EGW SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 7


Chapter 12

1 (Colossians 3:8). Who Are the Witnesses?—[Hebrews 12:1 quoted.] The weights that are here referred to are the evil habits and practices we have formed by following our own natural dispositions. Who are the witnesses? They are those spoken of in the previous chapter—those who have breasted the evils and difficulties in their way, and who in the name of the Lord have braced themselves successfully against the opposing forces of evil. They were sustained and strengthened and the Lord held them by His hand. 7BC 934.10

There are other witnesses. All about us are those who are watching us closely, to see how we who profess a belief in the truth conduct ourselves. At all times and in all places, so far as possible, we must magnify the truth before the world (Manuscript 61, 1907). 7BC 934.11

3. See EGW on ch. 2:14. 7BC 934.12

4. See EGW on ch. 4:15; Matthew 4:1-11. 7BC 934.13

11 (James 1:2, 3; 1 Peter 1:6, 7). Blossoms Which Mature Amidst Clouds—Faith, patience, forbearance, heavenly-mindedness, trust in your wise, heavenly Father, are the perfect blossoms which mature amidst clouds and disappointments and bereavements (Letter 1, 1883). 7BC 934.14

12, 13. See EGW on Galatians 6:1, 2. 7BC 934.15

14. See EGW on Romans 6:19, 22; Ephesians 4:20-24. 7BC 934.16

15. See EGW on James 3:15, 16; 1 Peter 2:1, 2. 7BC 934.17

16, 17. See EGW on Genesis 25:29-34. 7BC 934.18

24. See EGW on ch. 8:5-13. 7BC 934.19

26, 27. See EGW on 2 Thessalonians 2:7-12. 7BC 934.20