Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 3

June 8, 1842

Vol. III.—No. 10. Boston, Whole No. 58

Joshua V. Himes & Josiah Litch, Editors. Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston


War of the Little Horn against the Saints


We give several extracts below, which will go to prove that the Roman beast, is actually making war with the saints, and fulfilling the prophecy in Daniel 7:21, 22, to the very letter. Who is so blind as not to see it? HST June 8, 1842, page 73.1

romanism in america


Some of our countrymen verily believe that Romanism in America is not the same as in Europe. The following brief notice we copy from the Catholic Herald of last week, published in Philadelphia, which will show that the retreat system and indulgences are well established here as in the Catholic countries of the old world.—Baptist Advocate. HST June 8, 1842, page 73.2

retreat and synod


We learn with pleasure that the Rev. John Timon will be in this city before Whitsunday, and will direct the exercises of the Retreat for the Clergy, which will commence on the following Tuesday at 6 o’clock, P. M., in the Seminary for St. Charles Borromed. It is hoped that after the Synod, he will give the spiritual exercises in one of the city churches, when the Jubilee Indulgence will be attainable by those, who, in accordance with the earnest recommendation of the pope, unite in public devotions and supplications, to obtain relief for the church oppressed and afflicted in the once flourishing kingdom of Spain. The prayers of the faithful are also solicited for a divine blesssing on the Retreat of Synod. HST June 8, 1842, page 73.3

popery in the sandwich islands


Extract of a letter in the Missionary Herald, for June, 1842. From Mr. Bishop, Ewa Oahu. HST June 8, 1842, page 73.4

“My principal object, however, in writing at this time is to inform you something about the progress of Romanism amongst us at Oahu, where they have met with their principal success. I have been an attentive observer of the doings of the priests, so far as these have come under my eye, and am filled with admiration at their untiring zeal in their work. They penetrate every part of the island, to seek out and proselyte the poor and forgotten portions of the community, who have hitherto lived in heathenism; and if any are sick, to rend prayers over them and baptize them into the papal church. The old story of miraculous cures is still kept up by them, though the imposition has been often and thoroughly exposed. Their confident boldness in citing numerous instances of cure still induce many to join them merely for this purpose, though the many more that die are made nothing of as a draw-back. We too can cite multitudes of sick who have been cured by our medicine, but not by miracle; and I am confident that many who join the Romanists and die, might have been living at this day, had they used our medicines. Their stations already outnumber the protestant chapels in the island. They have three within the bounds of my district, two at Ewa, and one at Waianae. Their chapels are, small, but well filled, as I am told. The one at this place, within a hundred rods from my door, I can witness, is not only crowded, but overflowing on the Sabbath. It is just finished and dedicated, and hung with splendid pictures of the virgin and saints, and attracts many from my congregation to see them. But such is the bait to catch souls; and perhaps some of of these who now go to witness the novelty of pictures and splendid dresses, and hear the sound of Latin prayers, will ere long be pleased to join them. Such is the fickleness of the human mind. The priests still cry persecution, because we persist in telling our people, what we verily and conscientiously believe that the bowing down to images is idolatry. We use no bitterness towards the Romanists, and always treat them with decorum, when we meet; but such a cry serves a purpose, of which they fully avail themselves, to endeavor to make it appear that we are persecutors. In their breviary of the decalogue they have omitted the second command, and taken the second clause of the tenth for the ninth, which is I believe the same in all their breviaries. But in another larger book of theirs they have the whole decalogue, differently arranged from ours, by uniting the first and second into one and dividing the tenth. By a false translation of the clause, “Thou shalt not bow down to them nor serve them,” they have it, “thou shalt not bow down to pray to them;” and in the exposition following it is shown that praying to an image is idolatry, though images are proper as helps to worship. Still in their worship they continually kneel before the images, and direct their eyes towards them in their prayers. How the obtuse mind of a Hawaiian, but recently from his idols of wood and and stone, can distinguish in such a nice case of casuistry I know not. One thing is certain, that those who have left them and returned to us declare that they do actually pray to the image, to the truth of which the eyes of the worshipper but too plainly testify. HST June 8, 1842, page 73.5

I solemnly feel that a great contest with papal idolatry is yet to be fought here. Their emissaries are already beginning to swarm like locusts. They are coming in by every arrival from Valparaiso; and they may be expected to leave no means untried, which money or intrigue can employ, to ruin the cause of protestantism in the Sandwich Islands. They acquire the language with facility, and are awake to their work, with the most buoyant hope in arising cause. A crisis appears to be preparing, perhaps it is distant, perhaps near at hand. On the issue depends the future destiny of Hawaii. HST June 8, 1842, page 73.6

We take another extract from another letter, from Mr. Lyons, Weaimed, Hawaii. Missionary Herald. HST June 8, 1842, page 73.7

“About a year since a papal priest found his way to this region, and established himself about a mile from the mission premises. Not long after he was joined by another priest. They are prosecuting their plans with the zeal and cunning peculiar to that sect. They have established schools in Waimea and Hamakua, as intimated above. Their teachers are selected from among their converts. Some few adults and children have gone after them, mostly apostates and their children. One of the leaders I know to be a very vile man. They create much disturbance and commotion by refusing to obey some of the laws of the land. They seem determined to act as they please. If they cannot carry their point, they threatened to apply to the king of France to send a man-of-war. I do not know of any church-members in Waimea who have been converted to their faith. In Hamakua some few have gone after them. How many will eventually go the Lord only knows. The only reason why any have as yet joined the new religion, is that they find a broader road to heaven, and obtain a little more of the wealth of this world on the way. They use their wiles, throw open their yards and their doors, spread their tables with good things, and invite the children to eat with them, and then ask them if I ever treated them in this way. And when they are riding on horseback, and chance to behold a group of children by the way, they will dismount and take up some of the smaller ones snd put them on their horse, and give them the privilege and pleasure of riding a short distance, and then ask them if I ever showed them such kindness. They tell the people that I and all the missionaries are deceivers, are leading the people to hell, etc. HST June 8, 1842, page 73.8

mahomedan predictions


We extract the following from the journal of Dr. Grant, in the Miss. Herald for June. HST June 8, 1842, page 73.9

I found my new campanions to possess, under a coarse exterior, more than ordinary intelligence, which they had chiefly acquired in their extensive travels as a privileged class of religious vagrants. They were social, and repaid my hospitality by answering my inquiries upon several points of interest regarding the religion of the Koran. They complained of the innovations of the sultan, who, they said, had departed from the faith; and that such religious devotees as themselves were no longer treated with the consideration that was formerly paid them. The world, they said, was changing for the worse; the last days were at hand, and the power of Islam was passing away. So Allah had decreed, and they could only submit to their fate. As they spoke of the expected downfall of their religion with its temporal power, I inquired when this great event, so generally anticipated, would occur. They said they could not tell precisely without recurring to their books, but, according to their reckoning, it would take place within a period of from three to five years. I afterwards met with another Moslem, a fellow-traveller, who told me that the Mahomedan power would be destroyed on the expiration of 1260 years of their era, so that less than four years remained to the time of its overthrow. Whether this opinion is held by other Mohamedans I have yet to learn; but many of their calculations or predictions nearly correspond with this period, and none that I have heard given vary greatly from it. My informant may have derived the idea from the Armenians, as some of them hold this belief, founded on Revelation 13:5, which they interpret of the Mohamedan power, as I shall have occasion to mention hereafter.” HST June 8, 1842, page 73.10

earthquakes at aleppo


Extract of a letter from Mr. Beadle, at Aleppo. Miss. Herald. HST June 8, 1842, page 74.1

Aleppo is subject to frequent earthquakes, scarcely a year passing without a greater or less number of shocks being felt. In 1841 there were five between the first of May and close of December. “The great earthquake,” as it is still called by the people, which occurred in 1822, destroyed a great part of the town, and buried multitudes beneath the ruins. Feeling desirous to be informed of the particulars of that earthquake from a person who was on the ground, I made inquiries of an intelligent native, and received from him the substance of the following statement. Eight days before the great shock, that is, on the fifth of August, a slight shock was felt; but, being like many others which had been experienced, it gave no alarm to the inhabitants. On the eleventh and twelfth, the wind blew strong, and was insupportably hot and oppressive. The frequent remarks of the people during these two days were, that “the wind came from an oven; that it was like fire,” etc. It seemed to strike the face upon exposure, as if it had been the blast of a furnace. On the evening of the thirteenth a slight shock was felt about eight o’clock, which, however, gave no alarm. Soon after the people discovered that the water in their wells was so hot that it could not be drank. HST June 8, 1842, page 74.2

About ten o’clock the earth began suddenly to move, as if it had been placed upon the waves of the sea. This rapidly undulating motion continued for some seconds, but produced no very serious injury. Some walls cracked, but resumed their places when the earth rested. A moment after the undulating motion ceased, came the dreadful shock. It was strictly vertical, seeming to strike directly beneath the city. The confusion and ruin which succeeded that awful moment is beyond all description. The crash of falling houses, the shrieks of the dying and wounded, husbands calling for wives, and wives searching for husbands, children entreating help from parents, and parents vainly seeking for their lost children, mingled with prayers and groans in many languages, presented a scene of suffering and wo from which the mind turns instinctively away. HST June 8, 1842, page 74.3

The first impulse of the surviving inhabitants seemed to be to rush to the gates of the city. Many were crushed in their flight, and those who were permitted to reach a place of comparative safety outside the walls, were compelled to pass over mangled and dead bodies, and fly amid HST June 8, 1842, page 74.4

—“Ten thousand deaths on every side.” HST June 8, 1842, page 74.5

Shocks continued more or less severe for more than thirty days. The inhabitants erected temporary habitations in the gardens, where many of them remained during the whole of the succeeding year. HST June 8, 1842, page 74.6

On the night of the earthquake there was something peculiar in the atmosphere, the moon appearing red as blood. This greatly alarmed the inhabitants, who were continually crying out, “Now we shall hear the trumpet sound, and the dead will rise!”—“the last day as come!”—“the day of judgment has arrived!” HST June 8, 1842, page 74.7

The house which I now occupy was slightly injured, a single room only falling, but a few rods to the east of us, every wall was prostrated to the ground. HST June 8, 1842, page 74.8

I have felt several shocks of an earthquake since I have been in this country. The feelings experienced at such a time are wholly indescribable, and must be felt to be known. The shock is instantaneous. In a moment every thing is in motion. The bowels of the earth seemed to be filled with pent up thunders, and you know not where they will burst. I have been in many trying situations, but I have never found a place, or circumstances that made me feel so utterly helpless, and so wholly dependent upon the mercy of God, as in the moment of an earthquake. The stable earth upon which you have walked without fear, is stable no more. Your habitation, in which you have rested securely, becomes your place of greatest danger, and you flee from it as if it harbored the pestilence. You turn to your friends, and they are as helpless as yourself. You flee from the city to escape its falling walls, and the gaping earth threatens you on every side. Driven from every refuge, you turn to God, and calmly wait his will. The hope of the gospel, at such a moment, is a treasure, compared to which the gold of the universe is as the dust of the balance. To feel, in that moment of terror, that He who made the worlds and hung them upon nothing, still holds them up in the hollow of his hand, and that he is your friend, watching over you with paternal care, is a consolation unparalleled in the world. It is in such moments that the worth of religion is seen and felt; and it is in such moments that the man who fears not God cannot secure it. HST June 8, 1842, page 74.9

Fitch’s two Sermons,—concluded


The Old and New Testaments then must be the two witnesses, and they were to prophecy 1260 days, clothed in sackcloth; the number of days agreeing precisely with Daniel’s time, times and an half. In Revelation 12. we have the church of Christ under the figure of a woman, which fled before the dragon into the wilderness, where she had a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days—that she should be nourished in the wilderness for a time, times and an half. The same number of days, you perceive again, 1260. Again, in Revelation 13. we are told that power was given to the dragon to continue forty and two months. Thirty days in a month, the usual method of computing time would make of these forty-two months 1260 days or years in prophetic time. Now let us see if there are any facts in history that will help us to unravel this matter. I have already said, that from the year 508, when the daily Pagan sacrifice ceased among the Roman kings, Daniel’s twelve hundred and ninety years would bring us to 1798. But between 1290 and 1260 you perceive a difference of 30 years, Now the setting up of the Papal abomination rites and ceremonies, did not occur all at once. They evidently came in one by one during a course of years. But history does state that in 538, 30 years after the conversion of the Roman kings and the taking away of the daily Pagan sacrifices, by authority of Justinian, Emperor of Constantinople, who, at that time, took possession of the Roman empire, the bishop of Rome became supreme head of the church. He, among other things, issued a decree to suppress the reading of the Bible except by the priests. From that time then it would seem that the Bible—the two witnesses, began to prophecy clothed in sackcloth. From that time the abomination that maketh desolate was fully set up, and desolation did roll over the land. Then the woman, the church, was driven into the wilderness. Then the dragon truly began his power, and we have seen that all these were to continue during the same time: a thousand two hundred and threescore days. Reckoning, therefore, from 538—when, by the decree of Justinian, the Pope came into power 1260 years onward, and we come to 1798. Did anything transpire then in the year 1798, which would seem to be like putting an end to all these things? Look into the history of 1798, and you will find that on the fifteenth day of February of that year, Berthier a French General entered Rome, with a French army, deposed the pope, carried him captive to Lienna in Tuscany, from thence to Florence, afterward to Great Britain, and thence to Valence in France, where he died. Here ceased the power of the Papal beast. Since that time the church has been coming out of the wilderness and has since that time extended herself into every nation (or nearly so) under heaven, and none have made her afraid. From that moment the two witnesses have ceased to prophecy clothed in sackcloth, and since that time the Bible has gone forth as on the winds of heaven into every corner of the earth. We do find therefore both a commencement and an end for the 1260 years during which all these things were to continue. They have all gone by and ended in 1798—the same year to which we are brought by Daniel’s 1290 years from the taking away of the daily sacrifice, when Daniel is to stand in his lot, and 2300 years from the going forth of the decree to build Jerusalem, we have 45 years left, which will bring us to 1843. During this time many were to run to and fro, and knowledge was greatly to increase. This has taken place. The gospel was to be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come. This is nearly if not entirely accomplished. A time of unprecedented trouble is predicted—and the scattering or disseminating the power of the holy people. Some suppose that the full power of the Holy Ghost is yet to be displayed for a short season, turning many to righteousness: this would be disseminating the power of the holy people. HST June 8, 1842, page 74.10

I have now placed before you, as well as I am able in a single discourse, the evidence on which some of God’s people are now relying, that he who testifieth these things may be expected to come quickly. Judge for yourselves. For myself I see no possibility of avoiding the fact that the prophecies are fulfilled, with the exception of those which I have named. The events foretold are clearly recorded in the history of the past. HST June 8, 1842, page 74.11

I will just notice two objections. 1. It will be said that the view now taken, does away the usual belief respecting the millennium, when it has been supposed that the gospel would prevail universally over all the earth. A millenium is a thousand years, and I find the Bible altogether silent respecting any thousand years excepting that spoken of in Revelations 20, which is to follow the first resurrection. Besides, Paul tells us, in his 2nd epistle to the Thessalonians, that the man of sin, the Romish church, is to be destroyed by the brightness of Christ’s coming; and Daniel likewise saw in the vision that at the coining of the Ancient of Days, the beast was destroyed and his body given to the burning flame. This is sufficient to satisfy me that the second coming of Christ will take place, while this Romish church, this beast, this abomination of desolation is still here to be destroyed, and that our general views of a millenium are groundless. If there is to be such a reign of truth previous to the end of this world, why was it not revealed to Daniel in showing him when the end is to be? HST June 8, 1842, page 74.12

2. It will be said, When are the Jews to be gathered to their own land, if this view is correct? I answer to this, the predictions of this event were prior to the return from Babylon, and were fulfilled at the time of that return. What remains will he fulfilled in the gathering of the elect from the four corners of the earth. Christ’s kingdom is not of this world. Israel is to be gathered to Jerusalem—but in my belief it is the true Israel that is to be gathered into the New Jerusalem, at the time when Christ will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. In proof of this, I will cite Ezekiel 37:12-14. This chapter contains Ezekiel’s vision of the valley of dry bones. And the prophet is thus directed; “Therefore prophesy and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel. And ye shall know that I am the Lord, when I have opened your graves, O my people, and brought you up out of your graves, and shall put my Spirit in you, and ye shall live, and I shall place you in your own land; then shall ye know that I the Lord have spoken it, and performed it, saith the Lord.” To me this seems a plain prophecy of the resurrection of the righteous; and that we are therefore to expect no gathering of Israel, until the true Israel are gathered out of their graves at the first resurrection, and those of God’s people who are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord are caught up with them, to meet the Lord. I have done. Remember the words of our Savior—what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch. HST June 8, 1842, page 75.1

Extract from Ben Ezra.—No. 4


The second explanation, and the most common with the literal interpreters, flees to the last refuge capable of preserving their system, which is pure aliegory. But it is a thing truly admirable, to see the most embarrassed, confused and obscure way in which so great men explain themselves, or rather do not explain themselves. The system, doubtless, is chargeable with the blame; of which behold an instance:—“For lo, I create new heavens and a new earth;” that is, says the explanation, “I create a new metaphorical world, viz. the church of Christ, which is much more ample, more beautiful, and august than the synagogue, and, as it were, a world altogether new.” A great truth; but how wide of the time and foreign from the spirit of this prophecy! “For, behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy;” that is, says the explanation, “I create the church of Christ, rejoicing and exulting in the Holy Spirit.” “And the voice of weeping,” saith God, “shall be no more heard in her, nor the voice of crying. Then shall be no more thene ean infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days; for the child shall die an hundred years old; but the sinner, being a hundred years old, shall be accursed:” that is says this explanation, “in my church shall all fill their days in living uprightly and performing righteously the offices and duties of their age; and he who shall prove himself a sinner, though he were an hundred years old, shall be held in no estimation, but reprobated and accursed of all.” An idea how contrary to what we derive from history, as well as from our eyes and our ears! “For as,” says God, “the days of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands. They shall not labor in vain, nor bring forth for trouble: for they are the seed of the blessed of the L. R. D. and their offspring with them:” Isaiah 65:22, 23, the sense of which is, according to the explanation, “my faithful ones shall be of long life, cheerful, and truly sound in body and in mind; just as though they had been in their primeval state of innocence, and fed upon the fruit of the tree of life! HST June 8, 1842, page 75.2

As the substance of this explanation is the same in different words amongst all those who follow it, I have chosen two of the most learned and most literal, from whom I have copied the very words in order, that thence a conception may be obtained of the whole explanation. And if any one would make himself more sure, he can easily peruse it with his own eyes. Now I ask this question, Are the things which they thus seek to accommodate to the present church, under the name of Jerusalem, really applicable to that church? Are these things, when spoken of the church, really true? Nay, are they not all manifestly false? Can a prophecy spoken by the Spirit of God announce to the present church, under the name of Jerusalem, things which have never existed, nor can exist, in the present dispensation of Providence? For example; that there should be heard in her neither lamentation nor crying; that there should be neither old man nor young man, who doth not complete his days in living uprightly and rightfully discharging the duties of his age; that all her faithful children should live many years in health and joy, as if they did eat of the tree of life; that he who should build a house should live in it; that he who should plant a vineyard, or a tree, should peaceably enjoy the fruit thereof, without any one to make him afraid. HST June 8, 1842, page 75.3

At every step, in the gospel, we find anunciations diametrically opposite to these; and large experience has taught us, that the miseries of human life—infirmity, pain, disgust, affliction, crying, and weeping, etc. are general evils, incident to all the children of Adam, from which no one is exempt, not even the most righteous and holy; to whom, indeed, on the other hand, are immediately addressed those words of the apostles, “yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution:” 2 Timothy 3:12. and those words of Christ himself: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, that ye shall weep and lament, bnt the world shall rejoice:” John 16:20. “If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you.” John 15:20. HST June 8, 1842, page 75.4

The apostle Peter, who doubtless understood all these things better, evidently quotes this prophecy of Isaiah, and gives to those new heavens and new earth according to the promise a place, not now, but after this present earth and these heavens have perished. As these entered not till after those before the flood had perished, so must these in present being perish, in order that the new ones may enter. “Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water perished; but the heavens and the earth which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire.—Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.” From these very clear words of the apostle, are to be drawn the following indisputable consequences:—first, that those new heavens and that new earth cannot be the church of Christ; because, according to the apostle, the new heavens and the new earth which are promised, shall not come till after the present ones have perished by means of fire; but this has not yet happened; therefore, either these heavens are not the church of Christ, or the church of Christ is not yet in the world. Secondly, as little can those new heavens and new earth be some time posterior to the general resurrection, as the first explanation pretends, because then there shall be neither death, nor sin, nor generation, nor need of houses or vines; whereof Isaiah says that they shall all be in existence in those new heavens and new earth to which St. Peter refers. Thirdly, therefore after these present heavens and this present earth have perished by fire, and before the general resurrection is accomplished, those new heavens and this new earth, whereof St. Peter speaketh, shall be seen, and those things shall come to pass which are reserved for that epoch, according to the prophecy of Isaiah, the one which containeth any such promises. Let us now see what times and what things these are really to be, according to the prophecy. HST June 8, 1842, page 75.5

First, the times of which this great prophet is speaking, as well in this lxvth chap. as in the twenty-four preceding ones, are evidently the times close to and almost immediate upon the coming of the Lord;—that is to say, the times of the vocation, conversion, and ingathering with many mercies of the remnant of Israel. After the Lord hath shown himself as if inexorable to the most fervid prayer which this very Israel pours forth in the preceding chapter; after having replied to her with severity, and upbraided her with her unbelief, with her ingratitude, and with all her ancient iniquities, he suffers himself to be overcome, and gives signs of having heard her prayer, and benignly condescendeth, if not to the whole of Israel, at least to the remnant of her, saying, “Thus saith the Lord, as the new wine is found in the cluster,and one saith destroy it not, for a blessing is found in it; so will I do for my servant’s sakes, that I may not destroy them all. And I will bring forth a seed out of Jacob, and out of Judah an interior of my mountains; and mine elect shall inherit it, and my servants shall dwell there.” Isaiah 65:8, 9. He passeth thereupon to speak of the most unhappy lot which shall fall to all of them who shall not hear his voice, who will be at least two thirds of them. After this he turns his eyes once more on the precious relics of this very Israel, and announceth and promiseth to them, from verse 17th to the end of the chapter, the new heavens and the new earth, with all the other particulars which in those times shall come to pass, as well in Jerusalem and Israel: as in all the residue of the Gentiles, to wit, peace, quietness, security, justice, and holiness, innocence and simplicity, and the large periods of human life, as in the times before the flood,—of a surety all these things, and others the like, hard to be numbered by reason of their prodigious multitude, are expressly spoken of the future Jerusalem, and the precious remnant of the Jews: moreover, from many other passages of scripture, and of Isaiah himself, which we have pointed out, it clearly appeareth that the remnant of all other peoples, tribes, and languages, shall most abundantly participate in all these natural and supernatural blessings, which are primarily promised to the remnant of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob: nor are we Jews so avaricious in this matter as to exact it wholly for ourselves, to the exclusion of all nations. HST June 8, 1842, page 75.6

Public Morals,


It is well known that crime, of every grade and description, is rapidly on the increase in the world, in this our age. Political, as well as other observers of the times, can easily find an attributable cause for it—yet, independent of that cause, there is in it a wonderful fulfilment of prophecy, admonishing us that these are the “latter days.” No one can ascribe this retrograde movement in morals, to the introcession of knowledge, refinement, or the arts and sciences—but, on the contrary, it seems to have been coupled with the prophetic history of the “latter days”—when “men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.” “One would conclude, had he found this in any other book but the Bible, that it was a modern writer, well acquainted with the human heart and the generations now on the earth.” HST June 8, 1842, page 76.1

It is not my object in this article, to dwell upon that which has produced this state of things. HST June 8, 1842, page 76.2

“Ye strove to grasp, at once, the spoil
God grants alone to patient toil;
And, in the plunder of a day,
Would bear the wealth of years away.—
And think ye, Heaven can mark, unmoved,
Such error in a land beloved?
Perchance the alarming crash was sent
As warning, and as punishment.
HST June 8, 1842, page 76.3

* * * * *

Why do the loom and spindle cease,
Deranged, as if by war, in peace?
Why do the skill of artisan,
And rugged force of laboring man,
The daring keels of commerce bold,
Her mazy schemes—her streams of gold,
And all the thousand streams she roll’d,
Stand still?” * * *
HST June 8, 1842, page 76.4

Many not content with taking the old beaten track to opulence, have opened a “short cut” to wealth through fields of speculation, dishonesty, and luxury, The New York Sun sheds a ray of light upon this point. He says “They (the speculators) have infused their poison into all the great arteries of society; the strongest constitution could not stand up against it, and now on every side we behold the wretched results. The worst effect is distinctly seen in the rapid increase of crime. The minds of men have been corrupted; they want bread, and clothing, and shelter; but instead of using the two hands which God gave them to use, they torture their brains, and invent schemes to filch from others, that which by honest labor they should earn for themselves. Witness the stupendous frauds which have within two years come to light; and then say if we have not fallen from our high estate. Is it attributable to any thing else? HST June 8, 1842, page 76.5

“Is not your own—of lands the pride?
Does bounteous nature fail?
Do not her glorious suns still rise?
Still suck the sea-mist to the skies?
Do not her clouds, with wealth o’ergrown,
Still shower the quickening life-drops down?
Do not your mountains yield the plain,
From their broad backs, the gathered rain?
Do not your brimming streams still creep
Along their highways to the deep
In boundless ceaseless majesty
Say! are their channels dry?”
HST June 8, 1842, page 76.6

No! but we are the “degenerate plants” of a purer race, who, ere they first set foot on Plymouth rock, knew not the maddening rage of grinding down the poor, and heaping up to themselves treasures for the last days. Their purer habits scarce required more than their native soil could give. HST June 8, 1842, page 76.7

We are too apt to consider our own age as enlightened almost to the extent of human capacity. When we reflect upon the wonderful discoveries of modern science, on the comprehensive truths of political economy,—when we survey our steam ships, and our commerce, our steam engines and our gas lights, and balloons, our canals, and our rail roads, in the exultation of having taken a giant stride, we fancy ourselves already arrived at the goal. If the present age has excelled those which have preceded it, this result is owing to circumstances still in full activity. It is often said, that we are often presumptuous in thinking ourselves more knowing than our ancestors; but we forget the presumption of arrogating a superiority over them. It is time that intelligence, even in accordance with prophecy, may in our day, be diffused almost with the instantaneousness of lightning, when the world has become an immense whispering gallery, and the faintest accent of knowledge is heard throughout every civilized country as soon as uttered. In this respect our advantages are better than our ancestors, but not our morals. If we were to examine the condition of society with a severe scrutiny, if we were to make ourselves practically acquainted with the moral state of the mass—we may find that the glare of modern civilization is owing to the superficial illumination which the intelligence of a compartively few, has cast over the many. S. P. Gilbert. HST June 8, 1842, page 76.8

The last form of Papacy


“He shall work deceitfully.” Daniel. HST June 8, 1842, page 76.9

Puseyism. The following statements are extracted from a letter written by Mr. Baird, an American missionary in Europe to the Editor of the Presbyterian, dated March 7, 1842: HST June 8, 1842, page 76.10

“The progress of Puseyism I regard as the most wonderful phenomenon of this age. That so many men in the established Church of England—some of them in some respects able men, many of them men of much general information—should be carried away by this delusion, seems one of the strangest things which could happen in this period of the world. And yet it can doubtless be accounted for. It is but a result of the growing sense of a need of a religion which will satisfy the heart. Men who could once be contented with even the most barren forms and expressions of religion, or even with none at all, feel that they must have something more, and better—or what is such in their apprehension. The simple, heart-demanding, soul-renewing Gospel, they do not like. An evangelical faith demands too much self-denial; cold formalism gives too little comfort. The age demands a warm religion, a religion which will take hold of the imagination, if not the affections. The world, the Christian world, has seen enough of Deism, under the garb of Christianity—of Infidelity, without it. And the current is setting in the other direction. Fanaticism will become more and more the characteristic of the nineteenth century; as a heartless Christianity, on the one hand, and an avowed Deism and Atheism on the other, were the characteristics of the eighteenth. And though both are hard, the evils of our days are, perhaps, less to be dreaded than those which afflicted the last age; and for this reason, that it is easier to deal with a religious feeling which really exists, than the want of one altogether. HST June 8, 1842, page 76.11

“The result of the late election of a Professor of Poetry in the University of Oxford, has demonstrated that the plague had spread more widely than many had thought. It is clear that if this heresy should spread much more it must lead to a separation in the Established Church of England. I believe that none of the really evangelical ministers of the Establishment have yet been carried away with it—at any rate, very few. Mr. Melville was never reckoned to be truly evangelical by the most competent in England to express an opinion of him. As to Mr. Sibthorpe, who has become a Roman Catholic, he never had any stability, nor had the confidence of those who knew him well, of late years. I know not how many changes he has made since he commenced his ministerial career, but he has made several. HST June 8, 1842, page 76.12

“I think the most deplorable thing, after all, in England, so far as relates to the Established Church, is the vast increase of a High Church feeling which is manifesting itself even in the evangelical branch of it. But when we see the Society for the Conversion of the Jews, the Hibernian Society, and the Society which has succeeded to the Continental or European Missionary Society, all taking decidedly that character, it is both alarming and discouraging to the friends of Evangelical truth. The Church Missionary Society will follow the same course, and soon the Low Church party or portion of the Church will be absorbed in the High. The Government, too, is evidently pleased to lend its powerful aid, to extend the wings of the Established Church, and make it overshadow every portion of the earth, which not only bear directly the British sceptre, but over those portions also which in any degree feel its influence. HST June 8, 1842, page 76.13

“A Bishop has been sent to Jerusalem; a Bishop is to be sent to Malta, one to New South Wales, one to New Brunswick, one to South Africa, one to Ceylon, and I know not where else. This may, indeed, promote the Established Church; but it will but little subserve the interests of evangelical religion. It may illustrate and strengthen the British kingdom, but will it advance the kingdom of Christ? It may adorn the diadem of Queen Victoria: but will it add jewels to that of Immanuel? Time, I apprehend, will give a fearful response in the negative.” HST June 8, 1842, page 76.14

And this is the nation to whom the protestant world are now looking to take the lead in “The world’s conversion!!” Ed. HST June 8, 1842, page 76.15

A Query.—Has been sent us in reference to the parable of the tares, by “A.” He asks if the wicked dead will not be raised at the coming of Christ? And if so, whether they will not constitute “the tares of the field;” so that all the world might be converted, without conflicting with the sentiment of this parable. HST June 8, 1842, page 76.16

Ans. 1. The wheat and the tares shall grow together, until the harvest. The tares will grow among the living righteous, till the end. HST June 8, 1842, page 77.1

2. “But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished,” Revelation 20:5. The wicked dead, therefore do not live, or rise, until a thousand years after the second coming of Christ to glorify his people. HST June 8, 1842, page 77.2

The parable of the wheat and the tares, therefore, does cut off all hope of the world’s conversion. Ed. HST June 8, 1842, page 77.3



BOSTON, JUNE 8, 1842.

Will all true christians who are alive when Christ comes, be expecting his coming? HST June 8, 1842, page 77.4

We have every reason to suppose they will, but the great body of them will not look for his blessed advent till just previous to his coming. There are multitudes of the true children of God who are not now looking for this glorious event. They have so long and so fully believed in the doctrine of a temporal millennium and the restoration of the carnal Jew, that it is not surprising they do not readily embrace this truth. While that day will come as a thief in the night, and as a snare upon all that dwell on the earth, the true children of God will not be in darkness that that day should come on them as a thief. St. Paul says there is a crown of righteousness laid up for all them who love his appearing; but no promise is made to those who do not love his appearing: and how can they love his appearing unless they are looking for it? We are also assured that not one will be lost whom the Father has given to Christ. Such considerations induces us to believe that when the bridegroom comes all of his children will be prepared to meet him, and will be expecting his appearance. HST June 8, 1842, page 77.5

Other considerations cause us to believe that this expectation will not become general till just on the eve of his coming, and when the door of the ark of mercy is about being closed forever. We are informed that while the bridegroom tarries they will all slumber and sleep—the wise and foolish virgins together; and they will all arise and trim their lamps at the same time; but it will then be too late for those who have no oil in their vessels to get a supply, otherwise the foolish virgins might be saved with the wise. It is also to be as it was before the flood; they ate and drank, bought and sold till Noah entered into the ark, and knew not till the flood came and swept them all away. We are not to suppose that they had never heard the warning given; for Noah was a preacher of righteousness, and for 120 years he had proclaimed it to them, but they would not believe; and when they cried peace and safety, sudden destruction came upon them. So it will be when Christ comes: the note of warning will have been sounded in tones of thunder in the ears of a careless world and slumbering church; but it will be disregarded, and they slumber on till God in his providence sees fit to awake all those who are his. If all true Christians, both ministers and people, were now awake to these immortal truths, the effect upon the church and world would be electrical, and multitudes would rush into the ark of mercy while the doors are yet open, and all around us would be awake to the subject; but God has assured us that it shall not be so—they shall know not till he comes: and therefore we cannot expect that all his true children will be aroused till on the eve of his appearing. HST June 8, 1842, page 77.6

When the seventh seal is opened, there will be silence in heaven, about the space of half an hour: this in prophetic time, will correspond with the seven days before the flood, when God closed the door of the ark—thus cutting off all hope of deliverance from the antediluvians. We therefore learn that seven days before Christ makes his second appearance, the doors of the ark of mercy will be closed, when no more sins will be forgiven, and no more souls saved. The wise virgins will then be awake, with their lamps trimmed and burning, ready to meet the bridegroom when he cometh; but the foolish virgins will have no oil in their vessels, no grace of God in their hearts; they have woke up too late, and they can only stand without and knock, and cry Lord, Lord, open unto us; we have prophesied in thy name, we have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets; but he will say to them, Depart from me, I never knew you. O! what an awful day! HST June 8, 1842, page 77.7

As our Savior records as many foolish virgins as he does wise, we have every reason to believe, that multitudes who now pass for Christians will find in that day that they have not only deceived the world but deceived their own souls. How important it then is that we all should examine our hopes anew, lest when that silence is in heaven, we join in the wailings of the lost. We know that if we would not love to have our Savior come, that we have no love of God in our hearts, and are therefore none of his. It then becomes all who disbelieve that he is near, even at the doors, to see to it, that their disbelief does not grow out of a want of faith in the word of God, and because the affections of their hearts are entwined about this present evil world; for if they have any idol here that they cannot relinquish for Christ’s sake, when the door is closed, they will be found standing without. O how many will be thus deceived! Multitudes, we fear, disbelieve, these things because they are unwilling to have it so, but let them remember that judgment must begin at the house of God; and if so, where shall the ungodly and sinner appear? And O how dangerous it is for us to delay; for if we are not indeed his true children, we must repent before that day comes upon us, or be lost. If we flatter ourselves that we are Christ’s and do not concern ourselves about these things, trusting that God will awake us when the bridegroom appears, if it should prove that he is so very near; O have we not reason to fear that we are deceiving our very souls, and that the love of God is not in us. We therefore call upon all to search the Scriptures for yourselves, throw away the opinions of men, for the traditions of the elders proved the destruction of the Jews: humble yourselves before God, and, by fasting and prayer, beseech him to open your understandings, and give you faith in his word, that you may examine this question for yourselves, and then say—as you fear God—as you love your Savior—as you hope to be saved, arc not these things so? B. HST June 8, 1842, page 77.8

The Jewish Church—In the time of our Savior, compared with the church at the present day. HST June 8, 1842, page 77.9

When we read the condition of the Jewish Church, as delineated in the Bible, we cannot but be struck with many points, in which there is a striking similarity with the church of our own times. The Jewish church was the only church of God on earth, and in many periods of its history, it was humble and, devoted to the service of God, but at the time of Christ’s first advent, it had become worldly minded, and forms and ceremonies had taken the place of heart-felt devotion. At the present day, the fervent piety which distinguished the religion of our fathers, has in a great measure given place to formality and lukewarmness, and professed Christians are as eager in pursuit of this world’s goods as are the most indifferent worldlings. Then they were proud and haughty; they loved the chief seats in the synagogue and the uppermost rooms at feasts, and for a pretence made long prayers; they loved to be called Rabbi, and sought praise of men. Even so are professing Christians now. Then they made great displays of their charities, the rich cast in publicly into the treasury of their abundance, and did their alms before men. Now, the charities of the church are blazoned abroad to the world, and many will withhold from creditors their honest debts, that they may have the name of making large donations. Then the people placed great reliance upon the opinions of their spiritual teachers, and had full confidence that they were right. Now, multitudes are pinning their faith upon the sleeves of their ministers with implicit reliance in their opinions. Then the priests were learned, and had unbounded confidence in themselves, and believed that they of all men were alone capable of pointing out the right road to heaven. Now, our ministers seem to think hat they are the people, and that when they die, wisdom will die with them. Then religion as it was administered, was popular, and many heartless worldlings embraced it. Now, the same cause draws multitudes into the church. Then the line of distinction which marked the professor from the worldling could hardly be perceived. Now, as far as outward acts are manifested, it is almost obliterated, and we hardly know which is which. Then the teachers in Zion gave more deference to the traditions of the elders than they did to the laws of Moses. Now the opinions of our commentators take the precedence of a “thus saith the Lord.” Then the priests were ready to despise any truths different from what they taught. Now our ministers are treading in their footsteps. Then the great, the high and the learned rejected our Savior. Now they turn a deaf ear to all suggestions respecting his return. Then the common people heard Christ gladly. Now hundreds of the same class are living in the blessed hope of his glorious appearing. Then they disbelieved in the fulfilment of the prophecies respecting Christ’s first coming. Now they are equally sceptical with regard to the prophecies and signs of his second. Then they were expecting a temporal prince. Now the Church is expecting a temporal millennium. Then they were disappointed in their expectations. Even so will the church be now. Then Christ came and found them unprepared for his coming. He has assured us that it will be so again. Then the prophets prophesied falsely, the priests bore rule by their means, and the people loved to have it so. Now the people love to hear that the end is not yet. Then they were cast off and rejected by reason of their unbelief; and now what will ye do in the end thereof? for if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee. Be not high minded, but fear. HST June 8, 1842, page 77.10

O that the church would awake from its death like stupidlty, and arouse itself, that souls may not be lost by its lukewarmness. The Jews of old verily thought they were doing God’s service, but that did not save them from the wrath of an angry and insulted God. Neither will an overweening confidence in the rectitude of any cause, now prove that it is the cause of God. At the present day the world is too prone to take the opinions of others, without examining for themselves; but remember that each one must answer at the bar of God, and stand or fall for ourselves. No man can there plead our cause; we can offer there no private interpretation of scripture or the opinions of commentators, in extenuation of our sins. We shall be judged in accordance with the plain declarations of that holy word which we attempt to mistify and spiritualize away. Then may we all examine this question, each one for ourselves, and make that preparation of heart by the aid of God’s Holy Spirit which is essential to our future-well being; and may we realize that seeing all these things must be dissolved, what manner of persons we ought to be in all holy conversation and godliness, looking for and hastening unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat. Nevertheless, we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. And seeing that we look for such things, may we be found of him in peace without spot and blameless, that we may receive that crown of righteousness which is laid up for all those who love his appearing. B. HST June 8, 1842, page 77.11

A Great Temperance Meeting, was held at the Marlboro’ Chapel, on “Wednesday evening last, which was addressed by Rev. Dr. Nott and Mr. Delevan of New York. The former is as celebrated for his fine writing and speaking, as the latter for his liberal donations and persevering exertions in the cause of Temperance. Dr. Nott, must be far advanced in life, verging toward fourscore. His voice is clear and unbroken, for one of his age, but has hardly volume and force sufficient to fill such a hall, and to rouse and animate so large an audience. However, his lecture was listened to with attention and apparent delight, and was an able and eloquent production. One thing we noticed as characteristic of the clergy of the present age—a morbid dread of women’s rights. He made quite a complimentary address to the women—their influence over men—their piety—their active exertions in the reforms of the day, etc. etc. But in the midst of his warm panegyric, he could not resist his inclination to limit their sphere of action and speaking.—He did not want to see or hear her blustering in public; but on some special time, on some sacred occasion, in private circles, in her proper sphere, she could speak with great effect. The ladies, no doubt, will be able rightly to appreciate the Doctor’s sentiments, as they do those of his brethren generally. D. HST June 8, 1842, page 78.1

“Gov. Dorr” who figured so largely in the late Rhode Island war, drawing from its scabbard his “blood-stained sword,” and threatening vengeance dire on all who should dare oppose his government, has recently issued a sort of Proclamation or Inaugural Address to the people of Rhode Island explaining the causes of his defection and disappearance; and apologizing for not carrying the war into the enemy’s territory, and plunging his sword into the hearts of his foes, according to his promise on the field of battle. He met, it seems, with a series of disasters. His army did not come together, as anticipated, on the firing of the cannon as a signal; on the contrary, many of his forces already in arms left the field of battle; the Senators, Representatives, and civil officers, resigned their stations; sheriff Anthony, whose hospitable mansion had been made the Head-Quarters of the Commander in Chief, gave him notice that “his house must not be made the scene of sanguinary conflict.” Information also came to his ears, that an attack was soon to be made upon him by an armed force of the rebel land-holders, and no alternative was left but to flee before the invading foe. The Governor declares, however, that he never compromised the interests of his party—that he never surrendered to his foes—that he has not yet resigned his command, or his right to govern the people of Rhode Island, and that his constitution and laws remain in full force, ready to be carried into effect, whenever a favorable opportunity may occur. In short, he has not deserted his friends, but his friends have deserted him. D. HST June 8, 1842, page 78.2

Mr. Miller is Lecturing in Portland this week, at the Casco St. Church. He is to commence a course of lectures in Palmer, Mass, the 16th inst. at the Baptist Chapel. HST June 8, 1842, page 78.3

He gave a course of fourteen lectures in Newburyport last week. They were mobbed on Tuesday evening last; but no particular damage was done. More hereafter. HST June 8, 1842, page 78.4

Dr. West is giving a course of lectures this week, at Chardon St. Chapel, on the abominations of Mormonism and Infidelity. The public are invited to attend. HST June 8, 1842, page 78.5

Some articles designed for this No. will appear in our next. HST June 8, 1842, page 78.6

The Judgment Scene


The great tremendous day’s approaching,
The awful scene is drawing near,
When we shall see the great transaction,
When Christ in judgment shall appear.
The orbit lamps all veiled in sackcloth,
No more their shining circuits run;
The wheel of time stops in a moment,
Eternal things are now begun.
HST June 8, 1842, page 78.7

Bright forked lightnings dart the concave,
Loud thunders roar from pole to pole;
The heavens are shaking, the earth is quaking,
While horrors seize the guilty soul.
See nature stand all in amazement,
To hear the last loud trumpet sound;
“Arise, ye dead, and come to judgment,
Ye nations of the world around!”
HST June 8, 1842, page 78.8

Seas, grave-yards, and the tombs of marble,
Give up their dead, both small and great;
Now the whole world, both saints and sinners,
Are summoned to the judgment seat.
See Jesus on the throne of justice!
With clouds of dazzling glory round!
While countless armies of saints and angels
With shouts his glory far resound!
HST June 8, 1842, page 78.9

Bright glory streams from Jesus’ presence,
His chariot rolls on burning flame;
The angels in their state attending,
His order to their hosts proclaim.
“Go forth, ye heralds, with speed like lightning,
Gather my saints from every land!
Those whom my blood from sin has ransom’d,
And who prepared for glory stand!”
HST June 8, 1842, page 78.10

O, come, ye blessed of my father—
The purchase of dying love;
Receive the crown of life and glory,
Which are laid up for you above!
There’s flowing fonnts of living waters!
No sickness, pain, or death to fear—
No sorrow, sighing, tears or weeping,
Shall ever have admittance there!
HST June 8, 1842, page 78.11

But how will sinners stand and tremble,
When Justice calls them to the bar;
Those who have slighted his offered mercy,
Their everlasting doom to hear.
“Depart from me, ye cursed rebels!
Of this ye have been warned full well;
I waited long, from your hearts you drove me;
Your chosen doom is the pains of hell.”
HST June 8, 1842, page 78.12

The guilty souls, now struck with horror,
With anguish throbbing in their breast;
Are given up to pain and sorrow,
No more to find a moment’s rest,
O sinner, heed this faithful warning,
Return to Jesus while you may;
He is waiting to receive you—
Prepare, prepare for that dread day.
HST June 8, 1842, page 78.13

Extracts from Dr. Gill and others


Brother Himes.—Here are a few words which I extract from a work called Religious Events, published several years ago, which are of so much importance that I thought it might reasonably find a place in your excellent paper. “In 534 Justinian gave supreme power to the Beast, papacy, by declaring him, “Head of all the churches, Judge of all other, Himself to be judged by none. HST June 8, 1842, page 78.14

Could he have any more than Supreme power. Could the saints be more effectually given into his hand (Daniel 7:25.) than when the Bishop instead of Christ was declared their head? When commenced the time, times, and the dividing of time, but when three of the ten Roman kingdoms were subverted. Did not Justinian gain power over the third kingdom in 538, and thus in Rome make way for carrying into effect the above decree in three of the Roman kingdoms, which answers to the prophecy. Then must have commenced the 1260 days of Daniel and John, which ended in 1798, since which the saint have not been in his hand. HST June 8, 1842, page 78.15

And his dominion was taken away, when, as Dr. Adam Clark says, who lived then, in his commentary on Daniel 7. “General Berthier with a French Republican army entered Rome, took the city, and entirely superseded the whole papal power. HST June 8, 1842, page 78.16

His dominion was taken away then in 1798, when he was carried away captive into France, where he died the next year. After which he was “to make war with the saints and prevail against them until the Ancient of Days comes;” and when he comes, he comes with a fiery flame and the judgment sits, and the books are opened; and till judgment (or rewards) is given to the saints of the Most High, and the time come that the saints possess the kingdom, and when they possess it, they possess it forever, even forever and ever. HST June 8, 1842, page 78.17

Where is the temporal millennium but with the war of papacy? HST June 8, 1842, page 78.18

But why have not our great men understood these things? I answer, for the very reason that many of them have not tried, knowing that the words were closed up until the time of the end, by God himself. HST June 8, 1842, page 78.19

Says Dr. Gill in his commentary on Daniel 12:4. HST June 8, 1842, page 79.1

Shut up the words and seal the book.”—“Though it was not kept from the saints and people of God, from their reading it, yet he was not to interpret and explain it to them,” May I not introduce the sentiment from 1 Peter 5. Of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently; searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand of the sufferings of Christ and of the glory that should follow. Unto whom it was revealed that not unto themselves but unto us they did minister.” HST June 8, 1842, page 79.2

Surely, “things which are revealed belong unto us and our children” Deuteronomy 29:29. We are the children who are to understand the whole of the Revelation. HST June 8, 1842, page 79.3

These prophecies have been a light shining in a dark place; but the day has began to dawn, see 2 Peter 1:16, 19. HST June 8, 1842, page 79.4

Why a more sure word of prophecy, than the nature and manner of Christ coming into his kingdom, Matthew 16:17 to 27 inclusive; which are here revealed? and what more? I answer, because the time is revealed as well as the manner. Revelation shines more and more unto the perfect day. HST June 8, 1842, page 79.5

But to return to Dr. Gill he says, it was to remain a secret until the time of its accomplishmentw as come or near at hand; so this denotes the obscurity of the prophecy, it being like a book that is shut and sealed, till the time comes appointed for the fulfilment of it; which shows that it reached to times at a great distance; till these times were come or were near, it would be a sealed book. This is plainly the reason why it has not been understood before. HST June 8, 1842, page 79.6

Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall he increased, that is, towards the end of the time appointed, many shall be stirred up to inquire into these things delivered in this book and will spare no pains or cost to get a knowledge of them; will read and study the scriptures, and meditate on them; compare one passage with another, spiritual things with spiritual, in order to obtain the mind of Christ; will carefully peruse the writings of such, who have gone before them, who have attempted any thing of this kind; and will go far and near to converse with persons that have any understanding of such things; and by such means, with the blessing of God upon them, the knowledge of this book of prophecy will be increased, and things will appear plainer and clearer the nearer the accomplishment of them is; and especially when accomplished, when prophecy and facts can be compared: and not only this kind of knowledge, but knowledge of all spiritual things, of all evangelical truths, and doctrines, will be abundantly enlarged at this time.” He confines these ideas still farther in his comments on the 9th verse; but I have given you his sentiments in his own words. Could speak now, would not he say the time is come “in very deed.” HST June 8, 1842, page 79.7

On the 13th verse he says “lie in the grave till the end of the world, until the resurrection morn; stand in thy lot at the end of the days; signifying that he should rise again from the dead, have his part in the first resurrection have his share in glory of the Millennium state, and his portion in the heavenly inheritance of the saints; the antetype of Canaan which was divided by lot to the children of Israel; He also adds the paraphrase of Jachiades “but thou O Daniel, go to the end of thy life in this world; and, after thou art dead, rest in the rest of paradise, and at the end of days thou shall stand and live in the resurrection of the dead, and shalt enjoy thy good lot in the world to come.” HST June 8, 1842, page 79.8

O, who will stand in his lot with Noah, Job, and Daniel, next year, when the “days” end! HST June 8, 1842, page 79.9

J. D. Johnson.

Light in the far West,


Letter from W. W. Stevenson, Little Rock, Ark. HST June 8, 1842, page 79.10

J. D. Himes,—Dear Sir,—Through a friend Rev. J. D. Mason, Fort Ann, (N. Y) I have received several numbers of the “Signs of the Times.” I read the Baptist Advocate and the Millennial Harbinger, both of which occasionally notice the subject of the second advent “near.” Neither of these papers are very favorable to the belief that the Lord will soon appear. The Baptist sect have too much on hand. The same may be said of the Harbinger and its zealous and pious Editor. They have splendid schemes of teaching and converting the world, and changing this earth that is now reserved for fire, into a terrestial Paradise. HST June 8, 1842, page 79.11

I have been written to by brethren, making inquiry respecting the second advent “near” to whom I could give no satisfactory reply. Indeed, sir, having been educated in the belief of a terrestial millennium, and having the whole bent of my thoughts in that direction, until a year ago, I find it very difficult to have an opinion contrary, and all the light I have upon that topic, is little more than to render darkness “visible.” Truly I have the Bible and the chronology of the world; but with these the mind has not yet been able to throw off its scepticism respecting the near approach of the day of the Lord. HST June 8, 1842, page 79.12

Of this I am well satisfied, that the present mode of teaching the world, will not produce a millennium, that a thousand ages will not be sufficient to convert the whole of mankind, and any person who will take the trouble to compare the reports of the past twenty-five years with the state of the world, will see that unless the Lord adopts some other plan than the one now in use, or affords a compelling power, the whole world will never be brought into a state of readiness for the reign of “peace.” HST June 8, 1842, page 79.13

But the Lord has not promised or even implied that he will afford either. HST June 8, 1842, page 79.14

Where the world obtained such a notion I am at a loss to know. HST June 8, 1842, page 79.15

To my mind it is certain that when the Lord returns he will find the world in its present condition, if not worse. If he returns soon it will is be in a worse state, for it is very evident that men are increasing in error and unbelief. HST June 8, 1842, page 79.16

It is but natural that the different sects should oppose the near approach of the kingdom. The most of them have embarked their all in splendid plans for converting the world. If the Lord should appear in as humble a manner as he did at first, none of these would receive Him more than all those who expected him, though none but Simeon and Anna waited for him in the temple. HST June 8, 1842, page 79.17

The belief is awfully important. To think that the earth with all its works is to be burned up in less than twelve months is an important belief; and with Peter, we may well say, what “manner of beings ought we to be?” Though we should be taken off by death, yet there is something so imposing in the belief, that death itself seems to be swallowed and engulphed in the grand catastrophe. HST June 8, 1842, page 79.18

It cannot be, my dear sir, that none but those who fully believe the return “near” at hand will be welcomed. Paul truly has said to those who look for him until he appear, etc. We all have our hopes in heaven from whence we expect the Lord Jesus. HST June 8, 1842, page 79.19

Lest you should not perceive my state of mind, permit me to say, in every thing I agree with you but the specific time; in this my mind is in a state of great uncertainty. If the event is to take place, may the Lord give me to see, and know, and look for it. HST June 8, 1842, page 79.20

If it were not for the absolute impossibility to make the remittance, I should ask you to send me some of your publications. There is so little intercourse between this place and Boston, that nothing can be sent. HST June 8, 1842, page 79.21

I will, with your permission, ask you to give me in a letter such information as you may deem important. This whole state is in a deep sleep. If the Master returns, few will be ready to go in with him to the marriage. HST June 8, 1842, page 79.22

Mormonism—Some Curious Facts


Messrs. Editors,—Having noticed in a late number of the Signs of the Times, a notice of work entitled “Mormon Delusions and Monstrosities”—it occurred to me that it might perhaps be of service to the cause of truth, to state one circumstance in relation to the authenticity of the “Book of Mormon” which occurred during its publication, at which time I was a practical printer, and engaged in the office where it was printed, and became familiar with the men and their principles, through whose agency it was “got up.” HST June 8, 1842, page 79.23

The circumstance alluded to was as follows:—We had heard much said by Martin Harris, the man who paid for the printing, (and the only one in the concern worth any property) about the wonderful wisdom of the translators of the mysterious plates, and resolved to test their wisdom. Accordingly, after putting one sheet in type, we laid it aside, and told Harris it was lost, and there would be a serious defection in the book in consequence, unless another sheet like the original could be produced. The announcement threw the old gentleman into quite an excitement. But after a few moment’s reflection, he said he would try to obtain another. After two or three weeks another sheet was produced, but no more like the original than any other sheet of paper would have been, written over by a common schoolboy, after having read, as they did, the manuscripts preceding and succeeding the lost sheet. HST June 8, 1842, page 79.24

As might be expected, the disclosure of the plan greatly annoyed the authors, and caused no little merriment among those who were acquainted with the circumstance. As we were none of us Christians, and only labored for the “gold that perisheth,” we did not care for the delusion, only so far as to be careful to avoid it ourselves and enjoy the hoax. Not one of the hands in the office where the wonderful book was printed ever became a convert to the system, although the writer of this was often assured by Harris if he did not, he would be destroyed in 1832. HST June 8, 1842, page 79.25

I am well acquainted with the two gentlemen whose names appear on page 50, 51, in the work referred to at the head of this article, and know the certificate above their names to be true. I have known several instances of the grossest impostures by them in their pretensions of working miracles, etc. etc., and am greatly surprised that such a man as Nickerson of your city, can induce any rational person to follow in his pernicious ways. HST June 8, 1842, page 79.26

Mrs. Harris, the wife of Martin Harris, was so familiar with the monstrous wickedness and folly of her husband, and the trio who were engaged with him, that she would not follow him nor live with him. His conduct was not such as a man of God would have been. After he had been absent about two years, and frequent reports of his having power to heal the sick, etc. had reached his neighborhood, he returned and assured his wife that he could cure her of deafness with which she was afflicted. But as a condition of so doing, he required her to put into his hands about $1,500 of money which she had managed to secure out of the avails of his property, which he sold on joining the “latter day saints” colony. She assured him he should have every dollar as soon as her hearing was restored. But he very wisely replied, he could “have no evidence of her faith until she put the cash down”—so of course she remained deaf, and Martin went back to the “promised land” with pockets as light as when he came. HST June 8, 1842, page 80.1

This is no doubt one of the great deceptions which should come upon the people on the eve of the second coming of the Son of Man. Let the saints of God beware of them. Let no persecution or violence be opposed to them, but simply an avoidance, and we shall soon find them without faith. HST June 8, 1842, page 80.2

Yours in the gospel of Christ,
Groton, May 23, 1842. J. N. T. Tucker.

Jews’ Return


The idea that the whole world will ever be converted to God, can neither be supported by reasonings from Scripture, nor from past experience. Indeed, I am perfectly satisfied, that the Holy Book teaches the very opposite doctrine; and all past experience is utterly opposed to such an idea. If we reason of the future from the past, and this mode of reasoning is in general very correct, the notion of the conversion of the whole world to God, will appear absurd in the extreme. I presume that none will dispute that the world has not already seen as able “ministers of the Spirit” as it ever will see; and that it has seen as great outpourings of the Spirit as it ever will see, I think is equally evident; and as after the labors of eighteen centuries, but a very, very small portion of mankind have been converted to God, what reason have we to expect the accomplishment of so great a work as some anticipate, in so short a time? And if we attempt to reason of the future from the present, although appearances are so favorable, I think that we shall find our ground equally untenable. Any one who can take present appearances as the premises of his argument, from which to draw the tremendous conclusion’ that the whole world is to be converted to God, if he looks a little closer, I think will find, that there is no connexion at all between the premises of his argument and its conclusion;—indeed, that they are so far apart, that he perhaps will see no relation at all between them. HST June 8, 1842, page 80.3

A Bankrupt Prophet.—A letter dated Springfield, Ill., May 10th, 1842, and published in the Philadelphia Evening Journal, says that Jo Smith, Sidney Rigdon, and Hiram Smith, have made applications for the benefit of the Bankrupt Act. The debts of Jo Smith amount to about 100,000 dollars. The writer says he has looked diligently among the assets for the Golden Bible, but cannot see it named; he has no Bible or book of any description in his inventory. His property consists of a trifling amount in household furniture, and city lots in Nauvoo. Hiram Smith has entered in his inventory one Bible and one book of Mormon. Rigdon’s Library is more extensive; he has inventoried 1 vol. Gill’s Body of Divinity, 1 old Family Bible, 2 books of Mormon, 1 Hebrew Bible, 1 Hebrew, 2 Greek, and 1 Latin Grammar,—Christian Secretary. HST June 8, 1842, page 80.4

Parson Joshua V. Himes, Miller’s right-hand supporter, has gotten up a review of the Mormon Bible, etc., and shows its monstrosities, and those of its author and followers. Very good, Will Brother Himes kindly get up a book showing the monstrosities and follies of Millerism, a humbug he has done too much in giving currency to?—Olive Branch. HST June 8, 1842, page 80.5

On one condition, viz: When the Editor of the Olive Branch will show us scriptural reasons for the abominable practice of a professed Christian minister of publishing popular novels, for the corruption of the rising generation, in a professedly religious paper. If he shall give us good reasons from the Bible for this practice, then we will try.—Ed. HST June 8, 1842, page 80.6

Foreign News—15 Days Later,


On Thursday morning last, 2nd inst, arrived at East Boston the Steam packet Columbia, Capt. Judkins, 13 1-2 days from Liverpool, bringing London and Liverpool papers to May 19th—containing news of the awful conflagration and destruction by fire, of the finest portion of the city of Hamburgh—15,000 to 20,000 dwelling houses, occupied by 30,000 inhabitants, and destroying more than $20,000,000 worth of property, beside many lives. The conflagration destroyed about a fourth part of the city, the whole number of inhabitants of which were about 150,000. HST June 8, 1842, page 80.7

A terrible Rail Road accident occurred between Paris and Versailles, beginning by the breaking down of one of the cars and followed by the destruction of a long train, by which over 70 persons lost their lives. HST June 8, 1842, page 80.8

The letter of General Cass to M. Guizot protesting against the ratification of the Quintuple treaty, had been severely commented on. The ratification was not decided. HST June 8, 1842, page 80.9

The Ukase of the Emperor of Russia, promulgated April 2 “has caused a fermentation, which it may not he easy to allay.’, HST June 8, 1842, page 80.10

The Rail Road bill in France appropriating $120,000,000 franks for building 6 lines had passed both Houses. HST June 8, 1842, page 80.11

Several destructive shocks of earthquakes in Greece occurred the latter part of April. HST June 8, 1842, page 80.12

The Steam Ship, Great Western, arrived off Liverpool May 11th, in 12 1-5 days; the Brittania, May 16th, in 15 days. HST June 8, 1842, page 80.13

Money in England is plenty. Many of the merchants are glad to loan their money for 4 1-2 per. cent interest. HST June 8, 1842, page 80.14

Accounts from Constantinople are to April 30th The Greek minister had made no progress toward opening negociations with the Porte for a new treaty of Commerce—“The differences between Turkey and Greece do not appear yet to have been settled. HST June 8, 1842, page 80.15

Conference in Burnthills. N. Y


A Second Advent Conference, of believers in the personal appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ, to reign with his saints in the immortal state, on the new earth, will commence at Burnthills on Monday June 20, at 10 A. M. to continue four days. HST June 8, 1842, page 80.16

N. B. All who love that appearing are invited to attend, and unite in its solemnities. HST June 8, 1842, page 80.17

Br. Calvin French will commence a course of lectures with Elder I. R. Gates’ people at the Christian Chapel on Saturday, June 18, at half past 7 P. M. to continue two each day through the Conference. HST June 8, 1842, page 80.18

Also a Conference at Brockets Bridge, N. Y. commencing June 25, 1842, in the Christian Chapel with Eld. Currier’s congregation. HST June 8, 1842, page 80.19


No Authorcode

Amount Brought over from March 15th,$ 922,44
Rebecca Holmes,,50
Friend unknown, Weymouth,10,00
Friend of Danville, Ky.50,00
Catherine E. Kilton,5,00
Josiah Vose, Jr.,5,00
Sarah Heyden,5,00
Stephen Bradford,5,00
Mary F. Manter,,25
Ephraim Philbrick,1,00
Caroline Paul,2,00
S. Survy,,50
Lydia Savill,5,00
R. Shepherd,1,00
B. B. Hill,1,00
A Friend,,50
G. W. Skillings,10,00
A Friend,5,00
A Friend,,50
S. L. Beckey,,50
A Friend,,25
“   ”1,00
“   ”,50
“   ”,25
E. Cummings,3,00
A. Sweate,1,00
A Friend,,17
“   ”2,00
Edmund Rowell,1,00
Geo. O. Harmon,1,00
Wm. Thomas,,50
E. Riley,1,00
Wm. Whitten,,50
Horace Randall,1,00
Timothy Newell,5,00
Josephine Sherlock,1,00
John Parker,,50
H. W. Brown,1,00
B. Mann,,50
Benj. Haines,1,00
H. Hammett,1,00
Joshua V. Himes,100,00
Capt. J. Bates,5,00
Thomas J. Lobdale. Jr,20,00
Elizabeth Lunt,5,00
Geo. A. Reed,5,00
Mary Hardy,2,00
Elizabeth Snow,2,00
Stillman Lothrop,8,00
Amount of money expended for the gratuitous distribution
of Books,$1346,15
Am’t due the committee,128,04


Received up to June 4th. From P. M. Union Mills, N. Y.—Wareham, Mass.—Waterford, Mass.—N. Newport, Me.—Union Mills, N. Y.—Deerfield, N. H—Ashburnham, Mass.—Middlebury, Ohio—Dover, N. H.—Starksboro’, Vt.—Wood’s Hole, Ms.—North Danville, Vt. HST June 8, 1842, page 80.20

From V. H. Randall, Amos H. Sampson, Stephen Goodhue, Geo. W. Peavey, Daniel Merrill. HST June 8, 1842, page 80.21

Signs of the Times


Is published weekly, at No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston, by JOSHUA V. HIMES, to whom all letters and communication must be addressed. HST June 8, 1842, page 80.22

Terms.—One Dollar per Volume of 24 Nos. (6 months)
dow & jackson, printers.
HST June 8, 1842, page 80.23