Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 3

August 3, 1842

Vol. III.—No. 18. Boston, Whole No. 66

Joshua V. Himes & Josiah Litch, Editors. Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston


Letter from William Miller


Dear Bro. Himes:—I am now at home, and my health is as good as I could expect, after so long and wearisome a tour as my last; not having enjoyed one day’s repose since the first of March last. How the old frame has been supported I cannot tell, unless God by his special providence has interposed, as in the case of Moses. And it looks to me as astonishing that God should select so unworthy an instrument as myself to give the midnight cry. But so it is, and so is the wisdom of Him who was seen in the bush. I dare not repine, God must and will have all the glory. The dumb watchmen will have all the shame. Your Elder C------ has been up here in this country, trying to lull to sleep some of the already drowsy virgins, crying peace and safety, and saying not only, in his heart, but by his voice, “My Lord delayeth his coming.” Now mark what I tell you. That man’s deeds will soon be made manifest, his career is short. God will avenge himself and cause of such watchmen as these. You see God has already began to confound the Editors and Watchmen, who began the opposition to this solemn warning of the midnight cry, and the work will go on. They must be made manifest to their shame and everlasting contempt: but let us, who are of the day, be sober and hope to the end,for the grace that shall be brought unto us at the revelation of Jesus Christ. HST August 3, 1842, page 137.1

I am more and more confident in my expectation of beholding my Saviour face to face, if I am his, in 1843. How can I doubt? His Word talks plain to me. His providence and dealings in our world, has much in them to recommend these truths, that this dark orb is winding up its vast concerns for time, and soon the book of man’s probation will roll up its pages, full of its dark mysterious windings of the past, and open to the gaze of all intelligencies in heaven and earth, the future fates of men. Shall I be there? A solemn thought. Yes, there I then shall stand, and all my works, my motives, and my choice, be scanned with an unerring Judge. I know it, and yet I know myself a poor, weak, erring mortal; and yet I cannot fear Why not fear? I often think, why not? Because I know in whom I have put my trust. I see by faith a smiling Son of God, in whom I have redemption by his blood, remittance of the past by grace. How can I fear? I love. Is this what our dear friends call perfection? I have it then; but hot enough I long, I hunger yet for more. This is not perfect yet, I ask for more, my faith is too weak, compared with what his glorious truth demands; my love is cold, compared with his who gave his Son for me, and his who died to save my sinking soul from everlasting ruin. My patience too, how feeble. Oh I need much, to keep off anger, malice and revenge, and drive those hateful passions from my mind. My hope, yes, yes, I hope, and hope, some times I think too much. Then this would not be perfect, for if my hope is built on evidence that is false, you see my hope is more than I shall ever realise, and then indeed my hope would be too much. HST August 3, 1842, page 137.2

You ask, for what I hope? I answer, I have a blessed hope that Christ will come in 1843 in all his glory; cleanse and purify his church, present her to his Father, without spot or wrinkle, and live with her forever m the new heavens, on the new earth. Is this hoping too much? Say you. No, I have evidence enough for this. What next do you hope? I hope that when he comes I shall be like him and see him as he is. This is a great hope, and all the reason I have that I am hoping too much in this thing is, that I do not purify myself as he is pure, and as this hope would seem to warrant. But enough of myself. HST August 3, 1842, page 137.3

I have not had time to read Bro. Shimeall’s book only partially as yet. But what I have read convinces me that although the vail is partly rent, yet the vain philosophy and tradition before his mind, has led him into darkness, which will prevent him from being as useful as he otherwise might have been; his book will never be read generally, and if it was, it could do little or no good. It is too much mixed up with philosophy, opinions of men, speculation, assumption and wresting of Scripture, to suit a sincere inquirer; and some of his conclusions will never suit the carnal mind, therefore I prophesy his book will be little read and less understood. HST August 3, 1842, page 137.4

His days of 6000 years each, of the creation, have neither scripture nor sound reason to support it, and certainly contradicts the Bible theory, for according to his, there must have been death in our world 12000 years before, man was created, for he finds the skeletons or remains of fish, fowl and beasts, many thousand years before man was created and before man sinned; and we read that when God had finished his six day’s work, he pronounced all “very good. Genesis 1:31. Can death be called very good? Thus he has labored hard through 160 or more pages of his book to prove, what the Deists in the last century tried hard to prove, in order to disprove the account Moses has given of the creation. And when he got through, one solitary text of Moses has more common sense than all his 160 pages. But as I said before, his book will not be read by common sense people, and will do less hurt. “It is all assumption concerning his 6000 years to a day. The Bible mentions no day more than 1000 years long. And the Bible does furnish us unto every good work. I am sick of so much speculation on God’s word; vain man, to think he can mend the word of God. HST August 3, 1842, page 137.5

Again, much of his chronology is founded on assumption; he certainly assumes the position that Eli judged Israel in the days of the servitude of the Philistines. See Judges 2:18, “And when the Lord raised them up judges, then the Lord was with the judge, and delivered them out of the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge: (for it repented the Lord because of their groanings by reason of them that oppressed them and vexed them.” His assumption and this text cannot both; be true. Also his seventy weeks ending with the conversion of Cornelius, is another assumption; for according to the instruction of Gabriel to Daniel, the gospel must be confirmed one week before the Messiah was cut off, and Christ has plainly told us when the gospel began to be confirmed. Luke 16:16. “The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.” Then from the days of John to the death of Christ was seven years, as every man must allow. And why Mr. Shimeall should carry his seventy weeks up to the conversion of Cornelius, and say Christ confirmed the covenant then any more than he has 1800 years since, is to me a mystery which I am not able to solve. I have not time to follow him through all his windings and turnings, yet one thing I will say: When a man will say a thing is proved, and yet produce no testimony, I shall not put the keeping of my conscience into his hands. In his chronology, page 218—221, he has reckoned 18 or 19 years over twice: according to his own showing, the 70 years’ captivity began in the 11th year of Zedekiah, and did not end until the 4th year of Darius, yet he has included three kings before Darius, after his 70 years has been reckoned, making 19 years too much. This blunder alters his conclusions very much. He is a poor mathematician, he has made a number of more blunders, but this must suffice. I remain as ever, yours in the blessed hope, HST August 3, 1842, page 137.6

Wm. Miller.
Low Hampton, July 19, 1842.

Signs of The Times


Perhaps it is not a little singular that many of the Mahomedans and Armenians, as well as many in Protestant countries, are looking for great changes immediately at hand, and believe that the latter days are near. Doctor Grant, a Missionary from this country among the Mountain Nestorians, records these facts in his journal, under date of June, 1841, one year ago. He speaks of two religious devotees of the Moslem faith, who said the world was changing for the worse; the last days were at hand, and the power of Islam was passing away. As they spoke of the, expected downfall of their religion and its temporal power, Doct. Grant inquired when this great event, so generally anticipated, would occur. They said they could not tell precisely without consulting their books, but according to their reckoning it would occur from three to five years. He afterwards met with another Moslem who told him that the Mahammedan power would be destroyed on the expiration of 1260 years of their era, so that less than four years remained to the time of its overthrow. Doctor Grant says whether this opinion is held by other Mohammedans he has yet to learn: but many of their calculations or predictions, nearly correspond with this period. Dr. G. also states that some of the Armenians hold this belief, founded on Revelation 13:5, which they interpret of the Mohammedan power. HST August 3, 1842, page 137.7

Dr. Grant further speaks of an interview with an Armenian bishop in the city of Van. He says: HST August 3, 1842, page 138.1

“In speaking of their prospects, the bishop, of his own accord, repeated a statement that had been made to me by a vartabed and priest, who were fellow travelers on my way to Van, namely, that they expect the downfall of the Mohammedan power in 1200 of the Hedgirah, a belief founded on the thirteenth chapter of Revelations, which they refer to the description of that persecuting power.” HST August 3, 1842, page 138.2

There are many in England, and perhaps in other protestant countries, who are anxiously looking for the speedy coming of the Lord Jesus Christ—and there are many in this country, besides those who rely upon the computations of Mr. Miller, who believe that the hour draweth nigh, and is even at the door. Many indulge the belief that this great event is to occur in from five to twenty years, which latter time would accord with the views of Scott the Commentator. HST August 3, 1842, page 138.3

Why are these expectations of some great and unusual event about to transpire, so firmly impressed upon the minds of individuals at distant points, in half-civilized and in Christian lands? The coincidence, at least, is curious. Is it not true that the Jews were in the constant expectation of some great event, when the Messiah did actually appear among them, as a humble and despised Nazarine? And may we not be upon the eve of some mighty revolution in the moral, if not in the physical world? At all events, many who trace these lines, may be near, very near eternal realities, and to all such, nay, at the farthest to us all, the Son of man is nigh—the hour when we shall be ushered into his presence is at hand. It becomes us to watch with care the signs of the times—it becomes us to study with care fulness the prophetic portions of the Scriptures—it becomes us to study with more zeal the whole word of God, and with more fidelity to walk in the way of its commandment; it becomes us to cultivate more holiness of heart, more sanctity of life, more devotion to all those great interests which pertain to the soul’s salvation—for the hour of the appearing of the Son of man we know not—he may come unexpectedly, as a thief in the night, and our final account be sealed up to the judgment of the Great Day. It well behooves every son and daughter of Adam, professor or non-professor, without delay, faithfully to inquire into their state of preparation to meet so eventful, so momentous, so awful an occasion.—Cab. and Visitor. From the Morning Star. HST August 3, 1842, page 138.4



Brother Burr:—I noticed an article in the Star of the 4th inst. written by John Hardy, who has positively stated that I have made a mistake in my chronological table of 155 years; and has charged it upon me and others of having quibbled—but has kindly invited me to take off Mr. Miller’s spiritualizing specs; and has given me a number of texts to explain, which, as he supposes, proves a future return of the Jews to Palestine. He then asserts, that the doctrine of a literal restoration of Israel “is as easy to demonstrate from the word of God, as any other doctrine contained therein.” Of what evangelical order the writer of the article is, 36 I know not; neither is it material to me. HST August 3, 1842, page 138.5

But whether his productions originated from a pure fountain or not, the great Searcher of all hearts knoweth. Were his bold assertions positive evidence, I would acknowledge myself mistaken at once. But we all should understand that affirmations on the contents of God’s word, without sufficient evidence, bears but little weight on the public mind in this day of deep investigation. HST August 3, 1842, page 138.6

I would now reply, through the Star, to his remarks on my chronological table; but, in consequence of my pressing engagements, must defer an explanation of his texts at present. Relative to my having on brother Miller’s specs, as though I do not see and judge for myself, I would have the public understand, that my fixed principle is, to investigate and then judge; and follow no person, either in precept or example, any farther than they follow Christ. But what if brother H. has, after all his researches, made the mistake himself? Will he be willing to acknowlge it, and take back his charge upon me of having quibbled, as publicly as he has made it? HST August 3, 1842, page 138.7

I would first show, by incontestible evidence, that his assertion that the Israelites “dwelt and sojourned in Egypt 430 years,” is incorrect; though Exodus 12:40 may appear, at first reading, without “comparing spiritual with spiritual,” to prove they did. Now, to hearing the evidence. HST August 3, 1842, page 138.8

1st. Testimony. “And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not their’s, and shall serve them: and they shall afflict them four hundred years.” “Lord God.” HST August 3, 1842, page 138.9

2nd Testimony. “And God spake on this wise, That his seed should sojourn in a strange land; and they should bring them into bondage and entreat them evil four hundred years.” St. Stephen. Not 430 years. see Genesis 15:13, Acts 7:6. Who can ask for better evidence? Having thus proved, as it appears, that the sojourning of the children of Israel 430 years was not wholly in Egypt, we will now proceed to find the starting point of those years. I must refer my readers again to Galatians 3:17; though we are charged with “quibbling” in having referred to it before. But I am ready to “turn the other cheek also,” That text teaches that the covenant was confirmed 430 years before the law. Brother H. applies this confirmation to Jacob. I admit “the covenant was confirmed unto” him: yet it is as clearly provable that the covenant was not only made with Abraham, but “confirmed” unto him; as it is that it was “confirmed to Jacob,” The covenant is found recorded in Genesis 12:1-3; which was made when Abram was in his own country, “Mesopatamia, in Ur of the Chaldees” before he and his father and others removed to Haran called Charran; see Genesis 11:31; Acts 7:2-4. HST August 3, 1842, page 138.10

Now to the proof that the covenant was confirmed unto Abraham. HST August 3, 1842, page 138.11

1st Testimony. “And the Lord appeared unto Abraham and said, unto thy seed will I give this land.” Moses. HST August 3, 1842, page 138.12

2nd Testimony. “And from thence” (Charran) “when his father was dead, he removed into this land wherein ye now dwell. And he gave him none inheritance in it; no, not so much as to set his foot on: yet he promised” (this confirmed the covenant) “that he would give it to him for a possession, and to his seed after him, when as yet he had no child.” “Stephen.” Genesis 12:7; Acts 7:4, 5. As the covenant was so clearly confirmed to Abraham, why should brother H. apply Galatians 3:17 to Jacob, when his name is not so much as once mentioned in the chapter; but Abraham’s is repeatedly. HST August 3, 1842, page 138.13

Now of the things we have spoken this is the sum: From leaving the ark to Terah’s death was 427 years. Then Abraham, “when his father was dead, removed” into Canaan From the very day he entered the land, (a memorable one doubtless) to the Israelites leaving Egypt was 430 years. Abraham sojourned in a strange land as well as his seed. The covenant was “confirmed unto him” soon after he entered the land; from that to the law was 430 years. HST August 3, 1842, page 138.14

Now brother H. by reckoning on to Jacob’s going into Egypt to strike the confirmation of the covenant, making it 155 years more than to Terah’s death, says that I have lost so much time; whereas it appears I have lost none; it being all included in the 430 years. Hence there is no “dodging off to Terah’s death to get to Egypt, no body knows how,” as he says; supposing all others to be as ignorant upon this subject as himself. HST August 3, 1842, page 138.15

“Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed out of Harran;” therefore he had sojourned in Canaan twenty-five years at Isaac’s birth; leaving 405 years for his seed to sojourn as strangers. It is said thus of Isaac and Jacob: “And Jacob dwelt in the land wherein his father was a stranger, in the land of Canaan.” The Lord has sometimes expressed periods of time only in round or wholes numbers; omitting to express the small excess; for instance, the “70 years” captivity: not expressing the ten days, the small fraction of 70 years. (Rollin.) So the five years being but a small fraction of 400, was, on the same principle, in my opinion, omitted in the expression. Considering the subject in this light, all appears to harmonize perfectly. HST August 3, 1842, page 138.16

I can now state as I did before, that I believe all the periods of time in my table to be correct; and every additional research but strengthens my faith therein: hence, I am constrained to believe the mistake of 155 years must be our brother’s. I will, however, remark, that I find in my table one typographical error, which is, “Genesis 5:8-13, 14.” It should have been, Genesis 5. and 8:13, 14. I find an error likewise of my own of one word, which is the only one. I have yet seen. It is the word, “making the covenant.” It should have been, confirming the covenant. This error I did not discover till brother H. corrected it; for which I sincerely thank him. I add no more, respectfully submitting the above to the candid public, who will judge for themselves who is corret. Joel Spaulding. HST August 3, 1842, page 138.17

Belgrade, May 19, 1842. HST August 3, 1842, page 138.18

Professor Bush’s Lecture


Delivered Sabbath Eve, July 3, in the Chapel of the New York University. HST August 3, 1842, page 138.19

In noticing a few prominent points in this Lecture, the writer would do it only with a proper respect to the profound erudition of him who gave it, and to the acknowledged excellency of his character, which secures to him the high esteem of those who know him best. HST August 3, 1842, page 138.20

The object of the Lecture, as announced the week before, as understood, was to answer the objections or arguments, opposed to his theory of a great change, foretold in prophecy, about to take place in the earth, without a general judgment, etc. &.c. HST August 3, 1842, page 139.1

1. Early in his lecture, Prof. Bush discarded the present agitated doctrine of Christ’s Second Coming, resurrection of the dead, judgment day and end of the world at hand. HST August 3, 1842, page 139.2

2. He allowed the sincerity, etc. of the advocates of such an approaching end of the world, and imputed their mistake rather to their deficiency in human learning. HST August 3, 1842, page 139.3

3. He considered the foretold “end of the world,” etc. as denoting its perpetuity and gradual expansion in useful improvements, till, expanding into a broad ocean, as it were, of general happiness; still, in this material world, comparing it to the expansion of the North River entering the broad Atlantic. HST August 3, 1842, page 139.4

4. Prof. Bush supposed that a great and happy change (not defining it) is about to take place in the moral, intellectual and political condition of the world. HST August 3, 1842, page 139.5

5. He believed that this mighty change of the world would come to pass without any sudden, perceptible or violent act of the Almighty whatever. HST August 3, 1842, page 139.6

6. He thought rather that the change would he gradual, and by the increase of the moral, literary and other improvements now in progress, including steam power, etc. HST August 3, 1842, page 139.7

7. The Professor concluded that this new and happy state of the earth, nigh at hand, will afterwards gradually increase in its excellency so as not to be perfected for a thousand generations yet to come. HST August 3, 1842, page 139.8

To these points respectively I would suggest the following HST August 3, 1842, page 139.9

Queries.—1. Does not this. casting off Christ’s coming to judgment at hand give sanction to “that evil servant” who saith “in his heart, My Lord delayeth his coming,” (Matthew 24:48-51.) instead of responding, “Amen; even so. Come, Lord Jesus,” to the Lord’s own words, “Behold!” and “Surely, I come quickly,” “In a little while,” “In such an hour as ye think not,” “For ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.” (Revelation 22:12, 20; John 6:16; Hebrews 10:37; Matthew 24:42, 44) HST August 3, 1842, page 139.10

Que. 2. Is not the Professor himself under a mistake in supposing his opponents to have been ignorantly mistaken in their views of Christ’s coming, and kingdom and judgment at hand, while it will not be said that Bishop Horsley, Griswold, Ives, Whitingham, Dr. Gill, Dr. Noel, Dr. Ting, Henshaw, and many others like them, are unlettered men, who have, nevertheless, taught the “glad tidings” of Christ’s coming and kingdom at hand, contrary to his theory? Or, forgetting that “God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise,” (1 Corinthians 1:27,) and the caution against being wise in our “own conceit,” (Proverbs 26:12,) did he give too much occasion for the retort, “No doubt ye are the people, and wisdom shall die with you?”(Job 12:2.) HST August 3, 1842, page 139.11

Que. 3. Does not this view of no coming end of the world clash with Christ’s off foretold “coming and the end of the world”—“quickly” to “gather before him all nations, to judge them to everlasting punishment or life eternal?” (Matthew 24:3, 14, 25; 25:34, 41, 46.) And does it not conflict with the parable which fortells the dwelling together of saints and sinners in the world like wheat and tares, till “the end of the world,” when the latter are to ho “cast into a furnace of fire,” and when the former shall “shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father?” (Matthew 13:37-43.) And is not this earth, “reserved unto fire against the day of judgment,” etc. to “be burned up” or “dissolved” or surely as its people were once destroyed by the flood? And must not this earth come to an end to give place to the promised “new earth,” (2 Peter 3:10-13.) on which the glorified kingdom of God can then ho set up, and stand forever? (Daniel 2:44.) HST August 3, 1842, page 139.12

Que. 4. Does not this doctrine of no coming end of the world authorize the unbelieving to “say peace and safety, when sudden destruction cometh?” etc. (1 Thessalonians 5:2.) And does it not “put far away the evil day, (Amos 6:1.) instead of blowing the trumpet in Zion to alarm and make all the inhabitants of the land to tremble, “for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand?” (Joel 2:1.) Although “of that day and hour knoweth no man” Matthew 24:36, 42, 44.) HST August 3, 1842, page 139.13

Que. 5. Does not this doctrine of so great and happy a change in all the earth, without any end of the world, and without any sudden or violent act of the Almighty whatever, stand in open opposition “to the law and the testimony” on that subject, when most naturally and literally understood, viz: “And the Lord whom ye seek shall suddenly come to his temple, but who may abide the day of his coming?” “And I will come near to you to judgment, and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers,” etc? “And all the proud etc., shall be stubble, and the day that cometh shall burn them up,” [sudden, violent, etc (Malachi 2:1; 4:1, 3.) “For as the lightning cometh,” etc. [sudden, violent,] “so shall the coming of the Son of man be.” (Matthew 24:27.) “When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire, [sudden] taking vengeance [violent] on them who know not God, etc., when punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord,” etc. (2 Thessalonians 1:7.) The writer is aware that Prof. Bush is not alone in considering his opponents to “have lost the spirit in cleaving to the letter” in regard to such prophecies, and that he considers them as mystical, and only symbolically foretelling temporal events, or trifles in the comparison. But, after all, they are “the law and the testimony,” which must all “be fulfilled,” and while naturally and most literally understood, they teach most plainly that the Professor has mistaken the Lord’s meaning in such passages, making them to harmonize with his opposite and peculiar doctrine on the point. HST August 3, 1842, page 139.14

Que. 6. Is not the Bible silent as to any such gradual change? And does it not rather say, that “the wicked shall do wickedly,” (Daniel 12:10.) and “worse and worse,” (2 Timothy 3:13.) till wicked as the antideluvians, when Christ shall come to judgment and destroy them all? (Genesis 6:11; Matthew 24:27, 37-39.) Or, on what principles of logic, does Professor Bush reason, in his concluding that this happy and moral and political change is so soon to take place gradually, by natural causes, seeing as the result of or under the same causes, this kind of change has for some time already been progressing most rapidly, and on the side of the worse, rather than the better? HST August 3, 1842, page 139.15

Que. 7. Is it not a paradox, that this great and happy change is so soon to take place, and yet the same change, after taking place, is still gradually to increase for the better, for a thousand generations to come, or so long be still imperfect, as though never to be perfected? HST August 3, 1842, page 139.16

Professor Bush gave his own opinions in support of the doctrine of a heaven as it were, upon this old earth, without any personal coming of Christ to judgment, without any resurrection of the dead, or end of the world, as understood, and made no use of the “sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God,” to establish his position more firmly. Neither did he begin to answer, or even state the objections, or arguments of those who publish Christ’s personal coming to judgment at hand, except as here already stated, though it was looked for by many who heard the announcement the week before. HST August 3, 1842, page 139.17

After all, there are many other points taught in Prof. Bush’s general views of prophecy, which must be received as truly instructive and interesting; operating, also, as a very just rebuke of those loose, and yet popular principles of interpretation which represent nearly all the precious heavenly promises, as having their fulfilment in a temporal Millenium, and without even any heaven at all upon the earth; and of course, certainly none so desirable and for all the saints, as the heaven anticipated in the Professor’s theory. H. J. New York, July 17. HST August 3, 1842, page 139.18

The Second book of the Apocrypha


Called the first book of Esdras.

This book which is extant but only in latin, was written by one who was by nation a Jew, and by profession a Christian, a little while after the death of Domitian, the Emperor. Of whom, as also of his predecessors in the empire he speaks so plainly that there is no doubt to be made of it. The end (as it seemeth) of it, was to comfort his nation in the last desolation which was newly befallen them by the Romans, whose power, fearing to provoke, as much as he feared to kindle the Jew’s hatred against Christianity, he keeps himself hidden under the name of the old and true Ezra. And under divers terms and narrations, taken from what had befallen the Jews in the taking of their city by the Babylonians, and during their ancient captivity; he endeavors to strengthen his nation in the expectation of deliverance and redemption through Christ, so they turned to him and to the faith of his gospel. As for the rest, either to insinuate himself with the Jews by framing himself to their opinions, or because he was indeed infected with their fables, he mixes many of them amongst his rare, grave and evangelical sentences, doctrines, and predictions,, whereof many are taken out of our Lord Jesus, his own speeches, and out of his apostle’s prophecies, inserted by the author in this book; wherein he hath affected some resemblance and imitation of the Revelation of St. John. But the great number of fables, vanities and Jewish dotages of which it is full, hath caused it at all times to be held for Apocrypha of lowest esteem, and of no authority. HST August 3, 1842, page 139.19

Annotations of the Bible by an ancient author. HST August 3, 1842, page 139.20

“The Roman Catholic missionaries have followed to Cape Palmas, and are making vigorous efforts to gain influence there. They will follow us all over the world; and we shall have the battle around the globe. There is no reprieve from this war. It is the battle of the great day of the Almighty.—Z. Herald. HST August 3, 1842, page 139.21


No Authorcode


Camp-Meeting Notice


In addition to the meetings already noticed, we give the following: Albany, N Y. August 9th, to hold one week in the tent. HST August 3, 1842, page 140.1

Littleton, Mass. Aug. 19th, in the grove, Gilman-town, N. H. near the factory village, Aug. 25th, Dighton, Mass. September 6th. HST August 3, 1842, page 140.2

Particulars hereafter HST August 3, 1842, page 140.3

The Crisis has Come!—The time has now come for me to say something respecting myself and my respected colleagues, in connection with the cause we advocate. During the three last years I have given my special attention to the subject of Christ’s second coming in the clouds of heaven, as being near at hand. I am fully persuaded of the truth of the theory respecting it, as advocated in this paper. I will here say once for all, that I am confirmed in the doctrine of Christ’s personal descent to this earth, to destroy the wicked, and glorify; the righteous, some time in the year 1843. This is not the place to give my reasons. These I shall give in their proper place. My design in this article is only to make a brief statement of facts, and of the course we intend hereafter to pursue. HST August 3, 1842, page 140.4

From my first knowledge of the doctrine of Christ’s Second Coming being at the door, I have felt it to be my duty to make proclamation of it to the greatest possible extent. If it was true, (which as already stated above, I believed) then the church and the world ought to know it. The time being short, what was done, was to be done quickly. Our first object was to start a newspaper, which should be exclusively devoted to the exposition of the Word of God, relating to the Second Advent, and the events connected with it. This, by the blessing of God, has been sustained and widely disseminated. HST August 3, 1842, page 140.5

Another mode of disseminating these views, was by publishing Mr. Miller’s works on the Prophecies. These have produced an immense influence. Besides these, the works of Brethren Litch, Fitch, Cox, and others, have been published, with various; Tracts, all of which have been very widely scattered. Most of these works have been sent to all the Missionary stations that we know of on the globe. They have been sent also to many parts of Europe, Asia, Africa, as also to the Islands of the Ocean. In this country they have been scattered profusely. HST August 3, 1842, page 140.6

Another way of publishing these sentiments to the world has been by public lectures. Arrangements were early made to visit the principal towns and cities in the Union, and give full courses of lectures on the subject. Mr. Miller, who has spent the last ten years in lecturing on this subject, and to whom, under God, we are indebted for much of the light we have upon it, was invited to lecture in these places. He did so without compensation, except his friends contributed to defray his expenses These lectures, with brother Litch and others, in connection with our General Conferences and late Camp-meetings, have stired up the entire community to look at this subject; thousands of whom, by the examination of the Scriptures, have embraced the doctrine. Thousands of sinners have been converted. HST August 3, 1842, page 140.7

the great mass of the clergy


They at first treated the subject as a visionary one; and with general contempt. So also the church. The world of course, unprepared for the judgment, were willing to hide themselves in the folds of the church, and scoff at the idea of the judgment being high! HST August 3, 1842, page 140.8

the times have changed


The world is alarmed. The church is waked up from her dreamy slumbers. The ministry are aroused; some of whom are embracing the truth, and others defending the traditions of the past—saying My Lord delayeth his coming.” HST August 3, 1842, page 140.9

the crisis has now come


The opposition have at length begun to put forth their energies to crush the advocates of the midnight cry, and to hush the voice of alarm to the slumbering virgins. HST August 3, 1842, page 140.10

The opposition now comes from high places, as well as low. We quote one example. It comes from the high place of Orthordoxy in New England. It is ominous. HST August 3, 1842, page 140.11

Professor Stuart, in a recent work entitled “Hints on the Interpretation of Prophesy,” thus exposes himself in his preface in relation to this movement:—“It is time for the churches in reference to the matters now before us to seek some refuge from the tumultuous ocean on which they have of late been tossed.” Accordingly, the attacks are now made upon us in almost every pulpit and newspaper under their control. Other sects follow. For though they, be divided among themsalves, they are united in opposing us. The means resorted to are various. Some give false interpretations of the prophecies, so as to prove the doctrine of “peace and safety.” Others denounce and slander us and our views. HST August 3, 1842, page 140.12

In this work of opposition we find a strange medley of Orthodox and Universalist,—Apostates, Deists, Atheists, and professed Christians, of different denominations, all uniting in the cry of “peace and safety” to the church and world,” when sudden destruction is coming upon them.” HST August 3, 1842, page 140.13

We are exceedingly blamed, censured, judged and condemned, shut out of most pulpits—cut off from a fair hearing in the public journals of the day, which, by the way, are very ready to publish all they can find prejudicial to us or the doctrine we preach. HST August 3, 1842, page 140.14

Under these circumstances it has been suggested that with the mass of the clergy and church against us, we ought to hesitate and cease our operations. We ought to take it for granted we are wrong, confess our error, and set the public mind at rest. To this we reply, that we cannot give this matter up simply because the mass of the church and ministry are against us. They were against Christ and his apostles. Yet Christ and his apostles WERE RIGHT. Again: Their expositions of the Word of God are so dark, so unnatural, that we cannot receive them as true. And as to the spirit of abuse and slander, which is exhibited towards us by a large class of our opponents, we are sure it will never lead us to renounce the present glorious truths of light and love, we cherish, as “the faith once delivered to the saints.” HST August 3, 1842, page 140.15

We are left then to pursue our work. This will be our great concern—to finish the work that God in his providence has called us to do. We have nothing to fear from the frowns of our opponents; neither have we any reason to fear their arguments, unless they can produce better ones than we have yet seen. HST August 3, 1842, page 140.16

what is our work?


It may be asked, what our work consists in?—We reply, 1. To expose the fabulous and soul-destroying doctrine of what is termed the temporal millenium. The promise of “peace and safety,” a thousand years yet to come, before the Lord shall personally appear, a second time without sin unto salvation. We brand this doctrine as a fable—a deception a thing which is of recent origin, and therefore has no foundation in the Word of God. HST August 3, 1842, page 140.17

2. To expose the doctrine of the literal and political return and establishment of the Jews in Palestine as a nation. This is rank Judaism. It has no foundation in the New Testament. In that covenant all are one in Christ, and “if we are Christ’s, then are we Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” The idea of the re-establishment of the Jewish nation as an event to precede the coming of Christ, we can but regard as a stratagem of the devil, to blind both Jew and Gentile to the doctrine of Christ’s speedy coming. As such we feel bound to treat it. HST August 3, 1842, page 140.18

3. The notion of the world’s conversion, is another false notion which blinds the minds of the church and the world to the speedy coming of Christ. “Christ cannot come as yet, for a long time.” Why not? “The world is to be converted.” Thus all are lulled to sleep. Even the advocates of the world’s conversion are dreaming over empty treasures, and singing the song of “hard times,” while the emissaries of Anti-Christ, are wakeful, diligent, and indefatigable in the Jesuitical work of winning the nations to a corrupt religion. They have ten missionaries where the advocates of the world’s conversion have one, and as a general thing they are more efficient. They are “making war with the saints,” (witness their efforts in the Sandwich Islands) and are “prevailing.” The Missionary enterprise is of heaven, but the idea of the entire conquest of this world by human instrumentality, is of men. It originated in a spiritual ambition which has deceived the church, and blinded her eyes to the positive doctrine of her Lord, who assured her that the “wheat and tares should grow together till the harvest, and, that the harvest was the end of the world.” And at his Second Coining, so far from all the world being converted, it should be as it was in the days of Noah and of Lot in Sodom. This done, HST August 3, 1842, page 140.19

what is our duty?


The only answer we can give, is, to sound the “Midnight Cry.” To show that nothing remains to be fulfilled in historical prophecy, but the coming of the Son of man in the clouds of heaven, to raise the righteous dead, and set up his everlasting kingdom. And to warn the church and the world, to prepare for this, as the next great event before us. The prophetic periods have nearly run out. The vials, the reals, the trumpets, and the signs of the times, all indicate the near approach of the coming of the Son of man, “even at the doors.” HST August 3, 1842, page 140.20

We shall, therefore, in connection with our respected colleagues, continue to lecture on this subject. We shall “sound the alarm in God’s holy mountain!” We shall publish more extensively, and scatter our publications more profusely than ever. We shall hold public meetings, and by every effort in our power endeavor to arouse the world to prepare for the coming of the Bridegroom. More than this we cannot do; less, we dare not. HST August 3, 1842, page 140.21

It is sometimes said we are ignorant; let our opponents show it—at other times, we are fanatical; let them prove it—and again, we are heretical in sentiment; let them point it out—that we are not orthodox; let them show wherein. Finally, that we are not seeking the glory of God, hut notority, etc. Well, God knoweth, and our works will prove what we are, in the great day. We shall not be detered from our work by such means. We shall be prepared to meet all these things, and keep about our work as though no “strange thing had happened.” HST August 3, 1842, page 140.22

We tell our opponents once for all, that the only way for them to stop this work, is to take the Bible and disprove our theory, and give us one in return which is more clear, harmonious, and scriptural than that we now advocate. Till this is done, we shall keep about our work. We shall appeal to the people—the common people—(with whom the truth always resides) they have, and they will still hear us. HST August 3, 1842, page 141.1

but what after all if you should be mistaken?


Well, if it will be of service to you, we will reason a little on this point. 1. If we are mistaken in the time, and the world still goes on after 1843, we shall have the satisfaction of having done our duty. Our publications are evangelical, they have, and now are producing the most salutary effect upon the church and the world. Our lectures and public meetings produce the same glorious results. Can we ever regret that souls were converted—that the virgins were awakened, and prepared to meet their Lord? If then we are mistaken about the time, what harm can result to the church or world? HST August 3, 1842, page 141.2

to this our opponents reply;


1. It will make Infidels. If your calculations fail, the faith of the people will be shaken in the Bible. Let us look at this objection. Who will be made Infidels? Not our opponents, for they don’t believe us It is all moonshine with them! Who then will be made Infidels? Surely none but Second Advent believers. Well, we will suppose a case to illustrate this matter. Believers in the Second Advent are students of prophecy. We have fifty positive predictions in the Bible which have been literally fulfilled. In all we will suppose there were fifty-one to be fulfilled. Fifty are already fulfilled, and have become matters of history. By these we know that the Bible is the word of God. This is settled forever. Well, in the course of time, certain members of the church, by reading the Bible, and by comparing Scripture with Scripture, come to the conclusion that the fifty-first event will take place in a given year: say 1843. No one it the mean time is able to disprove it, or show a better calculation. Well, we continue looking for the event until the time expires, and the last event does not take place as they had calculated. What will these believers do? They have 50 demonstrations of the truth of God’s word, and they have ONE mistake of their own in a mere calculation. Let common sense decide whether we should reject our Bibles! Make Infidels!! It is a skeptical church that is making Infidels. HST August 3, 1842, page 141.3

2. You will lose your influence. How so? Have we not done our duty to the church and the world? Have we not been honest? Have we not laid all upon the altar of God, and for his sake become as the off-scouring of all things that we might discharge our obligations to God and man. Shall we lose our influence for this? Who believes this? HST August 3, 1842, page 141.4

3. But we shall laugh at you. On what account? Will it be for believing the Bible, and faithfully promulgating its truths as we understood them. Will it be for giving the clearest and strongest reasons for our faith? “But we did not believe your expositions.” Neither did Deists, or Atheists! “Well we did not believe a word about it.” Why not? Ans. Because you had not examined it—you knew nothing about, it! And you arc going to laugh in 44,—at what! Why at your own ignorance and unbelief, of course. “Well, you cannot say that of our ministers? They will laugh at you, they did not believe it.” Why did they not believe it? Did they not acknowledge that it was proved by the Bible? Did they not fail to give us a better and clearer view of the prophesies? What then will they have to laugh at? Plainly, 1. their unbelief in a theory proved by the Bible; and with all their boasted knowledge, their inability to give a better one! All this they will have to laugh about in 1844. Wonderful! Wonderful!! HST August 3, 1842, page 141.5

but what after all if we should be right


1. What will become of that faithless and graceless minister who has been crying “peace and safety, when sudden destruction cometh”—“saying, My Lord delayeth his coming.” “The Lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him, and cut him assunder and appoint him his portion with hypocrites and unbelievers.” HST August 3, 1842, page 141.6

2. What will become of sceptical and backsliding members of the church? They must be cut off with the wicked. Yes, the entire throng of the fearful, and the unbelieving, will perish together in the day when the Son of God is “revealed from heaven, in flaming fire, taking vengeance on those who know not God, and obey not the gospel; when he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and admired by all them who believe.” HST August 3, 1842, page 141.7

O ye professed servants of God, awake, awake from your slumbers. Look into this subject; examine well, pray over it, and get the truth—be ready, for the Son of man is at the door. Charge your flocks to be ready, O let them not reproach you in the day of judgment as unfaithful watchmen, and the instruments of their damnation! HST August 3, 1842, page 141.8

O Christian professor, awake from your dreamy slumbers. Trim your lamp, provide oil in your vessel, for behold the Bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him. HST August 3, 1842, page 141.9

O ye careless, ye unbelieving ones, turn to your Bibles, read your duty and destiny. Do it now. Escape for thy life, tarry not, hesitate not. “PREPARE TO MEET THY GOD.” HST August 3, 1842, page 141.10

Joshua V. Himes.
Boston, July 25, 1842.

Edward Beecher, D. D. on the “Signs of the Times.”


Bro. Himes:—I have just finished three very excellent sermons on the “nature, importance, and means of eminent holiness throughout the church.” By Rev. Edward Beecher. These sermons were published in the National Preacher—June and July, 1835. The texts heading the sermons are as follows. HST August 3, 1842, page 141.11

Matthew 16:3. Can ye not discern the signs of the times? HST August 3, 1842, page 141.12

Romans 14:17. For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness, and peace, and joy, in the Holy Ghost. HST August 3, 1842, page 141.13

Luke 17:20, 21. The kingdom of God cometh not with observation, etc. HST August 3, 1842, page 141.14

Isaiah 52:1, 2. Awake, awake, put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments O Jerusalem, the Holy City, for henceforth there shall no more come unto thee the uncircumcised and the unclean. Shake thyself from the dust, arise and sit down, O Jerusalem, loose thyself from the bands, from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion. HST August 3, 1842, page 141.15

The subject of these sermons is introduced by the following remarks—viz. HST August 3, 1842, page 141.16

“In the progress of the cause of God on earth, there are certain great crises, or turning points of destiny full of deep interest to him and to the intelligent universe. Such was the coming of Christ, an event around which were concentrated the interests of the whole roman race, and of the moral government of God in all ages. The advent of such eras is announced beforehand, and preceded by signs. The event stands predicted on the prophetic page, throwing its light into the dark regions of futurity; and God himself, as the long expected day draws near, so orders this Providence, that signs of his advent may be seen on every side. He holds up a standard to his people, and calls on them to behold it from afar. When he does this, it is their duty to notice such signs, to be fully aware of their import, and to act accordingly; and to do this, is rightly to “discern the signs of the times.” HST August 3, 1842, page 141.17

To none are these great truths more applicable, than to Christians of every denomination of the present age. By the sure word of prophecy, a great event has been announced as near at hand. It is the regeneration of a world. An event, which like a lofty summit, rises to view on the chart of prophecy, as the great intervening event between the first coming of the Savior to redeem, and his final advent to judge the world. HST August 3, 1842, page 141.18

The advent of this day, is also preeeded by its appropriate signs, which may be clearly seen by all of unblinded vision—and to great extent these signs are seen and understood, and the people of God seem to be making preparation for correspondent action. HST August 3, 1842, page 141.19

Beneath the inspiring influence of the Almighty, the universal church is aroused, excited, and agitated by the persuasions that a glorious advent of the kingdom of God is near at hand. Here I would say that Mr. Beecher regards this kingdom at hand as the glorious millennium—the design of his sermons, is to show what the church must be in order, to use his own words, “To abolish all corruptions in religion, and all abuses in the social system, and so far as it has been errected on false principles to take it down and erect it anew. Hence he says incessant effforts are made, to extend the influence of the Christian system into all departments of life; and all institutions, usages, and principles, civil or religious, are exposed to a rigid and fiery scrutiny. Abuses are assailed, and the whole community is in a state of constant agitation. Nor is this state of things destined to cease till the heavens and the earth have been shaken at the advent of God—till the last remnant of rebellion has passed away from the earth, and the human race shall repose in peace, beneath the authority of Him whose right it is to reign.” It is now seven years since these sermons were printed. How many since they were delivered, we know not. But we would inquire, as Mr. Beecher believes this millennium to be at hand, “where the human race shall repose in peace,”—how much nearer to it we are at the present time, than we were seven years ago when these sermons were printed? What are the signs which indicate a happy time on the earth, under the present administration of things? We do most heartily believe with Mr. Beecher, that “a glorious advent of the kingdom of God is near at hand”—“and to a great extent these signs are seen and understood—and if he will attend the next camp-meeting, at Concord, he will see that “the people of God seem to be making preparation.” HST August 3, 1842, page 141.20

In his second discourse, under the head of courage in its highest forms, as being necessary for the church to possess in order to convert the world, he remarks as follows: HST August 3, 1842, page 142.1

“The Bible represents satan as the presiding spirit amidst all the hosts of the rebellious on earth, planning systems of vice, error, and immorality, corrupting and debasing the church and infusing and maintaining false and pernicious maxims in all departments of human society. Viewing the scene in this light, how arduous the work to be done; to suspend this influence over the mind of man, and cast him and his dark hosts out of the world and into the bottomless pit. To dissipate all the darkness he has produced, to overthrow and destroy all his plans, and systems of error, fully to enlighten the mind of man, and to induce him voluntarily, and joyfully to reorganize human society, on such principles as God requires and approves. Can a result like this take place without a great conflict? It is in vain to hope for it.” HST August 3, 1842, page 142.2

“As public sentiment begins to have energy fairly to bring up the final question, all the elements of depravity will be collected and concentrated to oppose the cause of God, and the hosts of hell will marshal all their power, malice and wiles, to retard his triumph, and avert their own final defeat. For it is no trivial point, now to be gained or lost. It is not merely one great question that is to be decided. It is not merely a struggle for mental freedom, and rights of conscience, against the ungodly claims and blasphemous pretensions of anti-Christ; it is not merely a struggle for civil and religious liberty, against corrupt governments, or oppressive despotism, it is not any one of these causes—it is a question that involves them all and more; it is a question that unites into one mighty focus all the elements of warfare, malignity, and rebellion, that exist on earth or in hell. It is the question whether all the power of satan on earth, in all his plans, and in all his wiles, when concentrated to one burning point, and put forth in one desperate effort, shall be utterly broken, and we be thoroughly defeated, bruised, crushed, trodden under foot, disgraced, cast out and destroyed. It is a question that will yet arouse, and concentrate, and absorb the energies of a world in a mighty struggle, where apathy and neutrality will be unknown. For such a conflict must the church prepare, for it hastens on. The infidel may scoff, but he who reads and believes the word of God, should awake to his real condition, arouse himself at once, gird on his armor, gird up the loins of his mind and stand prepared at any hour: for who can tell how near the day may be, even the great day of the battle of God Almighty.” Such are the views of Mr. Beecher respecting what is to come. Yours truly, H. HST August 3, 1842, page 142.3

Conference in Albany


Dear Brother Himes:—Bro. C. French and bro. L. Fisk have spent two weeks in this city presenting their views on the Second Advent of our Lord Jesus Christ. No house could be obtained to hold meetings on that subject, except the “House of Prayer,” Grand St., which will accommodate only about four hundred persons. The Baptist house in Green St. was opened two evenings for brother French and then closed against him. Hundreds who were anxious to hear, had to go away for want of room. At the close of the Conference the following resolutions were adopted. HST August 3, 1842, page 142.4

Resolved, That we feel under deep obligations to our heavenly Father for putting it into the hearts of his servants to come among us with the “Midnight Cry.” HST August 3, 1842, page 142.5

2. Resolved, That it is our conviction that immense good will result from this Conference—many sleeping souls have been aroused—a general spirit of inquiry appears to have gone forth among the people—many are searching the Scriptures—and some have been made to rejoice in the pardoning love of God. HST August 3, 1842, page 142.6

3. Resolved, That we deeply regret that, owing to the smallness of the “House of Prayer,” hundreds were prevented from hearing, who desired to gain admission but could not. HST August 3, 1842, page 142.7

4. Resolved, That we rejoice in the hope of our Lord’s speedy appearing, to set up his kingdom; and our prayer is, “Even so, come Lord Jesus, come quickly;” and our conviction is, that that glorious event will transpire in 1843. HST August 3, 1842, page 142.8

The last clause in the last resolution, was passed with the understanding that we did not express a fixed opinion with regard to the time, but that from the light we at present had, we were more inclined to think 1843 is the time than any other period. HST August 3, 1842, page 142.9

Some of the most bitter opposition was manifested in high places and in low places. I will here give you a specimen of it. The following note was left, in the night, at the door of one of the principal men among the trustees of the House of Prayer. HST August 3, 1842, page 142.10

“C. Hepinstall, Sir, I am informed that you are the sole cause of letting French into Grand St. church: unless you turn him from your house and shut the church from him and his followers, you may expect damage done to your person and property for years to come, at such times as can be done in secret. If fair means wont do, foul will.” HST August 3, 1842, page 142.11

Your readers can judge who is the father of such a spirit. Yours truly, in hope, of the appearing of our Lord. George Storrs. HST August 3, 1842, page 142.12

The Primitive church contrasted with the church at the present day


The condition of the church in our own times, compared with what it was in the days of the apostles, and their immediate successors, presents a sad departure in doctrine and practice from the purity in which it then existed. HST August 3, 1842, page 142.13

Then the united prayer of all was in the language of our Savior, that the church might be one, even as Christ and the Father were one, that the world might believe because they were one. Now the practice of nearly all, is that the church should be split up and divided into various sects, with no bond of union to join together the different bodies of professed Christians. Then Christians made their future existence the great end and aim of their being, and all other questions were made subservient to it. Now professed Christians practically live for this world; the other being only an after consideration. Then to profess the name of Christ, subjected his followers to ignominy, reproach, and death, and the loss of all pleasures which the things of this world afford: they were persecuted, imprisoned, and subjected to the most cruel tortures, that man could inflict, and their property was subject to confiscation, and their very names cast out as evil. Now to profess the name of Christ is honorable, and secures even the respect and favor of the world. Then, the offence of the cross deterred any from becoming the followers of Christ, only as they were influenced by pure and holy motives. Now the honor of a Christian profession is a strong incentive to church membership. Then the followers of Christ were willing to spend and be spent in their Master’s service; they suffered willingly the despoiling of their goods, and counted not their own lives dear unto them for the sake of Christ; and if needs be, they were willing to endure every affliction, and privation, and death itself, for the more enduring joys of “that better country.” Now we have reason to fear that similar trials would cause multitudes of those who are loud in their professions, to forsake the cause of the Redeemer, for the husks of this world. Then there was a marked difference between the church and the world, in the lives, conversation, and examples of men. Now the outward acts of the majority of professors furnish small evidence of their discipleship; they are a sclose in their bargains, as overbearing in their dealings, as virulent and unrelenting in their animosities, as miserly in their savings, as aristocratic in their feeling, as dogmatical in their opinions, and as worldly-minded in their conversation and intercourse with the world, as are many whose hopes and desires are bounded by the limits of time: they are as fond of equipage and show, as much given to laying up riches here below, as fond of the honors of this world, and of being called by men Rabbi, as are many of whom we do not expect better things: and they embark with the same zeal in political animosities, and are as light and trifling in their conversation, and all their feelings apparently as limited to earthly pleasures, as are many who have not a name to live. Then the Christian lived for Christ and for him alone. Now we fear multitudes of professors are living for themselves. Then they went from house to house, exhorting sinners, comforting the afflicted, and encouraging the brethren. Now most seem to be satisfied, if their ministers alone perform these duties. Then the cause of Christ was near their hearts, it burned upon their tongues, and was their continual theme. Now how cold and dead are professors; how seldom is the sinner exhorted, or the enquirer encouraged by them, except at stated periods. Then, in their intercourse with each other, their tongues gave the most ready utterance to such joyful emotions as the cause of Christ inspired. Now how often professors meet, hold long intercourse with each other, and part with not a word of heaven, or God: even in the social circle, where they congregate for friendly intercourse, the news, the weather, the fashions, and politics arc fruitful themes; but their relations to God come not into all their thoughts. Then the Bible was their book of books. Now the last new novel is eagerly devoured. Then they forsook not the assembling of themselves together. Now how many names are on the records of the church, who seldom visit the stated prayer meeting. Then they were content to believe the Bible as it reads, and did not seek to be wise above what was written. Not each one fancies there is some hidden meaning in the text, which he brings to light by interpreting it in a figurative or spiritual manner; and that the Bible does not mean what it says, according to its literal reading. Then Christians were living in constant expectation of their Savior’s return. Now the church are satisfied to delay his coming 1000 years. Then they strove with all their might to advance the interests of the church; but now they are more eager to build up their respective sects. HST August 3, 1842, page 142.14

A careful comparison of the church in the two periods of its existence, cannot but satisfy the candid inquirer after truth, that the standard of piety is sadly lowered; and that professors of religion do not live in all holy conversation and godliness, looking for the coming of the day of God, as did the early Christians. This is most truly the Laodecian state of the church, and Christ stands at the door; while the church are saying in their hearts, “my Lord delayeth his coming.” We therefore who are looking for the blessed hope of the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ, ought to be up and doing, that we may arouse others to be ready, with their lamps trimmed and burning, ready to meet the bridegroom when he cometh, like the Christians of the primitive church. B. HST August 3, 1842, page 143.1

End of all Things


“Coming events cast their shadows before.” We live in the midst of portentous times. The indications of an appaling and mighty crisis in the affairs of this world are thickening on every hand, and becoming every day more and more apparent. We have no desire to create unnecessary alarm, or to be considered in the light of a croaker, or to prophesy evil concerning this generation; but we do think that every man of candor and good sense, every man who is not too proud to learn, or too wise to seek instruction, will take the trouble to investigate and search, that he may be satisfied, touching a subject in which the entire human family are deeply interested. We allude to the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ in the clouds of heaven, with all his holy angels, “in flaming fire, taking vengeance on those that know not God, and obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ; who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power; when he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe in that day.” HST August 3, 1842, page 143.2

We wish to call the attention of the people to the investigation of these things. No one but a madman would refuse even to look at a subject fraught with such deep and momentous interest to himself, and that of his fellow-men. A spirit of honest inquiry, and a candid examination of prophecy will lead to results far more conclusive and satisfactory, than a hasty and inconsiderate condemnation of every one who professes to believe that the end of all things is near at hand. HST August 3, 1842, page 143.3

We purpose hereafter to devote one or two columns of our paper to the discussion of this subject, and we earnestly solicit all who take an interest therein, freely to communicate their views to us, and they shall be promptly and faithfully spread before the people. HST August 3, 1842, page 143.4

We have seen a number of a weekly paper published in Boston, entitled “The Signs of the Times, and Expositor of Prophecy, with which we feel desirous of exchanging, and if we can do so, we shall doubtless be enabled to render some service to such of our readers as are inquiring for light in reference to this important subject. Although our limits will not permit us to extend our remarks relative to this question much farther at present, yet we cannot close without adding one or two quotations from Scripture, which in our judgment are literally fulfilling at the present time. In the 21st chapter of Luke, our Savior in talking with his disciples on the Mount of Olives, concerning the destruction of Jerusalem, and after specifying the various signs by which that important event should be characterized, proceeds to speak also of the signs which shall immediately precede the destruction of the earth as follows: HST August 3, 1842, page 143.5

“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.—And then they shall see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.” HST August 3, 1842, page 143.6

Let any man who is not wilfully blind, or wickedly disposed to ridicule every thing serious, ask himself if there is not at this moment distress among the nations and perplexity? Do not men’s hearts fail them for fear? Is there not a general fearfulness and want of confidence among all portions of the business community in our own country? Do we not witness the daily arrival of hordes of famishing men and women from the shores of Europe? HST August 3, 1842, page 143.7

Again does not Paul describe the men of this generation, and delineate their character as truly as though he were now present among us, together with an exact and striking portraiture of the very times in which we live? Examine, and see what Paul says of the perilous times of the last days. Does not Peter, also, speak of scoffers and mockers who shall come in the last days? And are there no scoffers among us? Will no one scoff at this article after reading it? And why should they? Is not our private opinion on this subject as much our property, as upon any other subject? We ask no one to believe upon our testimony, but we merely say, that if they will take the pains to look into the prophecy of the Scriptures, and then look at the world as it is, if they do not find a wonderful coincidence between the two, as well as many striking fulfilments of the predictions there contained, going on around us every day, their organs of perception must be obtuse indeed.—Uticanian. HST August 3, 1842, page 143.8

Letter from R. W. Reed


Dear Brother Himes:—I send you the names of a few subscribers, and submit to your disposal a sketch of my narrative, which if you should think proper to give place in the Signs of the Times, would gratify many of my inquiring friends. HST August 3, 1842, page 143.9

When I returned from Rhode Island to Boston, I met with a cousin from this county who informed me that my father who lives in East Fairfax was very sick, which induced me to journey immediately to that place. On my arrival I found him recovering, and through the earnest solicitations of my cousin I accompanied him to this region. I have now spent two weeks in this part of the vineyard of our God, and I am sure that my labor is not in vain in the Lord. I have had the pleasure of seeing many of my kindred friends, together with others, bow to that Savior whom we soon expect to see eye to eye and humbly confess their need of him. My dear cousin, a man twenty-six years of age, formerly a firm believer in Universalism, now says he views it a broken staff that will not do to lean upon, and by the way has become a praying man. And the same may be said of others in this place. HST August 3, 1842, page 143.10

There is a good and awakening interest in every place where I have lectured. I have lectured in Morristown and Hidepark, and last evening I closed a course in Eden, where bro. Miller gave one lecture some years since. Our cause has strong friends there, and the prospect of a harvest in that place is good. I have however given from one to three lectures every day; doors are generally open, and calls are numerous. HST August 3, 1842, page 143.11

There is but little difficulty in awakening an interest where we can get the people to hear. There is such harmony in prophecy, especially in numbers, and strength in figure, and the sum proves so perfectly that nothing can be done successfully against the truth. HST August 3, 1842, page 143.12

But one difficulty, under which all lecturers on this subject must labor, I will here name. And I would that it might be printed upon every ray of the sun! that all the world might see and read. HST August 3, 1842, page 143.13

The “evil” that is under the sun is this; when we have labored day and night successive and successfully, in a course of lectures, and the truth is made to bear with all its importance and in all its reality, backed up by the Holy Spirit, and the people in a great state of inquiry; we arecalled to another place, we are obliged to leave the work to other preachers. The earnest inquiring sinner listens to hear what their minister will say, and he tells them no man knoweth the day nor the hour, and indirectly labors to remove the conviction that the day of the Lord draweth nigh. When this is done, conviction is gone and the revival is over and the minister has gained his point. Farewell. Hydepark, July 25. HST August 3, 1842, page 143.14

“The Sign of Jonas the Prophet.”


In Matthew 12. it is recorded that on one occasion, when our Savior assured his auditors that for “every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment:” “then certain of the scribes and pharisees answered saying, Master we would see a sign from thee. But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign, and there shall no sign be given to it but the sign of the prophet Jonas. For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” Also in the 16th chapter, it says “the Pharisees and the Sadducees came and tempting desired him that he would show them a sign from heaven. He answered and said unto them, When it is evening ye say it will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning, it will be foul weather to-day: for the sky is red and lowering. O ye hypocrites! ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times? A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas.” Luke records that “when the people were gathered thick together, he began to say This is an evil generation: they seek a sign; and there shall no sign be given it, but the sign of Jonas the prophet. For as Jonas was a sign unto the Ninevites, so shall also the Son of man be to this generation.” See 11:29, 30. HST August 3, 1842, page 143.15

The word generation is evidently used in the same sense as in Luke 16:8, where Christ says, “the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light. And to them the death and resurrection of our Savior was to be a sign. It was to be a sign of so much significance, that according to Matthew our Savior affirmed it on two different occasions, and on one of which it was given as a sign in answer to the request of the Pharisees, when he had asserted their accountability at the bar of God in the judgment of the great day, for every idle word they should speak. HST August 3, 1842, page 143.16

Luke informs us that as Jonas was a sign unto the Ninevites; so shall also the Son of man be to this generation.” We read in the book of Jonah that when the word of the Lord came unto him to go and cry against Ninevah, that he was disobedient, and fled from the face of the Lord by taking ship at Joppa to go to Tarshish. But the ship was so tossed by a tempest that Jonah was cast into the sea and swallowed up by a great fish prepared by God for that purpose. Then Jonah repented and was thrown upon the dry land, and when the word of the Lord again came to him he arose and entered Ninevah, a days journey, and cried saying, “Yet forty days, and Ninevah shall be overthrown.” But the Ninevites repented, and thus averted their doom. HST August 3, 1842, page 144.1

It may therefore be proper for us to inquire in what respect Jonah was a sign to the Ninevites, and how the death of our Savior is to be a sign to the children of this world. Jonah was a sign to the Ninevites both in respect to the destruction which would come upon them, and the time when that destruction was to come. On account of his disobedience Jonah was swallowed up, and on repenting he was delivered. Even so the Ninevites, had they continued in disobedience, would all have been swallowed up by one common catastrophe; but they repented, and thus averted their impending destruction. The time was expressly given, “Even forty days and Ninevah shall be destroyed,” So must the Son of man also be a sign to the children of this world in the manner, and time of their end. Those who continue to oppose God’s holy and wise purposes are assured that they must forever perish, that they will be banished from the presence of the Lord, and meet the general doom that awaits all his enemies: while those who repent and turn unto the Lord will be remembered by him in the day of his indignation. Upon them the sun of righteousness will arise with healing in his wings and they shall go forth as calves of the stall; and the days of their mourning will be ended. Thus their final salvation or destruction will depend upon their obeying or disobeying his holy and Divine will, as did the destruction of Ninevah of old. HST August 3, 1842, page 144.2

To carry out the comparison it will also be necessary to show that the Son of man is a sign to the children of this world in the time of their destruction. Our Savior gives us no express declaration of the length of the period, till the destruction of the children of disobedience should be accomplished; as was given to the children of Ninevah; but he gives us the time that he should lie in the heart of the earth—three days and three nights. We however learn from the gospel that he was not dead three whole days, but only parts of three days; and which were in fact less than two whole days. We then learned that he was nailed to the cross on Friday at the third hour of the day, which nearly corresponds with 9 o’clock A. M. Friday, or at that season of the year it would be ten minutes before 9; and that he rose from the dead early in the morning about the break of day, or half past four, on Sunday. This would make, with a variation of three minutes and thirty-six seconds just one whole day and 81/100 of a day. Now Peter in his 2nd epistle 3:8, when speaking of the day of judgment—the same event that Christ had alluded to when the Pharisees asked him a sign from heaven, and this alone was given—says “But beloved be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as one thousand years, and one thousand years as one day.” If then one day is with the Lord as one thousand years, how long a period of time will one day and 81/100 of a day denote? It will be just 1810 years, and which dating from his crucifixion in A. D. 33, will terminate in A. D. 1843, when, taking that for a sign, we should expect the entire destruction of all the wicked. One day nineteen hours twenty-six minutes and twenty-four seconds would thus precisely correspond with 1810 years, and reckoning from 9 o’clock of Friday, that time would expire at or about break of day on Sunday when our Savior probably arose. If Christ intended that as a sign of the time, none can deny but that it is about accomplished. HST August 3, 1842, page 144.3

The above result is rendered the more striking when taken in connexion with the two days of Hosea, and Luke 13:32, 33. In the latter case, some of the Pharisees came to Jesus, and told him that Herod would seek to kill him. “And he said unto them, Go ye and tell that fox, behold I cast out devils and do cures to-day and to-morrow; and the third day I shall be perfected. Nevertheless I must work today and to-morrow and the day following: for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem.” These texts cannot be satisfactorily interpreted, only upon the supposition that Christ used the word day, in the sense of 1000 years, it being when Christ was upon the earth the fifth day, or during the fifth thousand years from creation. To-day and tomorrow, then, or this thousand years and the next thousand years during which Christ would work in saving souls, would complete the reckoning days of the great week of time; and then on the third day, on the third thousand years, which would be the seventh from creation, Christ would be perfected with all those who are redeemed in his everlasting kingdom. HST August 3, 1842, page 144.4

In Hosea 6:1-3, we find a consoling promise. The prophet says “Come and let us return unto the Lord, for he hath torn and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight. Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth! These days can only be satisfactooily explained in the same manner and taking these passages in connection with Peter’s teaching them not to be ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as 1000 years, etc. it may be that Peter had a farther and a more definite meaning, than the church has generally supposed, and that those periods were given for our instruction, when that day shall come, which God hath appointed, in the which he will judge the world in right cousness by that man Christ Jesus whom he hath ordained. B. HST August 3, 1842, page 144.5

Signs of the Times


Is published weekly, at No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston, by JOSHUA V. HIMES, to whom all letters and communications must be addressed. HST August 3, 1842, page 144.6

Terms,—One Dollar per Volume of 24 Nos. (6 months) dow & jackson, printers. HST August 3, 1842, page 144.7

Second Advent Camp-Meeting


AT CASTING, ME. HST August 3, 1842, page 144.8

There will be a Second Advent camp-meeting at Castine, Me. Providence permitting, to commence Tuesday, Sept. 6th, on the farm of Mr. Charles Perkins. The steam boats will leave passengers within about three miles of the meeting. Brother A. Bridges of Newport superintends the arrangements. There will be Second Advent Conferences held at the following places as follows, viz; at Prospect, Me. Sept. 14. At Atkinson, Me. Sept. 21st. And at Exeter, Me. Sept 28th. HST August 3, 1842, page 144.9

A. Hale,
Y. Higgins,
J. W. Atkins,
J. Hamilton,
A. Bridges,
J. Daman,
S. H. Horne, Committee
HST August 3, 1842, page 144.10

Second Advent Camp-meeting


This meeting will commence on the 25th day of August next. It is expected to continue eight or ten days.
HST August 3, 1842, page 144.11

The meeting will be located about four miles from Springfield, two miles from the steam boat wharf at Cabotville, and a half a mile east of Chicopee village. But we are negotiating with the agent of the Western rail-road, to stop within one mile and a quarter of the camp-ground. In this case, all persons from Boston, and east, and others from Albany and west, will be left very near on ground. Notice will be given of the arrangements in our next. HST August 3, 1842, page 144.12

The object of the meeting is not controversy, but to present the truths plainly, and strongly to those who wish to hear, on the second coming of Christ at hand, and to wake up the slumbering virgins. For the Committee, J. V. Himes. HST August 3, 1842, page 144.13

Boston, July 27th 1842. HST August 3, 1842, page 144.14

Second Advent Conferences


and lectures on the second coming of christ

Br. Catvin French will give a course of lectures at the following places, at each of which a Conference, of believers in the Personal appearing of our lord jesus christ will be held, to continue four or more days. HST August 3, 1842, page 144.15

1st Conference will be held at Guilford, N. H. to commence on Wednesday, Aug. 10 at 10 o’clock A. M. HST August 3, 1842, page 144.16

2nd In North Springfield, Vt. on Thursday, Aug. 18, at 10 o’clock A, M. in the Christian Chapel, lectures commence the evening previous at each place. HST August 3, 1842, page 144.17

3rd At Stillwater, N. Y. Saratoga Co. in the West Baptist Meeting House on Monday, Aug. 29th, at 10 o’clock A. M. HST August 3, 1842, page 144.18

4th, With elder Isaac Wescotts Society in Stillwater, on Monday, Sept. 5th, at 10 o’clock A. M. HST August 3, 1842, page 144.19

Lectures will commence at the last two places on Saturday eve. previons, at 7 o’clock. HST August 3, 1842, page 144.20

N. B. ALL in the regions where our Conferences are held who love the appearing of our Lord, are invited to attend. Aug. 3d, 1842. HST August 3, 1842, page 144.21



Received up to July 31st, 1842. Erom P. M. Fall River, Mass., Corinna, Me, MeKees Half Falls, Pa., Hills Corner, Me., Ossipee, N. H. Strafford Corner, N. H., Hermon, Me., Lancaster, N. H., Queensbury, N. Y., Warehouse Point, Ct., West Needham, Mass., West Faimouth, Me., East Bridgewater, Mass., Hudson, N. H., Jamaica, Vt. Oppenheim, N. Y., Montgommery, Mass., Bonnes Height, N. Y., Cornisville, Me., Marshfield, Vt., Clarkafield, Ohio, Providence, R. I., Frost Village, L. C. From Thomas M. Preble, Wm. H. Alden, Geo. Storrs, Joseph Bates, Wm. Miller, H. Patten, D. Goodnough, Joseph Randall, Charles Churchill, Geo. P. Martin, C. F. Stevens, A. J. Williamson, R. W. Reed, Joseph Currier, D. Burgess, R. T. Hancock, W. S. Campbell, Charles Morley, Jonathan French, C. W. Bates, John Pearson, J. Williams, Wm. Camp. A. C. White, Thos. J. Harvey, Wm. A. A. Shaw, W. King, Paul Stillman, D. Burgess. HST August 3, 1842, page 144.22

Books Sent


One bundle to H. Patten & Co. Utica, N. Y.—
One to D. Burgess, Hartford, Ct.—One bundle to A. C. White, Yarmouth, N. S.
HST August 3, 1842, page 144.23