EGW SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 1

Chapter 11

1, 8. Moses Fearlessly Met Pharaoh Again—Notwithstanding Moses had been forbidden to come again into the presence of Pharaoh, for in the day he should see his face he should die, yet he had one more message from God for the rebellious king, and he firmly walked into his presence, and stood fearlessly before him to declare to him the word of the Lord.... 1BC 1101.2

As Moses told the king of the plague which would come upon them, more dreadful than any had yet visited Egypt, which would cause all his great counselors to bow down before him, and entreat the Israelites to leave Egypt, the king was exceedingly angry. He was enraged because he could not intimidate Moses, and make him tremble before his kingly authority. But Moses leaned for support upon a mightier arm than that of any earthly monarch (Spiritual Gifts 3:221, 222). 1BC 1101.3