General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1



THE twelfth meeting of the General Conference convened at 10 A.M., Feb. 27. Hymn 501 was announced and sung, and W. S. Hyatt offered prayer. GCB February 28, 1895, page 401.24

The minutes of the former meeting were read by the Corresponding Secretary, L. T. Nicola. GCB February 28, 1895, page 401.25

Reports of Committees being in order, the Committee on Finance, through its Chairman, J. H. Morrison, submitted a partial report, as follows:— GCB February 28, 1895, page 401.26

1. Whereas, There is a great financial depression throughout this and other countries, a great scarcity of money, and a general reduction of prices, both in labor and material, and in nearly everything in the market; therefore, — GCB February 28, 1895, page 401.27

Resolved, That we recommend that officers and managers of our different conferences, schools, and various institutions, ought to consider carefully all these conditions in settling with their workers. GCB February 28, 1895, page 401.28

2. Whereas, God’s plan for supporting those who devote their time especially to the teaching of his word is to pay them out of the tithes; therefore, — GCB February 28, 1895, page 402.1

Resolved, That we recommend that conferences patronizing schools where Bible instructors are employed, be asked to consider favorably the propriety of contributing to the support of such instructors. GCB February 28, 1895, page 402.2

3. Whereas, It seems necessary, in carrying forward the work of the Third Angel’s Message, to establish health institutions and medical missions, as has been done at College View, Neb.; Boulder, Colo.; Mexico, and other places; therefore, — GCB February 28, 1895, page 402.3

Resolved, That the furnishing of aid in the establishment of such institutions be left to the General Conference, who should be managers and financial controllers of such enterprises; and we would make mention of Mexico and Colorado as fields worthy of your immediate and especial attention. GCB February 28, 1895, page 402.4

4. Whereas, There are enterprises occasionally undertaken by individuals and State conferences which involve a large expenditure of means, frequently bringing them into embarrassment, which the General Conference is called upon to relieve, therefore, — GCB February 28, 1895, page 402.5

Resolved, That we advise all concerned not to invest money in school buildings or other enterprises, without first consulting with the General Conference, and that the General Conference exercise great caution in affording aid to such enterprises started without their sanction. GCB February 28, 1895, page 402.6

5. Whereas, Money will be continually needed to carry on the work already begun in this and other countries, and to enter new fields; therefore, — GCB February 28, 1895, page 402.7

Resolved, That the importance of our methods for raising money, such as first-day offerings, Sabbath-school donations, and free-will and annual offerings, be constantly kept before our people by all our public laborers. GCB February 28, 1895, page 402.8

Resolved, That the calls which come from foreign countries, such as South America, Africa, Japan, China, etc., receive favorable consideration, and that financial aid be rendered in carrying the gospel to these countries, keeping in view continually the strictest economy consistent with the circumstances. GCB February 28, 1895, page 402.9

6. Whereas, There are occasional calls in this and other countries for assistance to erect church buildings in large cities, where our people are unable to build them without financial aid, therefore, — GCB February 28, 1895, page 402.10

Resolved, That the General Conference take this matter under favorable consideration, and when they deem it necessary, aid, to a limited extent in such cases; and especially would we call attention to the request made for such aid from Copenhagen (Denmark), and New Zealand. GCB February 28, 1895, page 402.11

All of which is respectfully submitted.

C. H. Jones, chairman of the Committee on Nominations, gave notice of a further report, which was read by F. D. Starr, as follows:— GCB February 28, 1895, page 402.12

Your Committee on Nominations would respectfully submit the following additional report:— GCB February 28, 1895, page 402.13

For Committee on Foreign Missions - (to act with the General Conference Committee) - A. R. Henry, A. O. Tait, F. M. Wilcox, U. Smith, G. C. Tenney, F. D. Starr. GCB February 28, 1895, page 402.14

For Book Committee - U. Smith, A. T. Jones, W. W. Prescott, M. C. Wilcox, J. G. Matteson, G. W. Caviness, G. C. Tenney, C. P. Bollman, C. H. Jones, F. D. Starr, M. E. Kellogg, W. N. Glenn, J. Kolvoord. GCB February 28, 1895, page 402.15

For Trustees of Union College - A. R. Henry, W. B. White, Joseph Sutherland, C. F. Stevens, N. W. Allee, President Kansas Conference, N. W. Kauble. GCB February 28, 1895, page 402.16

For Trustees of Walla Walla College - R. S. Donnell, W. M. Healey, T. H. Starbuck, Frank Peabody, W. W. Sharp, Greenville Holbrook, S. A. Miller. GCB February 28, 1895, page 402.17

For Committee on Transportation - Allen Moon, A. R. Henry, C. H. Jones, R. C. Porter, T. A. Kilgore, G. A. Irwin, B. R. Nordyke, R. S. Donnell. GCB February 28, 1895, page 402.18

The Committee on Education reported that for reasons which it would state when the matter came up for consideration, they would again present Resolution 3, on page 249, which had been referred back to the Committee. GCB February 28, 1895, page 402.19

The Chairman announced as the business for the day the consideration of the report of the Committee on Education found on page 315, numbered 4. W. B. White moved the adoption of the resolution and its preamble; the motion was seconded, and H. P. Holser, secretary of the Committee, asked for the Committee the privilege of inserting the word “committee” after the words “local conference.” Granted. The resolution was then adopted. GCB February 28, 1895, page 402.20

Resolution 3, page 249, which was resubmitted to the Conference, was again taken up. J. E. Jayne moved its adoption, which was seconded by M. C. Wilcox. The chairman of the Committee said that he understood the reason for referring back was the objection to having another paper in addition to those already published. It has been suggested to issue the proposed educational journal as an extra to the Review and Herald, but for various reasons this was considered impracticable. The Committee thought that another arrangement could be made, and had taken the pains to consult the different ones. The resolution was submitted with the idea of suggesting the following plan; namely, that the educational journal be issued monthly, and sent to all subscribers of the Review and Herald without extra charge; that is, both papers should be supplied to subscribers of the Review for $2.00 a year. The journal would have a distinct subscription price of its own, which will be paid by those who are not subscribers to the Review. Thus the first number of the journal would start out with a subscription list at least equal to that of the Review, being sent to each of its subscribers. GCB February 28, 1895, page 402.21

A. R. Henry, as manager of the Review and Herald, said that the question under discussion had been submitted to him, and as an individual, he thought perhaps the arrangement could be made. it may be true that under the circumstances the price of the Review is rather higher than it should be, although this is justified to some extent because the periodicals taken together are not any more than self-supporting, and if the Review is more than self-supporting, it only offsets what is lost upon others. However, if there could be an effort made to increase the subscription list of the Review, which effect he presumes this action would have, he could speak favorably in regard to the proposed arrangement, although he could not speak definitely until the rest of the Board of Managers had been consulted. The resolution was adopted. GCB February 28, 1895, page 402.22

The report of the Committee on Resolutions, found on page 315, was then taken up. The chairman of the Committee, D. A. Robinson, desired to make a correction in this report, as there had been a resolution inadvertently omitted. The proposed insertion would be No. 15a, to precede Resolution 16, on page 316, as follows:— GCB February 28, 1895, page 403.1

15a. Resolved, That in case there is not a uniformity of action in any question before the Board, the matter be referred to the General Conference Committee for instruction. GCB February 28, 1895, page 403.2

The permission desired was granted, and the resolution inserted in the report. GCB February 28, 1895, page 403.3

H. S. Shaw moved and J. W. Watt seconded that the report be adopted by consideration of each item separately. Thereupon Resolution 14 was read and passed without discussion. Resolutions 15, 15a, 16, and 17 were read and considered together. J. H. Morrison suggested that the words “in the same district conference” in Section 1 be stricken out. After explanation by J. H. Durland, the suggestion was dropped. GCB February 28, 1895, page 403.4

A. T. Jones thought Section 3 was ambiguous, and might be misconstrued. The intent of this section was also explained and accepted. GCB February 28, 1895, page 403.5

M. C. Wilcox moved that the words “we recommend” be inserted after “Resolved, That” in each of the resolutions being considered. J. H. Durland called attention to the recommendation made in the President’s address on page 151 concerning district conferences and superintendents and stated that the object of these resolutions was to carry out the suggestions of the President, and to distribute more equally the responsibilities of the general management of our work. He thought that this body should decide whether these things should be carried out or not, and not leave the matter optional, as that would bring in confusion, and there must be unity of action. He thought that the exigency required something more than a recommendation. GCB February 28, 1895, page 403.6

A. T. Jones thought that definite action should be taken now; for if it be but a recommendation now, when would it become a fact. It is legislation that is wanted upon this point, and not recommendation. The conferences are all represented here, and can speak through their representatives, and the action they take must be unanimous and by common consent. He thought sending these resolutions out merely as recommendations would serve to confuse rather than unify the work. GCB February 28, 1895, page 403.7

W. M. Healey inquired how Resolution 15, Section 1, would affect conferences in which more than one State is included. This difficulty was obviated by inserting the word “conference” after the word “State.” GCB February 28, 1895, page 403.8

W. M. Healey further inquired whether local campmeetings could be arranged for by local conferences under Section 2. J. H. Durland replied that the intent of the resolution was not to be arbitrary, but to arrange so that there could be harmony of action in the district, and the resolution did not forbid the appointment of local meetings by the conferences in which they were held. GCB February 28, 1895, page 403.9

The Chair stated that there is nothing in these resolutions calculated to take any privileges from district or State conferences, but that the intent is to enable them to enjoy these privileges to better advantage than before. There are local meetings for which the General Conference is not asked to furnish help, and these will be left for the local conferences to arrange for themselves. GCB February 28, 1895, page 403.10

Brother Healey stated if that was the intent of the resolution, it should state what it meant. J. H. Durland then proposed to remedy the difficulty by amending the resolution to read, “of all campmeetings where the General Conference will be expected to furnish help.” The amendment was accepted. GCB February 28, 1895, page 403.11

M. C. Wilcox urged that the resolutions under consideration be recommendations rather than direct legislation, and renewed his motion to that effect. The motion was seconded by Wm. Healey. A. O. Tait inquired how it could be carried out if the resolutions went out in the form of recommendations. The Chairman stated that he thought there was nothing material as to the form these resolutions took, whether that of resolutions or a recommendation. They would undoubtedly be carried out in either case. GCB February 28, 1895, page 403.12

J. H. Morrison thought that the form of the resolution left room for discretion in the matter of carrying it out. GCB February 28, 1895, page 403.13

The matter was further discussed by the Chair, H. S. Shaw, A. T. Jones, and others. GCB February 28, 1895, page 403.14

Elder Jones thought that direct legislation upon these points would not be an infringement of the power of the State conferences, since the resolutions related entirely to powers which had always been held and exercised by the General Conference; and in this movement the General Conference was simply disposing of power which it had always held. GCB February 28, 1895, page 403.15

R. C. Porter thought there was no practical difference between recommending and resolving to do a thing. The question was called for, and the amendment was lost. GCB February 28, 1895, page 404.1

S. H. Lane thought that all could see that there was wisdom in the General Conference changing the laborers from one field to another, but apprehended that if this power was granted to district conferences, and was exercised annually instead of bi-ennially, it would have the effect greatly to unsettle the laborers, so that as the speaker expressed it, “In a short time none of us would know where we were at.” He thought power should be used very judiciously and not indiscriminately. The Chair replied that our cause was so organized as to preserve the individuality of every person, and no one could be moved from place to place without his consent. Our interests are mutual, and the cause is one. And so long as we preserve the form and spirit of our present organizations, there can be no great abuse of the exercise of this power. GCB February 28, 1895, page 404.2

F. D. Starr, W. B. White, and others briefly raised different points of suggestion and inquiry. J. H. Durland took the floor, and explained at some length the purpose and intent of the resolutions as a whole. He thought the most of the difficulties presented were provided for in Resolution 15a, and that the intent of the resolutions, and their result, would be to promote harmony of action. The question was called for, and the resolutions were adopted unanimously. GCB February 28, 1895, page 404.3

REsolution 18 was then read and passed without discussion. At this point Prof. G. W. Caviness, President of the Battle Creek College, presented an invitation for the delegates and friends to visit the school buildings on Thursday afternoon from 4 to 6 P.M. GCB February 28, 1895, page 404.4

The report of the Committee on Resolutions on page 358 was then taken up. O. A. Johnson moved the adoption of the report by the separate consideration of each item. Resolution 19 was then read. W. D. Curtis inquired why the educational journal should not be included with some periodical. Answered; That this journal was already provided for in the resolution which had been adopted. F. D. Starr inquired if the Medical Missionary and Good Health could not be included in this resolution. Answered; That it was hardly practicable at present. D. A. Robinson moved and F. D. Starr seconded to amend the resolution by inserting the word “committee” after “General Conference” in the last part of the resolution. Carried. The resolution as amended was then adopted unanimously. GCB February 28, 1895, page 404.5

Resolution 22 was then read before the Conference. The Chair stated that the object of the resolution was to avoid requiring repeated statistical reports from our various agents, and provided for giving these reports systematically. The resolution was carried without discussion. GCB February 28, 1895, page 404.6

The Chair called attention then to the duty of the Conference to choose ten men to act with the S. D. A. Medical Missionary and Benevolent Association. These men were to be chosen from those who were not members of the Association, by provision of the Constitution. He had requested the Committee on Nominations to present the names of the candidates for this position, and called upon the chairman, C. H. Jones, to submit his report. The report was as follows:— GCB February 28, 1895, page 404.7

For members of the S. D. A. Medical Missionary and Benevolent Association - A. R. Henry, G. W. Colcord, Harmon Lindsay, G. E. Tyszkiewiez, M. J. Cornell, L. McCoy, W. H. Hall, H. W. Kellogg, Jerome Fargo, F. D. Starr. GCB February 28, 1895, page 404.8

It was moved to suspend the rules, and act at once upon these names. A. R. Henry and G. E. Tyszkiewiez being already members of the Association, it was voted to submit the names of D. T. Jones for the former, and G. H. Murphy for the latter. S. H. Lane moved, A. T. Jones seconded, that the recommendation of the Committee as amended be adopted. GCB February 28, 1895, page 404.9

Geo. O. States moved that the Conference adjourn. Carried. GCB February 28, 1895, page 404.10


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W. H. EDWARDS, Recording Secretary of the Conference, being incapacitated for reading by a cold, was assisted in yesterday’s meeting by L. T. Nicola, Corresponding Secretary. GCB February 28, 1895, page 404.11

THE time allotted to the Conference has now nearly expired. Four or five days more, and this grand meeting will be in the past and those who have so pleasantly mingled together in the house and work of God will be scattered all over the wide world. How precious are these opportunities, how golden the hours! May they all be spent profitably and earnestly. GCB February 28, 1895, page 404.12

Signs of weariness show themselves in the congregation. But “there’s resting by and by.” GCB February 28, 1895, page 404.13