Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary


FASHIONABLY, adv. In a manner according to fashion, custom or prevailing practice; with modish elegance; as, to dress fashionably.

FASHIONED, pp. Made; formed; shaped; fitted; adapted.

FASHIONER, n. One who forms or gives shape to.

FASHIONING, ppr. Forming; giving shape to; fitting; adapting.

FASHION-MONGER, n. One who studies the fashion; a fop.

Fashion-pieces, in ships, the hindmost timbers which terminate the breadth, and form the shape of the stern.

FASSAITE, n. A mineral, a variety of augite, found in the valley of Fassa, in the Tyrol.

FAST, a.

1. Literally, set, stopped, fixed, or pressed close. Hence, close; tight; as, make fast the door; take fast hold.

2. Firm; immovable.

Who by his strength, setteth fast the mountains. Psalm 65:6.

3. Close; strong.

Robbers and outlaws - lurking in woods and fast places.

4. Firmly fixed; closely adhering; as, to stick fast in more; to make fast a rope.

5. Close, as sleep; deep; sound; as a fast sleep.

6. Firm in adherence; as a fast friend.

Fast and loose, variable; inconstant; as, to play fast and loose.

FAST, adv. Firmly; immovably.

We will bind thee fast, and deliver thee into their hand. Judges 15:13.

FAST, a. [L. festino. The sense is to press, drive, urge, and it may be from the same root as the preceding word, with a different application.]

Swift; moving rapidly; quick in motion; as a fast horse.

FAST, adv. Swiftly; rapidly; with quick steps or progression; as, to run fast; to move fast through the water, as a ship; the work goes on fast.
FAST, v.i.

1. To abstain from food, beyond the usual time; to omit to take the usual meals, for a time; as, to fast a day or a week.

2. To abstain from food voluntarily, for the mortification of the body or appetites, or as a token of grief, sorrow and affliction.

Thou didst fast and weep for the child. 2 Samuel 12:21.

When ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance. Matthew 6:16.

3. To abstain from food partially, or from particular kinds of food; as, the Catholics fast in Lent.

FAST, n.

1. Abstinence from food; properly a total abstinence, but it is used also for an abstinence from particular kinds of food, for a certain time.

Happy were our forefathers, who broke their fasts with herbs.

2. Voluntary abstinence from food, as a religious mortification or humiliation; either total or partial abstinence from customary food, with a view to mortify the appetites, or to express grief and affliction on account of some calamity, or to deprecate an expected evil.

3. The time of fasting, whether a day, week or longer time. An annual fast is kept in New England, usually one day in the spring.

The fast was now already past. Acts 27:9.

FAST, n. That which fastens or holds.

FAST-DAY, n. The day on which fasting is observed.

FASTEN, v.t. f’asn.

1. To fix firmly; to make fast or close; as, to fasten a chain to the feet, or to fasten the feet with fetters.

2. To lock, bolt or bar; to secure; as, to fasten a door or window.

3. To hold together; to cement or to link; to unite closely in any manner and by any means, as by cement, hooks, pins, nails, cords, etc.

4. To affix or conjoin.

The words Whig and Tory have been pressed to the service of many successions of parties, with different ideas fastened to them. [Not common.]

5. To fix; to impress.

Thinking, by this face,

To fasten in our thoughts that they have courage.

6. To lay on with strength.

Could he fasten a blow, or make a thrust, when not suffered to approach?

FASTEN, v.i. To fasten on, is to fix one’s self; to seize and hold on; to clinch.

The leech will hardly fasten on a fish.

FASTENED, pp. Made firm or fast; fixed firmly; impressed.

FASTENER, n. One that makes fast or firm.

FASTENING, ppr. Making fast.

FASTENING, n. Any thing that binds and makes fast; or that which is intended for that purpose.

FASTER, n. One who abstains from food.

FAST-HANDED, a. Closehanded; covetous; closefisted; avaricious.

FASTIDIOSITY, n. Fastidiousness. [Not used.]

FASTIDIOUS, a. [L. fastidiousus, from fastidio, to disdain from fastus, haughtiness. See Heb.]

1. Disdainful; squeamish; delicate to a fault; over nice; difficult to please; as a fastidious mind or taste.

2. Squeamish; rejecting what is common or not very nice; suited with difficulty; as a fastidious appetite.

FASTIDIOUSLY, adv. Disdainfully; squeamishly; contemptuously. they look fastidiously and speak disdainfully.

FASTIDIOUSNESS, n. Disdainfulness; contemptuousness; squeamishness of mind, taste or appetite.

FASTIGIATE, FASTIGIATED, a. [L. fastigiatus, pointed, from fastigio, to point, fastigium, a top or peak.]

1. In botany, a fastigiate stem is one whose branches are of an equal height. Peduncles are fastigiate, when they elevate the fructifications in a bunch, so as to be equally high, or when they form an even surface at the top.

2. Roofed; narrowed to the top.

FASTING, ppr. Abstaining from food.

FASTING, n. The act of abstaining from food.

FASTING-DAY, n. A day of fasting; a fast-day; a day of religious mortification and humiliation.


1. The state of being fast and firm; firm adherence.

2. Strength; security.

The places of fastness are laid open.

3. A strong hold; a fortress or fort; a place fortified; a castle. The enemy retired to their fastnesses.

4. Closeness; conciseness of style. [Not used.]

FASTUOUS, a. [L. fastuosus, from fastus, haughtiness.]

Proud; haughty; disdainful.

FAT, a.

1. Fleshy; plump; corpulent; abounding with an oily concrete substance, as an animal body; the contrary to lean; as a fat man; a fat ox.

2. Coarse; gross.

Nay, added fat pollutions of our own.

3. Dull; heavy; stupid; unteachable.

Make the heart of this people fat. Isaiah 6:10.

4. Rich; wealthy; affluent.

These are terrible alarms to persons grown fat and wealthy.

5. Rich; producing a large income; as a fat benefice.

6. Rich; fertile; as a fat soil; or rich; nourishing; as fat pasture.

7. Abounding in spiritual grace and comfort.

They [the righteous] shall be fat and flourishing. Psalm 92:14.

FAT, n.

1. An oily concrete substance, deposited in the cells of the adipose or cellular membrane of animal bodies. In most parts of the body, the fat lies immediately under the skin. Fat is of various degrees of consistence, as in tallow, lard and oil. It has been recently ascertained to consist of two substances, stearine and elaine, the former of which is solid, the latter liquid, at common temperatures, and on the different proportions of which its degree of consistence depends.

2. The best or richest part of a thing.

Abel brought of the fat of his flock. Genesis 4:4.

FAT, v.t. To make fat; to fatten; to make plump and fleshy with abundant food; as, to fat fowls or sheep.
FAT, v.i. To grow fat, plump and fleshy.

An old ox fats as well, and is as good, as a young one.

FAT, VAT, n.

A large tub, cistern or vessel used for various purposes, as by brewers to run their wort in, by tanners for holding their bark and hides, etc. It is also a wooden vessel containing a quarter or eight bushels of grain, and a pan for containing water in salt-works, a vessel for wine, etc.

The fats shall overflow with wine and oil. Joel 2:24.

FAT, n. A measure of capacity, but indefinite.

FATAL, a. [L. fatalis. See Fate.]

1. Proceeding from fate or destiny; necessary; inevitable.

These things are fatal and necessary.

2. Appointed by fate or destiny.

It was fatal to the king to fight for his money.

In the foregoing senses the word is now little used.

3. Causing death or destruction; deadly; mortal; as a fatal wound; a fatal disease.

4. Destructive; calamitous; as a fatal day; a fatal event.

FATALISM, n. The doctrine that all things are subject to fate, or that they take place by inevitable necessity.

FATALIST, n. One who maintains that all things happen by inevitable necessity.


1. A fixed unalterable course of things, independent of God or any controlling cause; an invincible necessity existing in things themselves; a doctrine of the Stoics.

2. Decree of fate.

3. Tendency to danger, or to some great or hazardous event.

4. Mortality.


1. By a decree of fate or destiny; by inevitable necessity or determination.

2. Mortally; destructively; in death or ruin. This encounter ended fatally. The prince was fatally deceived.

FATALNESS, n. Invincible necessity.

FATBRAINED, a. Dull of apprehension.

FATE, n. [L. fatum, from for, fari, to speak, whence fatus.]

1. Primarily, a decree or word pronounced by God; or a fixed sentence by which the order of things is prescribed. Hence, inevitable necessity; destiny depending on a superior cause and uncontrollable. According to the Stoics, every event is determined by fate.

Necessity or chancenot me; and what I will is fate.

2. Event predetermined; lot; destiny. It is our fate to meet with disappointments.

It is the fate of mortals.

Tell me what fates attend the duke of Suffolk?

3. Final event; death; destruction.

Yet still he chose the longest way to fate.

The whizzing arrow sings,

And bears thy fate, Antinous, on its wings.

4. Cause of death. Dryden calls an arrow a feathered fate.

Divine fate, the order or determination of God; providence.


1. Decreed by fate; doomed; destined. He was fated to rule over a factious people.

2. Modelled or regulated by fate.

Her awkward love indeed was oddly fated.

3. Endued with any quality by fate.

4. Invested with the power of fatal determination.

The fated sky gives us free scope.

The two last senses are hardly legitimate.

FATEFUL, a. Bearing fatal power; producing fatal events.

The fateful steel.

FATES, n. plu. In mythology, the destinies or parcae; goddesses supposed to preside over the birth and life of men. They were three in number, Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos.

FATHER, n. [L. pater. The primary sense is obvious.]

1. He who begets a child; in L. genitor or generator.

The father of a fool hath no joy. Proverbs 17:21.

2. The first ancestor; the progenitor of a race or family. Adam was the father of the human race. Abraham was the father of the Israelites.

3. The appellation of an old man, and a term of respect.

The king of Israel said to Elisha, my father shall I smite them? 2 Kings 6:21.

The servants of Naaman call him father. Elderly men are called fathers; as the fathers of a town or city. In the church, men venerable for age, learning and piety are called fathers, or reverend fathers.

4. The grandfather or more remote ancestor. Nebuchadnezzar is called the father of Belshazzar, though he was his grandfather. Daniel 5:2, 18.

5. One who feeds and supports or exercises paternal care over another. God is called the father of the fatherless. Psalm 68:5.

6. He who creates, invents, makes or composes any thing; the author, former or contriver; a founder, director or instructor. God as creator is the father of all men. 1 Corinthians 8:6. Jabal was the father of such as dwell in tents; and Jubal of musicians. Genesis 4:21. God is the father of spirits and of lights. Homer is considered as the father of epic poetry. Washington, as a defender and an affectionate and wise counselor, is called the father of his country. And see 1 Chronicles 2:51; 1 Chronicles 4:14; 1 Chronicles 9:35. Satan is called the father of lies; he introduced sin, and instigates men to sin. John 8:44. Abraham is called the father of believers. He was an early believer, and a pattern of faith and obedience. Romans 4:11.

7. Fathers, in the plural, ancestors.

David slept with his fathers. 1 Kings 2:10.

8. A father in law. So Heli is called the father of Joseph. Luke 3:23.

9. The appellation of the first person in the adorable Trinity.

Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19.

10. The title given to dignitaries of the church, superiors of convents, and to popish confessors.

11. The appellation of the ecclesiastical writers of the first centuries, as Polycarp, Jerome, etc.

12. The title of a senator in ancient Rome; as conscript fathers.

Adoptive father, he who adopts the children of another, and acknowledges them as his own.

Natural father, the father of illegitimate children.

Putative father, one who is only reputed to be the father; the supposed father.

FATHER-IN-LAW, n. The father of one’s husband or wife; and a man who marries a woman who has children by a former husband is called the father in law or step-father of those children.

FATHER, v.t.

1. To adopt; to take the child of another as one’s own.

2. To adopt any thing as one’s own; to profess to be the author.

Men of wit often father’d what he writ.

3. To ascribe or charge to one as his offspring or production; with on.

My name was made use of by several persons, one of whom was pleased to father on me a new set of productions.


1. Adopted; taken as one’s own; ascribed to one as the author.

2. Having had a father of particular qualities.

I am no stronger than my sex, being so father’d and so husbanded. [Unusual.]

FATHERHOOD, n. The state of being a father, or the character or authority of a father.

We might have had an entire notion of this fatherhood, or fatherly authority.

FATHERING, ppr. Adopting; taking or acknowledging as one’s own; ascribing to the father or author.

FATHERLASHER, n. A fish of the genus Cottus or bull-head, called scorpius or scolping. The head is large and its spines formidable. It is found on the rocky coasts of Britain, and near Newfoundland and Greenland. In the latter country it is a great article of food.


1. Destitute of a living father; as a fatherless child.

3. Without a known author.

FATHERLESSNESS, n. The state of being without a father.

FATHERLINESS, n. [See Fatherly.] The qualities of a father; parental kindness, care and tenderness.

FATHERLY, a. [father and like.]

1. Like a father in affection and care; tender; paternal; protecting; careful; as fatherly care or affection.

2. Pertaining to a father.

FATHERLY, adv. In the manner of a father.

Thus Adam, fatherly displeased. [Not proper.]


1. A measure of length containing six feet, the space to which a man may extend his arms; used chiefly at sea for measuring cables, cordage, and the depth of the sea is sounding by a line and lead.

2. Reach; penetration; depth of thought or contrivance.

FATHOM, v.t.

1. To encompass with the arms extended or encircling.

2. To reach; to master; to comprehend.

Leave to fathom such high points as these.

3. To reach in depth; to sound; to try the depth.

Our depths who fathoms.

4. To penetrate; to find the bottom or extent. I cannot fathom his design.

FATHOMED, pp. Encompassed with the arms; reached; comprehended.

FATHOMER, n. One who fathoms.

FATHOMING, ppr. Encompassing with the arms; reaching; comprehending; sounding; penetrating.


1. That of which no bottom can be found; bottomless.

2. That cannot be embraced, or encompassed with the arms.

3. Not to be penetrated or comprehended.

FATIDICAL, a. [L. fatidicus; fatum and dico.] Having power to foretell future events; prophetic.

FATIFEROUS, a. [L. fatifer; futum and fero. Deadly; mortal, destructive.]

FATIGABLE, a. [See Fatigue.] That may be wearied; easily tired.

FATIGATE, v.t. [L. fatigo.] To weary; to tire. [Little used.]

FATIGATE, a. Wearied; tired. [Little used.]

FATIGATION, n. Weariness

FATIGUE, n. fatee’g. [L. fatigo. it seems to be allied to fatisco; if so, the sense is a yielding or relaxing.]

1. Weariness with bodily labor or mental exertion; lassitude or exhaustion of strength. We suffer fatigue of the mind as well as of the body.

2. The cause of weariness; labor; toil; as the fatigues of war.

3. The labors of military men, distinct from the use of arms; as a party of men on fatigue.

FATIGUE, v.t. fatee’g. [L. fatigo.]

1. To tire; to weary with labor or any bodily or mental exertion; to harass with toil; to exhaust the strength by severe or long continued exertion.

2. To weary by importunity; to harass.

FATIGUED, pp. fatee’ged. Wearied; tired; harassed.

FATIGUING, ppr. fatee’ging.

1. Tiring; wearying; harassing.

2. a. Inducing weariness or lassitude; as fatiguing services or labors.

FATISCENCE, n. [L. fatisco, to open, to gape. A gaping or opining; a state of being chinky.]

FATKIDNEYED, n. [fat and kidney.] Fat; gross; a word used in contempt.

FATLING, n. [from fat.] A lamb, kid or other young animal fattened for slaughter; a fat animal; applied to quadrupeds whose flesh is used for food.

David sacrificed oxen and fatlings. 2 Samuel 6:13.

FATLY, adv. Grossly; greasily.

FATNER, n. That which fattens; that which gives fatness or richness and fertility.

FATNESS, n. [from fat.]

1. The quality of being fat, plump, or full fed; corpulency; fullness of flesh.

Their eyes stand out with fatness. Psalm 73:7.

2. Unctuous or greasy matter.

3. Unctuousness; sliminess; applied to earth: hence richness; fertility; fruitfulness.

God give thee of the dew of heaven, and the fatness of the earth, and plenty of corn and wine. Genesis 27:28.

4. That which gives fertility.

Thy paths drop fatness. Psalm 65:11.

The clouds drop fatness.

5. The privileges and pleasures of religion; abundant blessings.

Let your soul delight itself in fatness. Isaiah 55:2.

FATTEN, v.t. fat’n.

1. To make fat; to feed for slaughter; to make fleshy, or plump with fat.

2. To make fertile and fruitful; to enrich; as, to fatten land; to fatten fields with blood.

3. To feed grossly; to fill.

FATTEN, v.i. fat’n. to grow fat or corpulent; to grow plump, thick or fleshy; to be pampered.

And villains fatten with the brave man’s labor.

Tigers and wolves shall in the ocean breed.

The whale and dolphin fatten on the mead.

FATTENED, pp. fat’nd. Made fat, plump or fleshy.

FATTENER, n. [See Fatner.]

FATTENING, ppr. fat’ning. Making fat; growing fat; making or growing rich and fruitful.

FATTINESS, n. [from fatty.] The state of being fat; grossness; greasiness.

FATTISH, a. Somewhat fat.

FATTY, a. Having the qualities of fat; greasy; as a fatty substance.

FATUITY, n. [L. fatuitas.] Weakness or imbecility of mind; feebleness of intellect; foolishness.

FATUOUS, a. [L. fatuus.]

1. Feeble in mind; weak; silly; stupid; foolish.

2. Impotent; without force or fire; illusory; alluding to the ignis fatuus.

Thence fatuous fires and meteors take their birth.

FATWITTED, a. [fat and wit.] Heavy; dull; stupid.

FAUCET, n. A pipe to be inserted in a cask for drawing liquor, and stopped with a peg or spigot. These are called tap and faucet.

FAUCHION. [See Falchion.]

FAUFEL, n. [said to be Sanscrit.] The fruit of a species of the palm tree.

FAULT, n. [See Fail.]

1. Properly, an erring or missing; a failing; hence, an error or mistake; a blunder; a defect; a blemish; whatever impairs excellence; applied to things.

2. In morals or deportment, any error or defect; an imperfection; any deviation from propriety; a slight offense; a neglect of duty or propriety, resulting from inattention or want of prudence, rather than from design to injure or offend, but liable to censure or objection.

I do remember my faults this day. Genesis 41:9.

If a man be overtaken in a fault, ye who are spiritual, restore such as one in the spirit of meekness. Galatians 6:1.

Fault implies wrong, and often some degree of criminality.

3. Defect; want; absence. [Not now used. See Default.]

I could tell to thee, as to one if pleases me, for fault of a better to call my friend.

4. Puzzle; difficulty.

Among sportsmen, when dogs lose the scent, they are said to be at fault. Hence the phrase, the inquirer is at fault.

5. In mining, a fissure in strata, causing a dislocation of the same, and thus interrupting the course of veins.

To find fault, to express blame; to complain.

Thou wilt say then, why doth he yet find fault? Romans 9:19.

To find fault with, to blame; to censure; as, to find fault with the times, or with a neighbor’s conduct.

FAULT, v.i. To fail; to be wrong. [Not used.]
FAULT, v.t. To charge with a fault; to accuse.

For that I will not fault thee.

FAULTED, pp. Charged with a fault; accused.

FAULTER, n. An offender; one who commits a fault.

FAULT-FINDER, n. One who censures or objects.

FAULTFUL, a. Full of faults or sins.

FAULTILY, adv. [from faulty.] Defectively; erroneously; imperfectly; improperly; wrongly.

FAULTINESS, n. [from faulty.]

1. The state of being faulty, defective or erroneous; defect.

2. Badness; viciousness; evil disposition; as the faultiness of a person.

3. Delinquency; actual offenses.

FAULTING, ppr. Accusing.


1. Without fault; not defective or imperfect; free from blemish; free from incorrectness; perfect; as a faultless poem or picture.

2. Free from vice or imperfection; as a faultless man.

FAULTLESSNESS, n. Freedom from faults or defects.


1. Containing faults, blemishes or defects; defective; imperfect; as a faulty composition or book; a faulty plan or design; a faulty picture.

2. Guilty of a fault or of faults; hence, blamable; worthy of censure.

The king doth speak this thing as one who is faulty. 2 Samuel 14:13.

3. Wrong; erroneous; as a faulty polity.

4. Defective; imperfect; bad; as a faulty helmet.

FAUN, n. [L. faunus.] Among the Romans, a kind of demigod, or rural deity, called also sylvan, and differing little from satyr. The fauns are represented as half goat and half man.

FAUNIST, n. One who attends to rural disquisitions; a naturalist.

FAUSEN, n. A large eel.

FAUTOR, n. [L. See Favor.] A favorer; a patron; one who gives countenance or support. [Little used.]

FAUTRESS, n. A female favorer; a patroness.

FAVILLOUS, a. [L. favilla, ashes.]

1. Consisting of or pertaining to ashes.

2. Resembling ashes.

FAVOR, n. [L. favor, faveo.]

1. Kind regard; kindness; countenance; propitious aspect; friendly disposition.

His dreadful navy, and his lovely mind,

Gave him the fear and favor of mankind.

The king’s favor is as dew on the grass. Proverbs 19:12.

God gave Joseph favor and wisdom in the sight of Pharaoh. Acts 7:10.

Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain. Proverbs 31:30.

2. Support; defense; vindication; or disposition to aid, befriend, support, promote or justify. To be in favor of a measure, is to have a disposition or inclination to support it or carry it into effect. To be in favor or a party, is to be disposed or inclined to support it, to justify its proceedings, and to promote its interests.

3. A kind act or office; kindness done or granted; benevolence shown by word or deed; any act of grace or good will, as distinguished from acts of justice or renumeration. To pardon the guilty is a favor; to punish them is an act of justice.

4. Lenity; mildness or mitigation of punishment.

I could not discover the lenity and favor of this sentence.

5. Leave; good will; a yielding or concession to another; pardon.

But, with your favor, I will treat it here.

6. The object of kind regard; the person or thing favored.

All these his wondrous works, but chiefly man.

His chief delight and favor.

7. A gift or present; something bestowed as an evidence of good will; a token of love; a knot of ribbons; something worn as a token of affection.

8. A feature; countenance. [Not used.]

9. Advantage; convenience afforded for success. The enemy approached under favor of the night.

10. Partiality; bias. A challenge to the favor, in law, is the challenge of a juror on account of some supposed partiality, by reason of favor or malice, interest or connection.

FAVOR, v.t.

1. To regard with kindness; to support; to aid or have the disposition to aid, or to wish success to; to be propitious to; to countenance; to befriend; to encourage. To favor the cause of a party, may be merely to wish success to it, or it may signify to give it aid, by counsel, or by active exertions. Sometimes men professedly favor one party and secretly favor another.

The lords favor thee not. 1 Samuel 29:6.

Thou shalt arise, and have mercy on Zion; for the time to favor her, yea, the set time is come. Psalm 102:13.

O happy youth! and favored of the skies.

2. To afford advantages for success; to facilitate. A weak place in the fort favored the entrance of the enemy; the darkness of the night favored his approach. A fair wind favors a voyage.

3. To resemble in features. The child favors his father.

4. To ease; to spare. A man in walking favors a lame leg.

FAVORABLE, a. [L. favorabilis.]

1. Kind; propitious; friendly; affectionate.

Lend favorable ear to our request.

Lord, thou hast been favorable to thy land. Psalm 85:1.

2. Palliative; tender; averse to censure.

None can have the favorable thought that to obey a tyrant’s will they fought.

3. Conducive to; contributing to; tending to promote. A salubrious climate and plenty of food are favorable to population.

4. Convenient; advantageous; affording means to facilitate, or affording facilities. The low price of labor and provisions is favorable to the success of manufactures. The army was drawn up on favorable ground. The ship took a station favorable for attack.

The place was favorable for making levies of men.

5. Beautiful; well favored. Obs.


1. Kindness; kind disposition or regard.

2. Convenience; suitableness; that state which affords advantages for success; conduciveness; as the favorableness of a season for crops; the favorableness of the times for the cultivation of the sciences.

FAVORABLY, adv. Kindly; with friendly dispositions; with regard or affection; with an inclination to favor; as, to judge or think favorably of a measure; to think favorably of those we love.


1. Countenanced; supported; aided; supplied with advantages; eased; spared.

2. a. Regarded with kindness; as a favored friend.

3. With well or ill prefixed, featured.

Well-favored is well-looking, having a good countenance or appearance, fleshy, plump, handsome.

Ill-favored is ill-looking, having an ugly appearance, lean. See Genesis 39:6; Genesis 41:2-4, 18-21. etc.

Well-favoredly, with a good appearance. [Little used.]

Ill-favoredly, with a bad appearance. [Little used.]

FAVOREDNESS, n. Appearance.