Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 21 (1906)
Lt 384, 1906
Leaders in the Oakland and Berkeley Churches
Berkeley, California
December 17, 1906
Previously unpublished.
To the officers and leaders in the Oakland and Berkeley churches
Dear Brethren and Sisters:
Last night a heavy burden rested upon my soul. The condition of some of the officers and members of the churches in Berkeley and in Oakland was opened before me, and I saw that the Lord would have in these members a decided change of heart. Let our brethren and sisters now seek the Lord earnestly for a spirit of unity. But few have an intelligent understanding of the situation. 21LtMs, Lt 384, 1906, par. 1
I am bidden by One of authority to say to our brethren and sisters that the matter of choosing officers for the coming term should be taken up only after prayerful consideration. It will be best, for the present, to leave matters as they are and to seek the Lord for counsel. 21LtMs, Lt 384, 1906, par. 2
I have further instruction from the Lord that I will write out. Please wait until this is received before taking steps to elect new officers. 21LtMs, Lt 384, 1906, par. 3