The Watchman


January 8, 1907

The Work in Washington


Time Already Lost

“If there is one place above another where a sanitarium should be established, and where gospel work should be done, it is Washington. We cannot estimate how great an influence would have gone forth from Washington in favor of the truth, had a sanitarium been established there twenty years ago. Above all places, this place should be worked. Satan is working there with all his might.” SW January 8, 1907, par. 1

“I present this to you as a matter that is stirring me mightily. One thing is certain: We shall not be clear unless we at once do something in Washington to represent our work. I shall not be able to rest until I see the truth going forth as a lamp that burneth. SW January 8, 1907, par. 2

“Our people far and near need to ask themselves how the Lord regards their neglect of important centers in America. There are many places in this country in which the truth has never been proclaimed. Many years ago there should have been a sanitarium in Washington D. C. But men have chosen their way in many things, and the places to which the truth should have found entrance by the establishment of medical missionary work, have been neglected.” SW January 8, 1907, par. 3

“If there is any place in the world that should have the full rays of present truth, it is Washington, the city that is the very heart of this nation.” SW January 8, 1907, par. 4

Mrs. E. G. White in letter written October 14, 1903.

J. S. Washburn.