General Conference Bulletin, vol. 3




The readers of the Daily Bulletin have been enjoying a feast of good things. Those who remained away from the recent General Conference and read the daily reports, got everything of importance. We are confident from the letters we are receiving from the field, that much of the real spirit that attended the meetings went out with the Bulletins. GCB January 1, 1899, page 32.4

While the meetings held at South Lancaster are in the past, we confidently expect that the memory of the thirty-third session of the General Conference will ever remain in the minds of those who were there. It is hoped that the victories gained at that conference will ever remain vivid in our minds; that the manifest tokens of God’s presence and power to save to the uttermost, to break the power of Satan, to convict of sin, to convert from sinning, to tear down the stronghold of Satan, and to build up the kingdom of God, will prove an anchor to every soul. The Daily Bulletin was a faithful exponent of these things in that conference. GCB January 1, 1899, page 32.5

The General Conference, made up of every phase of the third angel’s message, starts out on another term of two years with the same spirit that characterized the thirty-third session. The same institutions exist now as then; the same men make up the cause now as then. A glance at our missionary map may disclose the fact that men have changed relative positions in the cause, yet they are the same men that constituted the cause but a few weeks ago. They are our brethren, and God is using them to his glory. GCB January 1, 1899, page 32.6

As the Daily Bulletin was a faithful exponent of the proceedings of the General Conference, so may the BULLETIN be a faithful exponent of what the General Conference does in the biennial term. GCB January 1, 1899, page 32.7