General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1



ACCORDING to appointment the delegates to the thirty first session of the Seventh-day Adventists General Conference assembled in the Tabernacle, Friday, Feb. 15, 1895, at 10 A.M. Seats were assigned to delegates by a committee, the representatives of the various conferences being seated together. GCB February 17, 1895, page 177.16

Elder O. A. Olsen, the President, occupied the chair. W. H. Edwards, Corresponding Secretary, kept the records. In answer to roll-call, 108 delegates responded, representing forty-two conferences and missions. Besides these there were twenty-two delegates at large. GCB February 17, 1895, page 177.17

The roll being completed, hymn No. 627 was sung, after which the Chair offered a few appropriate suggestions based upon the solemn gravity of our position as a Conference, — the important issues before us, the obligations resting upon the delegates as representatives of the work of God. The 105th Psalm was then read, with brief and appropriate remarks interspersed. Prayer was offered by Elder J. N. Loughborough. GCB February 17, 1895, page 177.18

The President of the Conference then presented his address, the text of which was published in Friday’s BULLETIN. GCB February 17, 1895, page 177.19

The reading of the address with a few accompanying remarks occupied the most of the meeting. It received the closest attention, as its terse statements and timely suggestions brought the present situation before the assembly. All were grateful for the evidences of the prospering hand of God that is over his work. The suggestions as to future policy and action commended themselves to the judgment of the delegates. GCB February 17, 1895, page 177.20

The Chair having been, by action of a previous conference, authorized to appoint the usual committees, announced them according to the list already published. GCB February 17, 1895, page 177.21