General Conference Bulletin, vol. 6



W. A. Spicer, C. P. Bollman, I. H. Evans, C. M. Snow, T. E. Bowen

During the year our branch sold 27,024 subscription books, valued at $40,250.75; an increase of 2,461 subscription books and $20,132.75 in value over 1907. We sold 4,438 trade books, valued at $2,584, an increase of 912 trade books, and $502.35 in value over 1907. Also 228,335 tracts valued at $2,157.60, a decrease of 40,211 tract sales, at a decreased value of $14.45. GCB May 19, 1909, page 72.19

The average retail value of the subscription books sold in our field in 1907 was 82 cents a copy. The average retail value of the subscription books sold in our field in 1908 was $1.49 a copy. And this in the face of the fact that the mills of New England were either shut down entirely or working part time. GCB May 19, 1909, page 72.20

We are pleased to report that the net gain of this branch house for the year 1908 was $1,177.80. GCB May 19, 1909, page 72.21