Spalding and Magan Collection


Contemplated Changes

In general meetings that have been held since that time, decisions were made that should never have been made. The men who had borne the burden in the heat of the day became disappointed and confused. Changes were made that did not improve matters in the sight of him who sees the end from the beginning. SpM 285.3

It was thought best by some to place the management of the publishing house in the hands of new men. If at this time the Lord had not spoken and presented matters in a different light, everything would have been in the utmost confusion. As these things have been written out, I know that the thoughts of the Lord are of good, and not of evil. Not all has been done that should have been done, and that would have been done if more of the brethren in the Southern field had been moved by the Spirit of God, and had worked in willing cooperation with Him, filling their place by building up the work in the city which God specified should be made a center. But a good work has been done, Not one of the fault-finders could have done better. SpM 285.4

It would have been best not to work on borrowed capital; and the brethren would not have needed to do this, if all the believers had worked unitedly to one end. Just at this time the showing presented as the result of working on borrowed capital, gives the enemy an advantage. Notwithstanding this every square foot of room in the building erected is needed, and will be utilized either now or in the near future. The present financial embarrassment has been magnified in such a way as to make the work hard and to leave wrong impressions on minds. It would not be surprising if souls were lost beyond recovery, on account of these impressions. O what can not evil surmisings and jealousies do? They are as cruel as the grave. The false reports spread by the enemy result in disunion and in efforts to tear down. The Lord desires his workers to labor in harmony, building up the interests of his cause. SpM 285.5

In connection with our institutions in various places, there are sometimes, among a few of the brethren, one-sided secret conversations. Misunderstandings arise and multiply. Misrepresentations are made, and words are spoken in regard to dishonest work being done, until finally what is at first merely a supposition or a report seems to be so fully substantiated that men are led to believe a lie, and to think that they must do quick work to remedy the supposed evil. The Lord Jesus sees it all. He himself interposes, and changes the plans that have been proposed to cure these imagined evils. SpM 286.1

Thus it was in Nashville. God forbade the brethren in responsibility to take the hasty steps that they had decided to take. He said that they were in no case to be allowed to follow such a course; for at that time they would be unable to remove the wrong impressions that would be left on the minds of the people. If changes had been made in the publishing house when the brethren anticipated making them, if those who had worked faithfully had been tried, judged, and condemned according to man's wisdom, a deep and lasting injustice would have been done to the ones misjudged. SpM 286.2

Too many mismoves have already been made. Men are not gods. Our brethren so desirous of making changes should have remembered the instruction given to the children of Israel through the prophet of Zachariah [prophet Zechariah]: “The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house; his hands shall also finish it; and thou shalt know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto you. For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven; they are the eyes of the Lord, which run to and fro through the whole earth.” SpM 286.3

In the visions of the night I was in a meeting of the brethren in the Southern field. J. E. White was sitting far back in the room. In that company there was one of heaven's appointment, who placed his hand on Edson's shoulder, and led him to the front ranks, saying, “This is your place. In influence you are to stand with your brethren. You are to have a voice in their council-meetings. You are deserving of all the approval that is given to one who has carried heavy burdens in the heat of the day.” Addressing the company, the Messenger continued: “In his effort to advance the work in the South, he has made many sacrifices, and has nearly lost his life. Now he is deserving of the full confidence of all in this assembly. Not that he had made no mistakes, but those who judge and condemn would, under similar circumstances, have done no better. “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.” SpM 286.4

Although J. E. White resigned his position of trust, this was not because he was convicted of unfaithfulness. Some, it is true, made it appear that this was why he offered to withdraw from official responsibility. He resigned because of the Spirit, the words and the deportment of others. There were men who were more than willing to take his place, but they would have proved that they were not fitted for carrying such responsibilities. SpM 287.1

The matters that have been so perplexing will be adjusted by the Lord. My brethren, you are not to turn out of office the ones whose work God has accepted, even if in your judgment they have made some mistakes. Meddle not with matters that you do not comprehend because you have not passed over the ground. Some of you have a wrong conception of many things. Do you not see that you are ceasing to follow in the way of the Lord? You are deviating from the path of duty appointed you. Guard well your own souls. Do the work that God had given you. Leave His appointed workers with Him. Your unconsecrated movements have been placed upon others very heavy burdens, and have made necessary the expenditure of much time and money in order to settle matters that would have adjusted themselves if meddlesome minds had not placed the worst possible construction upon the transactions that they could make appear in a false light. SpM 287.2

Men do not understand how serious are the issues connected with their relation to God's cause. When men do things crookedly, the Lord calls upon them to make them straight. My brethren, keep straight ahead. If you neglect your own work to criticize and condemn the work given someone else, much time and effort will be required to recover what you have lost. Thus trials are created that need never exist. We are simply to follow our leader. To turn from the pathway of duty brings trial. No one can leave his place without suffering the ensuing confusion. SpM 287.3