General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




LESS than half a year ago the thought of establishing a Medical Missionary College was first seriously entertained. Previous to this time the necessity for such an institution had indeed been felt, but circumstances did not favor, or even make possible, its success. Early last summer, however, the matter again came up, and its consideration could not be longer deferred. The plans suggested were so bold and fearless, that, although hesitation and doubt prevailed at first, more careful consideration and further discussion inspired confidence, and the plans for the work were heartily entered upon. GCB October 1895, page 564.3

In its June meeting, the Medical Missionary Board considered the project favorably, and at once took the necessary steps for its realization. The organization was rapidly accomplished through the untiring and persevering efforts of those in charge, and on July 3, 1895, the new college was incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois. GCB October 1895, page 564.4

Meanwhile the question of teachers and facilities received careful attention, and so rapid and successful were the efforts of the committee, that by the first of October, all was in readiness for the work of the first year. GCB October 1895, page 564.5

The Inauguration Exercises were held in the Tabernacle, in the presence of a large and appreciative audience. GCB October 1895, page 564.6

After the singing of an anthem, and prayer by Elder L. McCoy, Elder O. A. Olsen gave a short address, a brief abstract of which follows:— GCB October 1895, page 564.7

“I am indeed glad and thankful that, in the providence of God, his work has so advanced, the cause of truth grown, and the interest in it so developed, it is possible now to open a Medical Missionary College. Our health work is essentially an educational work. It, in common with other lines of our work, began small; but it was founded on the principles of eternal truth, principles that God has given to his people, and which are now acknowledged throughout the world to be just and right. Thus founded, they have prospered, and the blessing of God has attended the progress of this work in a most marvelous manner. GCB October 1895, page 564.8

“The same reason that exists for our other schools, exists also for a medical school. The gospel is to be carried to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, and men and women are to be prepared for this work. Christ in giving the gospel commission, instructed his disciples not only to preach the gospel, but also to heal the sick. Christ ministered to the sick, restored sight to the blind, and caused the lame to walk. Christ, the greatest of all missionaries, is the perfect example for us. God has given the principles of health reform that all may be educated in right ways of living, and thus glorify God in body and in spirit. We are to go out and labor for suffering humanity, restore the fallen, and teach the people the right principles of their relations to God, their Creator. GCB October 1895, page 564.9

“In new fields and foreign lands we find that the medical missionary has many advantages over the mere evangelist, by which to reach the people, to relieve the suffering, and bring light and blessings to the needy. GCB October 1895, page 564.10

“These are some of the considerations that demand a Medical Missionary College, and I am glad that the time has come when we are able to enter upon this work. May this undertaking have the support of all our people; may hundreds and thousands of young men and women be prepared as rapidly as possible to enter the fields already white for the harvest, and may God bless the enterprise, and his prosperity attend this work.” GCB October 1895, page 564.11

Elder McCoy’s address was on the Progress of Medical Missions. We extract as follows:— GCB October 1895, page 564.12

“Many have written of the life of Christ; but the Bible gives it in five little words, ‘Who went about doing good;’ and his enemies and murderers have given it in three words, uttered by them as he hung upon the cross, ‘He saved others.’ He came and lived, suffered and died, that he might be the Saviour of men. He rejoiced to tell of a time and a place where there should be no more sin, and therefore no more pain and suffering. Of him it was said, ‘And great multitudes followed him, and he healed them all.’ GCB October 1895, page 564.13

“The need of medical aid in heathen lands cannot be over-estimated. In New York there are over three thousand physicians, or one doctor to every five hundred persons. In heathen and Mohammedan lands there are about three hundred and fifty medical missionaries, or one to every three million. In these lands the most cruel tortures are inflicted upon the diseased. In China, for instance, the old and feeble ones are turned out of doors as outcasts, to starve and die. These ignorant people believe that the sick are bewitched, and try to find the supposed offender, who although innocent, is dealt with most unmercifully, and finally cut in pieces, burned alive, or in some other way tortured to death, if they think the poor wretch is guilty. Bishop Taylor saw a father plunge a knife into the heart of his little girl, because he believed she had bewitched her sick mother. GCB October 1895, page 564.14

“In North Africa they use the red-hot iron freely over the body, and in one case, seen by a missionary, a hole had been burned through the foot to let the disease out. In cases of pneumonia, the practice is to place cones of sulphur over the chest and set fire to them. Limbs are amputated with a chopper, and boiling tar used to stop hemorrhage. A missionary in Korea writes that a parent was dying, and the doctor demanded the hand of the patient’s daughter to be ‘cut off and stewed to make broth for the patient, and it was done.’ GCB October 1895, page 565.1

“The chief advantages of a medical knowledge to the missionary are self-preservation, self-support, and successful gospel effort. All admit, and especially those who have had an experience in missionary work, that the medical missionary is able to accomplish the most in a given length of time, with less effort, and less cost of money and human life; further, the results are more permanent, and in every way more satisfactory. Dr. Livingstone, before entering upon his life-work, tarried to take a medical course in Glasgow, Scotland; and no one doubts his wisdom in so doing. GCB October 1895, page 565.2

“There are only about four hundred fully equipped medical missionaries in foreign fields. Almost half are from the United States. China has one hundred medical missionaries; half of whom are women, or one doctor to about four million people. Medical missionaries have come rapidly to the front in late years. In the last decade they have increased two hundred per cent. The Presbyterian Church leads in the line of medical missionaries. In 1892 two fifths of the medical missionaries in the field were sent out by this church. They have twenty-two women doctors in the field.” GCB October 1895, page 565.3

Dr. J. H. Kellogg next gave an interesting account of the new college, telling of the equipment, facilities, and object of the institution. We would like to reproduce his address entire, but have room for only the following:— GCB October 1895, page 565.4

“The headquarters of the college are to be in Chicago, where a part of its educational work is to be done, though the greater part of its work will be done in Battle Creek. The college is well equipped, — in fact, there are scarcely half a dozen out of the hundred or more medical colleges in the United States, which have as complete and thorough an equipment as has this college. Our faculty is composed of seventeen physicians who are graduates from the best schools in the country. GCB October 1895, page 565.5

“The next thing necessary for a medical school is text-books. At the present time the medical profession is supplied with the best text-books it has ever had. No branch of medicine is not adequately represented. With good teachers and good text-books, then it is not necessary that we should have a great establishment, or a grand structure, in order to support a medical school. GCB October 1895, page 565.6

“Another thing that is equally essential for a thoroughly equipped medical college is a complete laboratory. Fortunately, we are well equipped in this respect. A professor connected with a large medical school, and who is well acquainted with the laboratories of this country, said to me about a week ago, after looking ours over, ‘You have a better equipped laboratory than I have seen in some of the very best medical schools in the United States.’ GCB October 1895, page 565.7

“Another thing necessary is opportunity for observation of disease in hospitals and dispensaries. We have, in our hospital at the Sanitarium, an exceptional opportunity for the study of disease in all its phases, in its most important forms, and especially in its chronic forms. In Chicago we already have two dispensaries, and here we meet a large number of persons, most of whom are infirm and sick. About ten thousand persons were received at these dispensaries last year. GCB October 1895, page 565.8

“The especial advantages, in addition to those already mentioned, which are offered by this school, over those offered by any other medical college, are the following:— GCB October 1895, page 565.9

“1. Thorough instruction in the principles of rational medicine. GCB October 1895, page 565.10

“2. This college is to be a Christian institution. Medical colleges, as a rule, are not good places for growth in grace. They are surrounded by influences which have a tendency, as a rule, to incline the mind of the student toward skepticism, and to draw him away from the simple gospel. GCB October 1895, page 565.11

“3. The school is to be a missionary institution. While students are here in training for the highest possible degree of skill in medicine, they will also receive training as missionaries, — not only theoretical but also practical training. There is no medical college which places before its students such an extensive and complete course of study as is prepared in the curriculum of this school. The course of study covers forty-five weeks of each of four years. The requirements for entrance into this school are as high as those of our best schools. GCB October 1895, page 565.12

“This is not a sectarian school. Sectarian doctrines are not to be taught in this medical school. It is a Christian medical college, — a missionary medical college, to which all Christian men and Christian women who are ready to devote their lives to Christian work will be admitted. GCB October 1895, page 565.13

“The school starts out with an enrollment of forty students who have dedicated their lives to medical missionary work. GCB October 1895, page 565.14

“I hope our friends will do what they can to sustain this school by their sympathies and prayers. Pray for these young men and women that their consecration may be complete, and that they may never withdraw from the pledge that they have made to God and humanity, to devote their lives to this noble work.” GCB October 1895, page 565.15

The work of the school year began October 1. The following schedule outlines the work of the first year:— GCB October 1895, page 565.16

Didactic instruction, 7 to 10 A.M.

Descriptive Anatomy (first thirty weeks)777
Anatomy of the Nervous System (15 weeks)777
Hygiene (first 30 weeks)77
Medical Physics (last 15 weeks)77
General Chemistry (45 weeks)888
Physiology (45 weeks)88
Histology (first 15 weeks)99999
Bacteriology (second 15 weeks)99999
Organic Chemistry (third 15 weeks)99999
Laboratory work, 2:30 to 6:30 p.m., daily.

Qualitative Chemistry (ten weeks); Anatomy (five weeks, Chicago); Histology (five weeks); Bacteriology (ten weeks); Physiology (five weeks); Quantitative Chemistry (five weeks); General Chemistry (five weeks). GCB October 1895, page 566.1

Ample provision has also been made by the founders of this college for extended courses in Bible studies and medical missionary work. The students will devote two hundred and seventy hours each year to these branches of study. The schedule for the missionary study and Biblical Course has not been fully perfected at this date, but we are able to announce that among the subjects that will probably be taken up the first of the year are, — GCB October 1895, page 566.2

How to study the Bible; Bible marking; entering notes, etc.
Bible History and Antiquities.
Prophecies of the Bible.
Nature and Evidences of Inspiration.
Christian Life.
The Divine Government.
The Gifts.
The Sabbath.
The Gospel of John.
The first missionaries.
Missions in the Middle Ages.
Pagan Religions.
The Missionary Idea.
GCB October 1895, page 566.3

This will give a slight idea of the nature and scope of this part of the college work. It is the desire of those in charge to make this a thorough and systematic training-school for missionaries in the broadest sense of the term, as well as a scientific medical college of the highest order. GCB October 1895, page 566.4

It may be of interest to the readers of the BULLETIN to know something of the daily life of these students. The ladies room in the Sanitarium Dormitory, a sufficient portion of the building being devoted to this purpose. There is a commodious study room, to which all have access. In this are placed the necessary reference books and dictionaries. There is a matron in charge, who leads the worship, and has a general oversight of the students. GCB October 1895, page 566.5

One of the largest cottages is given up to the use of the men students. One of the members of the college faculty acts as chaplain, and leads all devotional exercises. The rooms are heated by steam and provided with electric lights, — comforts that do not fall to the common lot of students. GCB October 1895, page 566.6

The daily program of the students is as follows:— GCB October 1895, page 566.7

Rising hour5:30 A.M.
Breakfast6:00 “
Worship6:40 “
Class Work7:00 to 10:00 “
Practical Work10:00 to 12:30 P.M.
Missionary Study12:30 to 1:30 “
Dinner1:30 “
Laboratory Work2:30 to 6:30 P.M.
Exercise6:30 to 7:10 “
Silent Hour (two sections)7:10 to 7:30 “
Study7:30 to 10:00 “
Retiring Hour10:00 “

All the students are governed by a set of regulations, which we quote as follows:— GCB October 1895, page 566.8

1. Punctual attendance on all college exercises is required of every student. Realizing, however, that detention in some cases is unavoidable, the faculty will accept satisfactory reasons for such absences. GCB October 1895, page 566.9

2. No student shall enter or leave any class except by permission of the president. GCB October 1895, page 566.10

3. A student having conditions in three subjects at one time, will be dropped; if two conditions, he will be required to pass them off within three months. GCB October 1895, page 566.11

4. No student will be allowed to take more than the regularly prescribed work, unless by special permission of the faculty, the request and reasons therefore having been previously presented in writing. GCB October 1895, page 566.12

5. No student shall engage in teaching, except by permission of the faculty. GCB October 1895, page 566.13

6. All students are expected to maintain a proper degree of reserve in their association with those of the opposite sex. GCB October 1895, page 566.14

7. Whenever, in the judgment of the board of trustees, a student’s attendance is no longer profitable to himself, or is detrimental to the school, he may be dismissed. GCB October 1895, page 566.15

8. Any regulation adopted by the faculty and announced to the students, shall have the same force as these regulations. GCB October 1895, page 566.16

It is evident that the students will be kept quite busy. All their time is closely occupied. To do their work, they must study intensely when they study, otherwise they will not be able to keep up with their work. But this is an excellent discipline, and if the health is properly cared for by taking plenty of sleep, an abundance of good, plain, nourishing food, and sufficient exercise, the students will grow stronger physically and mentally. During their school life their habits will be regular, and this will aid much in giving them a vigorous constitution. GCB October 1895, page 566.17

No other school exists that offers so many advantages to its students. The facilities are the best. The scientific apparatus is the very latest, and the best of its kind. Everything needed is procured at once. A splendid library of scientific and medical books and journals is being accumulated as rapidly as possible. GCB October 1895, page 566.18

To the right kind of students an opportunity is given to earn partly or entirely their board and room. GCB October 1895, page 566.19

More particulars concerning the college will be found in the Calendar to be issued at an early date. GCB October 1895, page 566.20