EGW SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 3

Chapter 33

9-13. The Way God Works—In the case of Manasseh the Lord gives us an instance of the way in which He works. [2 Chronicles 33:9-13 quoted.] 3BC 1132.7

The Lord has often spoken to His people in warning and reproof. He has revealed Himself in mercy, love, and kindness. He has not left His backsliding people to the will of the enemy, but has borne long with them, even during obdurate apostasy. But after appeals have been made in vain, He prepares the rod for punishment. What compassionate love has been exercised toward the people of God! The Lord might have cut down in their sins those who were working at cross purposes with Him, but He has not done this. His hand is stretched out still. We have reason to offer thanksgiving to God that He has not taken His Spirit from those who have refused to walk in His way (Letter 94, 1899). 3BC 1132.8