The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4


II. Cole-First Massachusetts Minister to Embrace Millerism

TIMOTHY COLE (1806-1866), pastor of the Christian Church at Lowell, Massachusetts, and already mentioned, was about the first minister in Massachusetts to embrace Miller’s views. 6 He had heard of Miller’s fruitful preaching in Vermont, and in 1834 invited him to lecture in his own church at Lowell. When Miller arrived at the station on May 14, he was met by Cole, who was surprised to see an elderly gentleman, shaking somewhat with the palsy, step off the train. Ascertaining that this was indeed Miller, he was rather chagrined and dubious over the prospect. In fact, after showing Miller to the desk, at meeting time, he himself at first sat down rather anxiously in the congregation. But when the sermon had progressed some fifteen minutes, Cole was so much impressed with Miller’s familiarity with the masterful use of the Word that he got up and went into the pulpit with Miller and took his rightful seat. He was thenceforth at his side. A gratifying revival followed, and Cole embraced the positions on the second advent taught by Miller. Some sixty joined the church as the result, according to a later missive. Cole continued strongly to advocate Miller’s views. 7 PFF4 665.2