General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1


Christ Our Saviour


IN this book is given in simple and direct language the life of our Saviour from his birth to his death, resurrection, and ascension. The treatment of the subject may be divided into four parts, as follows:— GCB October 1895, page 593.5



This department is one of thrilling interest, as it takes us into the home life of the child Jesus, and gives us beautiful glimpses of his character in his earlier years. It details the uncompromising struggle between the true worship of God as manifested in his daily life, and the errors and traditions which the Pharisees and elders of Israel endeavored to compel him to observe. But even in his childhood days he stood as firm as a rock, and refused to be guided by any teaching unless it could be found revealed in God’s word. But in his early childhood he was mighty in the Scriptures, and was always able to prove the correctness of his position by the Word. GCB October 1895, page 593.6

This department tells how his brothers were arrayed against him, and even his mother urged him to yield to the demands of the teachers in Israel. Thus in his child life he suffered persecution in his own home on account of his religious belief. GCB October 1895, page 593.7



This takes up the story of the birth of Jesus, and briefly carries us through his early life until the time of his going up to Jerusalem to be crucified. GCB October 1895, page 593.8



This occupies much the larger part of the book. It is a department of thrilling interest, full of the most valuable lessons for every-day life. GCB October 1895, page 593.9



The closing work of our Saviour on earth, and the glorious heritage purchased by him for his followers here below, are given in words that touch deeply the heart of the reader. GCB October 1895, page 593.10

ILLUSTRATIONS, TYPE, Etc. This book is beautifully illustrated with 74 engravings, nearly all of which are original, having been designed and engraved expressly for this book. The book is printed from new, large, clear type, making it very easily read. GCB October 1895, page 593.11

BINDINGS AND PRICES. “Christ Our Saviour” is a large octavo in size, and contains one hundred and sixty pages. It is printed on heavy, calendered paper, and bound in four styles, as follows:— GCB October 1895, page 593.12

Presentation Edition, white and brown vellum cloth, bevel edges, beautifully embossed, gilt top,$1.25
English cloth, embossed cover,.85
Heavy board, handsome design in colors,.65
Heavy tag-board cover, printed in four colors,.40

This is a book which no family can afford to do without. The author’s name, together with the nature of the subjects considered, should be a sufficient guarantee of the desirability of the book. GCB October 1895, page 593.13

The simple manner in which the subjects have been treated makes it a book of wonderful interest to children, while the method of presentation renders it equally interesting to older minds. The large, clear print makes the reading of it a pleasure. GCB October 1895, page 593.14

A HOLIDAY PRESENT. “Christ Our Saviour” is especially appropriate as a holiday present. Send your orders at once to your State Tract Society, or to any of our publishing houses. GCB October 1895, page 593.15