Selected Messages Book 3

Simple Fervent Prayer to Accompany Treatment

With all our treatments given to the sick, simple fervent prayer should be offered for the blessing of healing. We are to point the sick to the compassionate Saviour, and His power to forgive and to heal. Through His gracious providence they may be restored. Point the sufferers to their Advocate in the heavenly courts. Tell them that Christ will heal the sick, if they will repent and cease to transgress the laws of God. There is a Saviour who will reveal Himself in our sanitariums to save those who will submit themselves to Him. The suffering ones can unite with you in prayer, confessing their sin, and receiving pardon. 3SM 296.1

It Is Christ Who Heals—Sister White has never claimed to heal the sick. It is Christ who has healed in every instance, as it was Christ who in the days of His ministry raised the dead to life. It is Christ who performs every mighty work through the ministry of His servants. This Christ is to be trusted and believed in. His blessing upon the means used for restoration to health will bring success. The mercy of Christ delights to manifest itself in behalf of suffering humanity. It is He who imparts the ministration of healing to the sick, and physicians are to give to Him the glory for the wonderful works performed.—Letter 158, 1908. 3SM 296.2