General Conference Bulletin, vol. 6


Conference Proceedings - (Concluded from page 28.)

W. A. Spicer, C. P. Bollman, I. H. Evans, C. M. Snow, T. E. Bowen

In continuing the report of the German Union, L. Mathe spoke for the GCB May 17, 1909, page 36.18

North German Conference


He said: The church members of this field sent their heartiest greeting to this General Conference. This conference is located in the northwestern part of Germany, and has within its territory a population of over five millions. Our membership has been increasing, and our finances show steady gain. At the end of 1908 we had 75 churches and companies, a membership of 572, while the tithe had increased from $5,750 in 1907, to $6,750 in 1908. GCB May 17, 1909, page 36.19

We have 2 ordained ministers, and to licentiates and Bible workers. Every one of these has had the joy of bringing precious souls to Christ. We are carrying on tent work in the northern part of Schleswig-Holstein, among the two hundred thousand Danish-speaking people. We have now five churches in this region. GCB May 17, 1909, page 37.1

In one of the states an old law still exists, forbidding every meeting not of the state church. Yet the Lord has opened a way by which the message can be preached, even publicly. Our worker there is allowed to hold public lectures, providing he keeps the Bible out of sight during the meeting. He can say, “Thus saith Christ,” or, “Thus saith the apostle,” or, “The prophets say so and so,” giving reference. GCB May 17, 1909, page 37.2

Tremblingly facing this new way of preaching, our licentiate started the work in the fear of God. The Lord blessed his labors, and some have already accepted the message. This is evidence that the message represented by the angel flying in the midst of heaven will overcome all hindrance and go to every nation, to prepare a people for the Lord’s soon coming. We render all praise to God for his blessings, and ask an interest in your prayers. GCB May 17, 1909, page 37.3

The Prussian Conference


For the Prussian Conference, E. Bahr, the president, spoke in German, being translated by G. Dail. He said:— GCB May 17, 1909, page 37.4

The Prussian Conference consists of the provinces of East and West Prussia, with a population of 3,560,000. In general the people of this part of the German empire are very religious; perhaps it is for this reason that nearly all errors to be found in the world have been accepted here, and have often held the ignorant in chains for many years. But when such souls learn the truth, they remain faithful to it. During my short stay there I have experienced many blessings, and I can testify to the earnestness and simplicity of the believers. GCB May 17, 1909, page 37.5

We have 4 ministers, 4 licentiates, and 6 Bible workers. The growth quarter by quarter last year was as follows:— GCB May 17, 1909, page 37.6

During the first quarter, we had 745 members; second quarter, 759; third quarter, 783, and the fourth quarter, 810. The first quarter of 1909 our membership reached 839. The tithe shows corresponding growth. The first quarter of 1908, it was $1,104. In the first quarter of 1909, $3,575 was received. GCB May 17, 1909, page 37.7

It will be seen that through the blessing of the Lord our work has gradually grown. Our membership has nearly doubled since the close of 1903, in which year we were organized. GCB May 17, 1909, page 37.8

If the good hand of the Lord be with us during this year, we expect to have a good harvest of souls; for already there are a number awaiting baptism. It is the earnest wish of the workers and of the members that the Lord may pour out upon us the latter rain, that the upright in heart may be found and accept the light, and that we may all be found true to him when he appeareth. GCB May 17, 1909, page 37.9

At this point the time of the meeting expired, and four other fields of the German Union will be presented later. GCB May 17, 1909, page 37.10

The meeting adjourned.

G. A. IRWIN, Chairman,
W. A. SPICER, Secretary.