My Journey to Life, Step 9—God the Father

3. What is the relationship of God the Father to God, the Son (Jesus)?

When God is called Father in the Old Testament, it’s not as much to designate a person of the divine Trinity as it is to emphasize His tender care toward His chosen people (Deuteronomy 1:31; Deuteronomy 32:6; Psalm 103:13; Isaiah 63:16). A more distinctive usage of the three separate persons of the Godhead is found in the New Testament. JTL9 2.5

The use of the Father/Son imagery is not to imply Jesus is created by God the Father, but rather reveals the closeness of the divine plurality in language or metaphors that we can understand. The Father sent Christ to our planet to fulfill a specific mission—to save the world (1 John 4:14). Thus, the Father and Son are united in their redemptive action on our behalf. Both suffered at the cross for us. Both will rejoice with joy unspeakable on the day of our final redemption! JTL9 2.6