Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 6

August 30, 1843

Vol. VI.—No. 2. Boston, Whole No. 122

Joshua V. Himes


Terms.—$1,00 per Vol. (24 Nos.) in advance Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston. HST August 30, 1843, page 9.1

J. V. Himes, J. Litch, and S. Bliss, Editors.

Dow & Jackson, Printers, Boston.



I. The word of God teaches that this earth is to be regenerated, in the restitution of all things, restored to its Eden state as it came from the hand of its Maker before the fall, and is to be the eternal abode of the righteous in their resurrection state. HST August 30, 1843, page 9.2

II. The only Millenium found in the word of God is the eternal state of the righteous in the New Earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. HST August 30, 1843, page 9.3

III. The only restoration of Israel yet future, is the restoration of the saints to the New Earth when the Lord my God shall come, and all his saints with him. HST August 30, 1843, page 9.4

IV. The signs which were to precede the coming of our Savior, have all been given; and the prophecies have all been fulfilled but those which relate to the coming of Christ, the end of this world, and the restitution of all things. And HST August 30, 1843, page 9.5

V. There are none of the prophetic periods. as we understand them, that extend beyond the year 1843. HST August 30, 1843, page 9.6

The above we shall ever maintain as the immutable truths of the word of God, and therefore till our Lord come we shall ever look for his return as the next event in historical prophecy. HST August 30, 1843, page 9.7

Extract from a Sermon


by rev robert atkins, liverpool, eng.

“Preaching in ceiled houses, Sabbath after Sabbath, to the same congregation, appears to me little better than a mockery, when the awful state of Christendom arises before me, overshadowed as it is with the cloud of Almighty vengeance; and yet, were I to pursue the course that best accords with my present state of feeling—were I to cry aloud throughout the streets and lanes of this city, day and night—Woe—woe—woe to the inhabitants—woe to to the corruptors of the pure gospel of the blessed Jesus, I should be regarded as a fanatcal maniac; and, at the sacrifice of future usefulness, would only secure the lamentable satisfaction of having borne my testimony against a degenerate age, and an apostate church. My beloved hearers, I am well aware that the glance that I have taken, at this most alarming and exciting subject, is but ill calculated to prepare my mind, at least, for the deliberate investigation of the important doctrine which I have purposed to bring before you; but, depending for help, whence alone true help can come, I proceed to the consideration of my subject; and, that your minds may not be confused by a variety of matter, I shall confine myself, in the present lecture, to the delusion that prevails respecting the state and prospects of the church, and of the world. HST August 30, 1843, page 9.8

What is the opinion that the churches of the present day entertain of themselves, and of the world! My hearers, am I not stating a truth, when I say—Go where you will, either to the platforms of Bible Societies or Missionary Societies, or to the pulpits of Churchmen or Dissenters, and you will hear one uniform tale of the increasing piety, and of the extending success, of the gospel. You will almost be persuaded that the ministers and the churches are as holy and as zealous as they well can be—that the world is mending every day through the influence of religious example, and that we may shortly expect the triumph of the gospel—the fulfilment of the promise, that the whole earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord. Now, without stopping to inquire what influence such statements as these, or such opinions, howsoever modified, of the church and of the world, are likely to produce upon either, let us see how they accord with Scripture, and with fact. It is plainly stated by our Lord, that, until the end of the present dispensation, there should be the co-existence of Christianity and anti-Christianity—that the tares should grow together with the wheat until the end of the age—not the end of the world, as it is rendered in our translation; and, if this be true, when shall every knee bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Lord?—When shall righteousness cover the earth, and when shall the earth be filled with the glory of the Lord? Most certainly, if Christ’s declaration is to be taken, not during the present dispensation. The apostle Paul informs us that iniquity, which, at the beginning of the dispensation only worked by way of mystery in the latter days, would assume the character of an actual manifestation. In his second epistle to Timothy, he also declares that, in the last days, perilous times shall come; for men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce despisers of those that are good—traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof—ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth; men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the truth; evil men and seducers, waxing worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. And the apostle Peter gives this addition to the awful picture. There shall come in the last days, scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying, Where is the promise of his coming? Here, you perceive, my hearers, you have two descriptions of the last days, that is, of the present time, as widely different as two descriptions can possibly be; the first is of man’s drawing, and the second is of God’s, which of the two will you believe? But, lest there should be any mistake, let us fairly and honestly enquire whether this description of God’s giving, actually corresponds with the present state of the churches, and of the world; and, in tracing the correspondency, may God carry conviction to every one of your minds, as he has done to mine. And now, if we want a standard whereby to judge of the apostacy of the present churches, we must take the church of Christ when the apostatizing spirit was least manifested, that is to say, in the apostolic age. With this pattern in our eye, where, I ask, are the gifts of the spirit, where the miraculous power, where the gift of healing, where the gift of prophecy, where the signs that were appointed to follow them that believed? What has become of the angel messengers, who so frequently appeared to the primitive Christians? Where is the confidence and brotherly love that made all things common; and where is the selling of all that we have, and becoming a disciple of the Lord Jesus? Where has the spirit of selfdenial, and of cross-bearing, fled; where is the taking joyfully the spoiling of goods? Where is the persecution that all that live godly in Christ Jesus shall endure, and where is the being hated of all men for Christ’s name’s sake? Alas! alas! my brethren, the gifts of the Spirit are gone, and, I fear, most of the graces have gone with them; and, as to suffering and reproach, to which the church is called, such things have long been mere matters of history. But this general mode of remark will do little, I fear, in bringing conviction to the mind; let us at once go to the churches and take their members individually, and compare the Christian of the present day, with Christ; and where, let me ask, Oh! where will you find almost one feature of resemblance? There are none of you ignorant of the fact that our blessed Lord, while in the world, not only made an atonement for sin, but he also set us an example, that we might tread in his steps. He knew what was in man, he knew what would be his most dangerous besetment, that is, the love of the world, the love of creature comfort, the love of ease, and of a present resting place. To guard against this besetment, he chalked out a course for his followers, and for his church; and, let me tell you, it is the only one that can be safely followed; and what was this course? He became a pilgrim and a sojourner in a strange land, and would not have so much of the world as even a place whereon to lay his head; he took no thought for the morrow; he made no such enquiries as these, What shall I eat, what shall I drink, or wherewithal shall I be clothed; and, in praying to his Father, he could honestly, and with a sincere heart, say, give me this day my daily bread. My hearers, whatever apostate churches may say to the contrary, every Christian is bound by our Savior’s example, and, what is more, God’s positive command is upon him to walk in these very steps, and to observe the very same rule. The Christian is called to be a sojourner, a pilgrim, and a stranger, in a strange land. The Christian is commanded to take no thought for food, for raiment, or even for life itself. The Christian is commanded not to lay up treasures on earth, and it is the bounden duty of every Christian, by his open contempt of earthly possession, and creature comfort, to teach every sinner this fact, that the world is not worth the having: and, that all that is in the world is beneath the notice of the man who is on his trial for eternal happiness or eternal misery. Oh! my hearers, find me a follower of Christ, find me a true pilgrim, a genume sojourner, a man that is truly a stranger in this evil world, find me the man whose conduct tells the world he is living for eternity, find me the church, who lay it down as a rule, that for the sake of thoughtless, world-loving, comfort-loving, and pleasure-loving sinners, their ministers and members shall uniformly preach the following truths by their lives, and by their conduct:—men are probationers for eternity, the world is man’s worst enemy, the world has damned millions of souls, and is damning millions more at this very moment. Renounce the world, come out from the world, beware of the world, overcome the world. I hesitate not to say, such a man, such a church is not to be found; the truly righteous are minished from the earth, and no man layeth it to heart. The professors of religion, of the present day, in every church, are lovers of the world, conformers to the world, lovers of creature-comfort, and aspirers after respectability. They are called to suffer with Christ, but they shrink from even reproach, not to speak of sufferings in the flesh, as an evil that they are justified in using every means to evade, they are called to endure hardness as good soldiers of Christ, but, to a man, they love softness and ease. They are called to bear a testimony for Christ, to endure persecution, and to rejoice in tribulation, but they take good care to keep out of the way of both when they can. They are called to weep and to mourn, and are promised a comforter in the person of the Holy Spirit of the living God, but they prefer to be without the comforter, rather than have the mourning. Apostacy, apostacy, apostacy, is engraven on the very front of every church; and did they know it, and did they feel it, there might be hope; but alas! they cry, We are rich, and increased in goods, and stand in need of nothing; and thus blasphemy is added to apostacy. My beloved hearers, do I speak too strongly, have I overdrawn the picture? Come with me to Lambeth Palace, tell the number of its turrets, count its splendid halls and its painted chambers, give a tongue to these appendages of state, these contributors to luxury, and say, Oh! say, What are all these calculated to teach a pleasure-loving and a world-loving sinner! Go to the salaried dissenting preacher, who has found a restingplace in his five hundred, or his one hundred a-year, and see whether his stipulated income, or the round of duty for which it is paid, will give you any just idea of the leader and the exemplar of Bible pilgrims. Go to the opulent professing churchman, or the wealthy deacon, go to the Christian merchant, or the Christian shop-keeper, and learn the church’s comment on the two notable commandments of our Savior, “lay not up treasures on earth,” and “labor not for the meat that perisheth.” Where, Oh! where is the world-hater, the money-despiser, the cross-lover to be found Where is the Bible sojourner, the Bible probationer for eternity—the Bible sufferer for Christ’s sake, Christ’s living epistles, which sinners may read? Where have they their hiding-place? My brethren, my brethren, the whole gospel system, and the very gospel object is perverted, and yet am I censured as a reviler for calling the churches apostate. The churches do not know that iniquity is working in the way of mystery—the churches do not know that Satan’s method of damning souls is by giving them much that has the appearance of good, that he will go the length of making a three parts Christian to keep the enquirer in peace, that he may thus not only make his damnation the more sure, but also bring deeper reproach upon Christ and his cause. Is the witness of the spirit a thing inquired after? The sinner shall have it, but it will be counterfeit. Is peace, is joy, is a praying or preaching gift wanted? They shall be given, but remember, they are blessings and gifts too frequently of Satan’s giving. Holiness of heart, and Christ’s example, are the only things that Satan fears; and all partial piety, and halfhearted Christianity, are Satan’s glory, and the church’s shame. My hearers, I have given you a short sketch of what are called the Christian churches of the day, who are going to convert the world by their preaching and their example, do I revile them? Nay, but according to the light which God has imparted to me, I feel myself called upon, fearless of all consequences, to bear my testimony against them, for the honor of Christ and his cause, as a warning to the deluders, and for the benefit of the deluded; and, it is my constant prayer, that they may awaken to a sense of their real condition, and humble themselves before God, from whom they have awfully apostatized, ere the vials of Almighty wrath give indisputable evidence that the measure of the iniquity of the Gentile church is full. HST August 30, 1843, page 9.9

My brethren, were I to attempt to draw the character of the churches of the day in full, of the churches, who, according to their own account, are to be the honored instrumentality of evangelizing the heathen, and filling the whole earth with the glory of the Lord, the sun would go down upon us before one hundred part of their corruptions and abuses could be brought before you in detail; even mere natural men and avowed infidels, have but to direct their eye towards them, and the feeling of disgust is created, and the cry of shame is extorted, because of their party bickerings and their un-Christian animosities; but, with the record of their unhallowed contentions, or with the abuse of the powers they possess, and their aspirings after more, I have, at present, nothing to do, it is enough for my purpose simply to point at their apostacy from primitive purity, and primitive simplicity, and their total want of primitive power; alas! alas! the gospel-perverting nature of their conduct and operations, their worldly-mindedness, their spiritual darkness, their sell-conceit, their party-spirit, their secularizing policy and utter selfishness, their having the form of godliness without the power, and their ever hearing and never coming to the knowledge of the truth, all, all about them, and of them, and in them, but too strongly mark them out as the prepared, and the preparing objects of Almighty vengeance—startling though the language be, I dare not hesitate to use it, God has forgotten to punish, if his arm be not lifted up against them, and mock piety is no longer offensive to a holy God, if the hour of their destruction be not nigh at hand. I fear much that the unconverted and backsliding portions of every Gentile church, I mean of the churches of the day, will laugh at this testimony, which I consider it my duty to bear against them; for they have closed their eyes, they have shut their ears, they have hardened their hearts, and God has given them over to their strong delusion; they are believing the lie, and they will assuredly be damned, because they have obeyed not the gospel, because they have held the truth in unrighteousness; but, blessed be God, there are some in every church, a small remnant, a little flock, whose eyes are still open, who weep and mourn over the general defection, who know the voice of the Spirit; and to them I address the admonitory language of my text, “Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning; and ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their Lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately.” HST August 30, 1843, page 10.1

But, my dear hearers, I must take my leave for the present of the rich churches, the churches that are possessed of goods, the churches that can reign without Christ, the churches that love not his appearing, the churches that scoffingly cry out, Where is the promise of his coming; the anti-Christian, apostate, Gentile churches, who are fitting themselves for the fire, with which God will shortly plead with them: and I shall now direct your attention for a few moments to the awful state of the world, which the divines of the day would have you believe is improving in manners, and in spirit, through its intercourse with the churches which I have just been characterizing as apostate. But where, Oh! where shall I begin; the heart sickens the moment that the eye falls upon the mass of iniquitous abomination that lies before it. Take the Christian country in which we live, or, it may be better for our purpose, the Christian city in which we dwell; I ask, is it an improvement upon heathenism, to see a court at the opera on the Saturday night, and at the sacramental altar on the Sunday morning. Are balls, and concerts, and theatres, and race-courses, places of preparation for the judgment-seat, and places of training for the mansions of the blessed, and for the eternal companionship of an holy God? Were there not a Bible in our land, could the iniquities of the heathen be more gloried in than they are? And yet, this is the capital of the world, which is so wondrously improved by the influence of Christian example. Take your Bible in your hand, and place your finger upon that portion of it which says, “Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy,” and go throughout the streets and markets of this city; and if your heart does not sink within you, and if your spirit does not fail you, you have neither the heart nor the spirit of a Christian. On any Sabbath throughout the year, take your stand in Hyde Park, and see how daringly and impiously the bulk of our nobility can insult the God of heaven! In front of every equipage, I can see in my mind’s eye, an angel of the Lord crying aloud, for God’s sake, for our own sake, “Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy;” and I can hear the infatuated worms replying, Onward, onward, who is the Lord, that I should obey his voice? Shall I speak to you of whoredoms? There are eighty thousand public prostitutes within the precincts of this wicked city, and who can count the number of the secret ones; drunkenness, dishonesty, swearing, and lying, and every kind and manner of abominations, have uncontrolled license; and there is not a street, lane, or neighborhood, that has not a polluted moral atmosphere. This, my hearers, is but a slight etching of our Christian city, of our improving world, of the wicked harlot with which the Gentile churches have been shaking hands, nay, committing open whoredom, for fifteen hundred years. Tell me not, by way of palliation, that the persecuting spirit of the world is gone; the truth is, Christ is gone; there is no Christ in the churches to persecute. And, as to the individual Christian, there is too little of the image of Christ, and of the power of Christ there, to excite either the jealousy of Satan, or the malice of the world. Be assured, my dear hearers, whatever Christians of Satan’s making, may say to the contrary, a God-despising, Christ-rejecting, Spirit-resisting world, doth not lack malice towards Christ and his followers. Let any minister of Christ fully take his Master’s ground; let him begin at the palace, and, coming down through the members of the administration, the houses of parliament, the bishops’ stalls, and the chairs of justice; let him tell every man, plainly, and honestly, what he is, what he is doing, and where he is going, and you will soon see the arm of the law stretched out against him; and let the efforts of this faithful minister be zealously backed by a few equally bold and resolute denouncers of iniquity, let one fair stand be made for Christ and for God, and you will quickly behold the fires of Smithfield re-kindled, or some other more civilized invention in active operation, to rid the land of troublesome, soul-alarming, and Satan-disturbing disciples of Christ. But why should I keep my eye, and yours, so long fixed upon the world; did not the first glance satisfy you all, that it was ripe for destruction? It is true, God is a long-suffering and a merciful God; but what can he do, that he has not already done? And, after having done every thing that was consistent with his own nature, and with man’s position, as a probationer for eternity, for the church’s reformation, and the world’s salvation; and it were directly libelling God to say he has not done so; and after having done all this in vain, as far as either the reformation of the one, or the salvation of the other is concerned, a lengthening out of the day of mercy, would, in my estimation, be most unmerciful. I see it to be just a crowding of hell, with daily increasing victims, and a seven-fold heating of its eternal flames, by hourly-despised privileges. Because I love mercy, and pity the sinner, my continual cry is, Lord, come speedily to judgment! Because I feel for God’s insulted honor, I cry, Lord, come to judgment! and, because I know the penalty of continuing to resist the Spirit, and to trample upon the blood of the Lamb, I must cry, Lord, come quickly to judgment; and I am as sure as that there is a merciful God in the heavens, that he is hastening on the day of the wicked’s destruction; and as soon as this, his purpose, can be accomplished, it will be accomplished. Woe, woe, woe to the Bible-despising, gospel-hardened inhabitants of this land; for assuredly the fearful day of retribution, the terrible day of God’s reckoning, with this worse than heathenish people, is nigh at hand. Sinners of Great Britain, depend upon it, the last offer of mercy and salvation is being made to you—your last day of grace is hastening to its close. I look upon it that you are placed as a nation in precisely the same situation as the Jews were, when Jesus Christ, weeping over Jerusalem, cried aloud, in the anguish of his soul, Oh! that thou, at least, that thou hadst known the things that belong unto thy peace; but now—and the sentence is irrevocable—now they are forever hid from thine eyes, notwithstanding the awful sentence Jesus Christ commanded his disciples to begin the preaching of the gospel at Jerusalem; and why? Simply because, though the national doom was fixed, individuals might be awakened, individuals might even at the last hour, be induced to accept of a Savior. Apostate churches of Christendom, the measure of your iniquity is full. Godless, Christless world, your destiny is fixed, your destruction is inevitable; but shall I not begin at Jerusalem? Oh! that in these last days, God would give me energy of body, and of mind, and the mighty power of his spirit, to warn the individual sinner with effect; that some might yet escape for their lives, and take refuge from the coming calamity, in the hitherto despised, but still outstretched arms of their Savior. HST August 30, 1843, page 10.2

Ministers of Christ, and ye men of God, who are scattered throughout the churches, suffer the word of exhortation; what have you to do with the doctrinal squabbles, the secularizing policy, and the party interests of existing churches? If you be, indeed, men of God, spiritual men, you must long ago have been tired of their mud, and their filth, and their shallows. I entreat you, in God’s name, and for Christ’s sake, put away your apathy, and awake from your slumbers; come out from amongst them, lest ye became partakers of their plagues. The cry is raised, Behold the Bridegroom cometh! as you value your souls, disobey not the command; but “Go ye forth to meet him.” ‘Tis vain to imagine that, by remaining where you are, you may still be a leaven for good. The Churchman will remain a Churchman, the Independent an Independent, and the Methodist, a mere Methodist, in spite of you; mother’s children are they all. They do not bear the image of the heavenly, and I am satisfied, as regards the great bulk of them, the Father never begat them. The little zeal they have, hath self for its spring, and party aggrandizement for its object; and either self-interest or self-exaltation, constitutes the bond of this union. If ever they knew any thing of God individually, I am afraid that most of them have died in the weaning: when the sensible comfort, the milk that God hath provided for the babe in Christ was withdrawn because they had been long enough babes—they would not learn to feed upon the word—they would not take to the flesh and to the blood of Christ; and, consequently, that which was given them hath been taken away from them. The preaching gift, and the praying gift—yea, and part of the decently living gift, may remain; and because they must have peace, and because they must have joy, Satan will take care that they are furnished with both: but as to the life of God, and the image of Christ, they are scarcely any where to be found. Men of God, can you make the members of your several churches sensible of their state? Can you convince them of their delusion by remaining amongst them? Never. Will such men unite with you in hastening on the coming of your Lord? Will they mourn with you over the apostacy of the churches? Will they weep with you, will they cry with you for all the abominations that are existing in the world? Oh, no. You will uniformly find them on the side of the scoffer, and they will tell you, We are doing well—we are increasing in goods, we are triumphing, we are reigning, and what care we for the promise of his coming. Men and brethren, from this moment come out from amongst them, and be ye like unto them who are waiting for the return of their Lord. Bear your testimony boldly and openly against them, and thus you may succeed in alarming some of them. You are injuring them, you are hindering the work of Christ, you are weakening one another’s hands by continuing in your present position. Oh! may the spirit of Elijah, who must first come, and of John the Baptist, be given unto you. let your loins like theirs, be girded about; let your lights burn where they may be seen, and let your united cry awaken both the slumber and the sleeper; “Prepare to meet your God.” I have a conviction on my mind, that it is God’s purpose that yet once more the note of alarm shall he sounded throughout these realms, and that this last trumpet, will, under God, either have the effect of hardening, or of saving the sinner. I clearly see that both processes have already commenced under my own ministry, and if you, my fellow-laborers, will only be faithful, and in your several spheres and stations stand out boldly for God, the harvest of this land will soon be ripe. I feel as if death or life was in every word; and every time I make the enquiry, Watchman, what of the night, the answer cometh with an increasing thrill to my soul, the morning cometh, and also the night; and, oh! may every soul now before me, tremble at the voice of the Spirit, and take the prophetical warning in time, make haste—return—come. Ministers of Christ, men of God, to your knees for oil, to your Bibles for light; away with every trapping of worldly policy; strip your party colored robes of Satan’s weaving; take to you locusts and wild honey; have done with the poisonous dishes of man’s providing; strengthen your loins as with a girdle, with the promise of his coming, with the blessed hope of the glorious appearing of the great God and your Savior, and let your voice be an united voice—the voice of one crying in the midst of this wilderness of apostacy, blasphemy, ignorance, pollution, and sin.—“Prepare the way of the Lord.” Thus will you be “like unto men who are waiting for their Lord;” and take the promise for your comfort. “When he cometh, and shall find you thus watching: verily, I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make you to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve you.—Amen. HST August 30, 1843, page 11.1

The Doctrine of our fathers


We copy the following from a sermon on the ‘Preparation for Christ’s Second Coming,” published more than one hundred years since. HST August 30, 1843, page 11.2

Watch for Christ’s coming. This is a necessary duty incumbent on all Christians. What I say unto you, says our Lord, I say unto all, watch. Carnal security is an evil that is incident to all sorts of Christians, young and old. ‘Tis incident to young Christians; they have so little experience of the power of sin, of the prevalency of temptations, and of their own weakness, that they are apt to grow self-confident, and to trust to their own good resolutions; and so, remitting of their spiritual watchfulness, are oft times wofully ensnared. ‘Tis incident to old experienced Christians: Noah, Lot, David, and other saints, were surprised with fearful tempttations, and carried into gross sins, even when they were old, and after many experiences of the love and grace of God. The wise virgins did not sleep, till their main work was, in a great measure, over. ‘Tis said to the commendation of king Jehoshaphat, that he walked in the first ways of his father David. It seems that David’s first ways were his best ways. Alas! there are few Christians whose last days are their best days. I say, then, that carnal security is incident to all sorts of Christians: and it is incident to them even after solemn duties, and after special manifestations of God unto them. We see this in Christ’s disciples. They had been partaking of both sacraments, of the Old and New Testament, the passover, and the Lord’s supper; and Christ himself being the administrator, I doubt not there were special measures of the Divine presence on that occasion: yet soon after, even that same night, when they had gone out into the garden, they could not watch with Christ one hour, no, not the best among them; they fell asleep again and again; and their bodily sleep, in such a season, did sadly be wray the security of their souls. Now, many of you have of late been at the Lord’s table, drawing near to God in a most solemn ordinance; and some of you have, it may be, had special manifestations of God, and rich and sweet experiences of his love and grace in the use of that ordinance. Yet your danger is great. Satan is ready to lay your soul asleep, and ye have ill hearts that are much inclined to spiritual sleeping and slumbering, so that ye need to take heed to yourselves. Some sad temptation may be at hand. Watch against spiritual pride and self-conceit, and against spiritual sloth and laziness. Watch, lest the subtility of Satan, and the deceits of your own hearts, rob you of the fruit and benefit of duties and ordinances, and particularly of that great ordinance of the Lord’s supper. And watch continually. The lamp in the Tabernacle was to burn always, viz. in the night season; for Aaron was to light the lamps at even. And what is our whole life in this world, but a dark night of temptation, wherein our candle should never go out? When ye put your danger farthest off, then it is nearest at hand. HST August 30, 1843, page 11.3

1. Consider who comes. It is the Lord Jesus Christ. And is it not necessary for his honor that ye should be ready? What master having gone abroad, will not reckon himself affronted by his servants, if upon his return with great solemnity, he find them idle, slothful, gadding abroad, eating and drinking with the drunken, so that he is not attended and waited on? On the other hand, will he not reckon himself honored by them, if he find them busy at work, waiting for his coming, ready at his call that when he knocks they may open to him immediately? So here, Christ is our Lord and Master. And who is so great and glorious a Master as he is? Surely our preparation should be such as may be answerable to the glory and dignity of so great a Master. HST August 30, 1843, page 12.1

2. Consider the manner of his coming. O how glorious it will be! He comes in power and great glory. If you were called to meet some great king, riding in great pomp and state, what preparation would you make? And ought you not much more to make ready to meet the great King of kings coming in all the glory of the upper and better world? He comes, not as in the days of his flesh, in the form of a servant, but in the glory of his Father; attended, not by a few fishermen, but by a glorious, retinue of innumerable angels: riding, not upon an ass, but upon the clouds or heaven; and environed with flaming fire. Surely the glory of his coming should greatly influence your preparation. HST August 30, 1843, page 12.2

3. Consider the end of his coming. He comes to take account how you have behaved during his absence, and how you have managed the trust committed to you. So, it is said in the parable of the talents, After a long time the Lord of these servants cometh, and reckoneth with them. And says the apostle, every one of us shall give account of himself to God. The account will be so strict, so particular, so impartial, that we should all tremble at the thoughts of it, and do our utmost to have our accounts ready. Having a reckoning to make up, and such a reckoning as that shall be, we should have our accounts ready stated and balanced. It will be your final and last account; He comes to count and reckon with you once for all. Therefore if your accounts, be not ready, then they can never be ready; for, there will be no more trial after that. And you know not how little time you may have to get your accounts in readiness. Therefore ye shoud be always ready. HST August 30, 1843, page 12.3

The volume of the “Glad Tidings,” thirteen numbers, is now completed. We have a few complete sets on hand, containing most important and interesting matter, which can be had at this offiee, price fifty cents. HST August 30, 1843, page 12.4


J. V. Himes, J. Litch, and S. Bliss, Editors.

“The Lord is at Hand.”

BOSTON, AUGUST 30, 1843.

To our Opponents


The following sentiments of ministers of the Gospel are fair specimens of the sentiments of our opponents, whether of the church or world, respecting Christ’s immediate appearing; and there seems to be among them a perfect harmony and union of feeling upon this subject. HST August 30, 1843, page 12.5

“It is the most stupid and mischievous delusion that ever existed.”—J. Dowling. HST August 30, 1843, page 12.6

“It is like blight and mildew upon the piety of the churches.” “It is a curse to the community.” “It is a disgrace and reproach to those who encourage or countenance those who preach it.”—Christian Watchman. HST August 30, 1843, page 12.7

“They are grossly deluded by the great Adversary of souls.”—Prof. Pond. HST August 30, 1843, page 12.8

“If there are in Heaven’s Magazine any bolts red with uncommon wrath, they must be reserved for such fellows as Himes and his tools, who have thus deluded and tormented society. We must speak out, and we will; these men are the worst enemies of God.”—Olive Branch. HST August 30, 1843, page 12.9

Now, Brethren,—for to professed followers of Christ and ministers of the Gospel we address ourselves, “if any err from the truth, and one convert him, let him know that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way, shall save a soul from death, and hide a multitude of sins. We will suppose you have thoroughly examined the subject, for, “He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.” We would therefore affectionately and earnestly entreat you to show us wherein consists our great wickedness and delusion for which we are thus condemned. Is it after diligently, candidly, prayerfully comparing scripture with scripture, for believing that this earth will be purified in the restitution of all things restored to its original heaven-like purity and beauty?” Then why are we to be more traduced, condemned, than “the whole church in its purest and best ages?” Tell us why. HST August 30, 1843, page 12.10

We have abundant testimony that this was “the faith once delivered unto the saints.” Irenaus, one of the best Christian writers of the second century, says, “nature renewed and set at liberty, shall yield abundance of all things, being blessed with the dew of heaven, and the great fertility of the earth, according as has been related by those ecclesiastics who saw St. John the desciple of Christ, and heard from him what our Lord taught concerning those times.” HST August 30, 1843, page 12.11

Papias, Bishop of Hierapolis, and a martyr, and contemporary with St. John, was of this faith; he says, “that he did not follow various opinions, but had the apostles for his authors, and that he considered what Andrew, what Peter said; what Philip, what Thomas, and other disciples of the Lord, what they spoke, and that he did not profit so much by reading books, as by the living voice of these persons” HST August 30, 1843, page 12.12

The Council of Nice, which convened at Nice in Bithynia, A. D. 325, and consisted of 318 Bishops, representing the whole church in Europe, Asia and Africa, speak thus, “The world was made inferior because of fore-knowledge, for God foreknew that man would sin. Therefore we expect New Heavens and a new earth,according to the holy scriptures, at the appearance and kingdom of the Great God and our Savior Jesus Christ. And then, as David says, the saints of the Most High shall take the kingdom, and the earth shall be pure, and holy, the land of the living and not of the dead.” HST August 30, 1843, page 12.13

“In opposition to this view, there is no trace of any belief in the primitive church from the time of our Savior, prior to Origen, who flourished in the middle of the third century.” This you must know. Then why vilify and condemn us, and not the primitive christians who were of the same faith with us? Tell us why. HST August 30, 1843, page 12.14

Why denounce us and not Luther, Calvin, Mede, Bunyan, Dr. Gill, Sir Isaac Newton, Bishop Newton, Wesley, and others of the greatest and best minds that God ever sent into this world, who believed the same? Tell us why. HST August 30, 1843, page 12.15

Is it for believing that Christ will come personally and reign with the saints on the earth during the millennium? Then why ought we to be condemned and punished more than the whole Christian church, from the time of the Apostles to the time of Daniel Whitby? for not any saint, or father, or eminent man in the primitive church, received or admitted the doctrine of the millennium, except it was at the coming of the Lord Jesus with the resurrection of the dead; neither the Greek nor Latin, nor Lutheran, nor any one of the Reformed churches, does now, or ever at any time has acknowledged the doctrine of the millennium in this world by creeds, con fessions, or approved standards of faith; and further, never a man (whose writings have been enough esteemed to be preserved in the world) came forth to preach the doctrine of “peace and safety” to the world, and a spiritual millennium to the race of the first Adam, without any resurrection, until Daniel Whitby, D. D. who died in A. D. 1726. HST August 30, 1843, page 12.16

The assertion has been made to the public and contradiction challenged, “that Dr. Whitby’s honorable name is the first, and earliest whose writings can be quoted in support of this doctrine among the writers and orators of a spiritual millennium, before the Lord’s appearing; and that Dr. Whitby gives credit to no other man for the discovery, but puts it roundly forth as his own opinion singly.” HST August 30, 1843, page 12.17

Is it for believing, after mature reflection and thorough investigation, that we have found the time designated by the word of God for the commencement and termination of the prophetic periods? Then why are we to be censured and condemned more than Bishops Newton, Faber, Dr. Gill, Dr. Adam Clarke, and other eminent men who have done the same? Tell us why. HST August 30, 1843, page 12.18

Why are we to be condemned and punished more than many among yourselves who have inspired this wicked world with the hope of a long time of universal peace and safety, plenty and happiness, to commence about the year 1866 or 2000? Tell us why. HST August 30, 1843, page 12.19

Is it for fully and firmly believing these things, for proclaiming them to the world, and for “earnestly contending for the faith once delivered to the saints?” Is this the reason? Is it for proclaiming our belief, that we must be thus anathematized? If in none of these things, in what has our offence consisted? Do tell us wherein is this “most stupid and mischievous delusion that ever existed,” this “deusion of the great adversary of souls.” We pause for a reply. HST August 30, 1843, page 12.20

Sympathy with Christ


We are often asked if it would give us pleasure to have the Lord Jesus come and destroy all the wicked, implying that none but demons could have any such wish as that. A Methodist brother was asked the same question by his bishop a short time since. The brother replied that he hoped he loved the appearing of Christ, and he believed, to have his Savior come would give him joy. As for the wicked, Christ’s enemies, his sympathies were not with them, his sympathies were all with Christ; he thought Christ as much entitled to his sympathy, as Christ’s enemies. He said that moreover, whenever Christ did come, there would be sinners in the world, for it is to be as it was before the flood. And if the world should continue thirty years, the wicked would not be benefitted, for there are more born and go down to perdition, than there are converted, so that his compassion would dictate that this stream be checked, and no more be born to increase the numbers of the lost. HST August 30, 1843, page 13.1

After many other questions, the bishop asked how he should feel if the Lord did not come? The brother replied that as that addressed itself to his pride, he hoped the Lord would give him great humility, and if he had any pride left, would take it all away, then he should have nothing to fear. The bishop soon found that he had better not ask an adventist any more questions in public: for they have to take before hand no thought what they shall answer; and have only to open the word of God and read from the sacred scriptures, a thus saith the Lord on any point respecting which they may be questioned. HST August 30, 1843, page 13.2

Remember Lot’s Wife.—Having escaped from the doomed city, she could not resist the temptation again to look back, and doubtless cherished in her heart a desire to enjoy longer the pleasures she was commanded to leave. Therefore God made her an admonition to all who should after her set their hearts on forbidden objects. HST August 30, 1843, page 13.3

We are now looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God, and our Savior Jesus Christ, when the elements will melt with fervent heat, and the works of this world will perish as did the cities of the plain. And shall we hesitate in our course? Shall we falter as she did, just as we are about to receive our reward? Shall we hesitate to choose between the follies of this world and the glories of the next? Can we not watch one hour? Shall we become cold in the affections of our hearts, when a few more days of toil will usher us into our everlasting abodes? HST August 30, 1843, page 13.4

If we look back to this vain world, and cling to anything here; if we set our hearts on aught there is here below, and cannot give it up, we may be left to perish with it. We must feel to lay everything upon the altar, willing that God should do as it may seem good to him with all that we hold dear in this world. And all our hopes and wishes must reach forth to those things beyond the veil. That world must be our home; there must be our treasure, and there our heart. Let us see to it that we be not overcharged with surfeiting and the cares of this life, and so that day come upon us unawares; and also see that our hearts are not looking back to the world, to the flesh pots of Egypt. Remember Lot’s wife. HST August 30, 1843, page 13.5

“Thou Shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.” Holy and Reverend is the name of the Lord: and man should not lightly or thoughtlessly approach the presence of his Maker, or with undue familiarity speak his name. The Jews had such a reverence for his name, Jehovah, that they seldom pronounced it, but instead, made use of Adonia, which signifies, my Lord. He is called the Eternal God, the Everlasting, the High, the Holy the Living, the True, the Merciful and the Mighty God, the Lord God, the God of Israel, the God of Hosts, and the God of Heaven. He is known by the name of Emmanuel, and calls himself I AM. He is called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. God is called the Word, the Amen, the faithful Witness, Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, the Lord which Is, and which Was, and which Is to Come, the Almighty. He is called the Ancient of Days, the Prince of Princes, the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. He is the Creator, the Preserver and the Sustainer of all things, Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent, from Eternity to Eternity, without beginning of days or end of years. The King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, the only Wise God. HST August 30, 1843, page 13.6

Such is the Being we are commanded to worship, to whom we are to render the homage of our hearts, to love with all our heart, soul, might, mind and strength, to whom we are to pray in secret, as to our Heavenly Father, when we enter our closet and shut our door. How ought we then to humble ourselves before his great and holy name, and not rush heedlessly into his presence, nor take his name upon our lips in a thoughtless or indifferent manner. When we approach him we should realize what he is, and that he is the rewarder of those that diligently seek him, and should approach him with the utmost reverence and humility. Then we shall not approach him irreverently, or take his name in vain. HST August 30, 1843, page 13.7

Despise not Prophesyings. is the admonition of the apostle. It is now very fashionable to despise prophesyings; but is not that despising him who is the Author of all prophecy? It is very fashionable for these despisers of prophecy to claim that there is enough revealed for us to do our duty to God, and nothing else concerns us. True, but is there anything in revelation that is not revealed? if so, it can be no revelation; nor can that be prophecy which does not foretell future events. Again, who can say there is anything revealed in the word of God that is unnecessary for our growth in grace or our progress in sanctification? if there is any useless revelation, why is it revealed at all? HST August 30, 1843, page 13.8

The Bible does not mark out certain portions of its contents, and require us to study such in preference to other portions; neither does it indicate that any other part of the word is to be set aside as of no or less value. If one has a right to mark out certain portions of God’s word as not essential, another surely has the same right to set aside other portions; and so on until soon there is no part of the word but some will reject. Again, if a christian is guiltless, in rejecting a part of the word of God, how can he condemn those who reject it entirely, and who are the more consistent of the two? HST August 30, 1843, page 13.9

God would never have revealed anything to man without some important end in view, nor would holy men have written as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, that which man can be guiltless in treating with the slightest indifference. It is therefore our duty to be familiar with the whole counsel of God, to know his whole revealed will respecting us, that when the Lord speaks, we may hear. HST August 30, 1843, page 13.10

These despisers of prophecy often quote “the secret things belong unto the Lord our God” as proof that the things which are revealed do not concern us. But has not the same Being said that “the things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever?” and the reason given is “that we may do all the words of this law.” Let us not reject then that which is given to us and our children forever; but let us endeavor, God helping us, to be familiar with, that we may do all the words of God’s law. “Search the Scriptures,” said our Savior; and that he had reference to the prophecies is evident, for he said “they testified of him.” Peter assures us that “we have a more sure word of prophecy whereunto we do well that we take heed as to a light shining in a dark place.” But how can any portion of prophcy be a sure word or a light in a dark place to those who despise prophesyings? HST August 30, 1843, page 13.11

Those who turn a deaf ear to any of the commandments of God, or refuse to examine any portions of God’s holy word, must run a fearful risk. They are liable to reject they know not what—to wonder and despise and perish. They practically say to their Maker, that they are indifferent to the revelations of his will and his plans of mercy to a dying race. It is a species of semi-infidelity, of German Neology, which is fast spreading over our land, contaminating all within its reach. O that men would realize that the prophecies which they despise are the oracles of the living God, and that though heaven and earth shall pass away, not one jot or tittle of it will fail of its fulfillment. If then any are ignorant of these pre lictions, such may suddenly be overwhelmed for their unwillingness to learn of God, in the day of their fulfillment. Despise not prophesyings. HST August 30, 1843, page 13.12

“Go Work in my Vineyard.” God has something for each servant of his to perform, no one has a right to be idle. God has not called all to perform the same duties. Some are competent for public lecturers and teachers, others are more serviceable to the cause of truth, in going from house; to house, and from heart to heart, at the domestic fireside, in the shop of busy industry, and with the laborer at his toil; as we read, “He gave some apostles, and some prophets, and some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come in the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. Every one has his appropriate office, his appropriate calling and work. God requires nothing more of us than he has given us the ability to perform. To some he has given ten talents, and to some, only one; each one is required to use the talents given him, and add to them other talents, and not wrap them up in a napkin. Time is short; and what is done must be done quickly. The souls which are to be saved must be plucked out of the fire ere the door of mercy is closed forever. The light which is to be disseminated, must be made to shine ere the darkness of eternity enshrouds the unconverted with despair. HST August 30, 1843, page 13.13

Now is the time to be faithful in warning and entreating our friends, and to send publications to those with whom we have no immediate access. If we do our whole duty the blood of souls will not be found in our skirts. HST August 30, 1843, page 14.1

The Power of Truth. It has been a matter of astonishment to see how giants in the wisdom of this world and intellectual greatness, when they have attempted to disprove the coming of Christ, have been entirely foiled and totally routed by some of the weakest of God’s servants. This can only be accounted for by the power of truth. “Truth is mighty and will prevail.” A weak man, with the panoply of truth for his defence, may safely cope with the mightiest and most successful disputants who dare oppose the truth. This has been aptly compared to a weak man standing upon a solid rock and wrestling with a giant whose feet are sinking in the mire. The weak man, with such a foothold, can sway his adversary to the right and left as he may please,—without a foothold, his opponent is powerless. Even so is the man who contends for the truth. He can stand on the solid ground and fear none of the champions of sophistry and error. Thus it is not the strength of mind that has given the Adventists such advantage over their opponents; but the eternal truths of the sure word of God have given us the victory over all the objections that have been brought against the doctrine of the Advent near. HST August 30, 1843, page 14.2

The Tent meeting at Buffalo.—The Buffalo Advertiser of Aug. 12th, says of the Tent Meeting in that city, “We are happy to learn that thus far all the exercises have been marked by the observance of order and decorum.” HST August 30, 1843, page 14.3

Brother Himes writes as follows. HST August 30, 1843, page 14.4

Dear Brother Bliss:—We have just closed our meeting at Buffalo. It was a glorious and successful effort. The city is fully aroused, and the result will exceed our most sanguine expectations. I shall give a more particular account soon. On Monday I go to Montreal, Canada East, to see, and aid brother Hutchinson. Shall be at Boston about the first of Sept. Things are prosperous here. Brother Barry is doing well. J. V. Himes. HST August 30, 1843, page 14.5

Rochester, Aug. 19th, 1843. HST August 30, 1843, page 14.6

The Big Tent in Cincinnati, Ohio.—We have at the request of friends west, concluded (if God permit) to pitch the Tent in Cincinnati, on the 15th of September. Lectures on the Advent by Brother Storrs, and others, will be continued from ten to fifteen days. J. V. Himes. HST August 30, 1843, page 14.7

Buffalo, Aug. 12th, 1843. HST August 30, 1843, page 14.8

Schenectady.—Correction.—It will be seen, by the above notice, that the Tent will not go to Schenectady, as intimated in our last. We trust a meeting will be held in that place. Arrangements will be made at the Ballston meeting. HST August 30, 1843, page 14.9

To Correspondents.—Wm. Emmons is informed that we are already doing all we can to prepare the nations for the repeal of grievances. And we not only expect soon to see broken the iron yoke which is on Ireland’s neck, but an end put to all oppression at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. HST August 30, 1843, page 14.10



Advertised to be held at Stepney, Ct. near the Housatonic Rail Road, 12 miles above Bridgeport, will not commence till Aug. 30. HST August 30, 1843, page 14.11

We have received the first number of the “Advent Chronicle and Tent Reporter,” which will be issued as occasion requires. The first number is dated, Great Tent, Cottage Garden, Buffalo, New York, Aug. 12, 1843. HST August 30, 1843, page 14.12

The Millennium.—If we were to realize a temporal millennium in this world, it is natural to suppose it would partake strongly of the spirit now manifested by those who are so strong in the belief of such a state. The following which we cut from the “Olive Branch,” a paper devoted to Christianity (?) Polite Literature (?) Popular fictions, Novels, Scandal, etc. etc, for the corruption of American youth, is a specimen of what we daily find in kindred prints. HST August 30, 1843, page 14.13

“If, as some state, but with how much truth we judge not, Himes is speculating out of the fears which he can excite on one of the most momentous subjects which ever did, or ever can agitate the human mind,—his depravity as far exceeds that of Judas, as the latter was remote from the pure spirit of the beloved disciple. No castigation could be too severe for his unmitigated hypocrisy and unparalleled rascality. Talk of obtaining money by fraudulent pretences,—indeed farther, by highway robbery,—here is criminality of a deeper dye. What greater deception can be practised?” HST August 30, 1843, page 14.14

The above is a specimen of the sympathy which brother Himes is constantly receiving from those called Christians, while he is hundreds of miles distant, sacrificing the comforts of home, family and friends, enduring all the reproach obloquy and contumely which a scoffing and ungodly world can heap upon him, and exhausting all his means, strength and energies, in proclaiming the evidence of a coming Savior, that his fellow beings may be warned and prepared for that momentous event, and his skirts clean from the blood of souls. There are very few papers, and we might say none, that so often unburdens itself and opens its heart to the public gaze, displaying its real character, as this same Olive Branch, particularly when it knows brother Himes is not here to defend himself. It is however a cause for thankfulness, that all who can give vent to such dire and hateful passions, are found arrayed against the doctrine of Christ’s coming. The Olive Branch is filling its appropriate office; for what concord hath Christ with Belial. We hope we shall never be guilty of any act that will call forth the approval of such. While we see such spirits arrayed against us, it is evidence that the enemy of all good is dissatisfied with our course: but if we should receive their approval, we should need no greater evidence that we were not on the Lord’s side. HST August 30, 1843, page 14.15

Letter from J. D. Johnson


Brother Bliss.—I have been in Western New York, now upwards of nine months, and the greater portion of the time in Monroe and Livingston Cos. Scores have been converted (most of them after I left) in some of the places where I have been endeavoring to raise the cry “Behold the bridegroom cometh,” and some in every place have been led to see a new beauty and glory in God’s word. I have been in several places where brother Beach had given lectures. They produced a deep impression, and were followed by glorious results, when followed by suitable efforts; and no great opposition from the Clergy. Many even now are ready to rise up and call him blessed. HST August 30, 1843, page 14.16

I have scattered about three hundred dollars worth of books and papers, for which I paid myself, and have not now three dollars in my pocket; in a word, I have endeavored to show my faith by my works, “giving and not expecting to receive again,” blessing God for the privilege. I have followed my Master’s word good, I forsook home, (Worcester, Mass.) friends, brethren and all, for the gospel’s sake, I have found homes, fathers, mothers, brethren, etc., with persecution. Praise God that “we are counted worthy to suffer shame for his name.” I have seen two ministers who had calculated the prophetic periods, without the knowledge of Mr. Miller’s calculation, and agreed with him. I heard of two or three others who said 15 or 20 years ago that the Millenium would commence in ‘43. How have so many, unknown to each other, come to the same conclusions, in different countries, and in different parts of our own country? I refer to what has been heretofore in your paper. I answer, the time is now come when the prophecies were to be unsealed. HST August 30, 1843, page 14.17

In June I lectured in Rushville, town of Potter, Yates Co., when Stephen T. Loomis, an Infidel, mocked at the revival there last winter, thinking it all the creating of sympathetic feelings. The inconsistencies of Christian professors, and some apparent contradictions in the Bible, combined with the influences more or less operating upon every natural heart, had led him to infidelity. He said to me, after he had heard a few lectures, “I have been a sceptic for ten years, but you have convinced me the Bible is true, and I feel that I am not in a right situation. I see some consistency in the Christian heaven. You have explained the Bible to me.” He was so well acquainted with history that he could readily see the application of prophecies. He inquired into the plan of salvation, and wanted to know if the preachers did not mystify that also too much? I endeavored to point him to Christ. His wife and another lady were converted before I left. I received a letter, dated July 10th, from him in which he says, “I have found the pearl of great price. I am happy, my wife is happy. Glory to God, we are going to heaven together,” Amen. Yours in haste. J. D. Johnson. HST August 30, 1843, page 14.18

Rochester, N. Y. Aug. 1843. HST August 30, 1843, page 14.19

The Plainfield Camp-Meeting


extract from a letter

Brother Bliss,—It may be interesting to many of your readers to learn something of the results of our Plainville Camp-Meeting. It continued one week, the weather mostly favorable, and was one of the best, nay the very best meeting I ever attended. And to this, multitudes who are now praising God for this meeting, would most heartily respond. Little, it is true, was effected in the conversion of sinners; some few found peace in believing. But the children of God were blest, beyond any measure hitherto known in their experience. Their faith in the coming of Christ this year becomes stronger, and a preparation to meet him with joy, was most prayerfully sought. The subject of entire consecration to God, was the all-absorbing theme in our meetings for prayer and conference, and was clearly and ably presented in several discourses from the stand. And never did I witness such searchings of heart, such confessions of sin, and such displays of the spirit and power of God, as were manifested during the last days of our meeting. HST August 30, 1843, page 14.20

Dear reader, may you be filled with the Spirit and be ready to meet Christ this year. L. C. Collins. HST August 30, 1843, page 14.21

Hartford, Ct. Aug. 22, 1843. HST August 30, 1843, page 14.22

Bro. J. S. White writes us a similar encouraging account of the Plainfield Campmeeting. HST August 30, 1843, page 14.23

Dr. Grant,—Late advices from Dr. Grant, of the Mission to the Nestorians, represent his life to be in danger in consequence of the disturbed political state of the country.—N. E. Puritan. HST August 30, 1843, page 14.24

Purity of Heart.—There is no true felicity but in a clear and open conscience; and those are the happy conversations, where only such things are spoken and heard, as we can reflect upon afterwards with satisfaction, free from any mixture of shame or repentance. HST August 30, 1843, page 14.25

Storms in the conscience will always lodge clouds in the countenance. HST August 30, 1843, page 14.26


No Authorcode

BOSTON, AUG. 30, 1843.

Future operations—Meeting in Ohio


We have it in contemplation, after the meeting at Buffalo, to make one great rally in the state of Ohio. About the 15th of September, we wish to commence a meeting at Cincinnati, or some eligible point in that vicinity, where we hope to see one mighty gathering of those who are looking for, and loving the appearing of our Lord. HST August 30, 1843, page 15.1

We intend to publish a paper there for a time, which will contain the reasons of our blessed hope. It will be similar to the Glad T dings. In addition to the paper and the large lot of publications already sent to that region, we shall send more. We intend, if we are permitted to meet with our brethren in that part of the country, to distribute about $2,000 worth of publications in that portion of the Union. We shall, as far as practicable, supply every town with a library. We shall furnish all ministers also, who will read on the subject, if they cannot furnish themselves. We mean they shall be left without excuse, in the great day of the Lord. This is our purpose, by the Divine blessing, if it takes every farthing we possess. HST August 30, 1843, page 15.2

Any who feel like making an investment in this “speculation!!” can have the privilege Any of the Lord’s stewards who feel like helping us in this enterprise, by doing so, will enable us to extend the operations still more extensively. We mean to discharge our duty, let others do as they may. HST August 30, 1843, page 15.3

Letter from J. Weston


Dear Brother Bliss:—I have just returned from a tour of visiting the brethren where I lectured last winter to see how they did. In my visit I found one minister who believes in the resurrection from the dead. He said he believed that we should have bodies of flesh and bones. The first minister I have found, except Second Advent, who was not a Sadusee, but I could not find evidence that he loved the Savior. When I told him that the Bible revealed the time of Christ’s second coming, he repeated the words of Pope. HST August 30, 1843, page 15.4

Heaven from all creatures hides the book of fate—All but the page prescribed their present state. HST August 30, 1843, page 15.5

I told him I was astonished to hear him, a minister of Jesus Christ, quote an 1 Infidel as proof that the Bible did not reveal the time of the second advent. He seemed confounded. I talked with him several hours, and left with an earnest request that he would be converted and become as a little child. HST August 30, 1843, page 15.6

Last Saturday and Sunday we had a meeting at Newbury, and a better time I never had. The Holy Ghost came on us and filled all the place where we were sitting. The believers were from several towns. Such a melting time as we had at the Lord’s table was most precious. There were six denominations together, celebrating the dying love of that Savior which we expected soon to see. We could all exclaim “It is good for us to be here.” HST August 30, 1843, page 15.7

The many around were confounded and exclaimed, “what a change Millerism has produced. No party animosities or sectarian interests, but behold how these love one another.” HST August 30, 1843, page 15.8

The brethren and sisters grow stronger and stronger, and are more filled with the Holy Ghost. Yours in the glorious hope, etc. HST August 30, 1843, page 15.9

Another Millerite.—The learned John Selden, some days before his death, sent for Archbishop Usher and Dr. Langblaine; and among other things, told them that he had surveyed most of the learning of this world—that his study was filled with books and manuscripts on various subjects—yet he could not recollect any passage out of infinite volumes that he could think of with half the satisfaction which attended his contemplation of the Sacred Scriptures. He pointed out one particular text, that greatly comforted and refreshed his spirits: “The grace of God, which bringeth salvation, hath appeared to all men, teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we shall live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world: looking for that blessed hope, even the glorious appearing of that great God our Savior Jesus Christ.”—N. E. Puritan. HST August 30, 1843, page 15.10

The Deterioration of the Church.—Half century since, it was the opinion of the most judicious British writers, that Germany, through the medium of her novels and dramatic writings, was undermining the morals and manners of nearly all Europe. It is a question for serious and reflecting minds in our own country, how far she is exercising, at the present day, an analogous influence on the theology and religion of our churches and people. HST August 30, 1843, page 15.11

That writer would deserve well of the Christian community, who should faithfully and accurately trace the progress of deterioration in our churches during the last twenty years. The writer who should point out the methods by which the malady may be effectually arrested, would establish still stronger claims on the gratitude of every friend of Zion.—N. E. Puritan. HST August 30, 1843, page 15.12

The only way of arresting this malady is by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will send forth his angels, and gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity, and cast them into a furnace of fire. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. HST August 30, 1843, page 15.13

Ed. Signs. HST August 30, 1843, page 15.14

Casualties, Murders, etc, in Four Months.—Some reader of the New York papers kept an account of casualities, etc, chronicled therein, which took place in the United States during the first four months of the present year, which he published. A correspondent of the United States Gazette has taken up the subject, and added thereto those which have come under his notice since, from reading the multitude of newspapers from almost every State in the Union, viz. a record from January to July, 1843. HST August 30, 1843, page 15.15

“Six hundred and twenty-eight houses and stores burnt, with a part of their contents, estimated at three millions of dollars. HST August 30, 1843, page 15.16

Nine hundred and fifty accidental deaths, about one half drowned, most of which occured on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, and on the Lakes. A portion were emigrants, going to the far west. HST August 30, 1843, page 15.17

Two hundred and fifteen murders, by guns, pistols, bowie knives, etc. HST August 30, 1843, page 15.18

Fifty six by fire-arms, imprudently handled. HST August 30, 1843, page 15.19

Forty-five by clothes taking fire. HST August 30, 1843, page 15.20

Forty-six by lightning. HST August 30, 1843, page 15.21

Forty-three by falls from horses, upsetting carriages, etc. HST August 30, 1843, page 15.22

Eighty-six by suicide!!!” HST August 30, 1843, page 15.23



Savior! my spirit longs
To see the glorious day
When saints with joyful songs
And lifted eyes shall say,
Lo this is He our glorious Lord,
He comes according to His word.
HST August 30, 1843, page 15.24

He comes to set us free
From every galling chain,
In glorious liberty,
In endless life to reign.
Lo this is He our glorious Lord,
He comes according to His word.
HST August 30, 1843, page 15.25

To David’s glorious Son,
The glad Hosanna raise,
His blissful reign begun
Shall last through endless days,
Lo this is He our glorious Lord,
He comes according to His word.
HST August 30, 1843, page 15.26

From sin, and death, and hell,
We evermore are free,
With Christ henceforth to dwell,
And all His glory see,
Lo this is He our glorious Lord,
He comes according to His word.
HST August 30, 1843, page 15.27

The Savior promis’d long,
Appears on earth to reign,
Awake the swelling song,
Loud peal the lofty strain,
Lo this is He our glorious Lord,
He comes according to his word.
HST August 30, 1843, page 15.28

With voice as thunder loud,
Or mighty Ocean’s roar,
With knees before him bow’d,
We’ll praise Him evermore.
Lo this is He our glorious Lord,
He comes according to His word.
C. Fitch.
HST August 30, 1843, page 15.29

A. Warfield, writes from Holliston. HST August 30, 1843, page 15.30

“There are a few friends here who will not look back, having once put their hands to the plough, remembering that the grace of God which bringeth salvation, hath appeared to all men, teaching them to deny all godliness, etc, looking for that blessed hope, yes, blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the Great God and our Savior Jesus Christ. HST August 30, 1843, page 15.31

May the Lord bless you and your companions in the cause you advocate, and enable you to do much good in the name of Him who has commanded us to watch till he come. May the Lord grant us grace to wait patiently till He come. Praise the Lord for His goodness, yea, praise Him for His abundant mercy.” HST August 30, 1843, page 15.32

Extract of a Letter from H. F. J. Scribner


Dear Brother Himes,—I still continue full in the faith of soon seeing my Lord. The advent has some opposition in this quarter as well as in other places, but God has promised to be with his children unto the end, if they trust in him. I have seen those who have stood as watchmen upon the walls of Zion for thirty-eight years, scoff at the advent and say, Where is the promise of his coming, but it does not discourage me in the least, it only makes me the stronger in God and the power of his might. I expect to see him soon if I remain faithful. Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly. I am glad that God has chosen the weak things of this world to confound the mighty. Yours in the blessed hope of soon seeing him as he is. Grantham, Aug. 20, 1843. HST August 30, 1843, page 15.33




There will be an advent campmeeting, if time continues, in Exeter, Maine, about 20 miles from Bangor, near the road leading from Bangor to Dexter, on the same ground where it was held last Sept, to commence Wednesday, Sept, 13th, tents erected on the 12th, to continue a week or more; all those who wish to enjoy the privilege of a second advent campmeeting, are requested to come and bring their tents, or come prepared to erect them on the ground: those who cannot bring tents, can be provided for on the ground at the rate of $1,42 per week, or 1 shilling per meal; some of our efficient lecturers of the west are earnestly solicited to attend, and ministers and brethren in general, brother T. M. Preble is requested to attend. Christian Herald please copy. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.1

Committee. Moses Ames, William H. Ireland, Zenas Chamberlain, Thomas Stevens, Lemuei Smith. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.2

Exeter, July 31st, 1843. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.3



At North Springfield, Vt. will commence Tuesday, Sept 5, in a beautiful grove a short distance from the Post Office. Br. Timothy Cole, of Lowell, will attend, and Br. Miller is requested to. As no other meeting of the kind may be held near this until our Lord shall come, we hope all the friends of the cause will attend, with tents. For Com. I H. Shipman. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.4



The committee have decided, the Lord willing, and time continues, to commence a campmeeting in Tuftonborough, N. H., Melvin Village, on Tuesday, Sept. 12th. We hope all the friends of our coming Lord in that vicinity will make their calculations to attend. It is on the shore of Lake Winepiseogee, so that all on the opposite shores can be conveyed by water. There is convenient land conveyance, as it is on the stage road from Dover to Sandwich. Good provisions can be had at reasonaable rates by those who do not bring their tents. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.5

Per order of the committeee. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.6



To commence on Friday, Sept. 15, and continue one week, in a beautiful grove about one mile west of the railroad depot. Brethren, come up to this feast of tabernacles. May the Lord direct Br. Preble and other efficient lecturers to attend. Brethren who can, are requested to bring their tents. Provision will be made for those who do not bring tents, on the most reasonable terms. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.7

For committee, C. S. Brown,
J. S. Russell.



Will be held in Gloucester, R. I., if Providence permit, on land of Daniel C. Tourtellot, commencing on Wednesday, Sept. 6, to continue over the Sabbath. Brethren and friends of the cause are invited to attend. It is hoped that all who have tents and can come, will bring them and be on the ground on Tuesday, the 5th. Board and horse-keeping will be provided at reasonable rates for those who may come from a distance. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.8

For the committee,
Daniel C. Tourtellot.



There will be a Second Advent Campmeeting, if time continue, in Windsor, Ct. on land owned by Richard M. Brown, to commence Sept. 13, and continue one week or more. All Second Advent believers, and others that wish to enjoy the privileges of such a meeting, are requested to come with their tents. Good accommodations for board and horse-keeping can be had at a reasonable price. Arrangements have been made with the steam boat company to carry tent companies or families at 25 cts each from Springfield to the ground, and also from Hartford to the ground. The regular price is 37 1-2 cts. Able lecturers are engaged to attend, and we hope there will be a general attendance. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.9



Will be held on Davis’ Island, in this town, commencing the 18th of Sept next, and continue thro’ the week. Bro. T. Cole and S. Jones are expected to be present. All Advent Lecturers, that can, are invited to attend. We hope our brethren, that can, will come with tents. Provision will be provided on the ground at reasonable rate for all that wish. The meeting will be held on the west side of the Island, near the bridge that connects with the main shore. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.10

Com.—J. M. Smith, F. Davis, I. A. Cole.
Guilford, N. H. Aug. 24, 1843.



Will be held, if the Lord will, in Winchendon, to commence on Thursday, the 14th of Sept. Let the saints come trusting in the God of Daniel, with tents. Board can be had on the ground on reasonable terms. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.11

Com.—Albert Mann, Daniel Chase, Ch. Bullard, Thos. A Warner, Geo. M. Gregory. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.12

Winchendon, Ms. Aug. 24, 1843. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.13



Will be held in Exeter, N. H. 21-2 miles from the village, on Boston and Maine Rail Road, between Exeter and Dover, to commence Tuesday, Sept. 26, of which a more particular will be given. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.14

Per order of Com. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.15

O. Boutell wishes us to notice his removal to So. Hampton, N. H. and requests all communications for him to be directed there. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.16

Letters received to Aug. 26


Note.—Post Masters are authorized to send money for publications gratuitously; also to order and stop papers. Subscriber’s names, with the State and Post Office, should be distinctly given, when papers are ordered or discontinued. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.17

From Post-masters


Searsmont Me 1; W Prospect Me 4; Canaan Pa 2. all pd to end of vol 5; Ludlow Ms 3,25; Marshfield Vt 1; Holden Ms 1; N Hampton N H 1; Williston Vt 1; Bangor Me; Ware H Point Ct 1; Hartford; Ct 2; Swanville 3; Charleston Me; Palmyra Me 1; Bangor Me 2; Portsmouth N H 1; Feltonsville Ms 1; Amesbury Ms 1; N Hadley Ms; Guilford Centre Vt. 2, $1 due; W Newfield Me. 2; Sandy Hill N Y 1, $1 due; Loadonderry N H 2; Hoosick Falls N Y 1; Oxfortville N H; Enfield N H; Wilmington NC; N. Somers Ct 2, is probably correct; Harmony S C 1; Wardsboto N C; Salem l; Williamsville Vt 1; South Rending Vt 3; Waterbury Vt 1; Shrewsbury Vt 1; North Chelmsford Ms; Thompsonville Ct 2; Stonigton Ct: E Plainfield Ms 1; So Glastenbury Ct 1; Flatbush N Y: So Gardner 1; Savoy Ms 4; Westmoreland N H 1; So Berwick 3,50; Durham Me 1; Wales Me 1; Fairhaven Ms 1; E Bethel Vt 1; Dover N H; No Danville: Vt; Greenville N Y 1; Derby Line Vt l; York Me 2; W Enosburgh Vt 1; York Me 1; Oxford N Y 1; Palmer Depot Ms 2; Newport N Y 1,25; Ballston N Y 3; Meriden Ct 3; E Haddam Ct 1; So Wilbraham Ms 1; Winthrop Me 1; Bradford N H 1: Colebrook N H 1; Shrewsbury Ms 1; No Ashford Ct 1; Gr Barrington Ms 2; Brimfield Ms 1; Rochester Vt; E Hampton Ct 1; Clarkfield O 2; Johnstown N Y 1; Portsmouth N H; Stephentown N Y; S Hadley Canal Ms 2; W Boylston Ms 2; West Newfield Me 1,25; Middletown Ct; Sturbridge Ms 2; Sharon Vt; Williamanset Ms 2; Weybridge Vt 1; Simonsville Vt 1; Derby Line Vt 5; E Roxbury Vt 2; Quechee Village Vt 1; Rockford Vt 1.,Springfield Mass, 2; Taunton. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.18



J Pearson 9, A Warfield 2, La Mon Dale, P Hawkes, H N Drake 10, Com Portsmouth N H, J Weston; J Bicknell; O Gault 1, P J Holt, Wm Holt, F Baxter, D M Trickey, D W Reed, all right; H C, J D Johnson, J V Himes, G N Gale; E H Chamberlain 12, T V Barton 25 cts postage, our terms are one dol. for six months which completes a vol, not one dol. per year; Wm R Moore 3; L C Collins, E Pratt 1; L Morse, F Glascock 5; N Algiers; I Robert, T Cole $25; Rufus Pike 1; A H Brick, N Laport, 1; I C Hasper, and others 3, postage 25 cts; J V Himes, S J Debell, A Flint 1, C B Fisher, S Rowley; H Winchester, F Spencer 1, pays to end of vol 6; L Burlough 2; E L Hammond 2; E Hodgdon 1; J S White, S C Dewey, E P Richardson; M Smith, T L Tullock, J M Smith and others, L Boutell, C Wmes $13. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.19

Bundles Sent


J V Himes 9 Spruce St N Y; T M Preble, Nashua N H; T Cole Lowell ms; Postmaster Savoy ms; J Roberts Dover N H; 1 box to L C Collins, Hartford Ct. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.20



The following Works are printed in the following cheap periodical form, with paper covers, so that they can be sent to any part of the country, or to Europe, by mail. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.21

The following Nos. comprise the Library. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.22

1. iller’s Life and Views.—37 1-2 cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.23

2. Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ.—37 1-2cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.24

3. Exposition of 24th of Matt, and Hosea 6:1-3. 18 3-4 cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.25

4. Spaulding’s Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ.—37 1-2 cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.26

5. Litch’s Address to the clergy on the Second Advent.—18 1-4 cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.27

6. iller on the true inheritance of the saints, and the twelve hundred and sixty days of Daniel and John.—12 1-2 cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.28

7. Fitch’s Letter, on the Advent in 1843.—12 1-2 cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.29

8. The present Crisis, by Rev. John Hooper, of England—10 cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.30

9. iller on the cleansing of the sanctuary.—6 cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.31

10. Letter to every body, by an English author, “Behold I come quickly.”—6 cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.32

11. Refutation of “Dowling’s Reply to Miller,” by J. Litch.—15 cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.33

2 The “Midnight Cry.” By L. D. Fleming. 12 1-2. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.34

13. Miller’s review of Dimmick’s discourse, “The End not Yet.”—10 cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.35

14. Miller on the Typical Sabbaths, and great Jubilee.—10 cts.” HST August 30, 1843, page 16.36

15. The glory of God in the Earth. By C. Fitch.—10 cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.37

16. A Wonderful and Horrible Thing. By Charles Fitch. 6 1-4 cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.38

17. Cox’s Letters on the Second Coming of Christ.—18 3-4 cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.39

18. The Appearing and Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. By J. Sabine. 12 1-2 cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.40

19. Prophetic Expositions. By J. Litch. Vol. I. 31 cts.—20, “ ” “ ” Vol. II. 37 1-2 cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.41

21. The Kingdom of God. By Wm. Miller. 6 1-4 HST August 30, 1843, page 16.42

22. Miller’s Reply to Stuart. 12 1-2 cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.43

23. Millennial Harp, or Second Advent Hymns. Price 121 cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.44

24. Israel and the Holy Land,—The Promised Land. By H. D. Ward. Price 10 cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.45

25. Inconsistencies of Colver’s ‘Literal Fulfilment of Daniel’s Prophecies,’ shown by S. Bliss. 10 cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.46

26. Bliss’ Exposition of Matthew 24th. 121 cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.47

27. Synopsis of Miller’s Views. 61 cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.48

28. Judaism Overthrown. By J. Litch. 10 cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.49

29. Christ’s First and Second Advent, with Daniel’s Visions Harmonized and Explained. By N. Hervey. 183, cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.50

30. New Heavens and New Earth, with the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. By N. Hervey. 121 cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.51

31. Stark weather’s Narrative. 10 cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.52

32. Brown’s Expedience. 121 HST August 30, 1843, page 16.53

33. Bible Examiner, by George Storrs. 183 cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.54

34. The Second Advent Doctrine Vindicated,—a sermon preached at the dedication of the Tabernacle, by Rev. S. Hawley, with the Address of the Tabernacle Committee, pp. 107. 20 cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.55

35. A Solemn Appeal to Ministers and Churches,—especially to those of the Baptist denomination. By J. B. Cook. 10 cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.56

36. Second Advent Manual, by A. Hale. 183. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.57

37. Millennial Harp, 2nd Part. 121 cts. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.58

This Library will be enlarged from time to time, by the addition of new works. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.59

Taken by mistake, by Bro. Russell, at the Groton Meeting, a thin Coat. It can be had at this office. HST August 30, 1843, page 16.60