Spalding and Magan Collection



Some men have insight into matters, having ability to counsel. It is a gift of God, and in moments in which the cause of God is in need of words, sound and solemn and solid, they can speak words which will lead minds perplexed and in darkness, to see as a quick flash of sunlight the course for them to pursue, which has filled them with perplexity and baffled their minds in study for weeks and months. There is an unravelling, a clearing up of the path before them and the Lord has let his sunlight in, and they see that prayers are answered, their way is made clear. SpM 84.1

Divine wisdom has his hand hold of the living machinery in human agencies; men are selected as fitting instruments to do a given work; and O! what a precious ability is given of God to man to know his fellow men, so that he can use, through the grace of God, the human agencies and organize a working company to do the best work, according to their recognized ability. This is a sanctified gift, genius; it is a wise generalship that can make use of man according to his ability. SpM 84.2

Let there be much praying done and even with fasting, that not one shall move in darkness, but move in the light as God is in the light. We may look for anything to break forth outside and within our ranks, and there are minds undisciplined by the grace of the Holy Spirit, that have not practiced the words of Christ, and who do not understand the movings of the Spirit of God, and will follow a wrong course of action, because they do not follow Jesus closely. They follow impulse and their own imagination. Let there be nothing done in a disorderly manner, that there shall be a great loss or sacrifice made upon property because of ardent, impulsive speeches which stir up an enthusiasm which is not after the order of God, that a victory that was essential to be gained shall, for lack of level-headed moderation and proper contemplation of sound principles and purposes be turned into defeat. Let there be wise generalship in this matter, and all move under the guidance of a wise, unseen counsellor, which is God. Elements that are human will struggle for the mastery, and there may be a work done that does not bear the signature of God. SpM 84.3

We can not have a weak faith now; we can not be safe in a listless, indolent, slothful attitude. Every joy or ability is to be used, and sharp, calm, deep thinking is to be done. The wisdom of any human agent is not sufficient for the planning and devising in this time. Spread every plan before God with fasting, with humbling of the soul before the Lord Jesus, and commit thy ways unto the Lord; the sure promise is, He will direct thy path. He is infinite in resources. The Holy One of Israel, who calls the host of heaven by name, and holds the stars of Heaven in position, has you individually in His keeping. SpM 84.4