The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4


VII. Portland-Unity of View Really Remarkable

Brief reference will suffice for the third conference, on October 12-14, 1841, in Portland, Maine—just a year after the first conference. It met in Fleming’s Casco St. Christian Church, and was the first gathering of its kind in the State. It had a large attendance, with Abijah Bridges as chairman and Himes and Litch as secretaries. Himes, Litch, and Jones were again to be the leading speakers. There was therefore continuity and unity in the public presentations. The main themes were: The prophecies and prophetic chronology, repentance from all sin, the signs of Christ’s imminent advent, the character of the kingdom of God, the restitution of the earth, the nature of its inhabitants, and the millennium. The duty of living wholly for the Lord was the continuing overtone. Miller, though absent, provided written addresses. There was also a sacramental service, in which members of all denominations joined, for all minor considerations were swallowed up in the one great absorbing thought of soon seeing the Master at the head of His table. It was one of those scenes in which the angels must take delight. PFF4 595.6

Miller’s address stressed humility. He appealed to the advent believers not to slip into the use of clerical titles that minister chiefly to pride; the practices of the world should be abandoned. His counsel was heeded, and the Biblical term Elder was rather uniformly employed in addressing ministers of the movement. His theme was the manner and object of Christ’s coming, with the time of His coming as “about 1843.” Miller was unusually concerned about reaching men of conspicuous talent-ministers, educators, editors, and other able men-who could do exploits for God once they were gripped by the advent message. He stressed the types—the six days of creation week, and the seventh of rest, the seven years of bondage and the release, or antitypical jubilee. Then there were the prophetic outline prophecies and the time periods, and the 2300 years to the cleansing of the sanctuary.” 21 PFF4 596.1