and its close:—In Leviticus 25., they were to keep the sabbath of years after they were come into the land; and as they came. Again, ‘six years thou shalt sow the field, and six years thou shalt prune thy vineyard; and [six years thou shalt] gather in the fruits’ [of all you have sown and pruned.] And the land should rest during the 7th year,—neither sow nor prune nor gather in. Hence the six years began and ended at such a time as all was gathered in, which could not have been in the spring, Leviticus 22., for crops were in growth, but must have been in autumn, Leviticus 23:39, etc. The feast of tabernacles was kept after all was gathered in. Also Exodus 23:10, 11, 16; 34:22. The Jubilee year began on 10th day of 7th month under the law. And in the 50th year the Hebrews returned to their possession—the land. My object is to direct attention to prominent truths. Well, God give us the spirit to lead us into all truth, and may the truth make us free. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 119.8

New York, June 2. H. H. Gross.



Dear Bro. Snow:—I have frequently thought I would write to you—your paper is received here and read with much pleasure and profit, and at length I am obliged to decide in what company I will be found. I did hope, when I visited the Eastern bands last winter that the differences, which I could not but see, would soon end, and peace be restored. I became convinced the time of consolidation had passed by, and the power of God’s people was scattered. Still I hoped the brethren would continue to love each other, and stand firm in the truth. But a great change has come over our affairs. In spite of every effort to prevent it, a separation has occurred. The attempt made at Albany to heal the breach has but consummated the division. God’s, Word cannot be broken: you know we have in the 2nd and 3rd chapters of Revelation a series of letters addressed to the seven churches, showing seven successive eras or stages of the people of God. The last in order is the Laodicean state. It has generally been supposed by Adventists that the Philadelphia church came out of the Sardis church about 1840, and the mass that remained behind we called the Laodicean church. At the same time we called that same body ‘Babylon. I have no doubt we called the nominal church by her true name ‘Babylon,’ in accordance with Scripture. The evidences on that point are overwhelming. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 119.9

But what right had we to call the same body the Laodicean church? That church come last in order, whereas we had placed the Philadelphia last, in the changes through which God’s people were to pass. The true spiritual seed of Abraham, the Israel of God, came down through successive changes or stages into the Sardis state. Hence they passed on into the Philadelphia state: we can have no doubt about that fact. Now what might we expect would be the character, condition, and fate of the mass who, by not going on into the Philadelphia state, would prove themselves not the true people of God? Why, like the mass of the nominal church in Christ’s time, who staid back when the disciples followed Jesus out into a new stale, ‘the kingdom of heaven, so often likened in the parables to different persons and things,—and not only staid back, but turned bitter persecutors of God’s seceding saints; so the nominal church of our own day did the same things. I cannot find that the Lord calls Babylon his church or people, or addresses any exhortation to her to repent, or offers her mercy, as he does to the Laodicean church, No, my brother, the Laodicean church is to follow after and come out of the Philadelphia church. Can this be possible? Why if it is so we can see clearly some things which before were more or less obscured. If the Laodicean state is the last before the actual coming of the son of Man, well may he ask, ‘shall he find faith on the earth?’ JUBST June 19, 1845, page 119.10

I have said the Laodicean church comes out of the Philadelphia state. Surely we cannot look for it to come out of Babylon, God’s people, in obedience to the call, came out of Babylon. We have no evidence that a sufficient number of his people still exist in Babylon, or in the world, to form a Laodicean church. Indeed you and I do not believe that any of God’s people are yet remaining in Babylon, or the world. I know we are severely blamed for our incredulity on this subject. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 119.11

But in view of some of the conversions which took place about the close of ‘43, and especially the 10th day of the 7th month, evidently through fear, or the promptings of selfishness and influence of human sympathy, we are suspicious of the conversions reported since. I do not have any confidence in the conversion of any man who will not come out fully and strongly on the whole truth. The brethren who have reported conversions since the 10th of the 7th month, are already deeply committed in opposition to the doctrine of the marriage, the door shut, the 7th trumpet, etc., and consequently have every inducement to believe or imagine continued success in the conversion of sinners. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 120.1

I know it sounds very uncharitable to speak so of those brethren; but we have our choice, either to admit their infallibility, or to suppose them liable to be deceived as well as ourselves. I certainly cannot admit their infallibility—they have made some mistakes before. We have a choice of two evils—to deny the reality of sound conversions, as reported by our brethren, or to deny the whole history of Adventism. With the increasing light of God’s Word, our blessed experience, and all the clear, decided evidence of the immediate coming of our Lord, can we hesitate? I say then, it is in vain to look to the world or to Babylon to furnish the Laodicean church. Well, that church must exist, how shall it be brought into existence? Mind, it cannot be composed of those we have left behind of the Sardis church, for ‘neither hot nor cold,’ will not apply to them. They are hot enough in opposition, wrath, and spite, and cold as death as to vital piety and Christian love. We are to look for a people who will not be opposed to Christ’s coming—not of Babylon, and yet not ‘extravagant’, nor ‘fanatical,’ nor ‘ultra,’ a people who will be full of self-sufficiency, ‘rich, and increased in goods, and having need of nothing,’ yet ignorant of the fact that they are in reality wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked—objects of compassion, and exciting pity in the minds of God, and of all who sympathize with Him. Where will you find that people? or have they not yet made their appearance? Say, my brother, where are they? There is to be a church of this description, not a few scattered back-sliders from the Philadelphia church, but a body,—shall I say an organized body? We know that organization is not essential to a church, for there was a church in the Apostles’ days without organization, and we have called ourselves the Church of Philadelphia, while having no organization for many months. But there must be a body; and organization, though not necessary, will not hinder nor nullify their claim. Perhaps we should not expect that church to come out at once, and in a body; or at least not afford some note of preparation. The members of that church are in a back-slidden or lukewarm state. That state is not reached at one leap. A series of steps usually leads to such a condition; and in the meantime repeated indications will show to the careful observer something of the process going on. A variety of causes must be in operation to bring about such extensive results. Perhaps we may see the mystery of certain occurrences in the Advent ranks, explained by the results. How wonderful are God’s ways,—how sure his Word—how glorious his truth! We will rejoice and be glad in the Lord always! JUBST June 19, 1845, page 120.2

It is astonishing to me that any Adventist can think of making terms with the world or the nominal church. We have long since passed that line, beyond which there is for us no hope of mercy from them, except upon the shameful, awful, fatal condition of apostacy! I fully agree with my dear Bro. Matthias, that we either have been led by the Spirit of God, and have had His divine approbation;—are right in our views and conduct, or we are the most wicked of all this ungodly generation! Our offences against the professed ministry and church of Christ are indeed of no common character. There is no middle ground,—there never was any middle ground between truth and falsehood, between God and the devil! JUBST June 19, 1845, page 120.3

I presume you are by this time well aware that all the power of the Laodicean church will go against you and your paper You need not be surprised to find yourself in a very ‘lean minority,’ nor to find your successful opponents rejoicing in their numbers and strength. I recommend for your consolation Jeremiah 9:23, 24. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 120.4

We have great reason to bless the Lord for His kindness to us: our congregation is well sustained; our brethren generally are growing in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our dear Bro. Jacobs goes forward manfully, and I trust will keep his neck out of man’s yoke. We neither desire, nor will admit of ‘foreign dictation’ here on our side of the mountains. There are many warm hearts on this western land that sympathize with your labors and trials: but our people are generally poor, and feel bound to sustain the Western papers. We do not rejoice in Bro. Marsh’s paper as much as we once did. He is a trifle too prudent—nay he does not give the truth a fair chance, for fear of offending. I have now no heart to write for his paper. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 120.5

The Lord bless and prosper you in every good work. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 120.6

Yours, in love, J. D. Pickands.
Akron, Ohio, June 9.

An article on the judgment, from Bro. Peavey, will be found on our first page. With the views therein given we agree in the general, but there are some points respecting which we differ. As to the time when the hour, or season, of the judgment commenced, our views will be seen by reading our remarks on the church of Laodicea. We think the messenger of Revelation 14:6, 7, did not begin his flight ‘through the midst of heaven’ till about the year 1840, when the power of the Spirit first began to attend the preaching of time. The time of decision commenced on the first day of the 7th month, and is now closed, and all are going to their own place. We have now entered the season of the execution of judgment, in which all the saints will participate in a few days, at the coming of our Lord and the resurrection. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 120.7




The New York Sun of Monday last, says: Another prophet has appeared among us, in the person of a thick set sober looking Englishman. While crossing to Brooklyn yesterday morning, he walked to the front of the boat, took off his hat, and looking up to the sun, bawled out as loud as he could— JUBST June 19, 1845, page 120.8

‘Woe! woe! to the city of New York and the inhabitants thereof; woe! woe! to Baptists, Episcopalians, Methodists, Presbyterians, Roman Catholics, Universalists, Jews, Infidels, and all other churches and sects that hold the truth in unrighteousness; woe! woe! to the President of the United States; woe! woe! to the government and people of the United States; woe! to Brooklyn.’ JUBST June 19, 1845, page 120.9

After this speech he threw on his hat very quickly, and dodged into the cabin. He crossed in the boats several times during the day, repeating his proclamation on each boat, and appeared to be delighted with the excitement his strange conduct created among the passengers. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 120.10



We are straitened for want of funds. If our brethren do not receive the paper next week, they will be kind enough to attribute it to our lack of means. We intend to publish the paper weekly if we receive the necessary support: but if not, we shall be obliged, though we should regret it much, to let the household go hungry, so far as the Standard is concerned. Will not our friends exert themselves anew? S. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 120.11



Mrs. S. Chase, by J. Bates, Fairhaven, $5,00, (inserted 1,00 by mistake in the receipts last week;) B. Camp, Newark, 60cts; A friend, N. Y., 1,00; postmaster, Topsham, 1,00; Wm. Eldred, Pittston, 1,00; A. Riker, 2,00;. T. Hanford, 1,00; J. S. Bussell, Hayerhill, 5,00; J. Newman, 50cts.; Wm. S. Taylor, Middletown, 1,00; brethren in Brooklyn, 2,00. JUBST June 19, 1845, page 120.12