Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 3

May 11, 1842

Vol. III.—No. 6. Boston, Whole No. 54

Joshua V. Himes & Josiah Litch, Editors. Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston


Lectures on Prophecy,—No. V


by James A. Begg, Glasgow.
The value of Scripture Prophecy as a light to the Church.

Let us not then lightly esteem what holy men of God have in old time spoken of future scenes and times, when they were moved by the Holy Ghost. Think, my dear friends, of the fact, that the glory which, in distant prospect, gleams upon creation, now groaning under the bondage of corruption, was given to the saints of God in tones of deep affliction - think how God would turn the curse into a blessing, and comfort those whose tears are made to flow at seeing men run on in sin, by telling of a time when righteousness shall run down our streets as a mighty river—think how he would lighten the burden of oppression by setting our hearts on the coming blessedness, when the Lord alone shall be king over all the earth—think how he would renew the heart of the rebellious weary captives, scattered into every land, and console them with the promise that they shall yet see Jerusalem a quiet habitation—think how he would enable us to bear our pilgrim state with the assurance of a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God—think of all the glorious things foretold by Isaiah, by Jeremiah, by Ezekiel, and by other holy men of God when they spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost—think of the Savior’s own predictions, of His return, and of the presence of the comforter till He shall appear—think of the sustaining power experienced during days of labor and trouble, by Paulo, by Peter, by James, and by John, and declared by them, to be shared by others while contemplating the glories of the new creation—and, under such consideration, be ashamed and afraid concerning your state, if you are willing to dispense with what ought to be so highly prized. HST May 11, 1842, page 41.1

Unbelief is, indeed the great hindrance to our advancement in this as in other Christian attainments; and we may be mourning over difficulties and discouragements which only our own ignorance of what God has declared, is the cause of our sorrows. When, in the feelings of disappointment, and burdened with grief, the disciples journeying to Emmaus, said, “We would that this had been He who should have redeemed Israel,” they discovered their previous unbelief of what Christ had, personally, once and again foretold,—that he must be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. So in regard to other truths, God may have given what is necessary to enlighten, while his church, neglectful of the blessing, may wander from the path, or sleep in security amid the dangers which surround them. We are not, therefore, the less called to bear renewed and continual testimony to the importance of the study of sacred prophecy, by the fact that its light is at present little regarded. The virgins are asleep, and it may be difficult to awaken them; but the sleep is unseasonable and kindness demands that we should do our utmost to arouse them from their guilty slumber. HST May 11, 1842, page 41.2

Do you excuse your indifference by replying that the language of prophecy is difficult to be understood, and that in various ages men have given interpretations which time has falsified? I do not deny that there are some parts of Scripture prophecy the meaning of which is less obvious than others; nor do I deny that some have wrested prophecies hard to be understood, to their own destruction, as they do also the other Scriptures. I further believe that the knowledge of some parts of Scripture may be of more importance at one time, and in reference to particular circumstances, than others. But there is no part without its relative importance, and I beg of you to remember that it is the sure word of prophecy “whereunto,” our text affirms, “ye do well that ye take heed.” When charges of folly and extravagance are brought against us for the study of that sure word, I comfort myself, and desire to comfort others with the same consolation, that it is the gracious gift of the God of wisdom, not designed to mislead, but essentially necessary for our safety and enlargement. HST May 11, 1842, page 41.3

Difficulties, doubtless, will be found, but there is no necessity for any thing remaining dark that it is good for us to know. God is willing to give light, and the more we submit ourselves to the teaching of His Spirit, will these difficulties disappear. To Him, the future is known as the present, and the more we learn of Him, the more will we be prepared for further attainment of the knowledge of His blessed purposes. Even the deep things of God are revealed to us by his Spirit. There is no unwillingness on God’s part that his own exceeding great and precious promises should be fully enjoyed, and this they can only be, when truly understood. But human learning is not that which is most essential to the comprehension of God’’ truth, but the mind and will to enter into His counsel. But if in the consciousness of need of help for understanding, we seek it from the Holy Ghost, by whom the holy men of old were moved to the utterance of his prophecies, we shall not ask in vain. HST May 11, 1842, page 41.4

This leads us to notice briefly the solemn warning of the apostle, which forms the latter part of our test: “Knowing this first that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man, but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” Verses, 20, 21. Various mistaken interpretations, as they appear to us, have been offered of these words, which we may not now stop to notice or attempt to refute. It is sufficient for our purpose that we give what appears to us the true interpretation, or, to speak more correctly, the true translation. Much obscurity has resulted form rendering hidias “any private.” Which obscurity would have been avoided had it been translated here “your own” as in Matthew 1:1. Christ came unto “His own city;” and John 10:3, “He calleth His own sheep by name,” and many similar texts. The word would then read, with obvious propriety, “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of your own interpretation;” and thus would they be in harmony also with the reason assigned, “For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man; but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” It is not a human thing at all—it is not of the will of man—having been given by the Holy Ghost, it is not of our own interpretation, but can only be rightly interpreted to us by Him. HST May 11, 1842, page 41.5

This surely is not a reason for your neglecting the word of prophecy. It is, however, a reason why you should ask that you may receive understanding from the Spirit of God. And this is what I now desire to press upon you. O forget not prayer to the God by whom the prophecy of Scripture has been inspired, that he may impart unto you their light. Pray as to one who wills to teach, who longs that you may receive knowledge from Him, and that you may thereby have hope. It was for the consolation of his disciples, sorrowing at the prospect of their bereavement, that Christ said of the Spirit he promised them as a Comforter, “He will show you things to come.” John 16:13. It is indeed in His light that we shall see light clearly. Those only who have received the Spirit of God, can know the things of God. The prophecies, therefore, which holy men of God have uttered, being moved by the Holy Ghost, those only can understand who have in them that same spirit. The interpretation is not to be of ourselves, but is to be received from above. Surely to the Christian it cannot seem as if this were cause of despondency or regret. The Spirit is ever present, and ever ready to teach. This is indeed the most important qualification of the understanding of prophecy—and it is that which all may enjoy. While men are ever ready to discourage the study, by asserting that many other qualifications are requisite, this is the only one the apostle declares to be so, for our being brought into the mind of God as it is revealed in His word. And while we are far from undervaluing attainments, which may and ought to be consecrated to the service of God, and which when so consecrated, are useful in their place, yet we must repeat that what is necessary to be known of prophecy as a real light to our feet, and a lamp to our path, may be enjoyed where much learning is wanted—and that that learning may be possessed and be used only to lead away from the truth. HST May 11, 1842, page 41.6

But if we are called so expressly to know that prophecy of Scripture is of our own interpretation, but can only be rightly interpreted by your receiving the light of the Holy Spirit, what care ought we to exercise, that, by substituting human interpretations, we do no injury to our own souls, nor bring discredit on prophecy itself. When we look at the many expositions, and systems of exposition, which have successively been demonstrated to be based on mistaken principles, we can see the necessity for the apostolic warning, in the evidence thereby furnished, how much the apprehended evil has hitherto been incurred. The same painful reflection is forced upon us by a consideration of the fact, that some who formerly seemed eager students of Scripture prophecy, are pointed to as having left Scripture truth, and gone into deep delusion. The lesson thus taught is indeed afflicting, but it ought also to prove salutary,—it is not that we should be deterred from the use of prophecy in God’s prescribed method, and with His proffered aid—it is not that we should neglect that for which he claims our taking heed, or be afraid to avail ourselves of the light that shineth in a dark place—but that we should feel our need of the divine interpreter, and, feeling this, ask that we may receive it. Let us now be especially careful that we do not add to the discredit, which human interpretations, unsanctioned by the Holy Spirit, have already brought upon the truth of God, nor go beyond our measure in any case, but rather be silent where we cannot say he has cast his own light over it. The sin and error of those referred to, is, their having left or neglected Scripture. The value of prophecy, as the hope and guide of the church, may indeed be the very reason why the enemy of souls has been the more insidious and persevering in his efforts to bring it into disrepute. His past success in this is, however, but additional reason why we should not allow him to cheat us of that which God has provided, “that we, through patience, and comfort of the Scriptures, should have hope,” The light to which we are called to take heed is expressly designed to bear upon the darkness which he is ever seeking to cast over the ways and will of God, and his craft and his malice may be expected to continue, and even to increase, until the day of his destruction shall dawn, and the day-star arise in our hearts. But “unto him that overcometh, and keepeth my words unto the end,” says the faithful and true witness. “I will give him the morning star.” HST May 11, 1842, page 41.7

Is it then so, my dear friends, that this is the world’s might—that its affairs are managed in the power and spirit of the prince of darkness—that the various schemes and Godless of forts for the amelioration and improvement of the condition of men, are all but parts of the unsubstantial dreams of night and of darkness! Let me, then, now ask, do you feel its darkness, and have you received the light which stands opposed to it all?—O then let us be as children, not of the night but of the day—not as having our hope or our portion in what shall not survive beyond the night, but be dispelled by the glory of the Sun of righteousness—and let us remember, that although we live in an evil time, and walk among those who yield themselves to darkness rather than light, yet if we have been brought from our disobedient we are to show forth the praises of Him who hath called us out of darkness into His marvellous light. Let us gird up the loins of our minds, be sober, and hope to the end, for the grace which shall be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter 1:13. And if in the dark and dreary night when surrounded by dangers, you would hail the first glimpse of dawn, then if you feel as you onght the pressure of this long dark night upon your spirits and if you have any true understanding of the glory of your Lord, your eyes will be constantly straining forth in the hope of soon beholding the bright Morning Star. HST May 11, 1842, page 42.1

I have said that the apostle does not take the place of apologist for those who give heed to the revelations of Scripture prophecy; and the may suffice as a reason for our not doing so on the present occasion, when we have done little else than expound his words. I would seek to encourage you by every means to a consideration of its sublime and interesting discoveries; for, if in the days in which Peter wrote, this was a matter worthy of such regard, to us it should be so much the more so, as you see the day approaching. If while in this tabernacle he would esteem himself guilty of negligence if he did not always press such lessons upon believers, although they already knew them, it be comes not religious teachers now to reject or be indifferent to them—and if he would enable them even after his decease still to recall, what on the subject he had previously declared; and as this is a subject which cannot lose its interest, but which now grows in importance and will do so, until the day shall dawn, we may be allowed in the spirit of the apostle to seek to put our admonition upon record that it may survive, if it should please God that we also should sleep in death before the archangel’s trumpet sound. You can only be prepared to hear and to see what is coming upon the earth, without terror and dismay, through the knowledge of the purpose of God, and the issue of the whole, in the glory of Christ, and your own participation in His joy. Already, in the nations’ troubles, the evening star may be seen—but, as in the natural heavens, this same star will soon appear as the bright harbinger of day. “When these things begin to come to pass,” said our Savior, speaking of his return in glory, “then look up and lift up your heads, for your redemption draweth nigh.” Even so come, Lord Jesus. Amen. HST May 11, 1842, page 42.2

Extracts from Fitch’s Sermons.—No. 4


5. Another thing which will be done by Christ at his coming, will be to create new heavens and a new earth. Peter, in the same chapter in which he speaks of the burning of the world says, in immediate connection, “Nevertheless, we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousnes.” Peter and those to whom he wrote, therefore, had a promise of a new heaven and a new earth. This promise is contained in the prophecies of Isaiah. “For behold I create a new heaven and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered nor come into mind. But, be ye glad and rejoice forever in that which I create; for behold I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy.” Again it is said by the same prophet, “For as the new heavens and the new earth which I will make shall remain before me, saith the Lord, so shall your seed and your name remain.” John also tells us in the Revelation, “And I saw a new heaven and new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away and there was no more sea.” Christ, therefore, will create new heavens and a new earth at his coming. HST May 11, 1842, page 42.3

6. Christ, at his coming will bring all his saints into the new earth which he creates, and dwell among them. John was directed to say, Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be friends of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years!” HST May 11, 1842, page 42.4

“And I John saw the holy city New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven, saying, Behold the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things have passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write; for these words are true and faithful. And He said unto me, it is done, I am Alpha and Omega the begining, and the end. I will give unto him that is a thirst, of the fountain of the water of life freely. He that overcometh shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone; which is the second death. And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, and I will show you the bride, the Lamb’s wife. And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me that great city, the Holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal! Thus you perceive, my hearers, that Christ when he comes, will raise the righteous dead, change the righteous living from corruption to incorruption, from mortal to immortality, and take them up together to meet the Lord in the air. He will then burn the world with the wicked in it; after which he will create new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness. Here he will gather all his people, the bride, the Lamb’s wife—the New Jerusalem out of heaven. It was this multitude of the redeemed whom John saw and heard, when as the Lion of the tribe of Judah took the book to open the seals, “The four beasts, and the four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odors which are the prayers of the saints. And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book and to open the seals thereof; for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred and tongue, and people, and nation, and hast made us unto our God kings and priests, and we shall reign on the earth. HST May 11, 1842, page 42.5

The remaining point of my discourse I shall defer till afternoon, and close for the present, with two or three remarks. HST May 11, 1842, page 42.6

1. We may see from our subject, that God will at length gain a complete victory over the devil and wicked men. HST May 11, 1842, page 42.7

This world was made for a habitation of holiness. At its creation the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy. Holy beings were placed hero to dwell in the unclouded light of God’s face, and to enjoy the nearest communion with him continually. But Satan came, and sin and ruin followed through his wiles. But Christ, the Maker of all things, will at length banish sin and over power Satan, and purify the earth from all its corruptions, and dwell here with the whole multitude of his people, formed anew into that likeness of God in which they were first created, and thus Satan’s overthrow, and Christ’s triumph will be complete and eternal. HST May 11, 1842, page 42.8

2. There is much in our subject to cheer the hearts of God’s people. You mourn, Christian, over the prevalence of sin, and the dishonor done to your God and Savior; but he will one day vindicate his own honor, and triumph gloriously over all his foes. HST May 11, 1842, page 42.9

You mourn over the remains of sin in your own heart; but he will complete your triumph over all your spiritual enemies, and throw around you the spotless robe of his own righteousness, as fine linen, clear and white, and you shall reign with Him in glory. “Wherefore comfort one another with these words.” HST May 11, 1842, page 43.1

3. There remains a strange punishment for the workers of iniquity. How strange that feeble men should dare to sin against Him who made the universe; who can turn “the dust of the earth into brimstone, and the streams thereof into burning pitch,” and make “a fire to go before Him, and burn up his enemies round about!” Yet there are those who, in spite of all that God has done, and all He has declared He will do, will still trample on his laws. Let not such flatter themselves that because God is long-suffering, he has forgotten their sins, or His declared purpose to make the wicked as stubble, and to bring a day that shall burn them up, and leave them neither root or branch. HST May 11, 1842, page 43.2

Let such of my dear hearers, as would not meet the righteous anger of God, in that day when the world shall be on fire, seek now a refuge in Him, who alone is mighty to save. HST May 11, 1842, page 43.3

Light wanted on Zechariah 12


Dear Brother—I want light on that portion of scripture recorded in Zechariah 12th chap. with the first verses of chap. 13th. Not having been a constant reader of your paper, I know not but you have already given an exposition of that portion of the Bible. I think we have there a very clear prediction of the conversion of the Jews generally, to Christianity, before the Savior’s Advent. None will pretend that the 10th and following verses of chapter 12 have had their fulfilment: consequently, it must be accomplished, either before, or at the coming of Christ. HST May 11, 1842, page 43.4

I think the latter cannot be true, for the following reasons: HST May 11, 1842, page 43.5

1. It is to take place when God shall “pour upon them the spirit of grace and supplication,” which will not be done at the time of the Savior’s second coming. (This was fulfilled in the apostle’s days.) HST May 11, 1842, page 43.6

2. They shall “mourn apart,” one from another, each seeking and finding retirement, and solitude, which cannot be done at the great and last day. (This shows their individual convictions.) HST May 11, 1842, page 43.7

3. The “mourning” will be of a tender and subduing kind, as for an only son, for a first born. But the mourning of the wicked, at the last day, will be full of horror and desperation! (This is true Godly sorrow, as above. HST May 11, 1842, page 43.8

4. This mourning will be shared, and this grief felt, by all the “families that remain in the land,” being one third part, which excludes such as have died and passed away. But that at the Advent will include all the wicked, of every time and place, and not merely such as remain. HST May 11, 1842, page 43.9

5. This mourning is to be followed, or attended, by the “Opening of a Fountain to the house of David. and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for sin and for uncleanness.” But the coming of the Son of Man will be the closing up, eternally, of that fountain, to which the wicked, both of the Jews and Gentiles, were in their life-time invited to come. (When the Gospel was first preached to Jews.) HST May 11, 1842, page 43.10

Such are some of my reasons for not being able to apply the words to that approaching event. (True, cannot apply.) HST May 11, 1842, page 43.11

Let it not be objected, that I put off the opening of the fountain for sin and uncleanness to the time when the Jews shall turn to the Lord. I hold that the fountain was opened prophetically, long before Christ was lifted up on the cross; and that patriarchs and prophets, and all who in old time believed in him who was to come, were washed through him. I hold that the Fountain was opened literally, when Jesus said, “It is finished.” But the “House of David, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, have closed it against themselves by their unbelief, and their blasphemies against Christ until this day. But when they shall receive the “spirit of grace and supplications, and shall mourn for him whom they have pierced.” “In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David, etc. Should any one attempt to apply the Prophecy to Christians, I think he will stretch himself beyond his measure,” in coming so far. There are too many things mentioned in details in that connexion, to allow of such an interpretation. HST May 11, 1842, page 43.12

I might proceed to set the time when I think the words will be fulfilled, and give my reasons for that belief. But as I desire to get light, before I attempt to give it, I will write no more now. What I have, written is not so much with the expectation of instructing any one, as with the design of giving you a better opportunity to meet my case, definitely, so as to give me the light I want; consequently, I shall be equally well pleased, whether you publish this, and append your own exposition of the plan; or give your exposition alone. Yours in love, B. M. HALL. HST May 11, 1842, page 43.13

Esser, Vt. March 17, 1842. HST May 11, 1842, page 43.14

answer to the above

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Exposition of Zechariah 12:10-14


The difficulty which Bro. Hall has with this passage is owing to a tradition which he has imbibed or been taught, that all Jews in some age of the world must be converted to God. Therefore he will not believe because it is not fulfilled according to his small notions. HST May 11, 1842, page 43.15

This was the very way, that the unbelieving Jews rejected Christ; because he did not fulfil the scripture as their traditions taught them, they are looking for him yet. Now, let us suppose that God should tell Bro. Hall that there was no more Jew, that he is not a Jew in the gospel covenant, who is one outwardly; but he is a Jew who is circumcised in heart. And the Jews were no more than Gentiles now under the gospel, all included in unbelief, that God would have mercy on all alike who would believe, and that Gentiles are fellow-heirs of the same body, and partakers of the same promises in Christ as the Jew, and upon the same conditions. And suppose Bro. Hall should believe God, and let go of his Judaizing notion, that all Jews in the flesh must be saved, and then an infidel should charge the prophet Zechariah of telling an untruth, for the families of David, Nathan, Levi and Shimia have not mourned apart; and now the Jews have lost their genealogy, and no one can possibly tell who belongs to these families; and of course now it could not be fulfilled to the satisfaction of any man living? What could Bro. Hall do? Give up the Bible. No, I hope not. I think he would read it over something in this manner. Has God poured upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and supplication? Would not the answer be, Yes? When? In the days of the Apostles, See Acts 2:32-42. Did they mourn then? They cried out, when they found they had a short time previous been the means of having their Messiah crucified; for they no doubt had been many or all of them, in the rabble, which cried, Crucify him! crucify him! HST May 11, 1842, page 43.16

And how can we doubt, that when they were thus convicted, that each one mourned apart for his own sins, husbands and wives and families. How many cases of this kind do we see even among us: when men are convicted of their sins, it is perfectly natural for them to seek to be alone, and retire into their sweet chambers, or groves; how much more would these convicted Jews be apt to do it, seeing they had publicly, a few days before, cried, crucify him, whom they now were convinced was their Lord Christ. Bro. Hall may say that all the families which remain alive at Jerusalem are thus to mourn and be converted, and this was not true at that time. I answer, the prophet has explained what is meant by “All the families that remain,” Zechariah 13:8, 9. “And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein. And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people, and they shall say, The Lord is my God.” HST May 11, 1842, page 43.17

Compare this with Acts 3:25, 26. “Ye are the children of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying unto Abraham, And in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed. Unto you first, God having raised up his Son Jesus, sent him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities.” HST May 11, 1842, page 43.18

See the word, “every one of you,” a stronger term than is used by the prophet, yet it was truly fulfilled, every one who mourned in Zion were comforted, a remnant shall be saved, and this was to be “first,” before the Gentiles were to be called, the remnant of the Jews were to be called, to mourn, or repent, and be saved. This was to be done in the day when there “shall be a fountain opened to the house of David, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, etc.” HST May 11, 1842, page 43.19

Bro. Hall acknowledges this fountain was opened literally when Christ died. Then this prophecy was literally fulfilled. I know of no rule to say, “that day,” means another day, 2000 years from the time the fountain was opened. I see no difficulty in believing that this prophecy of Zechariah 12th and 13th chapters, were truly and literally fulfilled, when God raised up his Son Jesus and sent him first to bless the Jews, and to turn every one of them who would mourn, from his iniquities, and after he had taken a people from among the Jews, to turn to the Gentiles. See Romans 2:7-11. “To them who by patient continuance in well-doing, seek for glory, and honor, and immortality; eternal life: But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness; indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil; of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile; But glory, honor, and peace, to every man that worketh good; to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile; for there is no respect of persons with God.” HST May 11, 1842, page 43.20

Now let us read this text as our Judaizers read it, with this vail on, “But glory, honor, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also the Gentile,” and then to all the Jews that remain: “For there is a respect for the persons of the Jews, with God.” This is the plain and simple reading of our Judaizing brethren, and like the Pharisee of old, they will never believe scripture is fulfilled, untill the day of vengeance overtake them as a thief. W. M. HST May 11, 1842, page 44.1


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BOSTON, MAY 11, 1842.

Editorial Correspondence.—No. 3


Dear Bro. Litch,—Since my last, our meetings have gone on without interruption, and with increasing interest. It is exceeding difficult to get up an interest in this city, on any moral or religious question. The people move in masses. Make a thing popular, and all will go with it. Let the papers give their puffs, and the clergy and professional men their approbation, and the mass moves. It is to be feared that many go on in this way without proper examination, and favor subjects that, upon a full examination, they would utterly reject. In our case we have neither the editors or professional men to favor us; but, on the contrary, their influence is, almost without exception, against us. We quote one honorable exception among the religious papers in this city, the New-York Luminary. It thus notices Mr. Miller and his lectures this week: HST May 11, 1842, page 44.2

“Rev. Wm. Miller.—This distinguished man of God commenced a course of Lectures in this city at the Apollo Rooms, 410 Broadway, last Sabbath morning and is to continue them at that place at 7 1-2 o clock, each evening until the 8th of May. His subject is the “Second Coming of Christ and the end of the world in 1843.” We have heretofore paid some attention to his published lectures, and we frankly acknowledge we could not find anything in them to rail at, as some professedly good people do. On Tuesday evening last, in listening, for ourselves, we were deeply impressed with his application of the prophecy of Daniel 11:30-48, to the institutions of Papacy, and the career and fall of Napoleon Bonaparte.—We believe that Christ will come, whether in 1843, or before, or after that time, we know not, but it will undoubtedly be soon. HST May 11, 1842, page 44.3

“His coming will be as unexpected to thousands in our world as the “coming of a thief in the night.” And we know of no good reason why Bro. Miller is not profitably engaged in his Master’s work, while sounding the midnight cry, so long as he does not authorize the people to put off looking for his coining the next hour.” HST May 11, 1842, page 44.4

Some one of our numerous hearers wrote the following, which was published in the Journal of Commerce, the 28th inst. HST May 11, 1842, page 44.5

“Mr. William Miller is lecturing on the prophecies at the Apollo Hall every evening. We have just completed our granite Exchange and other buildings, made to last a thousand years, and a splendid church is now building on the site of old Trinity, no doubt expected to be used through the millennium. HST May 11, 1842, page 44.6

“Were New York at the foot of Vesuvius, we might now and then be alarmed, and perhaps fear even the speedy conflagration of the whole world: but whilst our commerce is stretching over every sea, and we are building and ‘marrying and giving in marriage,” it is hardly to be expected that many of our citizens will believe in Mr. Miller’s view of the end of this world in 1843. The writer heard Mr. Miller for the first time on Tuesday evening last. His view of the papacy and of Buonaparte, as subjects of the prophecy of Daniel, was calculated to lead to the study of the Scriptures with new interest. HST May 11, 1842, page 44.7

“Mr. Miller is a plain man, and manifestly sincere. His manner is earnest and forcible, and his expositions of the prophecies show not a little study of the Bible and of History. The speedy coming of Christ a theme which, if contemplated, tends to a preparation for that grand event, although the precise time may not be regarded as revealed to us. Citizen.” HST May 11, 1842, page 44.8

This article has done good, in calling attention to the lectures; although the author has not committed himself, yet we thank him for the favor thus conferred upon the cause. With these exceptions, the papers have either treated us with silent contempt, or done what they could to bring us into disrepute. HST May 11, 1842, page 44.9

The clergy, with a very few exceptions, have given their entire influence against us. Even those who profess to believe in the pre-millennial advent, (the judaizers) afford us no sympathy. This is as I expected. What has Judaism to do with Christianity? What can we hope from those who declare that the nation of the Jews must return to Palestine before the Lord can come? Some of them go so far as to make a belief in the Jews’ return essential to salvation!!! This is one of the monstrosities of Judaism. HST May 11, 1842, page 44.10

Notwithstanding all the opposition, and contempt that we have had to meet from all quarters, our meetings have gradually increased in number and interest. Yesterday, (Sabbath,) the large saloon of the Apollo was thronged with anxious and attentive hearers. Br Miller begins to be known as he is—hitherto he has only been known as “crazy Miller,” the “false prophet,” etc. But now, his audiences are composed of the most intelligent and respectable class of citizens, and strangers from all parts of the country, who listen to his lucid expositions of prophecies with the most profound attention. The novelty of the subject has passed away, and given place to reason and candid investigation. The TIME, which has been so much opposed, by friends even, as well as opponents, is now listened to with as much, or more interest, than the manner of Christ’s coming and kingdom. Many have already embraced the time, and are looking for Christ in 1843. While others are disarmed of all objections, and frankly avow that they have nothing to bring against it. HST May 11, 1842, page 44.11

We have heaters from all denominations of Christians,—and some from most, or all the churches, have become believers. Some of the clergy begin to be alarmed at this, and although heretofore they have not considered the subject worthy of their notice, they now feel the effects of the truth, which is spreading among their people, and find it necessary to make some defence in order to save their flocks, and justify themselves in crying “peace and safety.” HST May 11, 1842, page 44.12

But the most interesting fact is yet to be stated.—We have found many who have hitherto rejected the Savior, and some of them the Bible, who are now under deep conviction for sin, and are pleading for salvation at the foot of the cross. The work of God is being revived among us. It is difficult to say how extensive a work might be carried forward in this city, if the ministers and churches would give their influence to brother Miller, as they do to bro. Knapp. However, in spite of all opposition, some are now converted, and the number will be multiplied ere we leave the city. HST May 11, 1842, page 44.13

Christ the Believer’s Life.—What beauty in the view which the Bible presents of the union between Christ and the believer! Who can contemplate it without exulting in the glorious thought of the dignity and honor to which he is raised in Christ. HST May 11, 1842, page 44.14

“I am the true vine” says Jesus, “and my father is the husbandman,” “and ye are the branches.” Look into yonder garden and mark the progress of the gardener as he transplants the vine, and with watchful care nurtures and cultivates the stock, which at a future day is to yield the rich clusters to make glad his heart. See, while the vernal sun warms nature into life, how the opening bud expands, the leaves shoot forth, the little twigs put on their robes of green, and soon the tender clusters show themselves, bow down by their weight the branches, and ripen to maturity, the reward of the laborer’s toil. HST May 11, 1842, page 44.15

But how is it, that that vine which so late was desolate and naked, and to all appearance dead, is now loaded with rich clusters? Its life-blood which then had gone down into the secret storehouse which the God of nature has provided, has flowed again through all its opening pores, and quickened into life those branches, which, but for it, were dead and useless. Each branch lives because it shares the sap or fatness of the root; even the least and outmost twig is dependent on the root for life and vigor. Separate it from the root or stock, and what is it worth? nothing, except to be gathered in bundles and be burned. And let the root itself die, and the result is just the same; the branches must all die with it. There is no way in which the branch can be saved except by being engrafted into another and living stock, while it is yet alive. HST May 11, 1842, page 44.16

Such is the human race. They once possessed life immortal in Adam. But the desolating breath, the poisonous miasma of sin has blighted his prospects, and the cold icy hand of death has stripped him of the vigor and beauty of immortality. HST May 11, 1842, page 44.17

The branch of the tine is no more dependent on the root for life and vigor, than Adam’s race are on their great progenitor for life. The blood of Adam flowing from that root, quickens into active life our tenements of clay. But as Adam forfeited his life when he sinned, he cannot of course transmit to his branches that which he did not possess—immortal life. With the root, the branches must all die. But is there no living stock into which the branch can be engrafted ere it dies, and that forever? Yes, Jesus is the true and living vine, and by faith every penitent sinner may partake of Christ; and he that believeth in me, says the Savior, even he shall live by me. “The first Adam was made a living soul; the second Adam a quickening spirit.” Jesus Christ in his first life, like those he came to redeem, took Adam’s nature and lived by Adam’s blood or life. He was in his humanity a branch of Adam. But he also is “a quickening spirit.” “The Lord from heaven.” By that quickening spirit, not by the Adam’s blood was quickened into life. It is now, then, a new principle of life by which he lives, independent of the original root. And if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead shall quicken also your mortal bodies by his spirit that dwelleth in you. The blood of Adam now no more literally unites us to him, and constitutes us his brunches, than will the spirit of Jesus Christ animate and unite in one common and perfect bond all the children of God in the resurrection of the dead. The believer now has the spirit of Christ as the earnest of his future inheritance; but the blood of Adam prevails, and death is his doom; but his life is hid with Christ in God. And when Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall we also appear with him in glory. HST May 11, 1842, page 44.18

Thus too the church is the body of Jesus Christ as truly as the human race is now the body of the first Adam. HST May 11, 1842, page 44.19

If such is the relation of the church to Christ, with what holy circumspection should we walk, so as never to dishonor our exalted Head! Can we be his, and not walk as he walked? Can we be branches of that holy and fruitful vine, and not bear fruit? It is impossible. If we do not bear fruit, the Savior himself has told us our character and doom. O look well, dear reader, to your relation to Christ. Read the following quotation and lay it to heart: John 15:1-11. “I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit, he taketh away; and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine: no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: he that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit; for without me ye can do nothing. If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples. As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love. These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.” HST May 11, 1842, page 44.20

The Eastern Question.—The results of the Syrian War! After all the talk and bluster about the settlement of the Turco-Egyptian question, it is acknowledged by the best political writers in Europe, that nothing has been done to increase the strength or stability of the Ottoman power. The empire is left in a worse condition than before the war. HST May 11, 1842, page 45.1

The following article from the N. Y. Sun, contains the substance of an article in the Westminster Review, and gives us a clear view of this subject. HST May 11, 1842, page 45.2

“Fruits of the Syrian War.—Our readers will recollect that but few months have passed since the world was resounding with the achievements of the Syrian war. England, Russia, Austria, and Prussia combined to preserve the “integrity of the Ottoman Empire.” These four great powers, together with their protege, Turkey, making five in all, waged war against the forces of one feeble old man. Of course they conquered him, drove back his troops to Egypt, and prescribed the limits within which he might move. Having effected this, they had only to congratulate themselves upon the bravery evinced by their victorious arms, and sit down to divide the glory between them. HST May 11, 1842, page 45.3

The noise of the battle having now passed away, a writer in the Westminster Review thinks it time to look at the results. In a long and able paper he draws a picture of the whole proceeding which will not be very gratifying to the tastes of any of the parties. especially England and Austria. He then enumerates the fruits of the war, and it is proper that the whole world should know whit these are. HST May 11, 1842, page 45.4

In the first place, the allied fleets carried the desolation of fire and sword along the whole Syrian coast; fortresses were blown up or buttered down; men were slaughtered; towns were laid in ashes; families fled from their burning houses; thousand; perished by the sword, and other thousands by famine. These were the first fruits of the war to preserve “the integrity of the Ottoman Empire.” HST May 11, 1842, page 45.5

In the next place, the firm and good government of Mehemet Ali in Syria was destroyed. But what has grown up in its place? Frightful anarchy—violence pillage, murder, insurrection, civil strife, and disorders of every description. Indeed there is no government there. Every arrival from those ill-fated shores brings new evidence of the horrid effects of this allied interference in other people’s business. HST May 11, 1842, page 45.6

But another result is that Russia has achieved her object. The only man that, gave her any uneasiness the wise, bold, and vigorous Mehemet Ali, has been checked; and the Turkish empire, which he might have saved from destruction, is left to waste gradually away, und finally to perish from its own inherent weakness, leaving Russia to seize, at her leisure, upon the grand prize of Constantinople, on which her eyes have so long been fixed. Her plans were well laid, and they have thus far been completely successful. England has been beguiled into this scheme, and has at the same time sacrificed the French alliance, and unwittingly played into the hands of Russia, her most dreaded rival. To compensate her for this, the writer declares that Russia has made enormous additions to her before enormous duties upon British manufactures, so as almost wholly to exclude them from her markets. HST May 11, 1842, page 45.7

Such are some of the fruits of the famous Syrian war. Surely no one need envy England all the advantage she gains by it. Reflection is already convincing her own people that the French government had the most correct view of the subject, from first to last; and throughout the world humanity will long regret that Syria had not been left to the care of the only man that has governed or can govern it. HST May 11, 1842, page 45.8

The Rhode-Island Troubles—Continue to agitate the people in that State, and to attract a considerable share of public attention in other parts of the Union. This is not strange. The case is novel, and important in illustrating the practicability and force of our government. No instance has ever occurred since the adoption of the Federal Constitution of the power of a sovereign state being claimed and exercised by two opposite legislative bodies, both pretending to derive their authority from the sovereign people, but acting under different constitutions. It is not a little remarkable that the people of Rhode Island, accustomed to the most unrestrained freedom, should have been willing to act under a charter of the old government for more than sixty years. It is true, uneasiness has been manifested at various times, and a desire to obtain a constitution better adapted to secure the equal rights of the citizens. HST May 11, 1842, page 45.9

The question in the present struggle we understand, is, not whether the people have a right to change their form of government, but whether the present new Constitution was adopted by the people; whether the proceedings wore such as to have the confidence of the people; whether they were sufficiently regular for business of such vast importance. HST May 11, 1842, page 45.10

There seems to be some difficulty attending the forming of a constitution in Rhode Island, at any rate. The old legislature is looked upon us a privileged order, being chosen not by the people at large, but by the land-holders; and in any provision they make for choosing delegates to a convention for forming a constitution, they admit those only to vote who are possessed of a certain amount of property. In this they are supposed to be selfish. People possessed of the spirit of freedom, like the citizens of Rhode Island, will hardly be contented with any thing short of universal suffrage, at least they would be unwilling to have the right of suffrage confined to property. HST May 11, 1842, page 45.11

Each of the present legislative bodies seems to have acted under the belief that the other would eventually yield. The suffrage party provided for holding their meeting or session one day before the other, intending perhaps to secure the State House The governor of the freeholders obviates this difficulty by calling an extra session, or culling the legislature together before the regular time, and the passing acts with severe penalties against any at tempt of the members of the suffrage party to act as legislators. HST May 11, 1842, page 45.12

The suffrage party’s legislature, on the other hand instead of acknowledging or regarding the acts of their rivals as legal, take the earliest opportunity to pass laws nullifying those acts. They protect themselves during their two days session by an armed force. They met on Tuesday, May 3rd, in an unfinished building erected for a foundry, organized hastily by filling the usual offices, counted the votes of Governor, heard his address, passed several laws, repealing those of their antagonists, and adjourned to the 4th of July, so we hear. HST May 11, 1842, page 45.13

The old legislature met on Wednesday, May 4th, at the State House in Newport. Of their doings we had not heard at the time of writing this article, but understand that a small body of U. S. troops had arrived to protect them, and put down opposition. We hope and trust there will be no occasion for bloodshed, or hostile array of these military forces of Uncle Sam, and little Rhoda against each other. It would be an unseemly contest. A little yielding and conciliatory conduct on both sides would bring all matters right. D. H. HST May 11, 1842, page 45.14

Foreign News


fifteen days later from europe

By arrival of the steamer Caledonia, on Thursday, 5th inst. We have Liverpool papers to the 19th of April. Nothing of importance has taken place since the last arrival. It represents the East as still being in a very unsettled state, and as being likely so to continue. The following items we cut from the European of April 19th:— HST May 11, 1842, page 45.15

The East.—By the Levant mail we have letters from Constantinople of the 27th ult. and Malta of the 5th inst. Syria was in a state of insurrection, and the confusion more confounded by the employment of Albanian troops to repress it, they being, in fact, little better than banditti themselves. HST May 11, 1842, page 45.16

India.—The lamentable intelligence which agitated every bosom at the beginning of last month, has been confirmed by the last arrivals from India, with. Bombay letters to March 1, and Calcutta to Feb. 21. The extent of the disaster greatly exceeds our original apprehensions. Thirteen thousand men, women and children perished in the retreat from Cabul, and of these 5,500 were British soldiers, well armed, many well mounted, carrying with them several field-pieces, and having a fair share of ammunition. The remainder, who were slain, or perished in the snow, in a country six thousand feet above the level of the sea, were servants and camp-followers, men, women and children. HST May 11, 1842, page 45.17

China.—The latest intelligence from China is to the 2nd January. The British expedition there appears to be waiting for the reinforcement, from England and India. Nevertheless, a sort of hybrid warfare was carried on. The British naval commands at Hong Kong was continuing the seizure of the Chinese junks. The Chinese at Canton were busy in making the defences of that river as effective as possible. They had three Dutch engineers, for whom they sent a junk to Java some months ago. It is not stated if those engineers belong to the Dutch army, although it is presumed that they do. Their names are Van Scholte, Van Braam, and Van Schroek. HST May 11, 1842, page 45.18

The Chinese Emperor is represented as incensed and alarmed with the proceedings of the foreigners. Some of the reports from his lieutenants in the provinces he had read with fast falling tears.” Great preparations are said to be made in the province of Pekin, which is under his own imperial jurisdiction, to resist the invaders, who are expected there. HST May 11, 1842, page 45.19

Conference in Pittsfield


The Conference will commence on Monday, May 23, in the Free-will-Baptist meeting-house in Pittsfield, at 10 o’clock A. M. Ministering brethren and friends who love Christ’s appearing, are invited attend and unite in the privileges of the Conference. HST May 11, 1842, page 45.20

Bro. Calvin French will commence a course of lectures in the above named place on Saturday-evening, May 21st. HST May 11, 1842, page 45.21

Boston, April 27, 1842. HST May 11, 1842, page 45.22

THE ENDLESS KINGDOM, Or Daniel’s Fifth Universal Monarchy, which is to be “set up” (Daniel 2:44) A. D. 1843




It is a matter of great astonishment to me, that every man does not see most plainly, from even a casual reading of the Bible, that God has never been able,—either by mercies the most miraculous, or judgments the most severe,—to make anything great and good out of poor, frail man. This awfully solemn, though humbling truth, is apparent from the “in the beginning” of Genesis, to the “Amen” of Revelations; for, indeed, it seems to me, that that man’s sanity should be doubted, who, with a common knowledge of the Scriptures, does not see and believe this truth. May it not be confidently assumed, then, without the least fear of contradiction, that God never can, while man is man, ever make a church, kingdom, or world, out of such materials, anything like what he would have them to be? HST May 11, 1842, page 46.1


And now, in looking over the horrid picture, we must, of necessity, be very brief. First, then, look at man in Eden, with every inducement to obey. Did he stand the test? No, but fell a victim to his own curiosity; and in about 1600 years true piety became extinct in the earth, with the exception of Noah and family: and now read the awful mandate of Jehovah—“I will destroy man, whom I have created, from the face of the earth.” Next we see him, in about 120 years after the flood, saying, “let us build us a city, and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven.” But, says the Lord, “let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech;” and so they were scattered from this beautiful plain, over the face of all the earth. Next, in about 320 years after this, in the call of Abram, we see God making another effort to save the world from entire moral putrefaction. In 20 years after this, “the sun had risen upon the earth, and the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire, and overthrew those cities:” another awful proof of the truth of our introduction. Next, in 430 years, we find the descendants of Abraham a nation of slaves to the idolatrous kingdom of Egypt; but God had now come down to deliver them, “and in the self-same day, the Lord did bring the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt by their armies.” Next, in their 40 years’ journey through the wilderness, notwithstanding the constant miracles of mercies, and wonderful deliverances, God was obliged to destroy their 600,000 fighting men, except Caleb and Joshua, besides women and children; even Moses, the meekest of men, could not be permitted to enter the promised land. At one time, in their journey through the wilderness, their iniquities came up so thick before God, that he threatened to destroy the whole nation, and make of Moses another; but he interceded for them, and they were spared. Now we find them safely located in the land of promise; but do we find them a believing, obedient people? So far from that, their kind Deliverer from Egyptian bondage is compelled to let the surrounding nations in upon them, goading and annoying them on every side, until in about 700 years, “Israel (i. e. the ten tribes) was carried out of their own land to Assyria unto this day:” and then, in about 120 years more, Judah was carried to Babylon, and the city and temple were both destroyed, and the Zion of God was made desolate; and after groaning in bondage for 70 years, God again set them up in their own land, built up their temple, city, and polity. Next, in about 450 years, the Babe of Bethlehem makes his appearance; and, says the great Owner of the vineyard, “they will reverence my Son.” But what say the husbandmen? “Come, this is the heir, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be ours.” The first part of this threat, they most effectually carried into execution; but they were foiled in the last; for, instead of that, they were left of God to their enemies. Everything peculiar in them was abandoned of God forever; the descendants of Abraham scattered to the four winds. “Lo we turn to the Gentiles,” rang through the apostolic ranks; and God takes hold in earnest to raise up a pure church from the Gentile world, of such, and such only, as would worship him in spirit and in truth. The apostles went forth with their lives in their hands, the Holy Ghost working with them; and in about 30 years Paul could say “the hope of the Gospel, which was preached to every creature which is under heaven.” Their success was great. But when popularity succeeded to persecution, and Constantine professed to be converted, true piety was nearly gone; and as soon as A. D. 538, Papacy commenced its bloody and hellish reign: and until the days of Wickliffe, Luther, Calvin and Melanethon, it had almost undisturbed possession of this world. But when these morning stars of the Reformation arose, the midnight of the dark ages was broken in upon, and the 1260 years of papal supremacy over the nations expired in 1798, and Daniel’s “time of the end” of 45 years commenced; the church, having come out of her wilderness state, goes to work in earnest to finish up her work of “publishing the Gospel among all nations.” The flight of the angel was now manifest in all directions; success crowned the efforts of the church, and “many were purified, and made white, and tried:” the “wicked are doing wickedly,” and “the wise beginning to understand.” HST May 11, 1842, page 46.2


In our glance over the past, what have we seen, but one continued scene of mercies and judgments, on the part of God; and, on the part of man, the combination of the ferocity of the tiger, the folly of the idiot, and the obstinacy of the mule; penny-wise and pound-foolish; very careful about; nothing, but very careless about everything. But will this awful state of things continue? Yes, unequivocally we answer, yes; while the blood of Adam runs in the veins of living men, and man is born of woman. That this state of things will continue until the second coming of Christ, is as certain as it is that the Bible is an inspired book. A few texts will now be quoted. “Let both (wheat and tares) grow together until the harvest; the harvest is the end of the world.”—Matthew 13. “I beheld, and the same horn (papacy) made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; until the Ancient of days came: and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High: and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.”—Daniel 7. “And then shall that wicked (papacy) be revealed, whom the Lord shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.”—2 Thess. it. “How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God.”—Luke 18. “Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life; and few there be that find it.”—Matthew 7. “In the world ye shall have tribulation.”—John 16. “These are they which came out of great tribulation.”—Revelation 7. “And that we must through much tribulation enter the kingdom of God.”—Acts 14. “Not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble are called.”—1 Corinthians 1. “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus, shall suffer persecution.”—2 Timothy 3. Now if these quotations from holy writ do not settle it at once, and forever, that the wicked will continue till the end; popery exist till Christ comes; few ever walking the narrow way at the same time; all that get into heaven must be through much tribulation; but few wise or mighty chosen; and then persecution the lot of all that live godly; then, I know of no words in our language that could express it. Where, then, is there a space for a thousand years’ glorious rest for the church on this side of the judgment, that she has been dreaming of for 120 years back? Nowhere to be found; but common sense, observation, and Scripture, all combine to show, that it is not to be expected, until man comes up from the grave in the new creation. HST May 11, 1842, page 46.3


The way is now prepared to see what the Bible teaches us will take place at the ushering in of the glorified KINGDOM. The transcendently glorious day, so cheering to the true saint, opens with the binding, shutting up, and sealing of Satan in the bottomless pit, with the souls of every man and woman who die without a pardon from the great God. Simultaneously with this, the souls of all who have fell asleep in Christ will be seen surrounding him in his return to earth; their bodies, in the meantime, having heard his call, have emerged from their dusty beds; when all who “wait, and come to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days,” will be “changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,” and “caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air.” Meanwhile, the scenes that are taking place over the entire surface of the earth, are best described by the inspired writers themselves. Isaiah, in the thirty-third and thirty-fourth chapters, says, “The people shall be as the burnings of lime; as thorns cut up shall they be burned in the fire: for it is the day of the Lord’s vengeance.” Also, “The streams of the earth shall be turned into pitch, and the dust thereof into brimstone, and the land thereof shall become burning pitch.” Jeremiah, in the twenty-fifth chapter says, “The Lord shall give a shout, against all the inhabitants of the earth; for the Lord hath a controversy with the nations, he will plead with all flesh: he will give them that are wicked to the sword, and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth. And the slain of the Lord shall be at that day from one end of the earth, even to the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried; but shall be dung upon the ground; for the Lord hath forsaken his covert, as the lion.” Nahum, in the first chapter, says, “The mountains quake at him, and the hills melt, and the earth is burned at his presence, yea, the world, and all that dwelt therein.” Malachi, in the fourth chapter, says, “All the proud, yen, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. Ye shall tread down the wicked: for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts.” In the eleventh Psalm it says, “Upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest.” In Deuteronomy, thirty-second chapter, it says, “A fire is kindled in mine anger, and shall burn unto the lowest hell, and shall consume the earth with her increase, and set on fire the foundations of the mountains.” The fire having spent its fury; Satan shut up; every saint raised, or changed, and caught up; every wicked man and woman burnt to ashes, and their souls gone off, in awful crowds, to join their old master in hell; and now, in the emphatic language of Daniel, “The sanctuary is cleansed.” The new heavens and the new earth of Isaiah, Peter, and John, “wherein dwelled righteousness,” now appear, in all the glory of the first Eden. Immediately after John saw the new heaven and earth he saw the, holy city, New Jerusalem, descend from God out of heaven upon it; and then it was immediately said, “the tabernacle of God is with men, and he shall dwell with them, and they shall be his people, where there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, nor pain, for he had made all things new.” And then follows these momentous words, “It is done.” The way is now prepared to see what the Bible teaches us about this HST May 11, 1842, page 46.4


God’s KINGDOM is now come, and his will is done on Earth, as it was in heaven. HST May 11, 1842, page 46.5

The stone that smote the image, and broke it to pieces, has now become a great mountain, or KINGDOM, and filled the whole Earth. HST May 11, 1842, page 46.6

The God of heaven has now set up his KINGDOM, which shall never be destroyed. This KINGDOM shall not be left to other people; it has broken in pieces and consumed all others, and it will stand forever. HST May 11, 1842, page 46.7

Thy sun will no more go down, neither will thy moon withdraw itself, for the Lord is now thine everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning are ended. HST May 11, 1842, page 46.8

Now is given to the Son of man his dominion and glory, and a KINGDOM, that all people, nations, and languages should serve him. HST May 11, 1842, page 46.9

Now we see how that flesh and blood do not inherit the KINGDOM of God. HST May 11, 1842, page 46.10

His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which will not pass away, and his KINGDOM that which will not be destroyed. HST May 11, 1842, page 46.11

Thy people are now all righteous; they will inherit the Land forever; a little one has now become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation; God has hastened it in his own good time. HST May 11, 1842, page 46.12

For shame, they now have double; for confusion, they now rejoice in their portion; therefore in this Land they possess the double; everlasting joy shall be unto them. HST May 11, 1842, page 46.13

The Redeemer yet lives, and now stands upon the earth: and now Job, in his flesh [i. e. spiritual body] sees God for himself. HST May 11, 1842, page 46.14

God has now raised unto David a righteous Branch and a King; who should reign and prosper, and execute judgment and justice in the Earth: in whose days Judah is saved and Israel dwells safely, and whose name is THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. HST May 11, 1842, page 46.15

The new covenant having been made with the house of Israel and Judah, and the “after days” having come. God has now put his law in their inward parts, and wrote it in their hearts, and is now their God, and they his people, and now they have no occasion to say to their neighbor, “Know the Lord,” for all now know him, from the least to the greatest. HST May 11, 1842, page 46.16

The KINGDOM, and dominion, and greatness of the KINGDOM, under the whole heaven, is now given to the saints of the Most High. HST May 11, 1842, page 46.17

Fear not, little flock, for your Father’s good pleasure has come, to give you the KINGDOM. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.1

Thus, they that wait upon the Lord shall inherit the Earth. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.2

Now the righteous inherit the Land, and shall dwell therein forever. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.3

Now, all that are blessed of the Father, come, and inherit the KINGDOM prepared for them from the foundation of the World. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.4

Oh Israel, God has now opened your graves, and brought you up out of your graves, and put his Spirit in you, and ye live; and has placed you in your own Land. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.5

The whole house of Israel are now one nation, in the Land, upon the mountains of Israel; are now saved out of all their dwelling-places, wherein they have sinned, and are cleansed: so they are his people, and he their God. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.6

Now, they speak of the glory of his KINGDOM and talk of his power. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.7

He will now make known to the sons of men the glorious majesty of his KINGDOM. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.8

His tabernacle also is with them, and they are his people; yea, and he will be their God; now that his sanctuary is in the midst of them for evermore. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.9

Now, the righteous shine forth as the sun in the KINGDOM of their Father. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.10

The wise now shine as the brightness of the firmament; and those that have turned many to righteousness, as the stars forever and ever. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.11

I have now planted them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land, which I have given them, saith the Lord thy God. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.12

The Lord God has now given Messiah the throne of his Father David, who must reign over the house of Jacob forever; for of his KINGDOM there will be no end. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.13

For the sceptre of his KINGDOM is a right sceptre. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.14

The day has now come that the light is not clear nor dark; but known to the Lord as one day: not day, nor night; but at evening time it is light. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.15

Living waters now flow out from Jerusalem; for the Lord is now King over all the Earth: there is now one Lord, and his name one. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.16

The least one in this KINGDOM is greater than was John the Baptist, while in the flesh. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.17

Now the righteous are recompensed in the earth. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.18

Jesus Christ, having broken the heathen with a rod of iron, and dashed them in pieces like a potter’s vessel, has now received the uttermost parts of the Earth for his possession. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.19

This nobleman, who has been into a far country, to receive for himself a KINGDOM, has now returned, having received his KINGDOM. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.20

Jesus Christ will now fulfil his promise of drinking the fruit of the vine, new, with his people, in his Father’s KINGDOM. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.21

The day has come that there is no more the Canaanite in the house of the Lord of hosts. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.22

Daniel has gone his way, and rested, and now stands in his lot. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.23

Jesus Christ went throughout every city and village, preaching and showing the glad tidings of this KINGDOM of God. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.24

Blessed are all those who shall eat bread in this KINGDOM. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.25

They are now mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in this day that I have made up my jewels; I will now spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.26

The Sun of righteousness has now risen, with healing in his wings, upon those that fear his name, and they have grown up and gone forth, as calves of the stall. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.27

The saints of the Most High have now taken the KINGDOM, and possess the Kingdom forever, even forever and ever. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.28

Jesus Christ made an appointment with his disciples to eat and drink with him at his table in this KINGDOM, as his Father had appointed unto him. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.29

The promise to Abraham, that he should be the heir to the World, is now fulfilled, by his taking possession of the true Canaan, with all his seed for an everlasting inheritance. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.30

The seed of David, which should proceed out of his bowels, is now set up, house and throne; and his KINGDOM established forever. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.31

The glad tidings of this KINGDOM was to be preached among all nations, for a witness, before it should come. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.32

God having sent Jesus Christ, the times of restitution of all things, which he had spoken of by the month of all his holy prophets, since the world began, must have now come. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.33

The things that were made, that could be shaken are now removed, and those things that could not be shaken now remain, and the KINGDOM is received, which could not be moved. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.34

There were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the KINGDOM of our Lord, and of his Christ: and he shall reign forever. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.35

The time has come that God has rewarded his prophets, his saints, and all that fear his name, small and great; and has destroyed them which destroy the earth. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.36

The saints now reign upon the Earth, as John heard them say they should. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.37

When the saints shall see the signs of Christ’s coming to judgment, Then they shall know this KINGDOM of God is nigh at hand. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.38

The redeemed of the Lord have now returned, and come to Zion, with songs and everlasting joy; and have obtained gladness. Sorrow and mourning have fled away. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.39

None shall hurt nor destroy in all this holy mountain; for the Earth is now full of the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.40

The upright now dwell in the Land, and the perfect remain in it. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.41

Thus the righteous are never to be removed; and the wicked are not to inhabit the Earth. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.42

The Lord is now King forever and ever; and now the heathen are perished out of his Land. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.43

Now the Lord hath brought back the captivity of his people: Jacob is now rejoicing, and Israel is now glad. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.44

All the ends of the World now remember, and have turned unto the Lord: all the kindreds of the nations now worship before him. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.45

The Lord has now saved his people, lifted them up, fed them, and blessed his inheritance forever. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.46

War hath now ceased unto the end of the Earth: the bow is broken, the spear is cut asunder, the chariot is burned in the fire. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.47

God has appeared in his glory, and built up Zion; he has arisen and had mercy upon her; for the time to favor her, yea, the set time has come. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.48

By the spirit of judgment and of burning, the Lord has now washed away the filth of the daughter of Zion, and purged the blood of Jerusalem. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.49

The day has come that the branch of the Lord has become beautiful and glorious; and the fruit of the Earth has become excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.50

David’s greater Son is now on his throne, and his KINGDOM, to order it, and establish it, with judgment and justice, from henceforth even forever: of the increase and peace of which there will be no end. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.51

The moon is now confounded, the sun ashamed, now that the Lord of hosts reigns in mount Zion and Jerusalem gloriously. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.52

The Lord of hosts has now made unto all people in this mountain a feast of fat things, of wines on the lees, and of fat things full of marrow. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.53

The face of the covering cast over all people, and the veil spread over all nations, is now, in this mountain, destroyed, by death being swallowed up of victory. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.54

The Lord God has now taken away the rebuke, and wiped away the tears from the faces of his people, from off all the Earth. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.55

The day has now come when it is said, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him: this is the Lord; we will be glad, and rejoice in his salvation. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.56

Thy dead men, that dwelt in dust, have now awoke and arose, and now live and sing: for the earth hath cast out her dead. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.57

The inhabitants of this Land shall never say, I am sick: the people that dwell herein are forgiven of their iniquities. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.58

Jerusalem’s warfare is now accomplished, her iniquity is pardoned, and she hath now received of the Lord’s hand double for all her sins. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.59

God is now with his people, he has brought them from the east, and gathered them from the west; he has said to the north, give up, and to the south, keep not back; he has brought his sons from far, and his daughters from the ends of the earth. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.60

The Lord has now comforted all the waste places of Zion; he hath made her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the Lord; joy, gladness, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody, are now found therein. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.61

Jesus Christ, having seen the travail of his soul, is now satisfied. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.62

Zion has arisen and shone; for her light has now come; for the Lord has risen upon her, and his glory is now seen upon her. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.63

Whereas, Zion having been forsaken and hated, so that no man went through her, is now made an eternal excellence, a joy of many generations. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.64

The fir-tree has now come up instead of the thorn, the myrtle-tree instead of the brier; which is now to the Lord for a name, for an everlasting sign, which shall not be cut off. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.65

The sun no more gives light by day, neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee; but the Lord is unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.66

Zion has awoke and put on her strength; the holy city, Jerusalem, has put on her beautiful garment; for henceforth there will no more come unto her the uncircumcised and the unclean. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.67

And the nations of them which are saved walk in the light of it, and the kings and nations of the earth have brought their glory and honor into it. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.68

Violence will no more be heard in this Land, wasting nor destruction within these borders; but these walls are now salvation, and these gates praise. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.69

The gates of it are not shut at all by day, and there is no night here; no candle nor sun is needed, for the Lord God giveth them light; and they shall reign forever and ever. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.70

Glory, Glory! What a constellation of glory, beauty, brightness, blessedness, immortality, have we seen in the above scripture passages! Only think of the place: the World; the Earth; New Jerusalem; Canaan; Eden; Zion; Beulah; under the whole heavens; mountains of Israel; your own Land; etc., etc. Then of the King: GOD; Lord; Almighty; Lord of hosts; Jesus Christ; Father of Spirits; heavenly Father; etc., etc. Then think of the company; the Whole house of Israel; the Bride; the church of the firstborn; saints; the Lamb’s wife; Zion of God; his people; saints of the Most High; Hephzibah; God’s jewels; the beloved; the perfect; the upright; the righteous. Then think of walking in white, on pure gold; shining like the sun; go no more out; pulled no more up; no sickness, nor pain, nor sorrow; no tears, no death, no sighing; no setting sun; no waning moon; no tempting devil; no wicked ones; no wicked heart; no righteous self; walls of salvation; gates of praise; no night; no cold; no heat; no winds nor storms; the days of mourning ended; peace; tree of life; river of life; eating and drinking at Christ’s table; her warfare accomplished; has awoke and put on strength; put on her beautiful garments; lift up their voice and sing; no briers nor thorns; nothing to hurt nor destroy; feast of fat things; wine well refined. Think, too, of the duration: eternal; everlasting; forever and ever; never go out; never removed. This is our millennium. We ask for no other; we wish for no better; we expect no other; the Bible speaks of no other; our faith can see no other; and there is no other. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.71

Who are the inhabitants? First, all the young who die before they are accountable. In this item we get half of all that are born. Second, all idiots, if they have souls. Third, all who become insane before they become accountable. Fourth, all who are truly converted and hold out till death. The last three items are just so many more than half of all that ever live. With this view of it, which a child ten years old can understand, we see what a vast majority there will be saved over what are lost. The lost are said to be in number as the sand of the sea; but the saved, an innumerable company—a great multitude, which no man could number. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.72


This state of things, both with the righteous and the wicked, continues until near the close of the time called in the twentieth chapter of Revelation a thousand years, be it longer or shorter; when the righteous are all called in from roaming over the vernal fields of the new earth, to the “beloved city,” which is fifteen hundred miles in breadth, length and height; when, probably, for the first time, its gates of pearl swing too upon their massive binges; when the Devil and all wicked spirits are let loose from the bottomless pit. The ashes and dust of “the rest of the dead” are raised, and their souls and bodies are reunited; and now, with Satan at their head, they come up on the breadth of the earth to battle, in number as the sands of the sea, and surround the “beloved city.” But the Devil again deceives them; the same as he had done through their mortal life; and God drives the whole company into the lake of fire and brimstone, where they shall be tormented day and night forever and ever. And here, now, the written revelation of God closes up, and leaves Satan and all the wicked in the lake of fire and brimstone; God and all the saints in the New Jerusalem, upon the new earth. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.73


Reader, to which of these classes do you belong? and to which of these eternal destinies are you hastening? Oh! I entreat you to pause and think, before, you take another step. Are you gratifying appetite, pride, vanity, temper, or lust? are you envious, covetous, avaricious, or ambitious? If you are, then you are in a fair way to be very soon “ashes, under the soles of the feet of the saints,” and your soul shut up in the bottomless pit. Oh, delay not a moment, but give up your soul into the hands of Christ! Repent of, and forsake all your sins; believe in him; love him; obey him; delight in him and his people; pray without ceasing, in the closet, and in the family; deny self; seek the company of saints; shun the company of the scornful; and very soon you will join in the grand shout of victory, with all the redeemed, “Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, and he will save us; this is the LORD.” Amen and Amen. HST May 11, 1842, page 47.74

General Conference in Boston


Will commence on Tuesday, May 24th, at the Melodeon, and continue through the week. We anticipate a full representation of the friends of the cause, both of the ministry and laity, at these Conferences. The believers in the doctrine of the Second Advent at hand, are rapidly increasing throughout the country. And as our time is short in which to do up our work, no trifling excuse should be permitted to deter us from convening on the occasion. A commodious place has been secured for each of the Couferences; and our cause will not suffer, to say the least, by a comparison with any of the great causes which claim the attention of the public during these interesting weeks. HST May 11, 1842, page 48.1

Another thought is, that it may be the last Anniversary Week the world will ever see; and if it should be thus, can we be clear and not have embraced such an opportunity of giving distinctly, firmly and unitedly, and with our whole strength, the Midnight Cry to the congregated tribes of our American Israel, before the great day of the Lord come upon us? Brethren, think on this subject, and act promptly. HST May 11, 1842, page 48.2

Second Advent Conference in Canada


A Conference on the second advent of Christ will be held in the Union meeting-house, at STAN-STEAD, LOWER CANADA, to commence Tuesday, May 31, at 10 o’clock, A. M. Bro. Litch and others from the States are expected to be present on the occasion. HST May 11, 1842, page 48.3

Extract of a letter from Henry Frost


It is a time of general revival in this part of the country,—a reformation has followed the Advent Conference at Newport, of which I conclude you have had an account before this. But we have but few laborers in this part of the country. We are expecting to have an Advent Conference in Cornville in June, at which time we are expecting Bro. Fitch from Haverhill and shall have it published as soon as I can ascertain when Bro. Fitch can attend in part. HST May 11, 1842, page 48.4

Fairfield, Me. April 21, 1842. HST May 11, 1842, page 48.5

Extract of a Letter from Israel Rice


Revival from the reading of Miller’s Lectures

Although we live in a remote part of the earth, it may be pleasing to you to hear of the work of God in this place. Some time in December last we obtained a copy of Mr. Miller’s Lectures; and as no other copy could be obtained, and many wished to hear its contents, it was thought best to have it read in public. Accordingly, two evenings in a week were set apart to read lectures, until all were read. At the commencement much opposition was manifested of both ministers and people, but not so much at the close. I will just say, that spiritual darkness was as visible as ever I knew it; much discord existed in the community at the time, but it soon became apparent that a change was about to take place. Many of the professors began to attend to the long neglected duty of reading the word of God and prayer. And to the praise of our great High Priest above, we have had a bountiful shower of divine grace, many souls converted to God, and the work seems yet in its bloom. Truly we may say, What hath God wrought? I have witnessed several revivals of religion in this region, but none like and so general as this. HST May 11, 1842, page 48.6

I have heard of the convention of the believers in the near approach of the dear Savior, in the states; and can bid them God-speed. HST May 11, 1842, page 48.7

Hillsburg, Digley County, Province of Novascotia, March 25, 1842. HST May 11, 1842, page 48.8

Inconsistency of our Opponents


Our opponents blame us for fixing on the time of the judgment as being near, and they say, if God has any where revealed the time specifically, the effect would be to paralize exertion, and to keep the church slumbering till the time that the bridegroom actually makes his approach. But if on our theory it has this effect, how much more does it on their own? If fixing it in 1843, or 47, or 56, has this effect, how much more will it, by fixing it at the end of the thousand years? If that is not saying, “My Lord delayeth his coming,” and does not give the foolish virgins occasion for slumbering, will they be kind enough to tell us what is? HST May 11, 1842, page 48.9

Effect of the two doctrines, the near and distant approach of Christ. HST May 11, 1842, page 48.10

I have invariably noticed, that when the doctrine of a temporal millennium is preached, sinners will sit contentedly and hear. And I have often thought that the reasoning in their minds was something like the following, when the doctrine of a temporal millennium was preached. “Well, if the millennium is so near, and all the wicked are to be converted before that time, I shall stand a very good chance to be among the number; and so I need not give myself any great concern about the matter. God has designed that the glorious thing shall occur, and that the coming of “my Lord” is at least a thousand years distant; so I may rest secure a while longer. I may, it is true, die; but if the millennium is so near, I shall stand a very good chance to live, till God shall pour out his Spirit on all flesh, then I shall be converted and enter into his kingdom.” I have preached this doctrine, and have heard others preach it, and I never knew a sinner awakened by it. And it might be preached till dooms-day, and none would be converted. As far as the arousing of sinners is concerned, it will have no more effect than the doctrines of Universalism. But you preach a judgment near, and the coming of Christ at hand, and you awaken their fears, and show them cause for immediate and decided action. You raise the cry, “the bridegroom cometh,” and you begin to startle the slumbering virgins, and they will begin to inquire for oil to put into their extinguished lamps. HST May 11, 1842, page 48.11

The effect of these two doctrines, we regard as essentially different. One has a tendency to lull the lukewarm to sleep;—while the other has a tendency to arouse the slumbering, awaken the careless, and to induce all to prepare to meet their God. HST May 11, 1842, page 48.12

Behold he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also that pierced Him; and all nations shall wail because of Him. Be ye therefore ready; for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of man cometh. HST May 11, 1842, page 48.13

Zion, March 21, 1842. D. C. HST May 11, 1842, page 48.14

Ye heaped together treasures for the last days.”
Your riches are corrupted.”
HST May 11, 1842, page 48.15

In Bogota there has been several heavy failures—one man alone for $2,500,000, and another for $1,171,000, and several trifling ones for $200,000 to 40 and $30,000. Those below these sums are not worth mentioning. HST May 11, 1842, page 48.16

A rich Church.—The value of the property belonging to the church in Mexico is estimated at $9,000,000. A pretty little sum for the boasted successors of those who were commanded to have neither scrip nor purse. HST May 11, 1842, page 48.17

One of the city papers states it at $900,000, 000. HST May 11, 1842, page 48.18

Trinity Church, N. Y.—This church is estimated to be worth $21,000,000. How can such a church be willing to see the lowly Savior return, to deliver his afflicted and poor people? “Woe unto you, ye rich men; weep and howl for your miseries which are coming upon you.” HST May 11, 1842, page 48.19

The Fathers and the Grandfathers.—An Irish peasant was once advised by the priest to give up his Bible and study the fathers.—“Who are the fathers? I never heard of the fathers,” said the peasant. “Why,” said the priest, “the fathers are St. Jerome, St. Augustin, and other saints.” “I never saw them,” said the poor man, “but I have the grandfathers. I have Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and I think the grandfathers are far superior to the fathers.” HST May 11, 1842, page 48.20

And in the Moon.” HST May 11, 1842, page 48.21

Lunar Phenomenon.—Sandusky, Jan. 29. On the night of Tuesday, the 24th inst., our attention was called to the extraordinary appearance of the moon. It was truly a singular, but most beautiful sight. The moon was at the full, or within a few hours of it. At the time there was a thin haze in the atmosphere, and there were seven distinct circles around the moon, displaying all the colors of the rainbow, with nearly, if not quite, equal briliancy. It is not easy to designate the different colors of the circles with exactness, but we made the following note at the time: “Within the inner circles, a bright white (or rather a dead white,) then a brown (circle) then a green, then a faint blue.” The last was discernible. This appearance lasted ten or fifteen minutes after we first saw it, and it is said that a similar appearance was presented about half an hour afterward—Clarion. HST May 11, 1842, page 48.22



Received up to May 6.—From Post Masters in Peperell, Mass.—Geneseo, N. Y.—Westfield, Chautauque Co. N.Y.—N. Montpelier, Vt.—Norwich,Vt.—Brooklynn, Ct.—Middlebury,O.—Thompson,Ct.—Westford, Vt.—Addison Vt.—Taxahaw, S. C.—East Roxbury, Vt.—Lancaster, N. H.—Detroit, Mich.—Westminster, Vt.—Francestown, N. H.—Salem, Ct.—Mattapoisette, Mass.—Charlton, N. Y.—Greenville C. H., S. C.—Newton U. Falls, Mass.—Richford, Vt—W. Boylston, Mass.—Greenvllle, S. C.—Falmouth, Me.—Easton, Mass.—Milton, Mass.—E. St. Albans, Me. HST May 11, 1842, page 48.23

From Robert Young, P. T. Keeney, Williams Thayer, Peter Hough, N. G. Howard, Truman Grandy, Thomas M. Preble, Charles Stevens, D. Burgess, Samuel Bass, Jehiel Claflin, George A. Reed, John J. Dedman, Ebenezer Sprout, W. W. Stevenson of Little Rock, Ark, Isaac Vaughn. HST May 11, 1842, page 48.24

Bundles Sent


One bundle to Stephen Goodhen, Lowel.
One bundle to D. Burges, Hartford, Ct. Via. Springfield.
One bundle to Thom as M. Preble, Nashua.
HST May 11, 1842, page 48.25

Signs of the Times


Is published weekly, at No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston, by JOSHUA V. HIMES, to whom all letters and communications must be addressed. HST May 11, 1842, page 48.26

Terms,—One Dollar per Volume of 24 Nos. (6 months.)
dow & jackson, printers.
HST May 11, 1842, page 48.27