Counsels on Health

Submission and Faith

[Testimonies for the Church 2:146-149 (1868).]

In such cases of affliction, where Satan has control of the mind, before engaging in prayer there should be the closest self-examination to discover if there are not sins which need to be repented of, confessed, and forsaken. Deep humility of soul before God is necessary, and firm, humble reliance upon the merits of the blood of Christ alone. Fasting and prayer will accomplish nothing while the heart is estranged from God by a wrong course of action. Read Isaiah 58:6, 7, 9-11. CH 377.1

It is heart work that the Lord requires, good works springing from a heart filled with love. All should carefully and prayerfully ... investigate their motives and actions. The promise of God to us is on condition of obedience, compliance with all His requirements. Read Isaiah 58:1-3.... CH 377.2