Notebook Leaflets from the Elmshaven Library, vol. 1


Best Methods for Large Cities

How shall we carry on evangelistic work in large cities?—As you are carrying it on in Washington, without the parade that some who are deceiving their own souls are inclined to think necessary. The truth that we have to proclaim is the most solemn truth ever entrusted to mortals, and it is to be proclaimed in a way that corresponds to its solemnity and importance. There is to be attached to it no fantastic display. Such display meets the minds of some, but how few are really convicted and converted by a fanciful blending of display with the proclamation of the solemn gospel message for this time. The display counterworks the impression made by the gospel message. 1NL 105.8

Were all to connect with the preaching of the Word the display that some deem so essential, how soon there would be a dearth of means. Extravagance would be seen on every side, and all through our ranks an appetite for display would be created and developed. 1NL 106.1

God expects us to follow the example of the Majesty of heaven, who clothed His divinity with humanity that divinity might touch humanity and humanity might partake of the divine nature. It is only as we are clothed with humility that God can accept us as Christ's followers. 1NL 106.2