The Story of our Health Message


Another Vision

In another vision, given in 1868, very important counsel was given, pointing out another serious danger that threatened to bring reproach upon the health reform. An allusion to this vision is made by Elder J. H. Waggoner when, in reporting the session of the New York State Conference held at Adams Center, he wrote in the The Review and Herald, November 10, 1868: SHM 191.2

“The evening of the 25th was the occasion of a special favor. While Sister White was leading in prayer, SHM 191.3

“‘The angel of the Lord came down, And glory shone around.’” SHM 191.4

On this occasion, along with counsel in other lines, Mrs. White was given a message for two brethren who were “extremists, and would run the health reform into the ground.”—Testimonies for the Church 2:377. SHM 191.5

The deleterious effects of their course were thus portrayed: SHM 192.1

“These extremists do more injury in a few months than they can undo in their whole lives. By them the entire theory of our faith is brought into disrepute, and they can never bring those who witness such exhibitions of so-called health reform to think that there is anything good in it. These men are doing a work which Satan loves to see go on.”—Ibid. SHM 192.2

One of the men referred to had injured the health of members of his own family, and even caused the death of some, by imposing upon them an impoverished diet. Nor had their baneful influence been limited to their own households; for, having gained their confidence, they had prescribed for others. In one family a son had died as a result of following their directions for prolonged fasting, and the father would also have succumbed had it not been for the “presence and timely counsel of a doctor from the health institute.”—Ibid., 386. SHM 192.3