General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




THREE years ago the plan for Christian Help work, which was at that time presented in the Medical Missionary, was on trial, but this is no longer the case. Christian Help work with its simple plan of organization, its thoroughly practical method, its truly gospel spirit, has been accepted as an effective mode of Christian work, and has been thoroughly endorsed by our highest organized body, the General Conference. At the recent meeting of the General Conference the following resolutions relating to Christian Help work, were passed at a joint session of the Medical Missionary Board, and a committee of the General Conference appointed for the purpose:— GCB October 1895, page 569.2

“On motion, it was recommended that each State Conference encourage the Christian Help work by employing suitable persons to visit the general meetings and churches in their respective Conferences for the purpose of awakening an interest in the Christian Help work, and organizing a systematic plan of work on medical missionary lines under the direction of the Medical Missionary Board. Adopted. GCB October 1895, page 569.3

“Elder I. H. Evans offered the following propositions for an understanding between the Medical Missionary Board and the State Conferences with reference to organizers’ work on medical missionary lines:— GCB October 1895, page 569.4

“1. That each State Conference secure one or more trained nurses from the Medical Missionary Board to work among the churches, and give instruction in healthful cooking, healthful dress, simple remedies, kindergarten work, etc. GCB October 1895, page 569.5

“2. That these workers shall be treated as other Conference workers, their wages to be fixed by the Auditing Committee of each Conference. GCB October 1895, page 569.6

“3. That their work shall be directed by the Medical Missionary Board, the place and time of labor to be directed by the Conference, and that the Medical Missionary Association and the Conferences shall endeavor to work in unity. GCB October 1895, page 569.7

“4. That all donations and profits, arising from canvassing or otherwise, the workers may have, shall be credited to the Conference where they labor, the same as the other Conference workers. GCB October 1895, page 569.8

“5. That if the Conference Committee, after examining the nurse’s work, think him or her incompetent, they shall report immediately to the Medical Missionary Association, and said Association shall investigate; if the evil cannot be remedied, the Association shall recall the worker, and, if the Conference desires, endeavor to substitute another worker. GCB October 1895, page 569.9

“6. That we recommend all of the Conferences to lend this work their hearty support. GCB October 1895, page 569.10

“Adopted unanimously.” GCB October 1895, page 569.11

The way is now open for the organization of this work in each of our State Conferences. GCB October 1895, page 569.12

At the present time there is being conducted at the Sanitarium a Christian Help Institute for the purpose of training young men and women to go out as organizers of Christian Help work in the various parts of the field where their services may be required. Nearly thirty such persons have taken the course in the institute; within a few weeks of the present time their course of instruction will be completed, and they will be prepared to go out into the field to visit churches and to give instruction in healthful cookery, the principles of healthful dress, general principles of hygiene, simple methods of caring for the sick, methods of Christian Help work, etc. GCB October 1895, page 569.13

Those who desire work of this sort done in their vicinity, should at once make their wishes known to the president of the Conference of the State in which they reside, and may also address the under-signed. GCB October 1895, page 569.14

The present is the season of the year when work of this kind is especially needed. Let us not delay in taking hold of it in a thoroughly earnest manner. Those whose hearts are really enlisted in this work may begin at once. It is not necessary to wait for an organizer. Call a meeting of all those who are similarly interested, elect a chairman, organize a volunteer Christian Help Band and at once go to work. There are many things which can be done. We have made so many suggestions upon this point in other papers, that we will not dwell upon ways and methods here, as we wish simply to urge that work should be begun, — not next year, next month, nor next week, but right away. Thousands are suffering whom we may relieve; hundreds are dying whose lives may be saved; multitudes are in distress, in want, and despair whose lives we may brighten, and toward whom we may exhibit the same spirit of sacrifice and tender sympathy which our Master has shown toward us. GCB October 1895, page 569.15

The real essence of a Christian life is service, — not self-service, but service to others. In this world he is considered the greatest who commands the service of the largest number, but in the world to come he will be considered greatest who has himself been most active and most eminent in the service of others. J. H. KELLOGG, M.D. GCB October 1895, page 569.16

Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Mich.