Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 6

October 18, 1843

Vol. VI.—No. 9. Boston, Whole No. 129

Joshua V. Himes


Terms.—$1,00 per Vol. (24 Nos.) in advance Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston.

J. V. Himes, J. Litch, and S. Bliss, Editors.
Dow & Jackson, Printers, Boston.



I. The word of God teaches that this earth is to be regenerated, in the restitution of all things, restored to its Eden state as it came from the hand of its Maker before the fall, and is to be the eternal abode of the righteous in their resurrection state. HST October 18, 1843, page 65.1

II. The only Millenium found in the word of God is the eternal state of the righteous in the New Earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. HST October 18, 1843, page 65.2

III. The only restoration of Israel yet future, is the restoration of the saints to the New Earth, when the Lord my God shall come, and all his saints with him. HST October 18, 1843, page 65.3

IV. The signs which were to precede the coming of our Savior, have all been given; and the prophecies have all been fulfilled but those which relate to the coming of Christ, the end of this world, and the restitution of all things. And HST October 18, 1843, page 65.4

V. There are none of the prophetic periods, as we understand them, that extend beyond the year 1843. HST October 18, 1843, page 65.5

The above we shall ever maintain as the immutable truths of the word of God, and therefore till our Lord come we shall ever look for his return as the next event in historical prophecy. HST October 18, 1843, page 65.6

Letter from Brother Boutelle


We publish the following letter at the request of brother Boutelle, who alone is responsible for the position it takes. The question of church-membership, is a delicate question; and we can conceive of no general rules which will be applicable in all cases, so that every person must be his own judge respecting his duty in this respect. We have never considered it any part of our duty to interfere with the ecclesiastical relations of individuals, or wage war against church organizations as such. Our business has been to proclaim the cry, “Behold, the Bridegroom cometh,” with the evidence that it is at the doors. This we do with the expectation that those who receive this truth will prepare themselves in all respects for its fulfillment. We therefore neither advise any to leave their churches or to remain in them. There may be cases where it is clearly their duty to leave; and there may be cases where it is clearly the duty of others to remain. Where the doctrine of the advent is shut out, and the believers in the advent not permitted to express their convictions of its truth, or where the vital piety of believers is endangered by the opposition which in some places is manifested, we can see no reason why such connection should be continued. On the other hand, when believers are permitted faithfully to present the Bible evidence of this doctrine, and are received as brethren, we can see no good reason for dissolving such connection; and yet individuals may be so situated that they alone can judge of their duty. HST October 18, 1843, page 65.7

We know not why our Savior’s directions to his disciples may not apply to churches, as to houses and cities. He says, Matthew 10:11-15, “And into whatsoever city or town ye shall enter, inquire who in it is worthy, and there abide till ye go thence. And when ye come into a house salute it. And if the house be worthy, let your peace come upon it: but if it be not worthy, let your peace return to you. And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house, or city, shake off the dust of your feet. Verily, I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah, in the day of judgment, than for that city.” HST October 18, 1843, page 65.8

Brother Bliss,—Believing still that the word of God teaches the coming of the Savior this Jewish year, to redeem the bodies of his children, and regenerate the earth, also to take vengeance on them that obey not the gospel; hence the importance of those which do believe it, of being faithful to declare the whole counsel of God, not shunning to give this truth a prominency which it demands. As an honest be-believer, I must and shall speak out upon this subject, not as the time draws nearer have less faith and zeal. This would betoken a backsliding state of heart, but if one’s faith is founded upon God’s eternal truth, which remains forever unalterable, he will be gaining strength every day, because he will see a fulfilment of the word of God, not to be mistaken by the spiritually minded; so as we go from place to place, we find the faithful growing stronger and stronger, having new experience, and almost every thing they meet with is but another evidence of the speedy coming of that day when the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, and the saints be delivered, every one whose name is found written in the Lamb’s Book of Life; thus they are growing in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, having joy and peace in their souls which is unspeakable and full of glory. But how is it with those who have believed it and are now doubting whether it will be as the truth declares, or whether we are not mistaken. Very different I assure you. Their very countenances indicate where they are, interrogate them, and you will find that just in proportion as they have backslidden from the faith of Christ’s coming this year, just in that degree have they lost the witness of the Spirit that they are the living children of God. But thanks be to God, many are coming out and giving up the world, reputation, and their standing in the sects. No one need fail of seeing that the sects, or denominations, as bodies, are children of the old mother, of harlots; they will not endure sound doctrine or the truth of God; no fellowship have they with the coming of Christ this year, or its advocates. If our mouths were stopped by legislative enactments they would say, so let it be; still we have those among us, who belong to them and meet with them just often enough to keep good their reputation or standing, but we cannot serve God and mammon. Now these denominations are the great engine of the adversary to destroy the souls of men; they have stood in the way of every soul-stirring reformatory movement, and when the midnight cry began to be sounded, where did it find its most, violent opposers? who would keep it out of the meeting-houses, were it not professors in high standing in the churches? and now the denominations, as such. Well, the cry of the Lord is, “Come out of her my people that ye be not partaker of her sins, that ye receive not of her plagues.” And yet there are those, it seems, who would rather give up Jesus and the resurrection than to cut loose from these corrupt organizations which are leading them down to death; but I believe, according to the requirement, that all the saints must come out of the sects in order to be prepared for the coming of the Savior, because they are of a different spirit, and are a company of unbelievers, that is a majority of them. Now Paul says, be not “unequally yoked together with unbelievers.” The reason is obvious, for while one will be pulling one way, the other will be going the opposite, wherefore come out and he separate and I will be a Father to you. A sifting is going on in our ranks, and these that do not stand by the faith of the Son of God will be sifted out, that that which cannot be shaken may remain; and one all important work is, with a heart full of love to God and man, by the truth to get these people out of the rubbish, for while the claims of the party are upon them they cannot be freemen of the Lord or stand in that liberty where with Christ maketh free. But says one, if we come out, where shall we go? Do as Peter and, John did, who, after being threatened for preaching the word faithfully, went to their own company, which was among the saints, where they could all praise God with one accord. That is, come together as members of Christ’s body, which are all one, by being united to Christ as the branch is to the vine, with no other bond of union than love, with nothing to keep out hypocrites and unbelievers except holiness of heart and a life of strict conformity to the gospel, not of the letter only but of the spirit, taking none but Jesus the great head of the church for our only leader and Lawgiver. Oh how important that we walk by faith instead of sight. I expect to see the saints more filled with love to God and one another till the Savior makes his glorious appearance in the clouds of heaven. Therefore, brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might, and be faithful till he comes, then take thy crown. HST October 18, 1843, page 65.9

From thy brother, Luther Boutelle.
Groton, Aug. 10, 1843.

Who shall Decide when Doctors Disagree?


We find the following in the March No. of the “Spirit of the XIXth Century.” It shows how absurd the arguments brought against us, appear to men of sense, even among our opponents. HST October 18, 1843, page 66.1

An Exposition of the Prophecies supposed by William Miller to predict the Second Coming of Christ in 1843, etc. By John Dowling, A. M. pages 47. Second Edition. New York, 1842. We have never read through a single book or even pamphlet of Mr. Miller, nor as much as fifty pages of his writings, all together. It is therefore hardly possible that we can have a clear view of his opinions in a connected form, much less a full impression of the arguments by which he endeavors to support them. As far as we can judge from the very cursory examination we have made of some of his publications and the attentive perusal of some tracts and newspapers of his immediate disciples, it has occurred to us that his system, supposing it to be false, as in some at least of its parts it seems to us evidently to be, must be capable of being most clearly and indubitably confuted, because his appeals appear to be constant and direct to alleged historical facts, and his proofs are cited places out of God’s word. It is therefore the simplest thing imaginable, to meet so frank an opponent by showing that he has mis-quoted or misconceived the facts; or that he has perverted the Scriptures. As for this disquisition of Mr. Dowling, we may confidently say that it is hardly to be conceived that any thing could be printed by Mr. Miller, or Mr. any-body-else, more shallow, absurd and worthless. There is hardly a point he touches, on which he has not managed to adopt the very idlest conjectures of past writers on the prophecies; and this so entirely without regard to any coherent system, that the only clear conviction a man of sense or reflection could draw from his pamphlet, if such a man could be supposed capable of believing it, would be that the prophecies themselves are a jumble of nonsense. Such answers as his can have no effect, we would suppose, except to bring the whole subject into ridicule, or to promote the cause he attacks.” HST October 18, 1843, page 66.2

Such, then, is the estimation in which Dr. Breckenridge holds the attempt of Dr. Dowling to overthrow “Millerism!” If, as Mr. B. says, “it is the simplest thing imaginable to meet so frank an opponent” as Mr. Miller, and overthrow his arguments, why does he not do it, and put the public mind and the question at rest? It appears to us that this would be the better way, on a subject which he confesses to be so important as this. HST October 18, 1843, page 66.3

Mr. B. next proceeds to eulogize the efforts of Dr. Weeks, as being more pertinent, and better calculated to settle the question. But strange to tell, in the very next breath he neutralizes all that Dr. W. has done, in the following language: HST October 18, 1843, page 66.4

“But after all, this paper relates almost wholly to that point of ‘Millerism’ which asserts that the 6000th year of the world terminates in or near 1843; a point very curious and important in itself, but by no means essentially connected with the truth or error of his general system. We must say, that standing in the attitude of an impartial judge, and even supposing the chronology of ‘Millerism’ to be no more than a conjectural approach to truth; this paper of Dr. Weeks, as a whole, does by no means prove, that the conjecture may not be after all, as near right as other conjectures on the same subject, In other words, however, it may be shown that Miller does not clearly establish his chronology; it is not attempted to be shown, that any other can be better established; and the mode and substance of the proof of Dr. W. rather conduce to show that it cannot, than that it can be done. So that the real objection against Miller is the want of certainty in his chronology, rather than the absolute certainty of its incorrectness; and the objection to his proceedings is, that he asserts and proclaims with peremptoriness what he is wholly unable to demonstrate as certainly true, thereby proving himself a rash and probably an ignorant man. But in the mean time, what he says, might be positively disproved, which we submit, has by no means been done; and it might be clearly shown that some other chronology is true, which no man has yet attempted, and which, we sorrowfully admit, there are not five in America competent, to discuss, at this moment. Here is the great secret of the trouble; the profound and general ignorance which prevails on the whole subject, of which no greater evidence need be produced, than the fact that this pamphlet of Mr. Dowling has been extensively relied on, yea, preached, as a sufficient answer to Miller.” HST October 18, 1843, page 66.5

Doctor Breckenridge, then, being judge, the sentiments advocated by Mr. Miller and others, stand unscathed, and the mighty superstructure of truth, as the dust of learned confusion is blown away, appears each time in more beautiful relief, confirming the Israel of God in their blessed and glorious hope. HST October 18, 1843, page 66.6

What Saith the Scriptures?


Let any hypothesis be utterly at variance with truth, says the most finished of modern writers, it will yet have rendered us an important service—and a legitimate service—if it shall have prompted us to pursue, assiduously and eagerly, any path of biblical inquiry. We have committed ourself to the second coming, a doctrine which the apostles deemed not unworthy of the church’s ear and heart in the days of her nascent and purest history—a fact which will always justify us in recurring in any age to this high and holy hope. It is indeed the church’s prerogative to recur to it in every age until it is verified—until Christ comes. And the minister who shall be an instrument in the hand of God to give this direction to the sainted mind will sooner or later discover that he has rendered the church an important and legitimate service, by introducing her not through any hypothesis at variance with the truth, but by the truth itself, into “a path of biblical inquiry,” the most instructive, the most delightful. HST October 18, 1843, page 66.7

The second coming of the Lord is contemplated in Scripture under two aspects—first as a necessary element of the gospel; and second as a predicted fact to be fulfilled in a particular age. There can be no impropriety, therefore, in contemplating it under these two aspects, or of prosecuting our biblical inquisitions in regard to it accordingly, that is, we may legitimately investigate it as a part and parcel of the gospel; or we may discuss its character as a truth of a particular age. It is at present prophecy. It will by and by be history, and it has its chronology; we may, therefore, inquire into its chronology: HST October 18, 1843, page 66.8

Touching this great event as a necessary truth of the gospel, we are warranted, in the light of holy writ, in viewing it, of supernatural a rather than natural causation; and therefore as such it may, like the whole class of miraculous interruptions of the established order of nature to which it belongs, vividly impress us with the most absorbing ideas of the Divine power, and of our own destiny; but the fact must be rendered remarkably more impressive, when at any time it forces itself upon us as one belonging to our own age, and likely in all its supernatural weight and greatness, to be verified in our personal experience. HST October 18, 1843, page 66.9

Is it the prerogative of our own age then to believe that the moment when the profound and unlimited resources of the Divine intelligence shall be opened afresh, is almost arrived? Have we almost reached the crisis so repeatedly predicted in Scripture by the holy prophets, when the present heavens and earth shall evanish? when from the renascent nucleus of a globe dissolved by a fiery analysis, a new heavens and a new earth shall arise? When man bidding a long long adieu to this intransitive animal structure, shall leave it forever behind, and in a die and form of beauty excelling human, behold all his physical reasons for, and all his religious belief of a future life, and all his instincts, impulses and aspirations alter glory, honor, and immortality, both intellectual and moral, fully justified by a glorious resurrection to eternal life? If so, we respond, “Even so, Father, for so it seemeth good in thy sight.” Matthew 13. HST October 18, 1843, page 66.10

How important a revolution! the globe in ruins and the heavens on fire. How final, yet how reproductive a catastrophe! the elements of our animal nature gone, forever lost, burnt! the germ of future existence—the element of immortality, all of moral consciousness, all of intellectual personality, of spiritual activity, impulse, intensity, passion, affection, feeling, translated to a purer sphere where cares vex not and no ills annoy. Great change, hail! Thrice welcome, day of God. Life shall thenceforth be no more a day-dream, an enigma, a mystery, but a glorious reality, a solved problem, a pure revelation. Lord Jesus, come quickly.—Carthage Evangelist. HST October 18, 1843, page 66.11

Letter from London


September 1, 1843. HST October 18, 1843, page 66.12

Dear Brother Southard, HST October 18, 1843, page 66.13

It is now three months since I left NewYork and the dear brethren who are looking for the coming of our dear Lord and Savior. HST October 18, 1843, page 66.14

I was five weeks in Bristol, and have been, first and last, about five weeks in London. You may easily imagine that it was with no little difficulty that I discovered the brethren in this city, where there are upwards of two millions of inhabitants; but, thanks be to God, I have found them, and I assure you that it filled me with great joy to meet those people who love the appearing of our dear Lord. It seems to me that He favors those who are waiting and looking for Him, with many spiritual blessings. HST October 18, 1843, page 66.15

Brethren Winter and Burgess are preaching about the country, and the Lord gives them some souls in every place; there seems to be a growing interest in this truth. HST October 18, 1843, page 66.16

Brother Paul is doing a little in Dublin. HST October 18, 1843, page 66.17

There are a number of believers in London, but no lecturer, and this is much to be deplored, as we are convinced that there are thousands who would rejoice to hear the whole subject from some good lecturer. HST October 18, 1843, page 66.18

I am writing this in the company of Brother Lloyd and his wife, who have taken a great interest in the subject, and are disposing of and distributing works and papers. HST October 18, 1843, page 67.1

We are deeply impressed with the necessity of your sending three or four powerful lecturers to this city. It is our constant prayer to God that men may be raised up here who fully understand the subject, and who would fearlessly proclaim it. O that our prayer may be answered, and that He will urge you in America to send three or four immediately. One such lecturer as Br. Storrs or Litch, would raise such a cry in London as would be resounded throughout the United Kingdom. London is the great centre, and all that is done here is felt throughout the country. HST October 18, 1843, page 67.2

What is the reason that a press cannot be established here as well as in New York? The people are as willing to hear the truth and perhaps more so than in many other places. HST October 18, 1843, page 67.3

There are a great many ministers of God, men of talent who are only waiting for some able lecturer to confirm them in their views, and show them an example. HST October 18, 1843, page 67.4

By the love which you and the brethren profess to have for poor sinners, use every exertion to send us help whilst there is yet time; and if you cannot raise funds enough to send them in the cabin, send them in second cabin: and if you can’t send them in the second cabin, they love God and his work sufficiently to come in the steerage. If you cannot send four, send three; if you can’t send three, send two, but at all events send one first rate lecturer. HST October 18, 1843, page 67.5

Oh if we only had Bro. Storrs here, you would soon hear glorious news from England; thousands of souls would be shouting praises to God for having sent them so mighty a preacher of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. HST October 18, 1843, page 67.6

We cannot send you any money for this purpose, as all that we can raise is used up in scattering the publications. All that we want is powerful lecturers, and then money would be the last thing we should have to talk about, for there are numbers who can afford and would willingly help on the spread of the glorious truth (if they were shown it) by contributing that which is so necessary—money. HST October 18, 1843, page 67.7

When some dozen of us were met the other day at Bro. Lloyd’s talking over and rejoicing in the anticipation of the speedy appearing of our dear Savior, the subject of the support of lecturers from the U. States was introduced. “O! they should not want,” said one: “I will agree to find one in bread,” said another, “He can lodge in my house,” said brother Lloyd; so you perceive the people know what is necessary. HST October 18, 1843, page 67.8

Several clergymen of the Church of England are preaching this doctrine in the country: one in Kent lectures twice during the week. HST October 18, 1843, page 67.9

I got my chart out the other night at a little chapel in Westminster, and explained to the people the visions of the 2nd and 8th chapters of Daniel. I was listened to with great attention. Many questions were asked, and my replies gave satisfaction. After the meeting, it was agreed that we should come together again next week, and converse on the subject, taking the Bible for our foundation. Pray that God may bless our endeavors. HST October 18, 1843, page 67.10

Praying that God will strengthen and confirm you in the truth, and give you all grace to hold out unto the end, I remain, dear brother, Yours in the same blessed hope. HST October 18, 1843, page 67.11

Edward Routon.

N. B. In the name of our dear Lord, we implore you to send as many preachers as you can, and as quickly as possible. Lay this subject before the brethren, and urge it upon them. HST October 18, 1843, page 67.12

Ministers of the Gospel


In a spirit of the utmost kindness, we inquire, why is it that ministers of the gospel are so slow to embrace the glorious second advent doctrine? There are reasons that call for the exercise of charity and sympathy. HST October 18, 1843, page 67.13

One grand reason is this, they have not heard—understand me—they have not heard the truth on this subject. The very relations they sustain in the church preclude them from the privilege of hearing. Their business is to read, study, preach, not to hear. Now every one knows the difference there is in the interest of a printed and an oral sermon. How many people are there that would sit down and read a speech of Henry Clay? A few of course. Should he give, notice that he would speak from the balcony of the American in this city, the street would be crowded for hours. HST October 18, 1843, page 67.14

Another reason is, they have spent years in examining the Bible with especial reference to spreading the truth, and they feel the importance of devoting their time and talents to presenting before the world what they have already learned. The prophecies they have examined some to be sure, and they have imbibed the impression, however erroneous it may be, that nothing definite can be understood from them; and consequently they content themselves with the idea that it would be a waste of time to study them; or at least, if they strive to do what they can for the salvation of the world, it will be just as well. HST October 18, 1843, page 67.15

Another reason is, that what instruction they have received, in reference to the prophecies, and also many other portions of Scripture, has been in view of a spiritual or figurative mode of interpretation. Now it is always more difficulty to instil truth into minds that have received a wrong bias, than others who have no such circumstance to influence them. Ministers receive their instruction while their minds are forming and before they become matured; their preferences for the views they then receive, are consequently the more permanently rooted. HST October 18, 1843, page 67.16

Again, when their attention is called to the subject of the second advent, their minds are influenced by the common impression that if these things are so, the wise of other days would have seen it; and that especially it would be perceived by the intelligent in this enlightened age of the world. And the fact that the wisdom of this world, and their former teachers are arrayed against the doctrine, deters many from carefully examining the subject. HST October 18, 1843, page 67.17

Others, again, who do examine the subject, are disposed, from previous education of course, to look at every point through figurativeizing and spiritualizing glasses; and they cannot therefore see the force of the arguments, nor of the Scripture quoted. They do not appreciate Peter’s rule of interpretation, that “no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation,” a rule that seems to be wholly disregarded by many modern expounders of the word of God. HST October 18, 1843, page 67.18

Now these are real obstacles to the promulgation of this blessed truth; and we must exercise a spirit of love, of charity, while we endeavor faithfully to lay the truth before the minds of ministers of the gospel, and urge them to examine honestly the Bible evidence on the subject.—Second Advent of Christ. HST October 18, 1843, page 67.19

As a specimen of the testimony which out daily papers bear to the “perilous times,” “perplexity,” “distress of nations,” and “fearful looking after those things that shall come on the earth,” we copy the following from the New York Sun. HST October 18, 1843, page 67.20

“Condition and Fate of England.”—There is a nation whose banner is unfurled in every sunbeam that flashes from the heavens; whose vessels whiten every sea; whose gigantic step has pressed the sands of every ocean; “whose cannon look into every port,” and whose name strikes terror to the hearts of one hundred and fifty millions of people. This nation exists on an island not larger than New York; but there she has concentrated all that is fearful in war or beautiful in peace; all that is splendid in art or magnificent in intellect, and before her dictu bows down the world of mind with a servility as soul-crushing and absolute as ever degraded an oritiental devotee before the sacrificial altar. This nation has thrown her colossal shadow from the burning plains of India to the forests of Nova Scotia; Asia, Africa, Europe and America have trembled beneath her tread, and her thunders have shook the world. Her regular income would build cities; her navy, if placed four miles apart, would stretch from Liverpool to New York; the price paid for her noblemen’s luxuries would relieve the hunger of two millions of people, and the salary received by her clergy would, in a few years, put the Bible into the hands of every being alive. HST October 18, 1843, page 67.21

“Such is her power! How has she gained it? Let the millions speak who are crying for bread in her dominions! Let the thousands upon thousands answer, whose wealth has been subsidized—whose children have been enslaved, and whose governments have been subverted to swell a power already unwieldy from gluttony, hoary from age, and bloody with crime. HST October 18, 1843, page 67.22

“Thus sits that nation; her nobles protected by a system of oppression which time has erected, and her throne guarded by swords, whose concentrated flashes would throw a dimness on noonday. Already has the redcross HST October 18, 1843, page 67.23

“braved a thousand years
The battle and the breeze,“
HST October 18, 1843, page 67.24

and the Queen, and the nobles, and the capitalists, and the clergy, and the army, suppose the reign of this nation to be eternal. Are they correct? If so, crime and lust and despotism are the deities of this world, and we might as well bow at once before their disgusting altars, and shout pans in their blood-stained temples. HST October 18, 1843, page 67.25

“Can England exist? Can her power much longer cause the earth to tremble? Can her nobles still grind down the foreheads of the people? Can the clergy still use the shield of Christianity for the perpetration of enormities which would make a pagan blush? Can this horrible wailing—these seas of blood—these sights of horror—these writhings of the giant of humanity—these sins, over which seraphs weep and demons exult—can all this still blacken and disgrace the universe? If so, then may we no longer look into the pages of history for instruction. The whole order of human affairs is reversed and a new command has been promulgated from the great Lawgiver. HST October 18, 1843, page 67.26

“But it is not so! Individual and national crime must still be punished, and that speedily. England has entered and passed her perihelion—the ship is approaching the breakers. Her national debt presses upon her—her dominions must fall to pieces from their extent and weight—she has not built the moral arch according to the eternal law of moral architecture. Her masses are rising—her church is tottering—her throne cannot stand without its ancient supporters. Let any one look at the statistics of the empire and he will be convinced of these facts. HST October 18, 1843, page 68.1

“In speaking of the uprising of the masses, Mr. Lester has well quoted Wallace’s Lines— HST October 18, 1843, page 68.2

“A stern deep voice comes rushing down,
Like the voice of God, with a wo to the crown.”
HST October 18, 1843, page 68.3

“The fate of the British Empire is sealed. God will not permit her much longer to exist, a living blasphemy on his name.” HST October 18, 1843, page 68.4


No Authorcode

“The Lord is at Hand.”


Editorial Correspondence


Cincinnati, Ohio. Jeffersonville, Ia. Louisville, Ky. HST October 18, 1843, page 68.5

Dear Brother Bliss:—Your last was duly received at Cincinnati;—I am surprised that you did not get my letter fur the “Signs.” It must have been lost. I have written again, since that, and hope you have ere this received it. HST October 18, 1843, page 68.6

Our meeting at Cincinnati continued, and closed in triumph. We have never had a more successful meeting in the Tent, at least so far as a full and uninterrupted hearing is concerned. More than 500 have embraced the faith, among the different churches, in that city and vicinity. Most of them look for the termination of the prophetic periods this year. HST October 18, 1843, page 68.7

Brother Storrs remains, to conduct the paper, and to lecture, in the city and vicinity. An “effectual door is opened.” Brother Stevens is in the field with him. He is highly esteemed, and is doing much good. Brother Goodwin, (late Pastor of the Sixth street Baptist church,) has embraced the faith in full. He has consecrated himself to the work. He has taken hold with brother Storrs, and others, to carry forward the work. Many other ministers in the vicinity are coming into the faith, and will soon preach the personal reign, with the time of the Advent. Brother Scott of Carthage, Ohio, has come out on the time. He gave his whole influence to aid us in the work, and will continue his valuable labors. He is an educated, pious, and devoted man. He has done much for the cause in the West. Dr. Field, of this place, late editor of “The Israelite,“(now discontinued,) is also a full believer in the time. He has done much for the cause in this region; and still intends to do all he can, in diffusing the truth in Kentucky and Indiana. We have many friends and believers in this vicinity. HST October 18, 1843, page 68.8

I am to commence a course of lectures in Louisville this evening, across the river, about one mile. Dr. Field has given the cry effectually in this place. I shall probably, however, give one or more lectures here. HST October 18, 1843, page 68.9

I have been obliged to relinquish my intention of going to St. Louis. I shall probably return to Boston about the middle of October. HST October 18, 1843, page 68.10

J. V. Himes.
Jeffersonville, Ia. Sept. 30th, 1843.



Brother Bliss,—I came to this city on Saturday last. Gave the first lecture in the Christian Chapel. It was filled mostly with men, it being an unpleasant evening. They gave the most profound attention. I learn a good impression was made. Sabbath day lectured twice in the “market place.” A large crowd were in attendance. And for the honor of Louisville, I must say, that I never had a more attentive audience, or orderly congregation in any city of the Union. Many of the most respectable citizens were present, some of whom are becoming interested in the subject. The slanders of the public prints, and the pulpits, are now being exposed, and the people understand, and respect us. HST October 18, 1843, page 68.11

New Albany. At the request of brethren from this city, I visited there Lord’s day evening, and lectured to a large audience in the Christian Chapel. There are many believers here; they are full in the faith of the advent “nigh, even at the doors.” They have been instructed into this doctrine by brethren Scott and Field. HST October 18, 1843, page 68.12

Monday evening returned to Louisville, and lectured again in the Christian chapel. The house was crowded. Subject, the prevalence of the little horn, Daniel 7:21, 22. The audience listened two and a half hours to the illustrations of the fulfilment of this prophecy. It was shown that this power would prevail against the saints till the judgment and coming of the Son of man. That there would be no conquest of the world by the Protestants—the prevailing power, while the world stood, would be the Roman Catholic! The effect I learn to-day, is, what it has been elsewhere, viz. to open the eyes of the people to see the utter hopelessness of the temporal millennium, and conversion of the world, prior to the second advent. The interest is so great, that I have yielded to the earnest request of the citizens to remain over the Sabbath. I shall then return East without delay. HST October 18, 1843, page 68.13

Our Second Advent Depot in the Jefferson House, on Third street, is visited by numerous citizens, and strangers, to whom we give our publications, and thus scatter the light. A few have been purchased, but as yet we have not received enough to pay one quarter of our actual expenditures! But the people must have the light. Dr. Field has the charge of the depot, and I doubt not there will be friends enough raised up to sustain it, as long as it shall be needed J. V. Himes. HST October 18, 1843, page 68.14

Louisville, Kentucky, Oct. 3, 1843. HST October 18, 1843, page 68.15



Brother Bliss,—In contemplating the state of the Advent cause, I am greatly surprised that we have had so few excesses and extravagances among us. Our preaching has waked up all classes, and brought together the elements of the “last times,” from all sects, nations, and tongues. Although they consist, as a general thing, of the truly pious, who are looking for the “blessed hope,” yet some there are, who have more of pretension to sanctity and purity, than reality. These have carried things, in a few instances, beyond the written word. They are not satisfied with the truth, but seek enjoyment and support in the ignorant conceits of their own feverish imaginations. They are censorious and contentious, and in their dally deportment do not obey the truth. Contending for holiness aside from the practical duties of life! Many of them living in idleness, neglecting themselves, and those dependent upon them for support. They become a burden to the honest and industrious portion of the community. Having in some respects a “form of godliness, but denying the power thereof.” HST October 18, 1843, page 68.16

From such let all second advent believers “turn away!” HST October 18, 1843, page 68.17

It is to be hoped that the exemplary, and pious believers in the advent, in all parts of the country, will use their influence for the little time that remains, to preserve a Christian consistency, and direct the erring into the path of duty. We should “occupy till the Lord come,” in our respective callings. Be diligent, faithful, honest. Be fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. J. V. Himes. HST October 18, 1843, page 68.18

Louisville, Ky. Oct. 1843. HST October 18, 1843, page 68.19

St. Peter’s Exposition of Daniel’s Prophecy


In disputed interpretations of the prophecies of the Old Testament, when we can obtain the opinions of the writers of the New, their opinions, according to universal consent, must decide what we are to understand by such disputed prophecies. HST October 18, 1843, page 68.20

The writers of the New Testament being inspired men, and taught directly by our Lord Jesus Christ, must forever settle all such points. The The New Testament is therefore in effect a commentary and exposition of the Old; and the teachings of the Old need to be presented in the clearer and more explicit light of the New. HST October 18, 1843, page 68.21

The great question at issue between us and our opponents is whether the 2300 days in Daniel are years or literal days; and whether they extend or not, to the coming of our Savior. Let us see if Peter does not settle this question. After speaking of “the glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ,” he says, 1 Peter 1:10-13, “Of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow. Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you, with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into. Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober and hope to the end, for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” HST October 18, 1843, page 68.22

Here according to Peter the prophets earnestly desired to know what time, and the manner of time, when the Spirit signified in them the time of the sufferings of Christ, and also the time of the glory that should follow. But it was revealed unto them that to themselves it was sealed, and was to be known unto us. The angels also desired to look into the same things. Now Peter must have referred to some one or more prophets in which all of these particulars agree, and with the writings of which the Jews were familiar; and therefore to be found in the prophecies of the Old Testament. It is proved therefore, that somewhere in the prophets there can be found the time predicted of Christ’s sufferings, aad the time of the glory that shall follow; and this glory, according to Peter in the same connection, is “the glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.” The time of Christ’s first and second coming is therefore revealed, but when the time was signified, its manner, was obscure; for it was the manner of the time, as well as what time, respecting which the prophets inquired, and the angels desired to look into. It is therefore evident that Peter must have had reference to the prophecy of Daniel, for that prophecy corresponds in every particular with Peter’s remarks. The spirit signified to him and to no other prophet the time of Christ’s sufferings in the 70 weeks to the cutting off of the Messiah. It was also revealed to him that the sanctuary would be cleansed at the end of 2300 days, but Daniel says none understood it. Now as every thing connected with the vision had been explained to Daniel but the time; and as the time was given in days, it is evident that the manner of the time must have caused its obscurity. This manner is only explained by the 70 weeks being cut off and fulfilled in 490 years to Christ’s sufferings, as many years as there are days in 70 weeks. And yet Daniel could not know the manner of time, until the sufferings of Christ were fulfilled in a year for a day. We therefore find in the 12th of Daniel, when the events of the vision of the 2300 days were more particularly given down to the resurrection of the dead, that he inquires in the earnestness of his soul, “O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?” But he was told, “Go thy way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.” It was therefore revealed to him when he sought to know the manner of the time that not to himself but unto us he did minister. We also find that the angels here desired to look into these things, Daniel 12:6. “And one said to the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?” Daniel 8:3. “Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision?” etc. “And he said unto me, Unto 2300 days, then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.” HST October 18, 1843, page 68.23

We therefore find that the prophecy of Daniel corresponds in every particular to Peter’s epistle. He earnestly desired to know the “end of these things;” and the time to the cleansing of the sanctuary is given in days, and the time of Christ’s sufferings in weeks. He sought to know the manner of the time, but was told it was sealed to the time of the end; and the angels were anxious to know these things. Well might Peter therefore, in allusion to this prophecy, say, 1 Peter 1:10-12. “Of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you, with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into.” HST October 18, 1843, page 69.1

As therefore Daniel thus corresponds with Peter, it follows that the time of the “glory at Christ’s appearing” is contained in the 2300 days. And the manner of the time is shown to be a day for a year, the same as the 70 weeks to the sufferings of Christ which were cut off, were fulfilled in that manner. HST October 18, 1843, page 69.2

The Wise shall Understand


This is the declaration of the angel of God to Daniel. It was also given to Daniel in reply to his question as to “what shall be the end of these things?” And yet with such a solemn assurance that the wise shall understand, how few realize it! And how many there are who are ready to sneer at any who believe the Spirit of God does enable them to understand; and deny the declarations of the angel, that the wise will know of that day. HST October 18, 1843, page 69.3

How little do men venerate the simple, unvarnished statements of the word of God, and how prone they are to curl the lip in scorn at those who do. Well did our Savior ask, if when he came he should find faith on the earth. HST October 18, 1843, page 69.4

We say he may come any time.” Often when endeavoring to impress upon the minds of individuals the necessity of being prepared for the coming of Christ, and enforce that by the evidence that another year may close up all earthly affairs, we are met with the reply, that “we believe he may come any time,” or “we should be always prepared for death”—“and they are continually looking for him.” HST October 18, 1843, page 69.5

Now those who thus reason are not honest. They are honest neither with themselves or us. They say they are continually looking for his coming, and yet in the same breath they tell us that we are to have a millennium of a thousand years first, that the Jews are to be restored to the land of Canaan, and that there are numerous prophecies which are yet unfulfilled. Therefore their own mouths condemn them, and prove that they have no expectations whatever of the coming of Christ, for a long time yet. HST October 18, 1843, page 69.6

Their plea that they are continually looking for the coming of our Savior is merely a subterfuge, to ward off all considerations for an immediate attention to the subject. No man can be continually expecting the coming of Christ without feeling an interest in the question surpassing all other considerations. The condition of a world lying in sin, which must soon meet its eternal doom; the shortness of the time there is, in which sinners may be plucked as brands from the burning; the consideration that soon we must stand in the presence of God, and enter upon an eternal state of happiness or misery; all conspire to interest those who believe these realities, so that they can make them no secondary considerations. When therefore any excuse themselves from devoting their attention to this question, because “we ought always to be prepared to die,” or “we expect Christ may come any time,” we may know that nothing would give them less pleasure, than death, or the advent of the Son of God. HST October 18, 1843, page 69.7

Men run a fearful risk respecting their immortal souls. Men, who if the merest pittance of their hoarded wealth was in danger, would exert themselves to their utmost to save it, are yet willing to risk their souls—their all—on a fearful issue, and are not in the least moved or concerned for the result. Such indifference with regard to any mere worldly affair would cause the astonishment of the world; and yet, when any anxiety is manifested respecting the only question of any real importance, the world are ready to sneer and scoff at it; and even those who profess to have tasted of the love of God, and to have felt that he has been gracious to them, are among the first to denounce a belief in the near approach of Him whose right it is to reign, as “the height of absurdity.” HST October 18, 1843, page 69.8

So long as men are thus indifferent, and treat so lightly the things that concern their eternal well being, and professed Christians are unmoved by the greatest and most momentous of all eternal truths, so long we may expect that the church and the world, alike, will resort to the most trifling excuses, for not searching the scriptures; deceiving others, and willing to be deceived themselves. HST October 18, 1843, page 69.9

Mr. Miller. The late visit of Mr. Miller to our city and vicinity has been characterized by the usual results in favor of the Advent faith. Never has he been listened to with more interest, and that interest of a deeply serious and practical character. Although the storm on the Sabbath was very violent, the Tabernacle was filled with hearers, who listened to the modern apostle of the primitive faith apparently with the utmost satisfaction. We believe his labors have never been productive of more good at any former time among us than they would be at the present time. But the feebleness of his health and his many other engagements rendered it impracticable for him to yield. to the many pressing calls to continue with us a little longer. Should time continue and his health permit, he is expected to attend several conferences in the region of his residence.—h. HST October 18, 1843, page 69.10

The two witnesses agree on the year. We have received a communication with the above heading, which we think based upon a wrong interpretation of the scriptures. We have so much plain and positive testimony in favor of the Advent, that forced expositions have more of a tendency to weaken than strengthen our position. HST October 18, 1843, page 69.11

A brother writes us from Hillsboro’, N. H. that the Baptist church there has excluded three members of that church for their belief in the doctrine of the Advent. HST October 18, 1843, page 69.12

A brother has sent us a long communication on the duty of individuals with regard to this world’s goods. He seems to be in doubt whether the teachings of our Savior on this point are applicable to all or to the clergy only. Our opinion is that it is applicable to all; and that if we have any thing which is in the way of our duty, or which takes our hearts from God, though it be a right hand or right eye, we should cast it from us. HST October 18, 1843, page 69.13

A brother from South Woodstock writes, that they have a strong band of Advent believers in that place. They have usually held meetings in a school-house, but this has been denied them. They now meet in each other’s houses, waiting for the coming of the Lord. HST October 18, 1843, page 69.14

The Scale Turning. The New York Evangelist, speaking of the American Board for Foreign Missions, says: HST October 18, 1843, page 69.15

“Since 1837 the Board has done nothing but hold its own. It has made no advances—has no more missionaries in the field, nor the command of any more resources, while the world has changed with astonishing rapidity.” HST October 18, 1843, page 69.16

Surely this does not look much like having all the heathen soon convened, and our world graced with a temporal millennium. HST October 18, 1843, page 69.17

The Course of Time


by g. c. sweet.

When first were ushered into being the many brilliant stars, and suns, and planets, that adorn night’s blue arch, the proud career of victor, time begun. Then creation’s laws were arranged by the all-wise Ruler of the universe. HST October 18, 1843, page 70.1

Then the father of the human race, received a moral law from God in Eden. He transgressed, and thus sin entered into the world. Ever since, the progeny of Adam have been the unavoidable subjects of physical disease and dissolution. Not so of moral death. HST October 18, 1843, page 70.2

Kindreds rose and fell in the unwearied march of time, and their memories consigned to oblivion. Jehovah saw at length from the seat of his universal empire, that the “imaginations of the children of men were evil continually.” He said, “behold I do bring a flood of water upon the earth, to destroy all flesh.” The true and faithful servants of God escaped the portending flood. How terrible must have been that event to those who perished in the overwhelming storm; “when the fountains of the great deep were broken up,” the tops of the lofty mountains covered with the devouring element. The disorder in nature ceased, the storm was over, and the chariot wheels of time; again moved o’er creation. A race of beings destined for a state of immortality sprang up, and filled the earth. Ages rolled away, “and man went to his long home,” kings and princes all. Kingdoms rose upon the wrecks of others, and empires sprang into being on the ruins of a competitor. Where once the mosque and palace rose, the owl now hoots, and wild beasts of the desert howl. Time’s effacing fingers are ever working changes in the constitution of the world. Learn by the cities of the plain the fate of wicked men, how devouring fire from heaven consumed the apostate cities. Where now is Carthage, once the empress of the sea, and formidable rival of Rome? The legend of Roman powers say, it fell beneath the Roman sword. What scenes it witnessed when it fell. Where now is Tadmor’s ancient glory? Where is Thebes with her hundred gates? Where now are the tombs of the departed dead? Where now the grandeur of the past? A voice responds, “among the mouldering ruins of by-gone ages.” Where are the spoils of cruel and fatal strife? Where are the champions who stood on the heights of worldly fame and honor? Where are all of those who have lived since the world begun? A voice responds, “to dust have they returned.” HST October 18, 1843, page 70.3

In addition to the physical and political changes in time, the moral world has been the theatre of the most degrading superstitions and idolatries.—Diana, Dagon, the sun and stars, and images of almost every description, have been adored as the Supreme Ruler of the world. Pagan mythology furnishes ample evidence of the credulity of man. The abominable practices of burning human beings on a funeral pyre, and of being crushed to death beneath the car of Jugernaut, are scenes revolting to enlightened humanity. We turn from those heathen practices to the abominations of Popery; yes, we read over the horrors of the inquisition. Our consciences recoil within us, when we hear it asserted that those horrid cruelties were committed under the superintendency of the servants of Christ! The massacre of St. Bartholomew’s eve, is one among the many slaughters of Catholic instigation. Europe has witnessed, many ecclesiastical commotions, and drank the blood of saints that cry, “how long, O Lord, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?” We might pursue the subject to the present age, and show the present state of religious intolerance, and persecution; but the nations are emerging from that state of gross darkness which has so long overcast our moral sky. Knowledge is increasing. Investigations are unfolding the principles of immutable truth. Truth will and must prevail against error and delusion, the assassins of liberty, virtue, and knowledge. HST October 18, 1843, page 70.4

A few more earthly scenes will transpire before the most momentous event will occur that the world ever saw. “When the mighty angel shall stand on the sea and land, and swear by him that liveth forever and ever, that time shall be no longer.” “Then the Lord himself shall desceed from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and the trump of God: then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory.” Then the sleeping millions shall rise from the gloomy mansions of the grave—“both the small and great,” the friends and the enemies of Jesus. HST October 18, 1843, page 70.5

Then the “books,” containing the works of all the world from the beginning to the end of time, “shall be opened” and spread out, before a gazing universe. What a picture of crime will be held up to the universal gaze. The actions of a world! The closing scene is yet to take place—“the judgment is set, and the dead are judged out of the book according to their works.” The Judge will approbate his willing subjects, saying, “Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: and these shall enter into life eternal.” We find another class in the judgment—those who have not submitted to the mild government of the impartial Judge: “these shall go away into everlasting punishment.” This is the last and final decision. Time is rolling us rapidly on to the great ocean of eternity. Our probationary state will soon end, and we shall appear before the flaming bar of God to receive according to our deeds.—Christian Palladium. HST October 18, 1843, page 70.6

Dr. Adam Clarke


It is a source of no small perplexity to the mass of the church and the world, that the coming of the Lord is by Adventists proclaimed as being specially nigh. But the following from Dr. Adam Clarke’s Commentary, or illustrations of Daniel 2nd chap., will be found of the same cast. If the great day was so near as to justify the following ardent appeal from Doctor Clarke in his day, are we not justified in faithfully giving the word of warning now? Oh, that the people would be wise and heed the truth concerning the coming and kingdom of the Lord in season to be benefitted by it. HST October 18, 1843, page 70.7

The Doctor evidently supposed that the Great Day of the Lord would come at the close of the six thousand years from the creation, which period is doubtless just upon us. He says: HST October 18, 1843, page 70.8

According to the ancient tradition there were, 1. Two thousand years void; that is without the law. 2. Two thousand years under the law. 3. Two thousand years under the Messiah. And at the termination of the third the endless sabbath should commence. The comments on this ancient tradition go on to state, that at the termination of each day’s work of the creation it was said, The evening and the morning were the first,—second,—third,—fourth,—fifth and sixth day; but when the sabbath is introduced, and God is said to rest from his work, and to have hallowed this day, there is no mention of the evening and the morning being the seventh day. That is left without termination; and therefore a proper type of the eternal sabbath—that rest which remains for the people of God. HST October 18, 1843, page 70.9

And are we indeed so near the time when the elements of all things shall be dissolved by fervent heat; when the heavens shall be shrivelled up like a scroll, and the earth and all it contains be burnt up? Is the fifth empire, the kingdom of the stone, and the kingdom of the mountain, so near its termination? Are all vision and prophecy about to be sealed up, and the whole earth to be illuminated with the bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness? Are the finally incorrigible and impenitent about to be swept off the face of the earth by the besom of destruction, while the righteous shall be able to lift up their heads with ineffable joy, knowing their final redemption is at hand? Are we so near the eve of that period when they who turn many to righteousness shall shine as the stars for ever and ever? What sort of persons should we then be in all holy conversation and godliness! Where is our zeal for God? Where the sounding of our bowels over the perishing nations who have not yet come under the yoke of the Gospel? Multitudes of whom are not under the yoke, because they have never heard of it;—and they have not heard of it, because those who have enjoyed the blessings of the Gospel of Jesus have not felt, (or have, not obeyed the feeling,) the imperious duty of dividing their heavenly bread with those who are famishing with hunger! and giving the water of life to those who are dying of thirst! How shall they appear in that great day when the conquests of the Lion of the tribe of Judah are ended; when the mediatorial kingdom is delivered up unto the Father; and the Judge of quick and dead sits on the great white throne, and to those on his left hand says,—“I was hungry and ye gave me no meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink.” I say,—How shall they appear who have made no exertions to tell the lost nations of the earth the necessity for preparing to meet their God; and showing them the means of doing it by affording them the blessings of the Gospel of the grace of God? Let us beware lest the stone that struck the motley image, and dashed it to pieces, fall on us, and grind us to powder! HST October 18, 1843, page 70.10

The Nestorians.—The following is an extract from a letter dated Constantinople, Aug. 17th, which we find in one of the London papers:— HST October 18, 1843, page 70.11

“We have now received strange advices from Moussoul. It is stated that the Governor of that city and the Kurdes of the neighborhood have entered into a combination for the total destruction of the Nestorians This had been provoked by the rivalry in making religious proselytes of the French political agent and the English Puseyite missionary, Mr. Bidger.” HST October 18, 1843, page 70.12

“The Mossullees and the Kurdes penetrated into the mountains, where the Nestorian Patriarch was, burnt his church, destroyed his books, killed his mother and three or five of his brothers, and mutilated his sisters, and The patriarch with difficulty escaped to Moussoul, where he took refuge in the British consulate. I give this history just as I hear it, and for the present shall make no comments, as I am not yet sufficient master of the subject to discuss it with effect.” HST October 18, 1843, page 70.13

A defaulting Bishop. A correspondent of the Rochester Democrate states that the Bishop of Toronto is a defaulter to the amount of $52,000. The money was entrusted to him for the benefit of the University. HST October 18, 1843, page 70.14



The storm was loud—before the blast
Our gallant bark was driven;
Their foaming crests the billows reared,
And not one friendly star appeared,
Through all the vaults of heaven.
HST October 18, 1843, page 71.1

Yet dauntless still the steersman stood,
And gazed without a sigh,
Where, poised on needle bright and slim,
And lighted by a lanthorn dim,
The compass meets his eye.
HST October 18, 1843, page 71.2

Thence taught his darksome course to steer,
He breathed no wish for day;
But braved the whirlwind’s headlong might,
Nor once, throughout the dismal night,
To fear or doubt gave way.
HST October 18, 1843, page 71.3

And what is oft the Christian’s life,
But storms are dark and drear,
Through which, without one blithsome ray
Of worldly bliss to cheer his way,
He must his vessel steer.
HST October 18, 1843, page 71.4

Yet let him ne’er to sorrow yield,
For in the sacred page
A compass shines divinely true,
And self-illumined, greets his view
Amid the tempest’s rage.
HST October 18, 1843, page 71.5

Then firmly let him grasp the helm,
Though loud the billows roar,
And soon, his toils and troubles past,
His anchor he shall safely cast,
On Canaan’s happy shore.
[London Evan. Mag.
HST October 18, 1843, page 71.6

Troubles in the Churches. Dissensions and divisions are the order of the day in the churches. The Baptists, Methodists, Congregationalists, etc. have all had their quarrels, divisions and subdivisions; but the Episcopal Church has always boasted of its unity. But they are not to be thus exempted. Bishop Onderdonk, at the Episcopal Convention, took strong ground in justification of his course respecting the ordination of Mr. Carey. HST October 18, 1843, page 71.7

In regard to his own responsibility, the Bishop observed, that church power and prerogatives come directly from Heaven. The privileges of its ministers are conferred by God, and not by man. They are wholly irresponsible to the world, that is to say, to the public. The Church was formed to oppose the world, not to co-operate with it,—to raise weak tallen man, against his will, from the degradation of sin. It became the minister of God to be indifferent as to whether the world was pleased or offended. Nor is the Bishop responsible to the. Church; but only to his own order, as of highest authority in the Church, and through whom the clergy are responsible to Christ. HST October 18, 1843, page 71.8

During the Convention Mr. John Duer made a motion that the following protest, with numerous signatures, should be printed at the end of the minutes of the Convention. HST October 18, 1843, page 71.9

Whereas, the Bishop of this diocese, in the address delivered to this convention, expressed in strong terms of commendation his approbation of the course and sentiments of the religious paper called the Churchman, published in the city of New York; and whereas, the undersigned, members of the clergy and laity, now in attendance on this convention, entertain a sincere conviction that the doctrines maintained in the said religious paper, and the spirit and tone in which, the same is conducted, are such as not to entitle it to the support of Protestant Episcopalians—therefore, they do most respectfully dissent from the opinion expressed in the said address, and request this, their dissent, may be publicly read to this convention, and be entered on the minutes of the proceedings thereof. HST October 18, 1843, page 71.10

No sooner had Mr. Duer sat down, than up rose the Bishop, expressing his utter surprise that such a paper had been presented to this body. He thought it strange that gentlemen who were so jealous of their own rights were so ready to trench upon his. But he would not have them trenched upon. The paper should not be presented or discussed. He took upon himself, he said, to declare that the paper should not go upon the minutes. It should receive no attention. He could not pardon the gentleman for bringing it forward, unless he had charity to believe that the gentleman did not look at the consequences of such a paper. He threw himself upon the clergy and upon the laity of his diocese, in thus treating the paper. These principles he should adhere to, and defend them with the sacrifice of his life. HST October 18, 1843, page 71.11

As the Bishop took his seat, loud clapping was heard from all parts, mingled with hisses equally loud. Mr. Duer attempted several times to gain the floor, but, at each attempt he was instantly silenced by the sonorous voice of the Bishop, exclaiming that he would not have a word said by any one. Again Mr. Duer made the attempt. “Not a word—not a word upon it,” exclaimed the Bishop, in the most authoritative manner. “Sit down, sir—take your seat! I won’t hear a word! Any apology you may desire to offer will be received, at a proper time and in another place.” Great excitement and confusion followed. A reporter might well have thought him self in any other place rather than a church, or even looking upon the tumultuous scenes in Congress. When the uproar had ceased, the Bishop went on with the business, which required but a few minutes. A brief address to the convention followed, from the Bishop—then singing of the gloria in excelsis, prayer and benediction. HST October 18, 1843, page 71.12

Thus have terminated these exciting—nay, tumultuous scenes. No doubt the convention of 1843 will long be remembered. It has sown seeds which will spring up and bear fruit, but whether for good or for evil remains for time to determine. HST October 18, 1843, page 71.13

False Christs. Matthew 24:5, 24, “For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ: and shall deceive many. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” HST October 18, 1843, page 71.14

History shows that this has been fulfilled by the appearance of about fifty persons, who, at different periods, have assumed to be Christ. In the twelfth century alone, an old English volume mentions the following instances. HST October 18, 1843, page 71.15

“In 1137, the Persians were disturbed by a Jew, who called himself the Messiah, and collected together a formidable army of his countrymen. The Persian monarch even submitted to a treaty with this religious usurper: he paid him a sum of money on the condition of disbanding his soldiers, but afterwards seized and beheaded him, and compelled the Jews to refund the money he had given their Messiah, which reduced them to beggary, and even to the necessity of selling their children. In the following year, a false Christ appeared in France: he was put to death, and many Jews suffered at the same time under the accusation, real or imaginary, of sacrificing a male Christian child once a year. About the year 1157, an impostor, under the title of Messiah, incited the Jews to revolt at Cordova; and this unfortunate event occasioned the destruction of almost all the Jews in Spain. In 1167, another false prophet appeared in Arabia, who pretended to be the forerunner of the Messiah.—When search was made for him he was soon deserted by his followers, and being questioned by the Arabian king, he replied, that he was indeed a prophet sent from God. The king requiring a sign in confirmation of his mission, the unfortunate fanatic desired him to cut off his head, and asserted that he would presently see him restored to life. His request was complied with; the event, however, by no means corresponded with the professions of the prophet, and the Arabian Jews were compelled to pay a heavy fine. In 1174, a magician and false Christ occasioned great trouble to the Jews in Persia; and in two years after, another arose in Moldavia, called David Almusser. He pretended that he could make himself invincible; but he was taken, and a heavy fine laid upon the Jews. HST October 18, 1843, page 71.16

“All things continue as they were.” A correspondent of the Christian Advocate and Journal, D. W. Clark of Winstead, Ct. rejoices greatly that the Lord has not yet come. He exultingly says: HST October 18, 1843, page 71.17

“No solar or lunar eclipse was ever predicted with more confidence by the most dogmatical astronomer. Rhittenhouse never predicted a transit of Venus, nor Halley the return of a comet, with greater parade and confidence than did these vagrant lecturers the dissolution of the world. Time demonstrated the incorrectness of their calculations. The predicted moment arrives, but old earth obstinately ‘holds on the even tenor of her way.’ Not the least creaking on her axis is heard—not the least friction is produced by her rapid flight around her spacious orbit—the flames burst out neither above nor below—nor does any movement of the elements utter the solemn warning of HST October 18, 1843, page 71.18

‘A God in grandeur, and a world on fire. ’ HST October 18, 1843, page 71.19

“Many supposed that Millerism with its delusions would end here. Their profound calculations were indeed sternly rebuked; but at a very convenient moment behold a new dispensation comes forth, and the earth stands respited, it may be for a whole year. Millerism had now reached such a pass, and its deluded followers such a stage of moral and intellectual blindness of fanaticism, that no absurdity, however gross, no contradiction, however glaring, could shake their faith.” HST October 18, 1843, page 71.20

We are often at a loss whether to pity the authors of such absurdity for their ignorance of what we believe, with the evidence upon which it is based, or for the opposition they manifest towards the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. HST October 18, 1843, page 71.21

The Tree and its Fruits.—The Rev. M. H. Smith, who has recently renounced Universalism, says: HST October 18, 1843, page 71.22

At the very outset I was appalled at the moral results of my preaching. I found one class of men always ready to wish success to my cause, and one class always looking upon the increase of Universalism with the deepest horror. If the doctrine was preached in a new place, the infidel, the profane man, the Sabbath breaker, and the vile, all were hearty in the cause, and hoped the good work would go on, while the sober, moral, and intelligent, as well as the religious were made sad by the doctrine.—Ex. paper. HST October 18, 1843, page 71.23

The proof above is looked upon as conclusive evidence by all who oppose the doctrine of Universalism, and so it is. But is not the same evidence equally conclusive with regard to the preaching against Christ’s coming? Does not the thoughts of Christ’s coming cheer the hearts of the righteous? And do not all the wicked rejoice to hear it denounced? HST October 18, 1843, page 71.24

A Bad Argument. The “Puritan,” recently published from a correspondent, an account of the downward career of one of the New Haven theological students, who has become an Antinomian Perfectionist. The account is accompanied by remarks which trace these heresies to the influence of the theology he imbibed at that Institution. To impute to any doctrine or system, all the delinquencies of which any of its adherents may be guilty, is the hight of injustice. What if the principle were to be applied to Andover—and the conversion of many of its students to Episcopacy, should be charged to the tendency of Dr. Wood’s instructions in church government—would the imputation be fair? On such a principle no institution or doctrine could escape. Even East Windsor would come in for a share of obloquy. If what we deem to be error cannot be put down without resorting to such expedients, it had better be left to flourish eternally.—N. Y. Evangelist. HST October 18, 1843, page 71.25

When the above argument is applied to any of the sects, they all squirm under it; and it is about the only argument they attempt to bring to bear upon the doctrine of the advent. When the same argument is applied to those who thus use it, they can see its fallacy. HST October 18, 1843, page 71.26

Kissing the Toe of the Pope. The New York Express states, that after the adjournment of the N.Y. Episcopal Convention, some fifty or sixty of the Presbyters went in procession to the Episcopal residence to congratulate their Diocesan on the firmness and independence with which he has resisted the rights of the clergy and laity; and to close, kneeled down and received the blessing of Bishop Onderdonk. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.1

We have on hand a few copies of brother Scott’s review of Prof. Stow’s Millennial Arithmetic. And also of brother Cook’s Review of Dr. Lynd, price 12 1-2 cents each. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.2

Insanity from Millerism. Where a single instance of some unhappy being can be found, who believes that what the Bible says about the coming of Christ may be true, and yet will not prepare for the event, and therefore becomes insane, every religious and political press in the land is ready to present it as an argument against the advent; while at the same time our insane hospitals are filled with maniacs caused by crime and immorality, but not a word is heard from any of these papers respecting these fruitful sources of insanity. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.3

If the religious press are sincere, and every thing by which insanity is caused is to be dispensed with, they would banish the Bible. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.4

A Strange Work. It is often attempted to be shown that we are to expect a strange work in these days, because the Lord had promised to work a strange work in these days, a work which you shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you; and that, therefore, the bodily exercises which are injuring the cause of God might be of him. Now it so happens that in this text there is no strange work alluded to. The only strange work spoken of in the Bible is the consumption determined upon the whole earth, spoken of in Isaiah 28:21, 22. That which is based upon a perversion of scripture can only be wrong. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.5

The Cardinal Fact. “The cardinal fact of Christianity, without which, all other facts lose their importance, is, the resurrection from the dead of a crucified Savior, as the prelude, the pattern, and the pledge of the resurrection of his followers. Against this great fact the children of disobedience have levelled all their batteries. One, assails its proof; another, its reasonableness; all, its truth. Yet, with such doctrines and facts, did the religion of Jesus make its way through the world.”—Rev. Dr. Mason. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.6

Bible Reader, No. 3. Brother Jones has issued a synopsis of the Psalms, as No. 3 of his Bible Reader. It was written seven years ago, and is now published for those who love to study the Bible. It is now published, and for sale at this office. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.7

It exhibits a summary of each Psalm, and clearly shows that most of them are prophetic, applying to Christ’s second coming, and the everlasting kingdom which is to follow, with occasional reference to the state of trial which we are placed in here. Price 10 cents. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.8

Several Chinese, who have been educated at Rome as priests, in the Propaganda, have departed as preachers of the gospel for their native land. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.9

A Well’s Bottom Dropped Out. On Sunday morning last, a well about 45 feet deep, on land of James C. Church, Esq. at the Narrows, L.I. which had been dry about 18 months and was well walled up with stone, suddenly sunk about fifteen feet carrying with it the well-house, etc. A few minutes before the accident, a rumbling noise was heard by the inmates of the house near by.—Jour, of Com. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.10

Notice. If the Lord will, there will be a Second Advent Conference, to commence on Tuesday, Oct 24, and continue over the Sabbath, at Dartmouth, Mass. Brother S. S. Snow, Br. G. Pierce and others are expected as preachers of the “gospel of the kingdom.” HST October 18, 1843, page 72.11

In behalf of the committee,



On the way from the Exeter Campmeeting, a calico bag containing bedding. There was a tag on it marked “Holbrook, Boston,” which might have been torn off. If any of our friends find this among their baggage they are requested to send word to this office. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.12

Letter from Brother Preble


Brother Bliss:—I would say a few words in relation to the campmeeting in Exeter, Me. The attendance was good; on the Sabbath it was thought that some four thousand were present. The faith of believers was strengthened; some who had not embraced the doctrine before, were made to believe that Christ will come this year. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.13

Wanderers were reclaimed, some few professed to be converted from sin to holiness, three were baptized by water, and a much larger number, I trust, were baptized with the Holy Ghost. Those who had thought that “Millerism,” as they call it, was dead, were greatly disappointed. There was such a cry for help, I found it extremly hard to return to New-Hampshire. Such appeals as were made for help, I never received before. One man rose in the congregation, and offered to sell the only cow he had, to bear my expenses, if I would go to his town and lecture, as I his friends and neighbors had heard nothing on the subject. Such was the feeling in the congregation, but few could refrain from weeping. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.14

But I had to say there, as I say now, it is not so much for the means to bear my expenses, as it is for the want of time, and a body to go. Gladly would I endure the pain of being cut into a thousand pieces, if each part could become a messenger to give the cry of the Savior coming. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.15

Oh, that more of the sleepy watchmen, would awake. But if there are but few in the, field, the greater labor will rest on us. May we all be faithful, and soon we shall receive our reward. Yours in the blessed hope. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.16

Nashua, October 4th, 1843.

Letters received to Oct. 14, 1843


From Post-masters

Sturbridge, Me, $2; Essex, Vt. $1; Stillwater N. Y. $2; Manchester, N. H. $1; Abbyville, Ohio; W. Boylston, Ms; Methuen, Ms; N. Bangor, Me; Canaan, Me; Geneseo, N. Y. $1; Bombay, N. Y. $1; Sandy Hill, N. Y. $1; Jamestown, N. Y. $4; Burnt Hills, N. Y. $1; New Bedford, Ms. $1; South New Durham, N. H. $1; Springfield, Ms. $1; Addison, Vt. $1; Montpelier, Vt. $2; Springvale, Me; E. Granville, Ms. $1; Saratoga Springs, N. Y. $1; Door Village, Ind. $5; Skitico, Ct. $1; N. Leverett, Ms. $1; Denmark, O. $1; Glastenbury, Ct. $2; Middle Hadam, Ct. Alton, N. H. Winthrop, Me. $2; Mendon, N. Y. $2; Eden, Me. Moory, N. Y. Sullivan, Me. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.17



T. Marshall, $8; R. Hutchinson; T. Cole; J. O. Orr, $10; B. Mc’Clain; J. Wood; Win. Huntoon, paid up to close 5 vol; mailed regularly; J. V. Himes, 3 Letters; L. C. Thomas, $2; David Ealm, $1; David Moor, $10; C. Littlefall, $1; J. Merrill, 1$; J. Weston; B. Collins; T. D. Tullock; D. Nutting. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.18

Bundles Sent


T. M. Preble, Nashua, N. H. T. Cole, Lowell, Ms; J. V. Himes, 9 Spruce street, N. York; J. M. Phillips, Freetown, N.Y; J. V. Himes, Rochester, N. Y. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.19



The following Works are printed in the following cheap periodical form, with paper covers, so that they can be sent to any part of the country, or to Europe, by mail. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.20

The following Nos. comprise the Library. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.21

1. Miller’s Life and Views.—37 1-2 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.22

2. Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ.—37 1-2cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.23

3. Exposition of 24th of Matt, and Hosea 6:1-3. 18 3-4 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.24

4. Spaulding’s Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ.—37 1-2 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.25

5. Litch’s Address to the clergy on the Second Advent.—18 1-4 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.26

6. Miller on the true inheritance of the saints, and the twelve hundred and sixty days of Daniel and John.—12 1-2 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.27

7. Fitch’s Letter, on the Advent in 1843.—12 1-2 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.28

8. The present Crisis, by Rev. John Hooper, of England—10 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.29

9. Miller on the cleansing of the sanctuary.—6 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.30

10. Letter to every body, by an English author, “Behold I come quickly.”—6 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.31

11. Refutation of “Dowling’s Reply to Miller,” by J. Litch.—15 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.32

2. The “Midnight Cry.” By L.D. Fleming. 12 1-2. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.33

13. Miller’s review of Dimmick’s discourse, “The End noi Yet.”—10 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.34

14. Miller on the Typical Sabbaths, and great Jubilee.—10 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.35

15. The glory of God in the Earth. By C. Fitch.—10 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.36

16. A Wonderful and Horrible Thing. By Charles Fitch. 6 1-4 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.37

17. Cox’s Letters on the Second Coming of Christ.—18 3-4 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.38

18. The Appearing and Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. By. Sabine. 12 1-2 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.39

19. Prophetic Expositions. By J. Litch. Vol. I. 31 cts.—20, “ ” “ ” Vol. II. 37 1-2 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.40

21. The Kingdom of God. By Wm. Miller. 6 1-4 HST October 18, 1843, page 72.41

22. Miller’s Reply to Stuart. 12 1-2 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.42

23. Millennial Harp, or Second Advent Hymns. Price 121 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.43

24. Israel and the Holy Land,—The Promised Land. By H. D. Ward. Price 10 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.44

25. Inconsistencies of Colver’s ‘Literal Fulfilment of Daniel’s Prophecies,’ shown by S. Bliss. 10 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.45

26. Bliss’ Exposition of Matthew 24th. 121 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.46

27. Synopsis of Miller’s Views. 61 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.47

28. Judaism Overthrown. By J. Litch. 10 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.48

29. Christ’s First and Second Advent, with Daniel’s Visions Harmonized and Explained. By N. Hervey. 183 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.49

30. New Heavens and New Earth, with the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. By N. Hervey. 121 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.50

31. Stark weather’s Narrative. 10 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.51

32. Brown’s Experience. 121 HST October 18, 1843, page 72.52

33. Bible Examiner, by George Storrs. 183 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.53

34. The Second Advent Doctrine Vindicated,—a sermon preached at the dedication of the Tabernacle, by Rev. S. Hawley, with the Address of the Tabernacle Committee, pp. 107. 20 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.54

35. A Solemn Appeal to Ministers and Churches,—especially to those of the Baptist denomination. By J. B. Cook. 10 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.55

36. Second Advent Manual, by A. Hale. 183 HST October 18, 1843, page 72.56

37. Millennial Harp, 2nd Part. 121 cts. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.57

38. The Chronology of the Bible. By S. Bliss, 61 This Library will be enlarged from time to time, by the addition of new works. HST October 18, 1843, page 72.58