General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




Everything goes to show that the time is come when we need to put greater devotion, earnestness, and energy into our work. Prophecy is fulfilling with wonderful rapidity. Events which betoken the end of time, are taking place all around us. The way is open to carry the message to all parts of the world, and God has called out a people to do this work. GCB January 1, 1896, page 647.1

Can we afford under such circumstances to be careless and indifferent, and allow the precious moments of probationary time to go by unimproved? — By no means. There must be an awakening all along the line. An intense desire to earnestly seek the Lord for strength and guidance should be felt by all who are called to have a part in his work. GCB January 1, 1896, page 647.2

Ministers, and laymen as well, should take hold with renewed energy; for there is a great work to be done, and God is now imparting his Spirit in large measure to those who are in a condition to receive it, thus fitting them to do more efficient work for him. Every individual child of God should take an active part in spreading the message. There is a great work to be done, which requires the united effort of all the faithful. GCB January 1, 1896, page 647.3

Our State tract societies should prepare to do more energetic work in circulating reading-matter. The International Tract Society should reach out in all directions, and occupy the fields which have not been entered by the gospel laborer. Local conferences should lay plans for aggressive work, and the General Conference and Foreign Mission Board should do the same from their standpoint. GCB January 1, 1896, page 647.4

Faithful efforts should be made to set before our people the obligations they are under to God and to his truth in the matter of its support. God is not straitened for means, as some may think. If his treasury is empty, the legitimate question arises, Are his people doing their whole duty? And the question for us to ask ourselves individually is, Am I doing my duty toward the support of this glorious work? Am I discharging the obligations which the Lord has placed upon me as a steward of his goods? GCB January 1, 1896, page 647.5

Donations are needed for carrying on the work in the home field; but the wants of the foreign field must also claim our serious attention. The Lord’s work must not be hindered. His people cannot afford to rob him in tithes and offerings. Great care should be observed in using funds, but we should go forward with courage and hope, and follow the leadings of God’s opening providence. We cannot think of coming to a standstill. GCB January 1, 1896, page 647.6

May God help us thoroughly to renew our consecration, and, awakening to a true sense of our condition, to spare no effort to do our part in the great work before us. O. A. OLSEN. GCB January 1, 1896, page 647.7