Manuscript Releases, vol. 19 [Nos. 1360-1419]


The Work in the Southern Field

There is a great work to be done in the Southern field. This is one of the barren places of the earth to be worked. But inexperienced young men and young women should not be asked to go to this field as laborers. There are married men and women of experience who can settle in the large Southern cities to work for the white people, as well as the colored people. The unpromising condition of the field should not deter anyone from laboring there. 19MR 247.4

Special literature should be prepared expressly for the Southern field. Publishing is to be done in the South, to prepare the style of books essential for this field. Talent is being [developed] and will continue to be developed, that will be the means, through God, of bringing into the truth souls ready to die. It is more difficult to labor for the people in the South than it is to labor for the heathen in a foreign land, because of the prejudice existing against the colored people. 19MR 248.1

Medical missions should be opened as pioneer agencies to prepare the way for the proclamation of the third angel's message in the cities of the South. Oh, how great is the need for means to do this line of work! Gospel medical missions cannot be established without financial aid. Every such mission calls for our sympathy and for our means, that facilities may be provided to make the work successful. Separate sanitariums for both races should be established. 19MR 248.2

Industries can be started both in and out of the cities. There should be schools for the education of the colored people, as well as schools for the whites. In all these institutions, the white people should work for the whites, and the colored people for their own race. It may be found advisable for experienced white laborers to train those of our colored brethren and sisters who desire to work for their own people. 19MR 248.3