Words of Encouragement to Self-supporting Workers


Do Not Say, We Cannot Afford to Work in a Self-supporting Way

When I first visited Madison, about five years ago, and looked over this school property, I told those who were with me, that in appearance it was similar to one of the places that had been presented before me in vision during the night season—a place where our people would have opportunity of presenting the light of truth to those who had never heard the last gospel message.... PH113 11.3

I am glad that our people are established here at Madison. I am glad to meet these workers here, who are offering themselves to go to different places. God's work is to advance steadily; his truth is to triumph. To every believer we would say: Let no one stand in the way. Say not, “We cannot afford to work in a sparsely-settled field, and largely in a self-supporting way, when out in the world are great fields where we might reach multitudes.” And let none say, “We cannot afford to sustain you in an effort to work in those out-of-the-way places.” What! Cannot afford it! You cannot afford not to work in these isolated places; and if you neglect such fields, the time will come when you will wish that you had afforded it. There is a world to be saved. Let some of our consecrated teachers go out into the highways and the hedges, and compel the honest in heart to come in,—not by physical force; oh, no! but with the weight of evidence as presented in God's Word. PH113 11.4

Let no living soul—man, woman, or child—selfishly rest satisfied with a knowledge of the truth. There are honest-hearted men and women out in the hills that must be given the message of warning. There are those who cannot have the privilege of listening to the truth as it is often presented in large assemblies; these must be reached by personal effort. PH113 12.1