The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4


CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE: Close-ups of Miller’s Lesser-known Associates

Intimate glimpses of less-known Millerite leaders likewise reveal unusual character, talent, training, and contribution to the advent cause. Their soul struggles were very real as first they came into contact with the advent faith, and then faced and met the issue of its acceptance or rejection, and consequently of affiliation with or repudiation of an unpopular message. These recitals provide a true cross section of Millerism. We will note a number of these less-publicized leaders, not a few of whom had held posts of importance and honor in the various denominations with which they had been affiliated, but who had made the “great decision” to cast in their lot with the Millerite movement. A survey of a few of these, tracing rapidly their experiences and their writings, must suffice, to catch the pulse of the movement. PFF4 663.1