General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




District No. 5 is composed of the following conferences: Arkansas, Colorado (including New Mexico and Wyoming), Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas. GCB February 20, 1895, page 251.10

Some portions of the district are suffering from a severe and continuous drouth of three years, which has caused many to seek homes and employment in other parts. As a result of this, some of the conferences have suffered from loss of membership by removals; yet there never has been a time when efforts to advance the truth have been crowned with better success than during the past two years. Especially is this true of the year just closed. Soon after the last General Conference, an effort was made to scatter tracts by the envelope plan; and during a few months, more literature was circulated than had been for years before. The fruits of this labor have been seen in tent-meetings, and especially in the churches, by the numbers that have embraced the truth. GCB February 20, 1895, page 251.11

The amount of tithes raised for the support of the ministry is $73,665.10. GCB February 20, 1895, page 251.12

There has been raised for foreign mission work from various sources $18,751.35, a gain of $8446.77. Of this amount the Sabbath-schools have raised $7388.38. For foreign missions $4593.39 GCB February 20, 1895, page 251.13

At present there are laboring in the district thirty-two ordained ministers, thirty-four licentiates, and twenty-two other workers. There are 191 churches, with a membership of 6409, 1448 having united in church membership the past year. There have been erected in the district twenty-three church buildings, and others are under process of construction. The book-sales have amounted to $76,296.79. During the two years there have been 239 persons engaged in the canvassing work. There are 288 Sabbath-schools, with a membership of 6990. Periodicals are taken in the district as follows: The Review and Herald, 2883; Signs of the Times, 2148; Sentinel, 2786; Home Missionary, 2490; Youth’s Instructor, 1411; Medical Missionary, 376; Good Health, 298. Eight men have been ordained to the gospel ministry. During the two years of this report, there have been held twenty-five general and local camp-meetings, with an attendance of about 10,000, according to the census taken upon the grounds. GCB February 20, 1895, page 252.1

The above work is represented among the several conferences as follows:— GCB February 20, 1895, page 252.2


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This conference has nineteen churches, with a membership of 462. The laborers consist of three ordained ministers, one licentiate, and twenty-six canvassers. The amount of tithe raised for the support of the work is $2821.60. Donations to the foreign missions, including annual offerings, is $376.38. Book-sales amount to $8844.28. There are twenty-five Sabbath-schools, with a membership of 406. The contributions to the Sabbath-schools are $161.36, of which $84.81 has been donated to the general work. GCB February 20, 1895, page 252.3


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There are sixteen churches in this conference, with a membership of 1070. There are five ordained ministers, three licentiates, and eight other workers, besides ten canvassers laboring in the conference. The tithe raised during the time of this report is $12,404.96, being an increase of $3629.31. The contributions to foreign missions are $3981.06, showing an increase of $1486.07. There are forty-three Sabbath-schools, with a membership of 1103. These schools have donated $1743.67, of which $888.26 have been donated to the foreign mission work. GCB February 20, 1895, page 252.4


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This conference has eighty-four churches, with a membership of 2500. There are twelve ordained ministers, thirteen licentiates, twenty-three canvassers and twelve other workers. They have sold 31,958.91 worth of books. The tithe raised for the support of the work is $30,650.16, being an increase of $9642.03 over the preceding biennial period. There has been raised in the conference for the support of the work in foreign fields $7784.60. This shows a gain of $2789.69. There are 121 Sabbath-schools belonging to the Association, with a membership of 2657. The Sabbath-school contributions have been $2815.35, of which $2001.06 have been donated to foreign missions. GCB February 20, 1895, page 252.5


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There are in this conference thirty-nine churches and 1372 members. The laboring force consists of five ordained ministers, eight licentiates, twenty-five canvassers, and three other workers. The canvassers have sold $14,981.09 worth of books. The tithe raised in the conference is $15,358.39, which shows an increase of $5404.03. The amount raised for foreign missions is $2920.07, which is an increase over the last report of 1153.27. There are fifty-five Sabbath-schools, with a membership of 1608. The Sabbath-schools have raised in donations $1437.24, of which $715.80 has been donated to the foreign mission work. GCB February 20, 1895, page 252.6


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Oklahoma is a new conference, having been organized at the last camp-meeting, held in August, 1894. The conference is composed of the Territory of Oklahoma, and the Reservations of the Cherokee, Creek, Chocktaw, Seminole, and the Chickasaw Indian nations. There are at present seventeen churches, with a membership of 500. There are three ordained ministers, three licentiates, and eight canvassers. In the past four months $3090.26 worth of books have been sold. The tithe during the time of this report amounts to $3244.87. The amount donated to foreign missions is $316.19. There are twenty Sabbath-schools, with a membership of 526. The Sabbath-schools have raised $221.94 during the past year, of which $144.30 has been devoted to the work in foreign fields. Four meeting-houses have been built in this conference the present winter. GCB February 20, 1895, page 252.7


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Here is a conference with nineteen churches, having a membership of 625. There are laboring in the conference six ordained ministers, four licentiates, forty canvassers, and three other workers. The tithe amounts to $9185.12, showing an increase of $1932.21. The amount raised for the foreign mission work has been $3369.13, which is an increase of $1671.41. Book sales amount to $17,427.25. There are twenty-four Sabbath-schools, with a membership of 650. The Sabbath-schools have raised in contributions $1008.83, of which $759.16 has been devoted to the work in foreign fields. GCB February 20, 1895, page 252.8

One special feature of the work in Texas is the establishment of an industrial school. Buildings have been erected, and the school now has an enrollment of 160. This school is at present conducted on the same general plan as other schools operated by our denomination; but the opportunities are so favorable for conducting an industrial school after the most improved methods, that it would seem to be negligence on the part of the denomination if proper encouragement were not given to make the school thoroughly representative in this particular. This conference has raised several thousand dollars for the establishment of the school, which amount of money has not been reported in other items of funds raised for carrying forward their work. GCB February 20, 1895, page 252.9

The work throughout the district has been prosperous far beyond what we would naturally expect under the circumstances. As we glance over the field, it is seen that many more have embraced present truth since the last report than for a number of the previous years taken together. The workers generally are of good courage. A growing spiritual interest is manifested in the churches; but while we note with interest and a degree of satisfaction the prosperity that has attended the work, we also realize that there is yet much more to be done. With renewed courage and a deeper consecration, we hope to see the prospering hand of God over his work in a much greater degree than ever before. Many are inquiring for light and calling for help. May the Lord guide the workers to respond to the many calls that are heard on every hand, and may his Holy Spirit direct the work until it is completed. GCB February 20, 1895, page 252.10