General Conference Bulletin, vol. 3




The utility of any directory for universal information depends upon its accuracy. In order to obtain correct data, it is necessary for every one to be prompt is reporting. We have endeavored to make this number replete with all the facts as nearly as we have been able to obtain them. The phases of our work have increased a great deal since the publication of our Year Books containing the official directory. GCB July 1, 1899, page 72.7

Permit us to point out some of the difficulties that we have to contend with in making out a directory, which we think all whose names appear in the directory, and especially the secretaries, can render valuable assistance in furnishing a correct report: Misspelled names and addresses, more than one address given for the same party, a failure to give the exact name of organization or institution, a failure to recognize changes that occur in the list of accredited laborers or officials, and a failure to report at all. GCB July 1, 1899, page 72.8

Now the remedy: First, see that each name is spelled correctly, and is always uniform, either in giving initials or the full name. Second, see that a permanent address is given, or if the laborer is constantly changing give the general address that will always reach him. Third, give exact name of each organization, with correct name of each officer. Fourth, be careful to note any changes in the list of officers or accredited laborers, such as ministers, licentiates, Bible workers, or any other authorized laborers in your conference, mission field, or institution. Fifth, give full information respecting State or local paper, if any is published. GCB July 1, 1899, page 72.9