Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 10 (1895)


Lt 107, 1895

Starr, Brother and Sister [G. B.]

Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia

January 27, 1895

Portions of this letter are published in 4Bio 194.

Dear Brother and Sister Starr:

I intended to write to you ere this, but I have had all that I could do, and more than I could do. I write now to save you from all unpleasantness of feelings. I had mentioned to Brother Rousseau that I was anxious to do something for May Lacey. She was a girl striving to make her own way, and I wanted to help her, as I had others. 10LtMs, Lt 107, 1895, par. 1

Brother Rousseau thought it a little strange that I had not extended my liberal heart feelings, embracing May Lacey. 10LtMs, Lt 107, 1895, par. 2

When Sister May came to the campground she needed clothing as well as Martha Brown, for both were quite destitute. I furnished clothing and shoes for Martha, but May was just as bad off. 10LtMs, Lt 107, 1895, par. 3

I made inquiries and learned of Brother Rousseau that yourself and Brother Baker carried her through one term of school. I said, “If you two would settle that matter as a gift, then I would pay the entire sum incurred since that time.” He said he would write to you about the matter. If he has done so, please consider I make no such request now, as W. C. White is soon to be married to May Lacey. 10LtMs, Lt 107, 1895, par. 4

This changes the whole features of the matter. I had not the slightest thought of this matter when May Lacey was employed, at three dollars per week, to give me treatment, learn to write on the typewriter, and help in other things. 10LtMs, Lt 107, 1895, par. 5

Emily’s right arm was not in a healthful condition. It was not safe for her to use it. Some one must give me treatment, so May Lacey has that work to do. Her first business is to care for me. 10LtMs, Lt 107, 1895, par. 6

Maude Camp does my sewing and I find her to be a finished tailoress. I took her out of the kitchen at once, for she cannot stand upon her feet much since leaving the school, without pain in her limbs. Now she is pleased, and I am pleased. 10LtMs, Lt 107, 1895, par. 7

But May Lacey and Willie White will soon be married, and therefore I will pay the bill of the schooling myself, as matters have turned. 10LtMs, Lt 107, 1895, par. 8

January 25

Home again

Brother Rousseau and Brother Sisley and Brother Colcord will be here this noon, and then we will have everything arranged in regard to school bills. 10LtMs, Lt 107, 1895, par. 9

I am much pleased with May; she is a treasure, and I love her as a daughter already. 10LtMs, Lt 107, 1895, par. 10

Sister Rousseau is here, came with us. She is making dresses that she would have to have at all events, for she is remarkably destitute. 10LtMs, Lt 107, 1895, par. 11

Sister Rousseau is doing the work of educating May and Maude in giving lessons in dressmaking. May has made one dress herself, and it makes her look like a queen in a tasteful, neat fitting costume. 10LtMs, Lt 107, 1895, par. 12

I shall settle every bill of May’s, and she will become a member of the family with a clean record. 10LtMs, Lt 107, 1895, par. 13

We left Cooranbong, January 22, for home, last Monday morning. It rained constantly while we were at Dora Creek. I only stepped out doors once and walked a short distance. Then the postman said if the rain continued there would be a flood, and so we hastened home; I am glad to be here, where we can get plenty of fruit. I am rather worn out because of getting off American mail. 10LtMs, Lt 107, 1895, par. 14