General Conference Bulletin, vol. 3




The general plan, as outlined and adopted, is as follows:— GCB October 1, 1900, page 238.27

Whereas, The Lord has said that the debts upon our schools are a reproach, and that all should lift harmoniously and pay these debts, and that the work should be done now; therefore,— GCB October 1, 1900, page 239.1

We recommend, 1. That the Bible workers, licentiates, and younger ministers in each conference devote as long a period of time as may seem necessary to canvassing for ‘Christ’s Object Lessons,’ receiving their usual compensation from the conferences, and returning all the money received on sales to the tract society for the debt fund of the college or academy in their respective territories. GCB October 1, 1900, page 239.2

“2. That each conference district it territory, and that all the available ministerial force not engaged in canvassing, devote its time to organizing the churches and companies, so that they can effectually canvass for the book, giving such instruction as is necessary, assigning to each only such territory as they can use, and keeping careful record of all territory worked. GCB October 1, 1900, page 239.3

“3. That inasmuch as the edition of 300,000 copies of ‘Christ’s Object Lessons’ sold at $1.25 per copy would practically pay the school debts, that each college district be encouraged to sell enough books to liquidate the school indebtedness of their district, that a uniform price be maintained in the sale of the book, and that all moneys received from these sales be appropriated to the college debt funds. GCB October 1, 1900, page 239.4

“4. That in the handling of this book the tract societies follow the plan of taking five per cent of the retail price for their commission, and paying all charges from this five per cent; or that they follow the other plan laid down by the regular committee having charge of the work, as an option; viz., to take no percentage for their work, and to bill up against the debt fund of the school in their territory only the actual cost of transportation on books. GCB October 1, 1900, page 239.5

“5. That our colleges and academies everywhere, being beneficiaries of the gift and labor of Sister White, of our conferences, and lay members, do put forth their utmost efforts to secure and train a large corps of canvassers to sell the book ‘Christ’s Object Lessons;’ these canvassers to go out from the schools as soon as they have sufficient training to do the work; and we further recommend, that the presidents, professors, and teachers of our schools during their summer vacation canvass with the students for this book. GCB October 1, 1900, page 239.6

“6. That the business managers and treasurers of our schools, into whose hands the funds made available by the foregoing resolutions and the work which they will cause to be accomplished, do sacredly guard these moneys and see to it that every farthing so secured shall be applied for the purpose of liquidating the standing indebtedness until such indebtedness is provided for, and that further outlay of this fund in improvements or locating of new schools be left to the judgment of the district officers, and that these moneys shall never be used under any circumstances to pay deficits which may occur in the running expenses of the operating departments of our schools. GCB October 1, 1900, page 239.7

“It was further voted that the Committee on the Relief of the Schools raise fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) with which to pay for the paper and binding material necessary for 300,000 copies of ‘Christ’s Object Lessons.’” GCB October 1, 1900, page 239.8

4. GENERAL CONFERENCE MISSION FIELDS. GCB October 1, 1900, page 239.9

a. Utah. Voted, To accept the request of Elder Geo. O. States and the Colorado Conference Committee, that Elder States labor in the Colorado Conference.

Voted, To ratify the action of the Utah brethren in electing W. A. Alway as director of that mission field; and that L. F. Hansen act as colporteur. GCB October 1, 1900, page 239.10

Voted, To request the Upper Columbia Conference to release Elder A. G. Christianson, that he may labor among the Scandinavians in the Utah mission field. GCB October 1, 1900, page 239.11

b. Newfoundland. Voted, To recommend Sister Clara Farman to go to St. Johns, Newfoundland, to take charge of the books of the mission field, and to occupy herself a portion of the time in Bible work.
c. The Southern Field. A number of recommendations were placed in the hands of Elder N. W. Allee, the chairman of the Southern committee.

5. Washington, D. C. Voted, To send a laborer to that important city to work for a limited time. GCB October 1, 1900, page 239.12

6. The French in Quebec. Voted, To employ a French professor by the name of J. Coigniaux, to labor among the French-speaking people. GCB October 1, 1900, page 239.13

9. Cable Address. In order that there may be uniformity and that there may be a plan easily kept in mind, it was voted to request all our leading organizations to register their cable address as “ADVENTIST,” with the name of the city where they are. GCB October 1, 1900, page 239.14


The price of the Quarterly and Daily is seventy-five cents for the two years, while for the Daily alone it is fifty cents. GCB October 1, 1900, page 239.16

During the Conference, the Bulletin is to contain stenographic reports of addresses, studies, and sermons; full reports from the field; clear reports of all business proceedings; and a good index. The page is to be the same size as the quarterly issues. GCB October 1, 1900, page 239.17

Elder A. T. Jones is appointed editor, and Miss Adelaide Bee Cooper assistant editor, of the daily Bulletin. The editor of the quarterly Bulletin will be appointed by the newly elected Executive Committee of the General Conference. GCB October 1, 1900, page 239.18