General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




The main building at Boulder is fast approaching completion. A new sewerage system, connected with the city main drainage, has just been finished, and arrangements have been made for a permanent water supply. If no hitch occurs, the Sanitarium proper will be ready about the first of May. Dr. Place, the physician in charge, is already in receipt of a number of applications for accommodation, and he is quite sanguine that the new building will be taxed to its utmost capacity very soon after it is opened. There will be room for seventy-five patients in the main building, and the two cottages which the managers had to erect sometime ago to receive the people who came, can accommodate twenty-five persons. All the available room in the cottages has been occupied since they were opened. GCB January 1, 1896, page 650.13

The question of making provision at Boulder for the treatment of the worthy poor, suffering from consumption, was considered, and plans were laid to raise the necessary means, which we trust will be successful. GCB January 1, 1896, page 651.1