The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4


CHAPTER TEN: 70 Weeks Considered Key to 2300 Years

I. Prophetic Exposition Engages the Finest Minds

Prophetic interpretation crossed all denominational lines and embraced men of all faiths. Nevertheless, many—perhaps a majority—of the expositors of note in these earlier decades seemed to be of the Presbyterian—Congregational order. This may be accounted for, not because of anything inherent in these particular faiths, but simply because in those days the Presbyterians generally had a better-educated and more widely read ministry. This in itself fostered thoughtful investigation and seemed to favor sound, progressive exposition. PFF4 226.1

This simple fact runs squarely across the ill-conceived concept of many that the study of prophecy was largely the engrossing hobby of the erratic and the pet indulgence of the untrained mind, and is a field to which the mind reverts in the abnormal times of war and distress or economic disaster and panic. On the contrary, if there be one conclusion borne out by the full facts—as constantly disclosed in VolumesI to! Ill, and thus far in Volume IV—it is that the prophetic (expositors of the centuries have included many of the most j highly trained and balanced and progressive and orthodox! minds of the years. This was particularly true of the founding fathers of the various faiths. PFF4 226.2

Moreover, many of these prophetic interpreters have been skilled educators as well as clergymen, and historians as well as theologians-well-informed men, trained in careful investigation and used to logical reasoning and analysis. These investigators and preachers and writers on prophecy were clearly not drawn from the ranks of the eccentric, ignorant, or untrained, though there are a few freaks, of course, as in every field of endeavor. Instead, they embraced the finest and most godly and balanced minds of the centuries, including the nineteenth. Take Moderator Wilson for example. PFF4 226.3

(Left) presbyterian moderator Dr. Joshua L. Wilson of Ohio;(Center) presbyterian educator david McGregor’s Oak grove academy at falmouth, maine; (right) baptist pastor Dr. Robert Scott of New York. State-three in far-hung line of interpreters pior to Miller, but hoding smilar views found not Only in North America but throughout britain and continental europe, and in Asia, Africa, and South America as well, and even Austrelia
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