The Jubilee Standard, vol. 1

June 12, 1845


“When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a Standard against him; and the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and to them that turn from transgression in Jacob.” JUBST June 12, 1845, page 105.1

Vol. I.] NEW YORK CITY, THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1845. [No. 14 JUBST June 12, 1845, page 105.2

THE JUBILEE STANDARD. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 105.3


By S. S. Snow and B. Matthias, Editors. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 105.5

131 division street, n. y. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 105.6

Terms:—Two dollars per hundred or three cents per copy. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 105.7

All communications for publication, or on the business of the paper, should be addressed, post-paid, to S. S. Snow or B. Matthias, N. Y. City. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 105.8

Postmasters are authorized to forward, free of expense, orders for papers, and also money for the same. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 105.9



Then they shall seek to avail themselves of names,
Places, and titles, and with these to join
Secular power; though feigning still to act
By spiritual, to themselves appropriating
The Spirit of God, promised alike and given
To all believers; and, from that pretence,
Spiritual laws by carnal power shall force
On every conscience; laws which none shall find
Left them inroll’d, or what the Spirit within
Shall on the heart engrave. What will they then
But force the Spirit of Grace itself, and bind
His consort Liberty? What, but unbuild
His living temples, built by faith to stand,
Their own faith, not another’s? For, on earth,
Who against faith and conscience can be heard
Infallible? yet many will presume;
Whence heavy persecution shall arise
On all, who in the worship persevere
Of spirit and truth; the rest, far greater part,
Will deem in outward rites and specious forms
Religion satisfied; truth shall retire
Bestuck with slanderous darts, and works of faith
Rarely be found: so shall the world go on,
To good malignant, to bad men benign;
Under her own weight groaning; till the day
Appear of respiration to the just,
And vengeance to the wicked, at return
Of him so lately promised to thy aid,
The Woman’s Seed; obscurely then foretold,
Now ampler known thy Saviour and thy Lord;
Last; in the clouds, from Heaven to be reveal’d
In glory of the Father, to dissolve
Satan with his perverted world; then raise
From the conflagrant mass, purged and refined,
New Heavens, new Earth, ages of endless date,
Founded in righteousness, and peace, and love;
To bring forth fruits, joy and eternal bliss.
Paradise Lost.
JUBST June 12, 1845, page 105.10



Dear Bro. Snow:—I wish to add a few words more on the subject of the Woes of Rev., which so clearly show us our position. In the article I wrote you two weeks since, on this subject, I did not state at what point, in my own judgment, the second woe terminated. I urged, what I supposed all Adventists admitted, that it was either in 1840 or 1844. Upon a little more reflection I am fully satisfied it was the latter, and that it is important that point should be clearly understood. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 105.11

The prophecy of an hour, a day, a month, and a year, of Revelation 9., is a remarkable one. To me it seems the Lord has given it to us to settle the correctness of our position beyond the possibility of doubt. It could find its fulfilment in no power but the Ottoman. This cannot be—is not questioned. Is it not an indisputable fact, that, in the history of that power, the commencement and ending of that period, has been marked in a peculiar manner? Two events, four years from each other, marked its termination. Adventists generally, I suppose, have been of opinion that the sixth trumpet ceased sounding in 1840, and that the second woe ended then. They have so thought, because of the facts, that in 1449, when John Palealogus, the Greek emperor, died, his successor, Constantine Deacozes, dared not ascend the throne, until he had send ambassadors to Amurath, the Turkish Sultan, and obtained his permission—thus virtually acknowledging the dependence of the Greek empire upon the Turkish; and that in 1840, 391 years after the above date, the Ottoman power also lost its independence. Time was when I entertained the same view. But I think differently now. I think differently because the Ottoman Power did not take Constantinople until 1453, In that year, in the month of May—some say the 16th, others the 29th—Mohamed II. entered Constantinople and took it. In my judgment here the second woe properly commenced, and not in 1449. Well, from that point of time, 391 years bring us to 1844. What took place then? Why it is known that the Turks, who had retained, from 1840 up to that time, the right to put men to death for their religion, then had to give it up. They had not only retained that right, but had executed it. They did kill men for conscience sake till last year. But then they were reduced to the necessity of giving it up voluntarily or involuntarily. The demand amounted to this,—‘Give it, or we will take it.’ They chose the former alternative. Then to me it is clear that early last summer brought us to the termination of the second woe. From that point we had a little space of time denoted by the word ‘quickly,’ in the 14th verse of 11th chapter of Revelation, to the 10th day of the 7th month, when the 7th trumpet began to sound. From that day we have been in the time of the sounding of the 7th angel and the third woe. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 105.12

Where then are we? In the gospel dispensation? No! that is gone to return no more. The world has been warned for the last time to prepare to meet God. That warning has been unheeded—and its doom is fixed. ‘He that is unjust let him be unjust still, and he that is filthy let him be filthy still,’ etc. Revelation 22:11. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 105.13

We are then in that time called by Paul, Ephesians 1:10, ‘The dispensation of the fulness of times,’—in, not at the very beginning, of which, all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and earth will be gathered in one. We are in ‘that day,’ in which ‘the great trumpet shall be blown,’ see 1 Thessalonians 4:16. ‘And they shall come which were ready to perish in the land of Assyria, and the outcasts in the land of Egypt, and shall worship the Lord in the holy mount at Jerusalem;’ Isaiah 27:13. We are now in that dispensation—in that day. I have no doubt about it. I am satisfied none need have. Some of us have been a little confused and bewildered, because we supposed that the descent of the Lord—the resurrection of the saints—the immortalizing of all the redeemed—the conflagration of earth, etc., would mark the termination of the gospel dispensation or day—and the dawn of that one by which it would be succeeded. But, where had we any authority from the Bible for such an opinion? If we had read the Bible more carefully, we might easily have seen that the Lord had said these things should be in that day. But, says one, that day is a thousand years long, shall we wait for years or centuries, for the realization of our hopes? I answer, the Bible says, ‘God shall help her and that right early;’ Psalm 45:5. I believe it, and look for the appearance of our King daily. But in the event he showed not appear quite so soon as I expect, I shall try, to hold fast my confidence, and wait for him, in full assurance that he will come and fulfil his promises. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 105.14

But, as it appears to me, the woes settle our position so clearly, I wish to say a few words in proof of a position I took in my former communication on this subject. That position was, that the first and second woes were not limited by those geographical boundaries which set limits to the Ottoman Empire and ravages, but, that this extended over the whole earth, and that all the destructive and distressing events that occurred within that period of those woe trumpets, in whatever part of the globe, were parts of those woes. I wish to prove this position, because some doubt it, and because if it be not correct then it may be said that many events have occurred, quite as destructive and disastrous as many of those now occurring, in the time of those woes, and hence there is no positive proof that such events are now any part of any woe. Admit this and we are truly in uncertainty. But that those woes extended over the whole world, I think susceptible of the clearest proof. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 106.1

It must be so, because Revelation 8:13, tells us the angel cried with a loud voice, ‘Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabitants of the earth, because of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels which are yet to sound.’ Observe, these woes are to the inhabitants of the earth not part of the earth. Had the first two woes been limited by the boundaries and ravages of the Ottoman empire, then they could have been only woes to the inhabitants of part of the earth. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 106.2

And again, because the 11th of Rev. brings to view the French revolution, as a part of the second woe, although the Ottoman empire never invaded France. And thirdly, because it is admitted on all hands that the third and last woe is the judgments of the great and terrible day of the Lord, which is upon all the earth. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 106.3

I have now said all I think it important to say on this subject, and I shall not again trouble you or the readers of the Standard with further remarks upon it. I have said thus much because to me it seems to give such clear light, and because I wish all the dear children who are waiting for Jesus to have their faith confirmed. ‘Be patient, brethren, the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.’ JUBST June 12, 1845, page 106.4

Your brother in the blessed hope, and patient waiting for Jesus, J. W. Rutledge. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 106.5

Philadelphia, June 2.



Dear Bro. Snow:—Amidst the many conflicting views, not only in the nominal church and the world, but also in the so-called Advent ranks, and while so many are falling on our right and left, may we not ask with the Psalmist, (24) the solemn question, ‘Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord, and who shall stand in his holy place? Praise the Lord, we are not left in the dark for an answer: he says, ‘He that hath clean hands and a pure heart, who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity nor sworn deceitfully.’ O may he who searcheth the heart and trieth the reins, enable his little flock, in these perilous times, to realize in themselves the above character; believing, as we do, that none but the pure in heart shall see God. O how few, very few will be found, when our glorious King shall come, who will exclaim, ‘This is our God, we have waited for him. But, glory to his name, there will be a few; and, depending upon divine aid, I intend to be one of those few. Job says ‘the righteous shall hold on his way, and he that hath clean hands shall be stronger and stronger? Does our knowledge increase? Does our path shine more and more? If so, we can say we are ascending into the hill of the Lord. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 106.6

I have been much pleased to hear you and some of the dear brethren of late, impressing upon all the necessity of holiness of heart: it is meat in due season—it has fed my soul; let us have more of it. I know knowledge is good, and should be encouraged, but without holiness no man shall see the Lord. O may that passage sink deep into every heart. Where are those we counted leaders? They had much knowledge, but have not some fallen in the wilderness? Let daily facts tell the story. Are they holding on their way and getting stronger and stronger? They say they are not. Then they are not the righteous surely. Is their path shining more and more? They say no: then they are not the just, or the Word of God has failed: I say let God be true and every man a liar. O my brother, let our eye look right on, and let our eyelids look straight before us. Let us ponder the path of our feet, and let all our ways be established. And let us take the advice of the apostle where he says, ‘let us also fear, lest a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of us should seem to come short of it.’ Yes, ‘let us labor to enter into that rest, lest any of us fall after the same example of unbelief,’ for ‘he that endureth to the end shall be saved,’ and ‘we are made partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 106.7

I am fully persuaded that nothing but an unflinching faith in the veracity of God’s promise, and a life of holiness in all the commandments of God, will stand the tornado of error that is sweeping through the land at this time. O may we trust in the Lord, and the promise is, we shall be as Mount Zion which cannot be moved. Sometimes I am surprised how any can fall with the abundant evidence continually pouring in from every quarter, that our position is right. But when I look into the sure word I see it is all right. Thus it must be that the Scripture may be fulfilled. Read the first 7 verses of the 15th chapter of Jer. There we see the determination of God towards this people, and at the 11th verse we have the consoling promise that it shall be well with the remnant. And from thence to the end of the chapter if we continue in the council of God, and do the work he has appointed for us in this last end of time, that he will take care of us: consider well the figure in the 20th verse. Shall we offend our heavenly father by allowing a doubt respecting our safety to remain on our mind; while we are surrounded by such power? Surely the Holy Spirit saw the warfare, the strength of the enemy in all forms and transforms, or why talk about a fenced’ brazen wall? Ah, he knew all about it. O my brother, let us praise the Lord for such a secure abode, and that prepared by the hand of God, with his promise that the enemy shall never prevail. I am fully satisfied there is nothing wanting but faith and perseverance, and the victory will be ours in a few days. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 106.8

I have been highly delighted with our brother Peter’s second letter directed to the faithful in the Second Advent ranks. It is every way adapted for us in these times. He takes us step by step to the abundant entrance into the kingdom. But some will say ‘why say it is directed to us in particular?’ Well, let us see if we can find any that can claim it beside. He says it is to some characters that have obtained ‘like precious faith’ with him; and if they are not the faithful Second Advent believers I know not of any that can claim it. Let us examine Peter’s faith and compare ours with it. In the first place we will notice him in a ship in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves and contrary winds; Matthew 14:22,—he, with the rest of the apostles, beheld Jesus in the distance approaching, and telling them to be of good cheer, and not to fear: they thought it was a spirit, but he said ‘it is I.’ (Praise his name, our Jesus is not a spirit that we expect to see soon, but that same Jesus.) Says Peter, ‘if it be thou bid, me come unto thee on the water.’ He waited for the command, and Jesus said ‘come.’ It was enough: he never looked to consequences:’ he had the command of his Lord: he went down out of the ship to go to Jesus. ‘But, says one, ‘he began to sink when the winds blew boisterously upon him. What of that? Did he sink? No, no, he went at the command of Jesus, with a determination to hold on, and when the waves ran high and the winds blew, and he felt his own insufficiency—he cried mightily to his Lord for help, and immediately he stretched forth his hand and caught him and mildly reproved him. Was it for leaving the old ship at his command? No, no, was it for not trying to get back when he saw what was likely to be the consequence? No, no: but in the most tender manner he said, ‘O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? O, it was just like the mild and lovely Jesus. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 106.9

Now I need scarcely mention the application. Well do I recollect when I was in the old ship (nominal church,) in the midst of the sea, with my chart [Bible] almost laid aside, believing that I could not know anything about my latitude or longitude, nor ever should until the port was in sight, and that would be at death. I say, well do I remember when I heard it first mentioned that Jesus drew near, I thought it was a phantom—a visionary imagination. But being advised to take up the old chart and examine it for myself, I soon found I was not so ignorant as I had been persuaded I was: and soon found it was no phantom, but a living reality that my Jesus was near, or the papist, the protestant, the worldling, the drunkard, the scoffer, the infidel, (for you know they all agree on this point.) etc. etc., were right,—that I could not understand my Bible, Well, I could not believe the whole of them, but like Peter, I cried out, ‘if it be thou, bid me come to meet thee.’ I listened for some time for an answer, and I heard a word distinctly saying come,—‘Come out of her my people.’ And again the voice said, ‘Deliver thyself, O Zion, that dwellest with the daughter of Babylon.’ I did not stop to confer with flesh and blood, or look to consequences: but I inquired what was my duty. I found it to be obedience to the command,— ‘consequences’ belonged to him that called. I left the ship amidst the cries, tears, and entreaties of some, and amidst the scoffs, ridicule, and jeers of others. But I left the ship. It is true the way has been stormy; but what of that? I counted the cost before starting: but having my faith fixed upon the glorious king just ahead, I have had no desire to return; and now I expect to be brought to a strait very soon, with you, and the rest, when we shall cry mightily for help, and then we have the promise of a speedy deliverance, (Luke 18:7, 8,) and Jesus will then say to us, ‘O ye of little faith, wherefore did ye doubt.’ JUBST June 12, 1845, page 106.10

I cannot be particular here, to follow the champion through all his history: suffice it to say he was a first rate Second Advent preacher. He was a strict observer of prophecy, (2 Peter 1:19, 20,) so are we. He believed the time of the Advent was revealed, (1 Peter 1:9-12,) so do we. He believed in the destruction of this world by fire. He believed in the new heavens and new earth according to God’s promise, (Isaiah 65:17,) and he believed the new earth would be the dwelling place of the saints, (2 Peter 3:7-13.) so do we. When he was arraigned before the rulers and elders he shrunk not to declare the whole counsel of God, but told them of their sins faithfully, and asked them whether it be right, in the sight of God, to hearken unto them more than unto God, (Acts 4:8-20.) We have endeavored to follow this example, which has made us hated of all men. And lastly, history tells us he sealed his faithful testimony with his blood at last. And if it be our heavenly Father’s will, rather than give up our glorious hope, we will follow him even there, and sleep with him a few days, till the trump of God shall sound. With him we’ll burst the bonds of death with glad surprise, and meet our Saviour in the skies. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 107.1

Now I think you will see with me that we claim the apostle’s letter. Let us examine a small portion of it, the way to the kingdom, the way of holiness. Having obtained this precious faith, there are given to us exceeding great and precious promises, that by these we are made partakers of the divine nature. Having escaped the corruption that is in the world though lust. In what way have we escaped? Through this precious faith, (1 John 5:4.) Are we sure of the kingdom when we have obtained this faith? My teachers used to tell me so, and I believed them. But now I find it is not scriptural; that such teaching is calculated to put the church to sleep, and give place for the devil. Peter says, ‘And besides this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, and to virtue knowledge, and to knowledge temperance, and to temperance patience, and to patience godliness, and to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness charity. O my brother, what holy ground we are travelling: close to the kingdom, glory to God! “For if these things be in you (is that enough? no.) and abound, (is not this that well of water springing up, or abounding?) they shall make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.’ O my soul is full while I write. We know we are not barren in knowledge. Praise God, we will give him all the glory. Now the next verse, in my opinion, will tell us the cause of all the backsliding. (Yes, yes, five of them were foolish, and we cannot help that.) ‘But he that lacketh these things,—even though he may be a prince in Israel,—is blind and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins.’ Yes, we see them wallowing in those very old sins they were once purged from, and doing it at this time, when there is ‘no more sacrifice for sin’ Now the 10th verse—and let it sink deep into our heart, and may we keep our heart with all diligence,—‘Wherefore, [or, because of which, as we have seen in the preceding verses,] the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye [once possessed these? no,] do these things ye shall never fall.’ Now surely those have fallen could not be doing these things, or God’s Word has failed. That cannot be: we see now how our brother has marked out our path, and has brought us from the time we first possessed the precious faith, step by step, adding one grace after another, to the entrance of the kingdom. Here we stand, having done the will of God, with our ‘loins girt about with truth; and our lights burning, waiting his return from the wedding, that when he cometh and knocketh we may open unto him immediately.’ ‘Then an entrance shall be ministered unto us abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Wherefore, my brother, I hope you will not be negligent to put us always in remembrance of these things, though we know them, and be established in the present truth. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 107.2

Yours, waiting and praying for the kingdom,
New York, June 6. Wm. Evans.



Dear Bro. Snow:—Permit me to say a few words to the brethren scattered abroad. My soul has been greatly afflicted at seeing those who have been with us in the 7th month movement now turning again to the world, denying both by word and action that it was of God. Well, He is faithful, He cannot deny himself, and he has said, ‘If any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him? He also says we must ‘have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.’ I think the case of those who turn back to be more fearful than that of those who never knew the way of righteousness. If the light that is in us become darkness, how great is that darkness! O let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering, steadfast unto the end. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 107.3

What shall we say of the 7th month movement? To me it appears like a case in court. If no damage is called for, still the cost must be paid. A great cry has been made, ‘Behold the Bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him.’ It has been said that the world stood condemned under that preaching. Well, I think myself that such powerful preaching must effect something. If it was a false cry, and not of the Lord, the sentence was unjust; and if brought into court again must be reversed, of course. But the cost must be paid. And if the case was not in favor of the King, of course the complainants must pay the cost in some way or other. I may be said, the complaint was made in behalf of the kingdom. Well, then the King will defend it. And as this case concerns the whole kingdom, what if some of the company should turn king’s evidence and say we were in the fault? I think the world would want recompense for the defining of the case, if nothing more. By this time you will begin to see that a burden too grievous to be borne will be left on the remainder of this company. That being the case, they will seek relief: and should the case at last turn in favor of the kingdom, they will be relieved of their burden. Still the cost must be paid. Therefore let me entreat all those who know they have done wrong, to agree with their adversary quickly, while they are in the way with him, lest he hale thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison. Verily I say unto thee, thou shalt by no means come out till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 107.4

It looks to me like dealing treacherously, and betraying the innocent lambs into the hands of the enemies, to deny our past labor and experience. May the Lord enable us to hold on to what we have already attained, that we draw not back unto perdition. And let us go from one degree of glory to another. The next may be Christ in all the glory of his Father; which I think we may look for daily. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 107.5

Yours, in hope of a glorious and speedy deliverance. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 108.1

F. W. Sprague.
New Bedford, May 22, 1845.
‘Lift up a Standard for the People.’



The question has arisen among the waiting remnant of God’s Israel as to what constitutes the Church of Laodicea. We may see in this fact increasing evidence that the Lord is still leading his people in the path of the just, which is shining more and more unto the perfect day. In this last end of time knowledge was to increase concerning these things among the truly wise; and they only were to understand. It is declared in Ecclesiastes 8:5, that ‘a wise man’s heart discerneth both time and judgment.’ We are fully aware that there are many of the sect of ‘Adventists’ who have drawn back to the ‘original faith,’ (i.e. the faith of mystic Babylon,) that utterly reject the application which we make of the text above quoted, although the same application has formerly been made by Bro. Miller, and that too with great power and effect. But these things must needs be, or how could the Scriptures be fulfilled? It was not in vain that Jesus said concerning those who took their lamps and went forth to meet the Bridegroom, that five of them were wise and five were foolish. And in the conclusion of that parable who are they that are fully and clearly proved to be the foolish? They are those who clamor for an open door after the Bridegroom has shut it. And who are they that are now clamoring for an open door? Who are they that are continually quarrelling with the truth that the mystery of the gospel is finished, and the door of faith is closed? They are fallen, apostate ‘Adventists.’ Witness almost every speech made at the conferences of the association or confederacy (see Isaiah 8:9-12,) which have been holden recently at Albany, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Boston. All are knocking and crying out against that closed door. But he who hath the key of the house of David, has shut the door, and no man can open it. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 108.2

The time was when some of these men were mighty in the Scriptures; and while they continued in the counsel of God, proclaiming his truth faithfully, the Lord wrought with them, blest their labors, and put to flight before them the hosts of the enemy. He gave them a mouth and wisdom, which their adversaries could not successfully gainsay nor resist. But how are the mighty fallen! ‘Howl, fir-tree, for the cedar is fallen.’ Behold in this a complete fulfillment of Psalm 74:5, 6,’ ‘a man was famous according as he had lifted up axes upon the thick trees. But now they break down the carved work at once with axes and hammers.’ For the sake of opposing the glorious truth that Jesus, our former High Priest after the Aaronic type, has risen up from his intercessory work—come out of the holy of holies—finished the atonement or reconciling—and seated himself in the New Jerusalem as King, (which they have pronounced to be more horrible than infidelity,) they are under the necessity of breaking down all that they have formerly built up. So all their past preaching, and all our past faith and experience, as far as time is concerned, must go for nothing. Not only was the movement of the 7th month a delusion, but, on the same principle, the preaching of 1843, by Miller, Litch, Himes, Storrs, and other ‘princes of Judah,’ was a delusion also. And yet these men would have us place confidence in their teachings still! We should as soon think of placing confidence in Judas Iscariot or Benedict Arnold, as in those men who tell us that the preaching of ‘43 and the 7th moon was a delusion. ‘The treacherous dealers have dealt treacherously: yea, the treacherous dealers have dealt very treacherously.’ They have committed high treason against the King of kings. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 108.3

But what is the church of Laodicea? It is the fallen, lukewarm Advent church. In proving this let us, in the first place, enquire what is meant by the churches of Sardis and Philadelphia. The name Sardis signifies that which remains. and from the words addressed to it, seems evidently to designate the so-called evangelical churches of Protestant Christendom, to whom the gospel of the kingdom was preached, and out of whom came forth two classes of virgins, [Adventists.] The reason why they are called virgins is given in Revelation 14:4. Those who continue undefiled, are the true or wise virgins, and those who do not are the false or foolish. ‘We are made partakers with Christ if we hold fast the beginning of our confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end.’ It was the faith of the time of our Lord’s coming, and not of his coming merely, nor even of his soon coming, that brought out from the churches of Sardis a peculiar people. Had it not been for the time they would have remained there still. About the year 1840, the angel of Revelation 14:6, 7, began to ‘fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting [or final] gospel to preach unto them that dwell upon the earth; saying with a loud voice, ‘Fear God, and give glory to him for the hour [time] of his judgment is come.’ ‘This gospel of the kingdom,’ was sent to the churches, but they rejected the time. They said to the messengers, ‘preach the Lord’s coming as much as you please, but don’t preach the time.’ And when any of their members believed the preaching of the Advent in ‘43, and began to bear their testimony among their brethren in the church, they were told, ‘talk as much as you please about the coming of the Lord; we all believe that,—but don’t let us hear any more about the time.’ There was scarcely a hypocritical formalist to be found in all the realm of mystic Babylon that was not willing, for the sake of retaining the ‘Millerites’ in the churches, to admit every thing except the time. The ready and only argument against that was, ‘Of that day and hour knoweth no man,—they were determined that, let other Scriptures testify as they might, this one standing text should furnish an ample excuse for remaining in the most profound ignorance respecting the time. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 108.4

[To be continued.]



We feel it our indispensable duty to publish the following portion of the ‘sure word of prophecy,’ which is now in the process of fulfillment. Let us take good heed unto it. It will be seen that we have given some very brief remarks by way of exposition, included in brackets. Perhaps these remarks may be denounced by some little pope as ‘fanciful interpretations,’ but we trust Gideon’s little army of lappers will not be terrified at any papal bull, let it come from what source it may. We have learned to cease from those men whose breath is in their nostrils, and do not think them worthy of much account. The question with us should be, what hath the Lord spoken? JUBST June 12, 1845, page 108.5

Isaiah 8:7-22


‘Now therefore, behold, the Lord bringeth up upon them the waters of the river, strong and many—the King of Assyria, [the power of the oppressor,] and all his glory: and he shall come up over all his channels, and go over all his banks: and he shall pass through Judah, [the land of God’s faithful ones]; he shall overflow and go over, he shall reach even unto the neck, [utmost extent]; and the stretching out of his wings [the extension of his power] shall fill the breadth of thy land, O Immanuel,’ [the whole of Christ’s land, or Christendom.] JUBST June 12, 1845, page 108.6

When that has been accomplished and is about reaching its ultimatum, what is to take place? ‘Associated action.’ [See preamble of Albany Conference.] JUBST June 12, 1845, page 109.1

‘Associate yourselves, O ye people, and ye shall be broken in pieces; and give ear, all ye of far countries: [United States, Canada; etc.] gird yourselves, [organize for united and strong action against fanatics and disorganizers,] and ye shall be broken in pieces, gird yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces. Take counsel together, [hold your select conferences] and it shall come to nought; speak the word, [pass resolutions] and it shall not stand; for God is with us. [He is with the outcasts.’] JUBST June 12, 1845, page 109.2

For the Lord spake thus to me [the faithful servant,] with a strong hand, and instructed me that I should not walk in the way of this people, [the sect of Adventists,] saying, Say ye not a confederacy, [an association or organization] to all them to whom this people shall say, A confederacy; neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid. [Fear not, little flock.] Sanctify the Lord of hosts himself; (1 Peter 3:15,) and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread. And he shall be for a sanctuary, [a place of refuge and strength]; but for a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offence [in his searching truth] to both the houses of Israel, [Ephraim, the nominal church, and Judah the ‘Advent church,’] for a gin and for a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. [These are the ‘citizens,’ who will not acknowledge Jesus to be their king; see Luke 19:14.] And many among them shall stumble and fall, and be broken, and be snared, and be taken. [How strikingly is this fulfilled! How many are casting away their confidence, and drawing back to perdition! How many feet are stumbling ‘upon the dark mountains!’ Jeremiah 13:16.] JUBST June 12, 1845, page 109.3

Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples. [‘The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy;’ Revelation 19:10. This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world, for a witness to all nations;’ Matthew 24:14. It was from the word and spirit of prophecy that the ‘gospel of the kingdom’ was preached, with the vision made plain on tables, up to 1843. But in the message of the 7th month the arguments were condensed, the testimony was summed up, the periods brought to their true point of termination, and the Law of Levi applied to ‘bind,’ or confirm this closing message of the gospel. The angel of Revelation 7. then ascended from the cast having the seal of the living God. It was by the power of the Holy Ghost which accompanied that proclamation, that the 144,000 chosen ones were seated unto the day of redemption. Therefore the faithful bearer of that message says, ‘Bind up the testimony, seal the Law among my disciples,’ i.e. among those whom I have instructed out of Moses and the prophets.] And I will wait upon [or for] the Lord, that hideth his face from the house of Jacob, [we expected to see him, but were disappointed,] and I will look for him. [‘To them that lock for him he will appear unto salvation.’] JUBST June 12, 1845, page 109.4

Behold, I and the children whom the Lord hath given me, [true children of the 7th month, or ‘sons of Levi,’] are for signs and for wonders in Israel, [men wondered at, Zechariah 3:8,] from the Lord of hosts, which dwelleth in Mount Zion. [Jerusalem is now ‘the throne of the Lord.’] And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter, [mesmerizers, clairvoyants, etc.]; should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? [There has been a good deal of this recently, and that too among ‘adventists.’] To the Law and to the testimony: [not to the testimony of the prophecies alone, but also to the Law of Moses,] if they speak not according to this word, [Law and testimony,] it is because there is no light in them. [The Lord sent a word into Jacob, and it hath lighted upon Israel;’ Isaiah 9:8. ‘The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it;’ Psalm 68:12. And ye shall know that I have sent this commandment unto you, that my covenant might be with Levi, saith the Lord of hosts;’ Malachi 3:4. Whoever denies that the Levitical message of the 7th month was of God, and was therefore truth, has none of the light of God’s Spirit in him.] JUBST June 12, 1845, page 109.5

And they shall pass through it, [i.e. through ‘this word,’ or message and movement,] hardly bestead and hungry: [‘hardly bestead,’—not fully established, not standing firmly and enduringly on that ‘flat rock,] and it shall come to pass, that when they shall be hungry, [when they begin to murmur like Korah and his company, and hunger after the leeks, onions, and fleshpots of Egypt,] they shall fret themselves, and curse their God, [Jesus is the king. How do they curse him and God the Father? By anathematizing and denouncing his ‘faithful servants’ and ‘little ones.’ Jesus says, ‘inasmuch as ye did it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye did it unto me.’ ‘He that despiseth you despiseth me and him that sent me,’] and look upward. [In the agony of their expiring hope they shall cast one despairing look toward the heavens: but ah! it is the last!] And they shall look unto the earth; [they have begun to do so already in their acting on the principles of worldly policy in their organization, their sympathy with a condemned world, their mending up of character, seeking popularity, etc. ‘This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly. sensual, devilish,’] and behold trouble and darkness, dimness of anguish; and they shall be driven to darkness.’ JUBST June 12, 1845, page 109.6

O! may the God of Elijah speedily destroy all the prophets of Baal and his worshippers. May he speedily plead his own cause by fire and sword, vindicate his own truth, and deliver his own people—‘the outcasts of Israel.’ S. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 109.7

The little band who meet at Crosby street, to whom we minister, are united and happy, and are growing stronger in the faith of soon seeing the King. There is not perhaps a more thriving company of outcasts in the land. They meet on Sunday and on the evenings of Tuesday and Thursday, every week, to the number of 200. It is in Crosby near the corner of Spring. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 109.8


Bro. S. S. Snow has removed his residence from 326 Henry street, to No. 6 Sixth Avenue, near the corner of Carmine and Bleecker streets. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 109.9



We are happy to give to the little flock the following article from Bro. Gross. We have carefully examined the subject, and become fully satisfied that the 1290 days of Daniel 12. ended in July, A. D. 1800. Consequently the 1335 days must end in July, A. D. 1845. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 109.10

On the 10th day of the 7th month, Oct. 22, 1844, there was given to Jesus ‘dominion and glory and a kingdom.’ Then the Bridegroom and Bride were united in wedlock. Then Zion became the married wife, and in DUE TIME she will bring forth her children. What is that due time? S. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 109.11



Dear Bro. Snow:—In compliance with your request, I now take my pen to give my reasons for believing that the 1335 days, [years,] Daniel 12:12, will end in July of this year. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 109.12

That the 1260 years of the Papal government, Daniel 7:25, extended to the time of the end, will not admit of a doubt, Daniel 11:35; and the same may be said of the 1290 years, Daniel 12:9-13; and that the 1290 and 1335 days harmoniously commenced at the event brought to view in Daniel 11:31, is declared in Daniel 12:11; and as the 1290 and 1260 alike extend to the time of the end, and, therefore, terminate at one and the same point. It follows that if it can be proved where and when either ended, then the other ended,—and consequently the 1335 years will end exactly 45 years later. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 109.13

The three periods are so connected, that if the commencement or termination of one can be ascertained, all the others are by it established. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 110.1

‘And arms [military force] shall stand on his [Imperial Rome] part, and they [arms] shall pollute the sanctuary of strength [church of God,] and shall take away the daily [continual] abomination [Pagan worship], and they [arms] shall place [set up, in the place of the daily abomination] the abomination that maketh desolate,” [of desolation, Matthew 24:15,] Daniel 11:30. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 110.2

Beyond any question ‘the abomination of desolation,’ signifies the Papal Church, clothed with times and laws, or power to make desolate; and those abominations and desolations are vividly set forth in Daniel 11:32-39. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 110.3

But a prophetic period commences here and extends to the resurrection: ‘And from the time that the daily abomination shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. But go thy way till the end: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the [1335] days;” Daniel 12:11-13. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 110.4

It cannot be questioned, without wresting the Scriptures, but that the daily, or continual, abomination has reference to the continued false system of worship in the pagan world, during the time of Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome, until it was taken out of the way after Rome was divided, with the express object in view to set up in its place the Catholic church, that the civil and military power might be no longer under the control of the Pagan church. Paul referred to this hindering character, and declared that it would hinder the setting up of the mystery of iniquity until he shall be taken out of the way. We will now notice when this daily was taken away, and the abomination of desolation set up. The ‘arms,’ which took away the daily, must certainly refer to military force; and the Papal church never gained a supremacy in Rome until military power took part with the Roman government to put down all opposing systems of religion and place the Catholic. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 110.5

The history of the great military movement from the East and West of Rome, from A.D. 508 to 510, fully answers to this prophecy, and gives us the date for the 1335 days. Vitalian, the Roman general, and Clovis, the French general, engaged in war in 508 for the express purpose to take away the opposing system of religion in Rome and to place the Catholic; and they succeeded in that work in 510, and the head of the Catholic church created Clovis Consul of Rome. Clovis returned to France and died in 511. The 1290 years from A.D. 510 would end in 1800, and the 1336 years would extend to A.D. 1845. But, although the Catholic church gained its place to control the affairs of the Roman government in 510, the ‘times and laws’ where not given into his hand until 30 years later when three of the first ten kingdoms, into which Rome was divided, where subdued by this Papal church, through the medium of the armies which it influenced the civil power to send forth. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 110.6

Where did the 1260 years begin? It must have been precisely 30 years after the 1290 began, because they both end at the same time. Three kingdoms were also to be plucked up before him, or to be subdued by him. The vandals were the second in 534. The third was the Ostrogoths, which was completed in A.D. 540. They had to be plucked up by the roots, before the decree of Justinian in favor of the Roman church could take effect; for the Ostrogoths were Arians, and bitter enemies of the Pope and the Catholic Church. The testimony of Gibbon on the date of this transaction is decisive, that it was completed in 540. ‘Tis true, the Ostrogoths raised the seige of Rome in 538, but they, as a nation, were not conquered till 540. See Gibbon, vol. 3. p. 90, and index to vol. 3. While the Roman general was waging war against the Ostrogoths, commissioners arrived from the Emperor with a treaty of peace, but the general proved traitor to his sovereign by disregarding the treaty, and negotiated with the Ostrogoths to become their king, on which terms the Ostrogoths ‘offered their arms, their treasures, and the fortifications of Ravenna, if Belisarius would disclaim the authority of a master, accept the choice of the Goths, and assume, as he had deserved, the kingdom of Italy. On the day appointed, the gates were opened to the fancied king of Italy? This was in Dec. 539. But this traitorous act was not the subversion of the Goths, as a nation, by the Roman government, until said government shall decide upon that treasonable act as its own; for should the Roman government decide against said invasion as a violation of their treaty of peace, and decide that the treaty should take effect with the Goths, then the subjugation of the Goths by Belisarius would have been of no effect, and their government would continue as before. All must depend, therefore, upon the decision of the Roman government in the case, and when that decision was given, the fate of the Ostrogoth kingdom was sealed, and the 1260 begin. In the spring of 540 Belisarius arrived at Constantinople, before the Emperor, leading Vitiges with the noblest of the Gothic youth into captivity. How soon after their arrival the decision of the Roman government was given I cannot decide. The 1260 years began in the spring or soon after of A.D. 540 and would consequently end in the same time of the year of 1800. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 110.7

Where did the 1260 years end—consequently ended the 1290, and ‘the time of the end’ begin? In Feb. 1798 the French entered Rome as conquerors; which was the 15th abolition of the Papal government. But the 1260 years cannot be said to end at either, and it must be plucked up by the roots in the same manner as were the Ostrogoths, when it came into existence. The war was waged, and the Papists overcome in 1798, negotiations between the chief Magistrate of France and the Pope were concluded in July 1800, and the present papal government was established in the place of that which was founded on the decree of Justinian. The chronology is as follows:—in March, 1799 the Pope, Pius VI., was seized and carried into France. He was the embodiment of the Man of Sin, the concentration of the Papal church and state. In August he died. Oct. 16th Napoleon arrived from Syria and Egypt, and entered Paris. December 26th Napoleon was created first Consul, or Chief Magistrate of France. March 13th, 1800, Pius VII. was elected Pope,—a virtual acknowledge of the continuation of the Papal church and Kingdom, except in captivity, or ‘or held in durance vile.’ June 14th Napoleon began negotiations with the Pope for the settlement of the Papal church and state. July 22nd the negotiations were so far concluded that the Pope entered the Vatican and performed worship. July 25th, the Pope restored to a kingdom, the same to all intents as exists at the present time, and the old government came to an end at that time, which was in July 1800, and of course terminated the 1260 years from the summer of 540, and also terminated the 1290 years since the Papal church was set up in the place of the daily, and also in July, 1800, the time of the end began, and 45 years from that date, and the resurrection will take place, and Daniel, with all the wise and righteous, will stand in their lot; which bring the 1335 years to July, 1845. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 110.8

We are now in the time of trial, Daniel 12., and those who endure and hold last their confidence, will understand the 1335 days, to them the promise applies, and when the end of these days shall come, the holy people, (wise) will have lost their power to prevail with God and with men. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 110.9

O let us be faithful till He comes, and then we shall hail the glad day. H. H Gross.
New York, June 9.



Dear Bro. Snow:—I rejoice to learn by your last paper that the ‘flock of slaughter,’ in your city and Philadelphia, are still encouraged to hold on. I have thought sometimes, during this storm, (which commenced at Albany about the last of April, and continued through the last month to sweep through our largest cities,) that it would wash some from the rock; but, bless the Lord, the storm is now subsiding, and still we have provisions enough to stand another just such a shock. Yes, the Lord be praised, our meat comes to us in season, and I know it will never fail while we continue to stand on this rock. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 110.10

I see by the Herald we have lost one, (viz. Bro. Curry.) I hope if he replies to Brother Matthias’s article in the Standard, that he will try to state, or shew us our whereabouts on the sea of prophecy, for he confessed to the conference that he had thoroughly examined the subject about the door being shut, etc. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 111.1

Our Bro. Litch says he thinks we ran off the track last fall,—and I should think the conference concurred in his opinion, as they leave out of their creed the fall of Babylon, and a cry at midnight. Bro. L. does not inform us how nor when they got on to the track act again, unless it was at the Albany conference: see his unanimous preamble and resolution adopted at the Philadelphia conference, 16th May last, he says, ‘we will endeavor, by the grace of God, to give them, [the Albany conference] our support and co-operation.’ Well, this looks like getting under way again, so then, if we have run off the track, we must, to carry out the figure, have been lying idle from some time last fall, till about the 28th of last April, say about eight months. I can find no such prophecy to be fulfilled, neither in manner nor time; but ‘you say your work is done,’ yes, and we don’t believe that our divine Lord will require us to begin now nor any other time to do it over again for the world. But to comfort, encourage, and strengthen God’s children in this little while, we have as much as we can do. I believe, Bro. S., that if we had continued in our holy work, to strengthen and save those found in our ranks, from the 10th of the 7th month, until the present time, instead of leaving a great part of them and running after the scoffers of our hope, we should have been the instrument of saving ten where we now have the least hope of saving one by the course of brethren that we confide in to pilot us around this Maelstrom of unbelief. Well, brethren, if you have got fairly on the track again, don’t go round the switch to look into Babylon, for I tell you she has fallen to rise no more. And that cry at midnight, which follows her fall is forever finished. Its all absorbing and thrilling sound has passed away forever, and now for the coming of our glorious king, in all the majesty and splendor of the third heavens. If we had been thrown off the track, God would have raised another army to have carried forward his work, for word is spoken, ‘it shall not return and unto me void, but it shall accomplish that whereunto I sent it;’ Isaiah 55:11 Now I cannot believe we have been off the track, if we have we should have learnt nothing. The conference tell us we may believe that our Lord is near, even at the door. So we have preached these five years. If knowledge is to increase, and the path of the just shine more and more unto the perfect day, shall we not learnt more about this? Yes, dear brethren, we tell you again, that we have learnt more. The parable of the ten virgins shows us clearly that there is a division in the Advent ranks, and that ‘while the foolish went to buy, the Bridegroom came, and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage, and the door was shut. Now this looks like knowledge increasing inside and not outside of the door. Good Lord save us from falling. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 111.2

The division here and at New Bedford (one mile from this,) has already taken place. We have united with our New Bedford brethren, and hold our meetings together on Sunday, and commenced yesterday in a private school-room, there being from 25 to 30 of us, and then we meet on one side of the river or the other five nights of the week, and we can say of a truth that God is with us, and here we feel determined to stand on this rock. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 111.3

Yours, looking for the Lord this wheat harvest,
New Bedford, June 2. Joseph Bates.

“And the word of the Lord came unto me saying, Son of man, what is that proverb that ye have in the land of Israel, saying, The days are prolonged, and every vision faileth? Tell them, therefore, Thus saith the Lord God; I will make this proverb to cease, and they shall no more use it as a proverb in Israel; but say unto them, The days are at hand, and the effect of every vision;” Ezekiel 12:21-23. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 111.4

“But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My Lord delayeth his coming: and shall begin to smite his fellow-servants, and to eat and drink with the drunken; the Lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, and shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth Matthew 24:48, 51. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 111.5

From the Morning Watch.



We have noticed in certain papers, several quotations from the writings of our brethren, on the subject of definite time, which were written in 1843 and 1844. The quotations have been made with the design of proving, that their position now, is inconsistent with that which they held previous to October 22nd, 1844. There is a kind of inconsistency which is morally right—another, which is questionable. For instance, a man who is converted from a belief in some error, must certainly hold views which are not consistent with that error. But if continues in it—or, in other words, is not converted from it, he may live and die a consistent man. He who goes down to the grave with a lie in his right hand, preserves his consistency by stoutly adhering to a falsehood. On the contrary, if he had abandoned that lie, and embraced the truth, he might be charged with holding views inconsistent with those he once professed. When Paul was converted to Christianity, his new position was inconsistent with his old one, when he was zealous for ‘the traditions of the fathers.’ He does not seem to have been ashamed of his inconsistency at all, for he frequently alludes to both his former and latter positions as entirely different. In one sense of the term, Martin Luther acted inconsistently. Once a bigotted devotee of the Papal creed, he afterwards opposed it to his utmost. His antagonist Tetzel never receded from his first position—he was a ferocious bigot to Papacy from the time he began to act on the stage of life down to the very period when he died in despair. He was consistent. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 111.6

Now, the great point is, not simply to be consistent with this or that opinion, which we may have held at any former period, but to exert ourselves to the utmost, that we may be consistent with truth. We never can succeed in this, if we fancy we are infallible, and therefore blindly in holding every thing as true, which we may have at any period embraced or defended. Men who pursue this course cannot be morally honest. It ought to be remembered (and it will be by all candid men,) that the position that our Lord would come in 1843 or 1844, has been shown to be erroneous by time, or rather, by that God who governs the flight of time, who measured out the seasons on the earth. Now, in view of this fact, are we to be called on to persist we were right in taking that position? We may contend that we were honest—that we had no design to deceive ourselves or others; and mankind may admit this, but they certainly will never admit that Christ came to judge the world in righteousness in 1843, 1844, or even at the supposed time of the Passover, in 1845. All experience shows, that an error, unless we honestly abandon it, as soon as we detect its character, always leads to another. Hence the idea, that there was an invisible coming of the Savior at that period when those (who now say this is a fact) taught that he must come visibly and personally and in no other way. Nay, some of them not only referred to the Word of God to establish this personal coming, but assured their hearers that the Lord had, by his Spirit, revealed the fact to them; or, in their own phraseology, had sealed it on their souls. There really seems to be something like inconsistency in these two predictions. We could make quotations in abundance, to show the inconsistency, but we forbear, because we have wished, spite of all denunciations, to be patient with those who err—to hope for the best in their cases, and to look to God that he would not suffer them to preserve a consistency by persisting in a mistake, or adding one error to another. We have known very serious results to grow out of such a course of action—such as a sad deficiency in that virtue, commonly called ‘moral honesty’—a loss of the confidence of men of integrity—a loss of self-respect—and, what is most of all, a loss of the Divine favor. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 111.7

Fires are raging in the woods in New Jersey, 6 or 7 miles beyond Mount Holly. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 111.8



Bro. Snow:—I want to say to you that the ‘outcasts’ in Exeter are desirous to read your paper as long as it brings us glad tidings of the kingdom. To-day we have received No. 12, and it was to us like the cooling water brook to the thirsty soul. We read and believed the instruction of Bro. J. W. Rutledge, we now believe the ‘third woe’ is come to the inhabitants of the earth; Revelation 8:13. And while the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fall upon their faces and worship God, saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art and wast and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power and hast reigned, with them we feel to bow our will to the will of God, and say amen. Alleluia, we feel that this is worshipping God; and soon I expect to see heaven opened, and a white horse and his rider appear; and do you not think his name is Jesus, our King? Oh glory! I want to see him; I believe I shall see him for myself JUBST June 12, 1845, page 112.1

‘Beloved, now are we the sons of God,’ for we received Jesus when he came to his own, and they received him not. And we now believe his Word, and are confident Jesus is not ashamed of us; and it doth not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. Oh come Lord Jesus and let our admiring eyes behold thee: how long wilt thou hide thy face from us? How long wilt thou hide thyself forever? Jesus has begotten this cry in us by the Holy Ghost to come and deliver us, and pledged his word that the Father will avenge us and that speedily, and I believe he will. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 112.2

Our meetings are glorious; a little flock in Exeter has learned how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell to gather in unity—having, as I trust, the unity of the spirit and the bond of peace.. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 112.3

Bro. Snow, don’t forget that pillar of salt,—Jesus soon will come, my soul fully believes. Why, what mean those voices in heaven, like the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, ‘Alleluia, for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Let us be glad, and rejoice and give honour to him, for the marriage of the Lamb IS COME, and his wife HATH made herself ready?’ I believe I understand this sound and am glad, and rejoice while I read in conclusion, ‘these are the true sayings of God.’ Glory to God, I do feel glad and rejoice now because I believe this Word is now fulfilled. Go on dear brother in your labor of love, and remember that you will reap in due season if you faint not. I want to see you and all the little flock scattered abroad. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 112.4

‘I gaze on my treasure
And long to be there
With Jesus and angels
My Kindred so dear.’
Yours in the blessed hope, J. L. Shaw.
Exeter, June 1.
JUBST June 12, 1845, page 112.5



Dear Brn. Snow and Matthias:—I am happy to be able to inform you that a few brethren and sisters still hold on to the Abrahamic faith in this region, waiting for the consolation of Israel. Brother Bates and others meet with us in a social capacity for the purpose of exhorting and encouraging each other, and striving to understand ‘what shall be the end of these things.’ Some times we really wish that one of you was with us in our private school-chamber, where we have comfortable seasons three times a week. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 112.6

Brethren, let me invite you to give the scattered little flock a full, clear, conclusive and convincing exhibition of the three most prominent features of the doctrine taught by the Lord Jesus to his apostles, as recorded by the Apostle John, particularly in the five chapters commencing at the 13th to the 17th, inclusive, purporting to have been taught by their Master and Teacher in the brief, nay, in less than the brief space of the last 24 hours previous to his crucifixion. By precept and example, it appears to me, he (the Lord) taught much; and if brought out clearly, it appears to me would fully convince the most sceptical, if they desired to come to a knowledge of the truth, that the Lord did not intend to teach the apostles to practice feet washing, nor any after them, on an occasion like that, or any other, except the nature or circumstances of the case or occasion rendered it an act of kindness, or a kind office in unison with the principle of feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, or visiting the sick or those in prison. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 112.7

Notwithstanding I only intend by this to invite the attention of the able and willing to the subject and action, permit me to give my view in part of the three great and general features which our Lord taught the apostles, and communicated them clearly to us. And 1st. It looks to me like the wisdom of a God to first perform miraculous cures, such as in the case of a bloody issue of 12 years standing, restoring sight to the blind of not less than 30 years standing, whose parents testified he was born blind, curing a maniac, restoring the lame to perfect soundness; also healing the leprosy (a disease considered incurable), at once, and also restoring the withered arm, and even raised the dead after having been dead four days already, which was only a part of the incontestible evidence that he was the Messiah, which he gave the apostles and others before he partook of the supper, and from the time of his supper to his crucifixion. I say, his way and manner of teaching before the supper and onward to his crucifixion, looks to me like the plan devised by the wisdom of a God—calculated to give the apostles the most convincing proof that he was really the Messiah; and to furnish them in after days with the irresistible means, of weapons, to convince others of the same: and establish his gospel and church on such a firm foundation that, in very deed, the gates of hell could not prevail against it. And 2ndly, by performing on them (Judas and all) the lowest offices, he taught them, not by a sample, but by an example, as he said that they should do—how?—do what?—As I have done to you. What is it, Lord, you teach us by it? The next verse explains it:—equality among you, and do not feel yourselves too important to perform the lowest act or office for each other when necessity requires it. The servant is not greater than his master, nor the apostle then he who sends him. Note the expression, as also the example. What did he mean on another occasion, as a little child; another, follow me? i.e. follow, or imitate my example. Does any one even suspect that when the Lord said as a little child, he meant a babe in the common acceptation of the term, or physically? I think not. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 112.8

Not expecting you need any thing more than a mere hint on this subject, I close, after saying that one of two things is certain: either the master did not intend to teach them to wash feet—or the apostles did not obey their Master’s commands, viz., teaching them to observe all things which I have commanded you. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 112.9

Your waiting brother, longing and praying for the kingdom to come. Z. Baker.
New Bedford, June 6, 1845.



An excellent and timely Sermon, with the above title, has been published by Bro. Matthias. It can be had at the printing office of the Standard, 48 Gold st.; 131 Division st.; 3361 Bleecker st., N. Y., and 88 Fulton st., Brooklyn. Price 10cts. per copy. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 112.10



J. Bates, Fairhaven, $2,50; Z. Baker, N. Bedford, 2,00; C. S. M., Philippians, 5,00; J. Dawson, 1,00; G. A. Miles,—Beal, Albany, each 1,00; P. M. Fulton, O., 1,00; E. L. H. Chamberlain, Middletown, 1,00; J. Newman, 1,00; a Friend in Philippians 2,00; a Friend N. Y. 1,50; A. Conger, Reedsville, 25cts.; P. M. Jackson, Mich., 1,00;—Morris, 50cts.; A. Ryker; 1,00; J. Abbey, E. Waters, East Hamilton, each 50cts.; T. W. Haskins, Roxbury, 1,00; Mrs. S. Chase, by J. Bates, Fairhaven, 1,00; C. Clapp, Akron, 1,00; D. C. Phillips, East Randolph, 25cts.; P. M. Templeton, 1,00; J. M. Phillips, Freetown, 1,00; B. Camp, Newark, 1,20; W. Briggs, Troy, 50cts.; J. L. Shaw, Exeter, 2,00; W. Smith, Patchogue, 2,50; A. Mussey, Whitefield, 1,00; Dexter Daniels, Whitefield, 25cts; Chas. Clapp, Akron, 75cts.; M. Mortimer, Brooklyn, 1,00. JUBST June 12, 1845, page 112.11