Manuscript Releases, vol. 3 [Nos. 162-209]

MR No. 174—Materials for A. V. Olson Manuscript [Thirteen Crisis Years]

Never before have I seen among our people such firm self-complacency and unwillingness to accept and acknowledge light as was manifested at Minneapolis. I have been shown that not one of the company who cherished the spirit manifested at that meeting would again have clear light to discern the preciousness of the truth sent them from heaven until they humbled their pride and confessed that they were not actuated by the Spirit of God, but that their minds and hearts were filled with prejudice. The Lord desired to come near to them, to bless them and heal them of their backslidings, but they would not hearken. They were actuated by the same spirit that inspired Korah, Dathan, and Abiram.... 3MR 191.1

When I purposed to leave Minneapolis, the angel of the Lord stood by me and said: “Not so; God has a work for you to do in this place. The people are acting over the rebellion of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. I have placed you in your proper position, which those who are not in the light will not acknowledge; they will not heed your testimony; but I will be with you; My grace and power shall sustain you. It is not you they are despising, but the messengers and the message I send to My people. They have shown contempt for the word of the Lord. Satan has blinded their eyes and perverted their judgment; and unless every soul shall repent of this their sin, this unsanctified independence that is doing insult to the Spirit of God, they will walk in darkness. I will remove the candlestick out of his place except they repent and be converted, that I should heal them. They have obscured their spiritual eyesight. They would not that God should manifest His Spirit and His power; for they have a spirit of mockery and disgust at My word. Lightness, trifling, jesting and joking are daily practiced. They have not set their hearts to seek Me. They walk in the sparks of their own kindling, and unless they repent, they shall lie down in sorrow. Thus saith the Lord: “Stand at your post of duty; for I am with thee, and will not leave thee nor forsake thee.” These words from God I have not dared to disregard.—Letter 2a, 1892, pp. 4, 5. (To “Dear Nephew and Niece, Frank (F.E.) and Hattie,” November 5, 1892.) 3MR 191.2

I have attended the closing meeting of the ministerial Bible school—a school composed of conference delegates and those who have been attending the ministerial institute. At this meeting several were called upon to say something. Remarks appropriate for the occasion were made by Elders Olsen, Waggoner, Prescott, and Smith; also by Elder Haskell, who has been mercifully preserved during his tour around the world. 3MR 192.1

I spoke in regard to matters that were deeply impressing my mind. I referred to the fear that had been expressed by some who were not members of the ministerial institute, and who had not been present at all the Bible classes of the school—a fear that there was danger of carrying the subject of justification by faith altogether too far, and of not dwelling enough on the law. 3MR 192.2

Judging from the meetings that I had been privileged to attend, I could see no cause for alarm; and so I felt called upon to say that this fear was cherished by those who had not heard all the precious lessons given, and that therefore they were not warranted in coming to such a conclusion. None of the members of the class who had been studying the Word to learn “What saith the Scriptures?” entertained any such fear. The Bible, and the Bible alone, has been the subject of investigation in this school. Every lesson has been based, not on the ideas and the opinions of men, but on a plain “Thus saith the Lord.”—Manuscript 21, 1891, 1, 2. (“Christ Our Righteousness,” February 27, 1891.) 3MR 192.3

Our meetings have been highly profitable, and from this meeting the ministers will go all over the world to preach the gospel.—Letter 61, 1891, p. 2. (To “Dear Sister Lizzie [Bangs]”, February 21, 1891.) 3MR 193.1

I attended the ministerial council and made some important remarks in regard to the necessity of the ministerial school, and the importance of ministers’ spending some time in obtaining a drill in Bible study, which would qualify them to do better work. Thus they would place themselves in the most favorable position to obtain a knowledge of how to work. This is necessary because there has been so much counterworking in our midst that the churches have received very confusing theories in regard to the truth for this time. It is essential that our ministers speak the same things in our churches, and give the trumpet no uncertain sound. Our ministers need first to be converted to the truth themselves. Then they can go forth everywhere, bearing the message of truth for this time. 3MR 193.2

Teachers of Bible truth need not to be ever learning and never coming to the knowledge of the truth in regard to justification by faith and the imputed righteousness of Christ. As soon as the truth is grasped, and the Holy Spirit's power impresses the image of Christ on the soul, tarry not, go forth proclaiming everywhere, as did the apostles, the word of life. Teaching, you will be taught by the Holy Spirit.—Manuscript 19, 1891, 1. (Diary, “Our Publishing Houses,” March 3, 1891.) 3MR 193.3

We have had a deeply interesting conference.... I attended all the morning meetings except three, and spoke to the ministers with great freedom. The Lord has been in our midst, and we have seen of His salvation. I never attended a General Conference where there was manifested as much of the Spirit of the Lord in the study of His word, as on this occasion. Meeting after meeting was held for three weeks. Each morning there was a meeting at half past five for the ministers, and these were special seasons of refreshing from the presence of the Lord. These ministers’ meetings were of a solemn character. There was depth of feeling, thanksgiving and praise, offered to God for His precious blessing bestowed in the searching of His word. 3MR 194.1

The ministerial institute was a season of close searching of the Scriptures. The doors of hearts were not barred with iron, lest rays of light should penetrate the darkened chambers of the mind, and the sanctifying power should cleanse and refine the soul temple. Right in the midst of their study, during the past winter, there have been times where there was not a question with the class but that the Comforter, the Holy Spirit of God, was doing His work. “Then opened He their understanding that they might understand the Scriptures.” And the precious oracles were to them verily the voice of God. Hearts were affected, and they praised God with weeping and rejoicing. Rich and precious testimonies were borne, and they went forth to labor, trusting to be made efficient by the agency of the Holy Spirit.—Letter 3, 1891, pp. 1, 2. (To Brethren Fulton and Burke, March 20, 1891.) 3MR 194.2

We had a favorable journey from Washington to this place. I suffered considerable with heat and somewhat with heart disturbance, but much less than I anticipated.... We arrived at Battle Creek about three o'clock, and found the folks all well and glad to see us. 3MR 195.1

We learned that Sabbath there had been a wonderful meeting similar to that we had in Brooklyn, Danvers, and in Washington. Nearly the whole congregation presented themselves for prayers, and among them, Brethren Prescott and Smith. The extra in the Review and Herald was read, and the testimony of all was that the power of God attended the reading of the article. They said that this made a deep impression. Brother Olsen made some remarks inquiring why the power of God attended the presenting before them the testimony to the church in that article when the person who wrote it was not present. He asked them to carefully consider that matter. Was it not the Spirit of God speaking to them in unmistakable voice in vindication of the testimonies, and the work he had laid upon Sister White? Professor Prescott made a confession dating back to Minneapolis, and this made a deep impression. He wept much. Elder Smith said that testimony meant him; said that he felt that it was addressed to him, but he stopped there and went no further. But both placed themselves as there repentant, seeking the Lord. Well, they said they had never had such a meeting in Battle Creek, and yet the work must be carried on, for it was just begun.... The Lord sent me here, I fully believe, and that threatened difficulty of the heart did not trouble me at all after we reached Battle Creek.—Letter 32, 1891, pp. 1, 2. (To Brother and Sister J. S. Washburn, January 8, 1891.) 3MR 195.2

Tuesday night a great burden came on me. I could not sleep. Elder Smith was before me and my supplications went up to heaven in his behalf all night. I was in a spirit of agony of wrestling with God, and great hope took possession of my soul for him. He is one of our old hands, one of our reliable men, and the Lord will give him His keeping power.—Manuscript 54, 1890, 2. (Diary, “In Battle Creek Again,” December 30 to 31, 1890.) 3MR 196.1

Sabbath, January 3, 1891—I spoke in the Tabernacle to a crowded house. I had not an idea of saying as plain and pointed things as I did say, but the Lord spoke through the human agent. I felt pressed, and could not withhold the message given. I pray the Lord that the words spoken may find access to hearts. 3MR 196.2

The Tabernacle was crowded to its utmost capacity. Oh, how I yearned in spirit for the men who, by resistance of light which God had given, have for the past two years hedged up the way that the Spirit of God shall not find access to their hearts. I heard a voice say to them, “You still are unbelieving. Stand aside or close up the ranks by coming into line and uniting in the work wholeheartedly.” 3MR 196.3

Must this burden always rest upon me here in Battle Creek? Must I always carry this heavy load? Must my testimony be of that character to reprove, rebuke? May the Lord have mercy upon me and help me, that I shall be found true and faithful to do God's will, to keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment! 3MR 196.4

A good work has been begun here, but it is not complete. There are men who do not know or understand. Will it stop short at some of the cruel stumbling blocks, and the church, because they do not make thorough work, wade through another year of darkness? God forbid! Oh, that there may be found righteous ones to plead in behalf of His people, and that their prayers will prevail! 3MR 197.1

I should rejoice greatly to see the spirit of confession followed up throughout the church. Many are now obtaining a glimpse of their true condition and of their real necessities. If they persevere, make thorough work, and continue to draw nigh to God, He will draw nigh to them and will lift up for them a standard against the enemy. There will certainly be an outpouring of the Spirit of God. The church cannot over-rate their sinful neglect of duty, their unfaithfulness, and their neglect to receive light and practice the truth. Not improving their opportunity has brought defective eyesight, and has weakened their faith and corresponding zeal in earnest effort to walk in the light. Through their unbelief—because of the attitude and position of the church—sinners in our borders have become hardened and have been fearfully established in unbelief. 3MR 197.2

When Jesus is within the sanctuary above, when we have an Advocate in the courts of heaven, how earnestly should the corresponding work of intercession be going on upon the earth! While we may see and should sense the guilt of sin, we are to appreciate the mercy of God through the atonement. The Lord has promised that because of the propitiatory sacrifice He will, if we repent, certainly forgive our iniquities. Now, while Christ is pleading in our behalf, while the Father accepts the merits of the atoning Sacrifice, let us ask and we shall receive. Let all confess their sins and let them go beforehand to judgment that they may be forgiven for Christ's sake, and that pardon may be written against their names.... 3MR 197.3

I had conversation with Elder Smith, more favorable than any previous talk. He seems to be desirous to come to the light. He sees that his course has not been right in some things, and this I know he must see before he could be closely connected with God. Since the Minneapolis meeting he has been counteracting my work by his position. The light that God has given me for the church has not been fully received because of his position. His attitude has said more than words. But after conversing with him freely, and showing him what harm he was doing to those who did not want to believe the message or receive the messenger and the counsel from God, he seemed to see more clearly the position he had occupied. He was determined to make straight paths for his feet, and to take up the stumbling blocks, that the lame may not be turned aside out of the way but rather be healed of their weakness and inefficiency. 3MR 198.1

The Lord is at work, and I will not take the work out of His hands into my own hands. This is my prayer for Brother Uriah Smith, that he shall triumph with the third angel's message, and that the trumpet shall give a certain sound, that a people may be prepared for the great day of God. We have no time to lose.... 3MR 198.2

Elder Smith came in and made a request to have a select number present to whom he wished to speak and as far as possible confess where he had been wrong.... 3MR 198.3

At three o'clock p.m. the little company assembled in my room. Elder Smith said a few words, then read the letter I had written him after the exercise of my mind Tuesday night. Then Brother Smith, with tears, made a full and free confession of the wrong course he had pursued. He pledged himself, as he took my hand, that he would stand by me and would never cause me grief of soul again. This was a season pleasant for the Lord to look upon and for us all to contemplate. We hoped Frank Belden would follow Brother Smith, but he did not. 3MR 199.1

We long to see all who have not discerned the light to discern truth and righteousness and keep gathering and cherishing every divine ray of light.... I learn that on Sabbath Elder Smith made quite full confessions and Brother Rupert also confessed. They went back in their confessions to the meeting at Minneapolis, and confessed their mistakes, in their blindness, and that their spirit and actions on that occasion were wrong. The Lord had precious truth to unfold to His people which they, being filled with unbelief and prejudice, could not appreciate, and they worked counter to the Spirit of God.... 3MR 199.2

We learn that the good work has been going on in the church. The last Sabbath, in the afternoon, Elder Smith attended the ministerial institute meeting, in the chapel connected with the office. He spoke again of his mistakes, and went back to Minneapolis and confessed his wrong there and since that time. There was a good spirit in the meeting and advance was made. I felt grateful to God for these tokens of the working of the Spirit of God. 3MR 199.3

This work of confession going forward will clear the King's highway. May the good work go on, and may new hope, new strength and courage come to the people of God. These men who have lifted the cross have a stubborn nature, and the miracle-working power of God had taken hold of them and we were rejoiced. We respect Brother Smith. Our confidence in him is restored. We feel more closely united with him in Jesus Christ.... 3MR 200.1

I attended the meeting in the chapel and spoke in the meeting for the ministerial students. We had an excellent meeting. There was a very tender spirit. Many are drawing nigh to God and coming to the light, and the Lord is helping them to clear away the rubbish from the door of their hearts and let Jesus come in. There is now a change in the expression of their countenances. Light from the Lord has been reflected upon their hearts and shines forth in their countenances.—Manuscript 40, 1891, 3, 4, 7-9, 11, 20, 23. (Diary, January 1891. Begins January 1, 1891.) 3MR 200.2

Brother Rupert has a work of confession. I told him two years ago when at Potterville, and he has heard the same again and again from my lips, but Brother Smith has been his stumbling block and the stumbling block of many others.—Letter 73, 1890, p. 2. (To Brother Uriah Smith, November 25, 1890.) 3MR 200.3

I received two important letters from Elder Olsen and Leroy Nicola, with a most thorough confession of the part he acted in Minneapolis. It is thorough, and I praise the Lord for the victory he has gained over the enemy who has held him four years from coming into the light. Oh, how hard it is to cure rebellion! How strong the deceiving power of Satan! ... 3MR 200.4

I have passed many sleepless hours during the night. The good news from America kept me awake. Oh, how my heart rejoices in the fact that the Lord is working in behalf of His people—in the information in the long letter from Elder Olsen, that the Lord by His Holy Spirit was working upon the hearts of those who have been in a large measure convinced of their true condition before God, yet have not humbled their hearts before to confess! The Spirit of the Lord moved them to the point at this conference. Elder Morrison, who has been so long president of the Iowa Conference, made a full confession. Madison Miller, who has been under the same deceiving power of the enemy, made his confession, and thus the Lord is indeed showing Himself merciful and of tender compassion to His children who have not received the light He has given them, but have been walking and working in darkness.—Manuscript 80, 1893, 3, 4. (Diary, April 18 to May 31, 1893.) 3MR 201.1

It is quite possible that Elders Jones and Waggoner may be overthrown by the temptations of the enemy; but if they should be, this would not prove that they had had no message from God, or that the work that they had done was all a mistake. But should this happen, how many would take this position, and enter into a fatal delusion because they are not under the control of the Spirit of God. They walk in the sparks of their own kindling, and cannot distinguish between the fire they have kindled, and the light which God has given, and they walk in blindness as did the Jews. I know that this is the very position many would take if either of these men were to fall, and I pray that these men upon whom God has laid the burden of a solemn work, may be able to give the trumpet a certain sound, and honor God at every step, and that their path at every step may grow brighter and brighter until the close of time.—Letter 24, 1892, p. 5 (To Elder Uriah Smith, September 19, 1892.) 3MR 201.2

I should feel sad to see you separated from the cause and work of God. But I would not have you occupy your present position of large responsibility unless you shall come to understand better your relation to God and His claims upon you, and your relation to your fellow men.... 3MR 202.1

Instead of learning of Christ meekness and lowliness of heart, you have advanced in self-esteem and self-importance. Selfishness has entwined itself in all your efforts. It has tainted your work, and will ruin your soul unless you change this order of things decidedly and firmly.... 3MR 202.2

Have you not in a large degree sacrificed spiritual and eternal interests for mere worldly, temporal things? How near has the work and cause of God been to your soul? Has not your self-sacrifice for Jesus been very small? 3MR 202.3

You have another life to sustain than that which is nourished by temporal bread. You have a soul to look to carefully lest it shall be lost forever.... 3MR 202.4

Across the waters of the broad Pacific I cry to you, Look and live. Look steadily, constantly, earnestly, to the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world. The sanctification of the soul is accomplished through steadfastly beholding Him by faith as the only begotten Son of God, full of grace and truth.... 3MR 202.5

Frank, my dear nephew, the power of the principles you profess has too often been neutralized by your practice.... The Lord can bless you only as you come to Him with humble heart, confessing your errors and sins. 3MR 203.1

When you are enlightened by the Holy Spirit, you will see all that wickedness at Minneapolis as it is, as God looks upon it. If I never see you again in this world, be assured that I forgive you the sorrow and distress and burden of soul you have brought upon me without any cause. But for your soul's sake, for the sake of Him who died for you, I want you to see and confess your errors. You did unite with those who resisted the Spirit of God. You had all the evidence that you needed that the Lord was working through Brethren Jones and Waggoner; but you did not receive the light; and after the feelings indulged, the words spoken against the truth, you did not feel ready to confess that you had done wrong, that these men had a message from God, and you had made light of both message and messengers.... 3MR 203.2

Captain Eldridge's influence over you has not been right in some things. Your influence with him might have been much more to his good and the glory of God than it has been. But the past, with its burden of record, has gone into eternity; now in repentance and confession and conversion to God, in childlike submission and obedience to His will is your only hope of salvation. I am deeply in earnest; I could not abate one jot or tittle of truth to please you or to make you my best friend. No; it is life or death with you. There is no time for us to trifle with eternal realities. We must be saved in God's way, just as He has presented it in His word, else we can never be saved at all. We must be pure and single-hearted, in principle firm as a rock. Jesus said, “He that will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me; so shall he be My disciple.” Thank God, oh, thank Him with heart and voice, that He is still our compassionate Redeemer, ready to forgive sin, and by His own blood to cleanse us from every stain that sin has made.—Letter 2a, 1892, pp. 1-5, 8. (To “Dear Nephew and Niece, Frank [F.E.] and Hattie Belden,” November 5, 1892.) 3MR 203.3

However skillful Captain Eldridge may have been in guiding vessels upon the high seas, he was incapable of managing the responsibilities at the heart of the work.—Letter 124, 1896, p. 2. (To J. Edson White, August9, 1896.) 3MR 204.1

My brother, you have not been as God planned you should be—growing up into the full stature of a man in Christ Jesus.... You have ceased to grow in grace and in the knowledge of the truth. Do you not realize that you have lost your vital connection with God? Unless the matter is opened before you, you cannot now see the great good you might have accomplished had you kept in vital touch with God. There are those you might have helped, blessed, and saved, had you employed your God-given powers to the best account. Today, the present moment, is yours. It may be your last opportunity, your last privilege, to speak and act as one who must give an account.... Your own neglect to improve and grow as God's husbandry has lost for you your influence and power. Will you remember that God holds in His hand your life, and the life of every member of your family and the family with whom you have united? ... 3MR 204.2

You have ceased to progress. There is much you might have done in many lines, but you are losing your aptitude, and this will diminish more and more, unless you rouse yourself, and use your talents to the glory of God. The Lord wants what He calls men of opportunity, men of tact and ability, who can meet and overcome difficulties.... 3MR 204.3

Will you not bind yourself up with God. Waste not your physical and mental powers in inaction. Let your example be a constant reminder of what God requires from every steward of means and of ability. Faith and prayer will do everything for you. May the Lord move upon you by his Holy Spirit. Arise and shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.—Letter 79, 1898, pp. 4, 6, 8, 9. (To Harmon Lindsay, October 3, 1898.) 3MR 205.1

Your course would have been the course to be pursued if no change had been made in the General Conference. But a change has been made, and many more changes will be made and great developments will be seen.... 3MR 205.2

It hurts me to think that you are using words which I wrote prior to the conference. Since the conference great changes have been made.... 3MR 205.3

A terribly unjust course has been pursued in the past. A want of principle has been revealed. But in pity to His people God has brought about changes.... 3MR 205.4

The course of action which before the conference might have been a necessity, is no longer necessary; for the Lord Himself interposed to set things in order. He has given His Holy Spirit. I am confident that He will set in order the matters that seem to be moving wrong.—Letter 54, 1901, pp. 1, 3, 4. (To “My Dear Son Edson,” J. E. White, June, 1901.) 3MR 205.5

The only true knowledge of the message of the righteousness of Christ, the only true test, is personal acceptance of it.—Letter 31a, 1894, p. 16. (To A. R. Henry, October 27, 1894.) 3MR 206.1

My dear brethren and sisters in Iowa, determine to reveal Christ's righteousness more fully than you have revealed it in the past; determine to show that you are not of this world, but of the kingdom of heaven. You are in danger of losing a rich experience. Will you not cultivate the grace of Christ in your hearts? Let not selfishness, springing from self-love, separate you from one another and from God. Bind yourselves to one another by the cords of Christian benevolence. If faithful, you will hear from the Saviour's lips the words, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: ... enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.”—Letter 134, 1902, p. 8. (To “Dear Brethren and Sisters of the Iowa Conference.” Copied August 27, 1902.) 3MR 206.2

Released April 6, 1965.