Ellen G. White and Her Critics


Did She Conduct a Gossip Department?

We found that the critics answer in the only way they can answer, consistent with their contention that she was a fraud: She learned all this by reports brought to her in person or by mail! In other words, she conducted a great gossip department, gathering from endless sources, and from those sources, plus a few personal observations she herself might make, wrote out an amazing array of letters. And to cap it all, she placed hundreds of pages of that matter in print and persuaded the Adventist membership to pay good money for it. EGWC 508.2

We are really asked to believe something that stretches our faith more than does Mrs. White’s claim that God gave to her visions regarding people. She learned all this chiefly by gossip? The person who has read the thousands of pages of her letters and other messages can only exclaim: Then she had a network of informants over the land that quite puts in the shade the secret police of certain modern lands. * And her “secret police” must have been thought police, mind readers! She traveled constantly. Her letters are dated from a wide array of States and cities. In the days when she was writing the greatest number of letters to individuals, the mails were poor and uncertain. Yet in some way unexplained the endless stream of information from which she allegedly drew, is supposed to have kept pouring in to her. EGWC 508.3